This guide evolves with the program it describes.    
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CorpusSearch comments.
  1. Introduction

    1. Basic Concepts
    2. What's new in CorpusSearch 2
    3. Getting started with CorpusSearch
  2. The Query Language

    1. Query language overview
    2. Search function descriptions
    3. Logical operator use
    4. The command file
  3. Searching

    1. Understanding search output files (.out)
    2. Searching for words and node labels
    3. Search tips
  4. Shortcuts

    1. Definition files (.def)
    2. Preference files (.prf)
  5. Advanced Functions

    1. Coding
    2. Building a lexicon
    3. Local frames
    4. Automated corpus revision

  6. How to Make Your Corpus Compatible with CorpusSearch

  7. CorpusSearch Quick Reference Page