CorpusSearch was written by Beth Randall as part of a project at the University of Pennsylvania, directed by Anthony Kroch, to create large parsed corpora of historical English. The program design is due to Beth Randall, Ann Taylor and Anthony Kroch.
We thank the following individuals and institutions for their help and financial support in the development of CorpusSearch:
- Ann Taylor (University of Pennsylvania and University of York, Linguistics Departments), for extensive help in testing the program over the course of several years.
- Beatrice Santorini, Tom McFadden and others at the University of Pennsylvania and elsewhere for collaboration in using and testing the program.
- English Arts and Humanities Research Board Grant B/RG/AN5907/APN9528, Anthony Warner and Susan Pintzuk (University of York), Principal Investigators, for financial support.
- DARPA Grant N66001-00-1-8915, Martha Palmer (University of Pennsylvania, Computer Science Department), Principal Investigator, for financial support.
- NSF Grant BCS-0508731, Anthony Kroch (University of Pennsylvania, Linguistics Department), Principal Investigator, for financial support.
- Purchasers of licenses to earlier versions of CorpusSearch, for their encouragement and financial support.