My Lord , I return my most humble thankes for y=e= honour of y=r= Lord=ps= letter . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,240.3) I have not yet bin any were , but at shopes and a veseting ; (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,240.4) but I believe shall be on Munday at a ball at St. Jeames , where , as they tell me , ther is a famose new danser to apere , which is to charme us all , but not make amends for y=e= loss of M=rs= Ibbings who danced at Lincolns Inn Feild and is lately dead . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,240.5) But as y=e= quallity of y=e= Ladys that dance at Court is not to be compared w=th= so mean a person as a player , so I am shure most of there indiferent danceing is not to be mentioned w=th= her good . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,240.6) There is one M=r= Colson I am shure my Lady has seen at diner w=th= my Unckle is going to be married , w=ch= one would wonder at , there being nothing to be liked in him but his fin diamond ring . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.7) I beg humble duty to my Lady . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.8) I will write to her next post . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.9) I am , my Lord , Y=r= obedient daughter , A. E. H. (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.10) My Lord , I am so overjoy'd when I hear from y=r= Lord=sp= , $it $'s {TEXT:its} not to be express'd . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.12) I desire you will beg pardon for me to my Lady for writting such a short letter to her . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.13) and tell her I was last night at S=t= Jeames , and y=t= ther was but a few dancers . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.14) Y=e= best were Lady Hartington , Lady Betty Candish , M=rs= Lutteril , M=rs= Godfery , and Lady Essex , and M=rs= Roper who was y=e= new dancer . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.15) Indeed she did it very well , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.16) but had too much indeavour'd to imitat Lady Hartingtons noding her head , w=ch= is only becomeing to herself . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.17) Y=e= best of y=e= men was Lord Antrim , Lord Anglese , and Lord Essex . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.18) But my Lord Antrim has cut of his hear , and got one of y=e= new fassioned perewks , w=ch= have so much hear in them y=t= a good one $can $n't {TEXT:cant} cost les then pound , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.19) and y=t= monstros bignes w=th= his lettle face did not look so well . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,241.20) I hear Lady Banbery is dead , and y=e= Wardon of All Souls . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.21) Next week Lady Ann Churchill is to be married to Lord Spencer . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.22) My Aunt Portman desires you to write to my Aunt Mary , to bie her a set of y=e= French baskets they use for a desert , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.23) and y=e= couler are to be white and gold and grean , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.24) and , when you get hers , Nevil desires a set too , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.25) and if you will take care to bay my Aunt Mary for them , and $they $'ll {TEXT:they'l} bay you again . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.26) My Aunt sayes y=t= , if you will give me leave to learn to draw , M=rs= Tollett shall teach me . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.27) I desire my duty to my Lady and service to all my friends at Kirby . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.28) I am , my Lord , Y=r= Dutyfull daughter , A. E. H. . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,242.29) I take it , my L=d= , as very great honour y=t= you will trouble y=r=self to write to me , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.32) but when I consider how weak y=r= eyes are I had rather be w=th=out y=e= happynys of y=r= Ld=sps= letters then have you in y=e= lest hurt y=r= eyes . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.33) I was last night w=th= Lady Longuevil and Lady Arundel at y=e= Princess's , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.34) and Lady Long: was so kind to offer to carry me to y=e= Oppera to day w=th= her and Lady Portland ; (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.35) but I was so unfortunate as to be engaged to go to Lady Denbighs to see y=e= famous M=rs= Binges dance , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.36) or els I should have bin glad to have waited on Lady Long: , tho I had seen it before and think it very silly . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.37) M=r= Abel is to have a fine musicke meeting to morrow , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.38) and y=e= tickets are guineas a piece , w=ch= is a little to much for me to throw away ; (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.39) so I shall not be there , (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.40) and I find so many y=t= can afford it better of my mind , y=t= I fancy , if he had had lower rates , he would have got more . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.41) They say here y=t= M=rs= Reves is to have my Lord Leicesters second son , whom L=d= Romney designes to make his heir . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.42) $'T $is {TEXT:Tis} to be hoped he will use her better then his B=ro= did her sister ; (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.43) for , as the town sayes , he beat her w=th=in a week after she was married , which I think should make this young lady afraid . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.44) I have so much buisness here y=t= I hope my Lady will excuse me till next post . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.45) I beg my duty to her . (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.46) and I am , my L=d= , Y=r= Ld=sp= most obedient and dutyfull daughter , A. E. H. (ALHATTON-E3-H,2,245.47)