CHAP. I . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.3) {COM:introduction_omitted} In the beginning God created the Heauen , and the Earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.6) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.7) And the earth was without forme , and voyd , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.8) and darkenesse was vpon the face of the deepe : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.9) and the Spirit of God mooued vpon the face of the waters . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.10) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.11) And God said , Let there be light : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.12) and there was light . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.13) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.14) And God saw the light , that it was good : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.15) and God diuided the light from the darkenesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.16) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.17) And God called the light , Day , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.18) and the darknesse he called Night : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.19) and the euening and the morning were the first day . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.20) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.21) And God said , Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.22) and let it diuide the waters from the waters . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.23) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.24) And God made the firmament ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.25) and diuided the waters , which were vnder the firmament , from the waters , which were aboue the firmament : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.26) and it was so . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.27) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.28) And God called the firmament , Heauen : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.29) and the euening and the morning were the second day . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.30) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.31) And God said , Let the waters vnder the heauen be gathered together vnto one place , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.32) and let the dry land appeare : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.33) and it was so . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.34) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.35) And God called the drie land , Earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.36) and the gathering together of the waters called hee , Seas : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.37) and God saw that it was good . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.38) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.39) And God said , Let the Earth bring foorth grasse , the herbe yeelding seed , and the fruit tree , yeelding fruit after his kinde , whose seed is in it selfe , vpon the earth : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.40) and it was so . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.41) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.42) And the earth brought foorth grasse , and herbe yeelding seed after his kinde , and the tree yeelding fruit , whose seed was in it selfe , after his kinde : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.43) and God saw that it was good . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.44) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.45) And the euening and the morning were the third day . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.46) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.47) And God said , Let there bee lights in the firmament of the heauen , to diuide the day from the night : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.48) and let them be for signes and for seasons , and for dayes and yeeres . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.49) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.50) And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heauen , to giue light vpon the earth : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.51) and it was so . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.52) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.53) And God made two great lights : the greater light to rule the day , and the lesser light to rule the night : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.54) he made the starres also . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.55) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.56) And God set them in the firmament of the heauen , to giue light vpon the earth : 18 And to rule ouer the day , and ouer the night , and to diuide the light from the darkenesse : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.57) and God saw that it was good . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.58) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.59) And the euening and the morning were the fourth day . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,1G.60) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.62) And God said , Let the waters bring foorth aboundantly the mouing creature that hath life , and foule that may flie aboue the earth in the open firmament of heauen . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.63) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.64) And God created great whales , and euery liuing creature that moueth , which the waters brought forth aboundantly after their kinde , and euery winged foule after his kinde : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.65) and God saw that it was good . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.66) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.67) And God blessed them , saying , Be fruitfull , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.68) and multiply , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.69) and fill the waters in the Seas , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.70) and let foule multiply in the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.71) 23 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.72) And the euening and the morning were the fift day . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.73) 24 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.74) And God said , Let the earth bring forth the liuing creature after his kinde , cattell , and creeping thing , and beast of the earth after his kinde : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.75) and it was so . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.76) 25 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.77) And God made the beast of the earth after his kinde , and cattell after their kinde , and euery thing that creepeth vpon the earth , after his kinde : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.78) and God saw that it was good . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.79) 26 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.80) And God said , Let vs make man in our Image , after our likenesse : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.81) and let them haue dominion ouer the fish of the sea , and ouer the foule of the aire , and ouer the cattell , and ouer all the earth , and ouer euery creeping thing that creepeth vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.82) 27 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.83) So God created man in his owne Image , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.84) in the Image of God created hee him ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.85) male and female created hee them . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.86) 28 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.87) And God blessed them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.88) and God said vnto them , Be fruitfull , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.89) and multiply , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.90) and replenish the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.91) and subdue it , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.92) and haue dominion ouer the fish of the sea , and ouer the foule of the aire , and ouer euery liuing thing that mooueth vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.93) 29 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.94) And God said , Behold , I haue giuen you euery herbe bearing seede , which is vpon the face of all the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.95) and euery tree , in the which is the fruit of a tree yeelding seed , to you it shall be for meat : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.96) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.97) And to euery beast of the earth , and to euery foule of the aire , and to euery thing that creepeth vpon the earth , wherein there is life , I haue giuen euery greene herbe for meat : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.98) and it was so . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.99) 31 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.100) And God saw euery thing that hee had made : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.101) and behold , it was very good . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.102) And the euening and the morning were the sixth day . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,I,20G.103) CHAP. II . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.106) {COM:introduction_omitted} Thus the heauens and the earth were finished , and all the hoste of them . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.109) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.110) And on the seuenth day God ended his worke , which hee had made : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.111) And he rested on the seuenth day from all his worke , which he had made . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.112) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.113) And God blessed the seuenth day , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.114) and sanctified it : because that in it he had rested from all his worke , which God created and made . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.115) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.116) These are the generations of the heauens , & of the earth , when they were created ; in the day that the LORD God made the earth , and the heauens , 5 And euery plant of the field , before it was in the earth , and euery herbe of the field , before it grew : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.117) for the LORD God had not caused it to raine vpon the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.118) and there was not a man to till the ground . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.119) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.120) But there went up a mist from the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.121) and watered the whole face of the ground . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.122) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.123) And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.124) & breathed into this nostrils the breath of life ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.125) and man became a liuing soule . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.126) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.127) And the LORD God planted a garden Eastward in Eden ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.128) and there he put the man whom he had formed . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.129) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.130) And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow euery tree that is pleasant to the sight , and good for food : the tree of life also in the midst of the garden , and the tree of knowledge of good and euill . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.131) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.132) And a riuer went out of Eden to water the garden , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.133) and from thence it was parted , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.134) and became into foure heads . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.135) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.136) The name of the first is Pison : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.137) that is it which compasseth the whole land of Hauilah , where there is gold . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.138) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.139) And the gold of that land is good : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.140) There is Bdellium and the Onix stone . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.141) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.142) And the name of the second riuer is Gihon : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.143) the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.144) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.145) And the name of the third riuer is Hiddekel : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.146) that is it which goeth toward the East of Assyria : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.147) and the fourth riuer is Euphrates . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.148) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.149) And the LORD God tooke the man , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.150) and put him into the garden of Eden , to dresse it , and to keepe it . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.151) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.152) And the LORD God commanded the man , saying , Of euery tree of the garden thou mayest freely eate . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.153) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.154) But of the tree of the knowledge of good and euill , thou shalt not eate of it : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.155) for in the day that thou eatest thereof , thou shalt surely die . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.156) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.157) And the LORD God said , It is not good that the man should be alone : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.158) I will make him an helpe meet for him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.159) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.160) And out of y=e= ground the LORD God formed euery beast of the field , and euery foule of the aire , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.161) and brought them vnto Adam , to see what he would call them : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.162) and whatsoeuer Adam called euery liuing creature , that was the name thereof . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,1G.163) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.165) And Adam gaue names to all cattell , and to the foule of the aire , and to euery beast of the fielde : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.166) but for Adam there was not found an helpe meete for him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.167) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.168) And the LORD God caused a deepe sleepe to fall vpon Adam , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.169) and hee slept ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.170) and he tooke one of his ribs , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.171) and closed vp the flesh in stead thereof . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.172) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.173) And the rib which the LORD God had taken from man , made hee a woman , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.174) & brought her vnto the man . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.175) 23 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.176) And Adam said , This is now bone of my bones , and flesh of my flesh : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.177) she $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} called woman , because shee was taken out of man . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.178) 24 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.179) Therefore shall a man leaue his father and his mother , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.180) and shall cleaue vnto his wife : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.181) and they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} one flesh . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.182) 25 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.183) And they were both naked , the man & his wife , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.184) and were not ashamed . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,II,20G.185) CHAP. III . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.188) {COM:introduction_omitted} Now the serpent was more subtill then any beast of the field , which the LORD God had made , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.191) and he said vnto the woman , Yea , hath God said , Ye shall not eat of euery tree of the garden ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.192) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.193) And the woman said vnto the serpent , Wee may eate of the fruite of the trees of the garden : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.194) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.195) But of the fruit of the tree , which is in the midst of the garden , God hath said , Ye shal not eate of it , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.196) neither shall ye touch it , lest ye die . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.197) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.198) And the Serpent said vnto the woman , Ye shall not surely die . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.199) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.200) For God doeth know , that in the day ye eate thereof , then your eyes $shall $be {TEXT:shalbee} opened : and yee shall bee as Gods , knowing good and euill . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.201) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.202) And when the woman saw , that the tree was good for food , and that it was pleasant to the eyes , and a tree to be desired to make one wise , she tooke of the fruit thereof , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.203) and did eate , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.204) and gaue also vnto her husband with her , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.205) and hee did eate . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.206) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.207) And the eyes of them both were opened , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.208) & they knew that they were naked , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.209) and they sewed figge leaues together , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.210) and made themselues aprons . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.211) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.212) And they heard the voyce of the LORD God , walking in the garden in the coole of the day : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.213) and Adam and his wife hid themselues from the presence of the LORD God , amongst the trees of the garden . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.214) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.215) And the LORD God called vnto Adam , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.216) and said vnto him , Where art thou ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.217) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.218) And he said , I heard thy voice in the garden : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.219) and I was afraid , because I was naked , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.220) and I hid my selfe . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.221) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.222) And he said , Who told thee , that thou wast naked ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.223) Hast thou eaten of the tre , whereof I commanded thee , that thou shouldest not eate ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.224) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.225) And the man said , The woman whom thou gauest to be with mee , shee gaue me of the tree , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.226) and I did eate . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.227) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.228) And the LORD God said vnto the woman , What is this that thou hast done ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.229) And the woman said , The Serpent beguiled me , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.230) and I did eate . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.231) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.232) And the LORD God said vnto the Serpent , Because thou hast done this , thou art cursed aboue all cattel , and aboue euery beast of the field : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.233) vpon thy belly shalt thou goe , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.234) and dust shalt thou eate , all the dayes of thy life . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.235) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.236) And I will put enmitie betweene thee and the woman , and betweene thy seed and her seed : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.237) it shal bruise thy head , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.238) and thou shalt bruise his heele . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.239) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.240) Unto the woman he said , I will greatly multiply thy sorowe and thy conception . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.241) In sorow thou shalt bring forth children : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.242) and thy desire shall be to thy husband , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.243) and hee shall rule ouer thee . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.244) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.245) And vnto Adam he said , Because thou hast hearkened vnto the voyce of thy wife , and hast eaten of the tree , of which I commaunded thee , saying , Thou shalt not eate of it : cursed is the ground for thy sake : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.246) in sorow shalt thou eate of it all the dayes of thy life . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.247) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.248) Thornes also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.249) and thou shalt eate the herbe of the field . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.250) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.251) In the sweate of thy face shalt thou eate bread , till thou returne vnto the ground : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.252) for out of it wast thou taken , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.253) for dust thou art , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.254) and vnto dust shalt thou returne . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,1G.255) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.257) And Adam called his wiues name Eue , because she was the mother of all liuing . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.258) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.259) Unto Adam also , and to his wife , did the LORD God make coates of skinnes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.260) and cloathed them . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.261) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.262) And the LORD God said , Behold , the man is become as one of us , to know good & euill . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.263) And now lest hee put foorth his hand , and take also of the tree of life , and eate and liue for euer : 23 Therefore the LORD God sent him foorth from the garden of Eden , to till the ground , from whence he was taken . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.264) 24 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.265) So he droue out the man : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.266) and he placed at the East of the garden of Eden , Cherubims , and a flaming sword , which turned euery way , to keepe the way of the tree of life . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,III,20G.267) CHAP. VI . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.270) {COM:introduction_omitted} And it came to passe , when men began to multiply on the face of the earth , and daughters were borne vnto them : 2 That the sonnes of God saw the daughters of men , that they were faire , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.273) and they took them wiues , of all which they chose . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.274) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.275) And the LORD said , My Spirit shall not alwayes striue with man ; for that hee also is flesh : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.276) yet his dayes $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} an hundred and twenty yeeres . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.277) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.278) There were Giants in the earth in those daies : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.279) and also after that , when the sonnes of God came in vnto the daughters of men , & they bare children to them ; the same became mightie men , which were of old , men of renowme . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.280) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.281) And God saw , that the wickednes of man was great in the earth , and that euery imagination of the thoughts of his heart was onely euill continually . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.282) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.283) And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.284) and it grieued him at his heart . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.285) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.286) And the LORD said , I will destroy man , whom I haue created , from the face of the earth : both man and beast , and the creeping thing , and the foules of the aire : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.287) for it repenteth me that I haue made them . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.288) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.289) But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.290) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.291) These are the generations of Noah : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.292) Noah was a iust man , and perfect in his generations , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.293) and Noah walked with God . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.294) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.295) And Noah begate three sonnes : Sem , Ham , and Japheth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.296) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.297) The earth also was corrupt before God ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.298) and the earth was filled with violence . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.299) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.300) And God looked vpon the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.301) and behold , it was corrupt : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.302) for all flesh had corrupted his way vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.303) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.304) And God said vnto Noah , The end of all flesh is come before mee ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.305) for the earth is filled with violence through them ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.306) and behold , I will destroy them with the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.307) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.308) Make thee an Arke of Gopher-wood : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.309) roomes shalt thou make in the arke , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.310) and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.311) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.312) And this is the fashion , which thou shalt make it of : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.313) the length of the arke $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} three hundred cubits , the breadth of it fifty cubits , and the height of it thirtie cubits . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.314) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.315) A window shalt thou make to the arke , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.316) and in a cubite shalt thou finish it aboue ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.317) and the doore of the arke shalt thou set in the side thereof : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.318) With lower , second , and third stories shalt thou make it . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.319) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.320) And behold , I , euen I doe bring a flood of waters vpon the earth , to destroy all flesh , wherein is the breath of life from vnder heauen , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.321) and euery thing that is in the earth shall die . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.322) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.323) But with thee wil I establish my Couenant : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.324) and thou shalt come into the Arke , thou , and thy sonnes , and thy wife , and thy sonnes wiues with thee . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.325) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.326) And of euery liuing thing of all flesh , two of euery sort shalt thou bring into the Arke , to keepe them aliue with thee : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.327) they shall be male and female . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,1G.328) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.330) Of fowles after their kinde , and of cattel after their kinde : of euery creeping thing of the earth after his kinde , two of euery sort shall come vnto thee , to keepe them aliue . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.331) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.332) And take thou vnto thee of all food that is eaten , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.333) and thou shalt gather it to thee ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.334) and it shall be for food , for thee , and for them . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.335) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.336) Thus did Noah ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.337) according to all that God commanded him , so did he . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VI,20G.338) CHAP. VII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.341) {COM:introduction_omitted} And the LORD saide vnto Noah , Come thou and all thy house into the Arke : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.344) for thee haue I seene righteous before me , in this generation . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.345) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.346) Of euery cleane beast thou shalt take to thee by seuens , the male and his female : and of beastes that are not cleane , by two , the male and his female . 3 Of fowles also of the aire , by seuens , the male & the female ; to keepe seed aliue vpon the face of all the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.347) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.348) For yet seuen dayes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.349) and I will cause it to raine vpon the earth , fortie dayes , and forty nights ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.350) and euery liuing substance that I haue made , will I destroy , fro off the face of the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.351) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.352) And Noah did according vnto all that the LORD commanded him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.353) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.354) And Noah was sixe hundred yeeres old , when the flood of waters was vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.355) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.356) And Noah went in , and his sonnes , and his wife , and his sonnes wiues with him , into the Arke , because of the waters of the Flood . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.357) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.358) Of cleane beasts , & of beasts that are not cleane , & of fowles , and of euery thing that creepeth vpon the earth , 9 There went in two and two vnto Noah into the Arke , the male & the female , as God had commanded Noah . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.359) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.360) And it came to passe after seuen dayes , that the waters of the Flood were vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.361) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.362) In the sixe hundredth yeere of Noahs life , in the second moneth , the seuenteenth day of the moneth , the same day , were al the fountaines of the great deepe broken vp , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.363) and the windowes of heauen were opened . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.364) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.365) And the raine was vpon the earth , fortie dayes , and fortie nights . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.366) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.367) In the selfe same day entred Noah , and Sem , and Ham , and Japheth , the sonnes of Noah , and Noahs wife , and the three wiues of his sonnes with them , into the Arke , 14 They , and euery beast after his kinde , & all the cattell after their kinde : and euery creeping thing that creepeth vpon the earth after his kinde , and euery foule after his kinde , euery birde of euery sort . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.368) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.369) And they went in vnto Noah into the Arke , two and two of all flesh , wherein is the breath of life . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.370) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.371) And they that went in , went in male and female of all flesh , as God had commaunded him : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.372) and the LORD shut him in . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.373) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.374) And the Flood was fortie dayes vpon the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.375) and the waters increased , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.376) and bare vp the Arke , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.377) and it was lift vp aboue the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.378) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.379) And the waters preuailed , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.380) and were encreased greatly vpon the earth : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.381) and the Arke went vpon the face of the waters . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.382) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.383) And the waters preuailed exceedingly vpon the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.384) and all the high hils , that were vnder the whole heauen , were couered . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,1G.385) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.387) Fifteene cubits vpward , did the waters preuaile ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.388) and the mountaines were couered . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.389) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.390) And all flesh died , that mooued vpon the earth , both of fowle , & of cattell , and of beast , and of euery creeping thing that creepeth vpon the earth , and euery man . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.391) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.392) All in whose nosethrils was the breath of life , of all that was in the dry land , died . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.393) 23 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.394) And euery liuing substance was destroyed , which was vpon the face of the ground , both man and cattell , and the creeping things , and the foule of the heauen ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.395) and they were destroyed from the earth : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.396) and Noah onely remained aliue , and they that were with him in the Arke . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.397) 24 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.398) And the waters preuailed vpon the earth , an hundred and fifty dayes . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VII,20G.399) CHAP. VIII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.402) {COM:introduction_omitted} And God remembred Noah , and euery liuing thing , and all the cattell that was with him in the Arke : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.405) and God made a winde to passe ouer the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.406) and the waters asswaged . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.407) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.408) The fountaines also of the deepe , and the windowes of heauen were stopped , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.409) and the raine from heauen was restrained . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.410) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.411) And the waters returned from off the earth , continually : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.412) and after the end of the hundred and fiftie dayes , the waters were abated . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.413) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.414) And the Arke rested in the seuenth moneth , on the seuenteenth day of the moneth , vpon the mountaines of Ararat . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.415) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.416) And the waters decreased continually vntill the tenth moneth : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.417) in the tenth moneth , on the first day of the moneth , were the tops of the mountaines seene . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.418) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.419) And it came to passe at the end of forty dayes , that Noah opened the window of the Arke which he had made . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.420) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.421) And he sent forth a Rauen , which went foorth to and fro , vntill the waters were dried vp from off the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.422) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.423) Also hee sent foorth a doue from him , to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.424) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.425) But the doue found no rest for the sole of her foote , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.426) and she returned vnto him into the Arke : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.427) for the waters were on the face of the whole earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.428) Then he put foorth his hand , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.429) and tooke her , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.430) and pulled her in vnto him , into the Arke . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.431) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.432) And hee stayed yet other seuen dayes ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.433) and againe hee sent foorth the doue out of the Arke . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.434) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.435) And the doue came in to him in the euening , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.436) and loe , in her mouth was an Oliue leafe pluckt off : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.437) So Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.438) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.439) And hee stayed yet other seuen dayes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.440) and sent forth the doue , which returned not againe vnto him any more . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.441) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.442) And it came to passe in the sixe hundredth and one yeere , in the first moneth , the first day of the moneth , the waters were dryed vp from off the earth : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.443) and Noah remooued the couering of the Arke , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.444) and looked , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.445) and behold , the face of the ground was drie . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.446) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.447) And in the second moneth , on the seuen and twentieth day of the moneth , was the earth dried . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.448) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.449) And God spake vnto Noah , saying , 16 Goe foorth of the Arke , thou , and thy wife , and thy sonnes , and thy sonnes wiues with thee : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.450) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.451) Bring foorth with thee euery liuing thing that is with thee , of all flesh , both of fowle , and of cattell , and of euery creeping thing that creepeth vpon the earth , that they may breed abundantly in the earth , and be fruitfull , and multiply vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.452) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.453) And Noah went foorth , and his sonnes , and his wife , and his sonnes wiues with him : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.454) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.455) Euery beast , euery creeping thing , and euery fowle , and whatsoeuer creepeth vpon the earth , after their kinds , went foorth out of the Arke . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,1G.456) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.458) And Noah builded an Altar vnto the LORD , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.459) and tooke of euery cleane beast , and of euery cleane fowle , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.460) and offred burnt offrings on the Altar . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.461) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.462) And the LORD smelled a sweete sauour , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.463) and the LORD said in his heart , I will not againe curse the ground any more for mans sake ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.464) for the imagination of mans heart is euil from his youth : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.465) neither will I againe smite any more euery thing liuing , as I haue done . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.466) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.467) While the earth remaineth , seedtime and haruest , and cold , and heat , and Summer , and Winter , and day and night , shall not cease . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,VIII,20G.468) CHAP. IX . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.471) {COM:introduction_omitted} And God blessed Noah , and his sonnes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.474) and said vnto them , Bee fruitfull (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.475) and multiply , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.476) and replenish the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.477) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.478) And the feare of you , & the dread of you shall be vpon euery beast of the earth , and vpon euery fowle of the aire , vpon all that mooueth vpon the earth , and vpon all the fishes of the sea ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.479) into your hand are they deliuered . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.480) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.481) Euery mouing thing that liueth , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} meat for you ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.482) euen as the greene herbe haue I giuen you all things . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.483) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.484) But flesh with the life thereof , which is the blood thereof , shall you not eate . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.485) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.486) And surely your blood of your liues will I require : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.487) at the hand of euery beast will I require it , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.488) & at the hand of man , at the hand of euery mans brother will I require the life of man . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.489) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.490) Who so sheddeth mans blood , by man shall his blood be shed : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.491) for in the image of God made he man . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.492) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.493) And you , be ye fruitfull , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.494) and multiply , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.495) bring foorth aboundantly in the earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.496) and multiply therein . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.497) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.498) And God spake vnto Noah , and to his sonnes with him , saying ; 9 And I , behold , I establish my couenant with you , and with your seede after you : And with euery liuing creature that is with you , of the fowle , of the cattell , and of euery beast of the earth with you , from all that goe out of the Arke , to euery beast of the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.499) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.500) And I wil establish my couenant with you , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.501) neither shal all flesh be cut off any more , by the waters of a flood , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.502) neither shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.503) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.504) And God said , This is the token of the Couenant which I make betweene mee and you , and euery liuing creature that is with you , for perpetuall generations . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.505) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.506) I doe set my bow in the cloud , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.507) and it shall be for a token of a couenant , betweene me and the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.508) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.509) And it shall come to passe , when I bring a cloud ouer the earth , that the bow shall be seene in the cloud . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.510) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.511) And I will remember my couenant , which is betweene mee and you , and euery liuing creature of all flesh : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.512) and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.513) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.514) And the bow $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in the cloud ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.515) and I will looke vpon it , that I may remember the euerlasting couenant betweene God and euery liuing creature , of all flesh that is vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.516) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.517) And God said vnto Noah , This is the token of the couenant , which I haue established betweene mee and all flesh , that is vpon the earth . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.518) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.519) And the sonnes of Noah that went forth of the Arke , were Shem , and Ham , and Iaphet : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.520) and Ham is the father of Canaan . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.521) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.522) These are the three sonnes of Noah : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.523) and of them was the whole earth ouerspread . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,1G.524) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.526) And Noah began to bee an husbandman , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.527) and he planted a vineyard . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.528) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.529) And he dranke of the wine , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.530) and was drunken , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.531) and hee was vncouered within his tent . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.532) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.533) And Ham , the father of Canaan , saw the nakednesse of his father , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.534) and told his two brethren without . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.535) 23 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.536) And Shem and Iaphet tooke a garment , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.537) and layed it vpon both their shoulders , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.538) and went backward , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.539) and couered the nakednesse of their father , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.540) and their faces were backward , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.541) and they saw not their fathers nakednesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.542) 24 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.543) And Noah awoke from his wine , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.544) and knew what his yonger sonne had done vnto him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.545) 25 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.546) And he said , Cursed bee Canaan : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.547) a seruant of seruants shall hee be vnto his brethren . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.548) 26 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.549) And hee saide , Blessed bee the LORD God of Shem , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.550) and Canaan $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} his seruant . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.551) 27 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.552) God shall enlarge Iaphet , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.553) and he shal dwel in the tents of Shem , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.554) and Canaan $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} his seruant . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.555) 28 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.556) And Noah liued after the flood , three hundred and fifty yeeres . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.557) 29 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.558) And all the dayes of Noah were nine hundred & fifty yeeres , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.559) and he died . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,IX,20G.560) CHAP. XII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.563) {COM:introduction_omitted} Now the LORD had said vnto Abram , Get thee out of thy countrey , and from thy kinred , and from thy fathers house , vnto a land that I will shew thee . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.566) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.567) And I will make of thee a great nation , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.568) and I wil blesse thee , and make thy name great ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.569) and thou shalt bee a blessing . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.570) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.571) And I will blesse them that blesse thee , and curse him , that curseth thee : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.572) and in thee shal all families of the earth be blessed . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.573) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.574) So Abram departed , as the LORD had spoken vnto him , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.575) and Lot went with him : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.576) And Abram was seuentie and fiue yeeres old when he departed out of Haran . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.577) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.578) And Abram tooke Sarai his wife , and Lot his brothers sonne , and all their substance that they had gathered , and the soules that they had gotten in Haran , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.579) and they went foorth to goe into the land of Canaan : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.580) and into the land of Canaan they came . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.581) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.582) And Abram passed through the land , vnto the place of Sichem , vnto the plaine of Moreh . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.583) And the Canaanite was then in the land . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.584) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.585) And the LORD appeared vnto Abram , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.586) and said , Vnto thy seed wil I giue this land : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.587) and there builded hee an altar vnto the LORD , who appeared vnto him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.588) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.589) And he remoued from thence vnto a mountaine , on the East of Beth-el , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.590) and pitched his tent hauing Beth-el on the West , and Hai on the East : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.591) and there hee builded an altar vnto the LORD , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.592) and called vpon the Name of the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.593) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.594) And Abram iourneyed , going on still toward the South . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.595) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.596) And there was a famine in the land , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.597) and Abram went downe into Egypt , to soiourne there : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.598) for the famine was grieuous in the land . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.599) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.600) And it came to passe when he was come neere to enter into Egypt , that he said vnto Sarai his wife , Behold now , I know that thou art a faire woman to looke vpon . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.601) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.602) Therefore it shall come to passe , when the Egyptians shall see thee , that they shall say , This is his wife : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.603) and they will kill me , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.604) but they will saue thee aliue . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.605) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.606) Say , I pray thee , thou art my sister , that it may be wel with me , for thy sake ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.607) and my soule shall liue , because of thee . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.608) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.609) And it came to passe , that when Abram was come into Egypt , the Egyptians beheld the woman , that shee was very faire . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.610) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.611) The Princes also of Pharaoh saw her , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.612) and commended her before Pharaoh : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.613) and the woman was taken into Pharaohs house . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.614) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.615) And he entreated Abram well for her sake : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.616) and he had sheepe , and oxen , and hee asses , and men seruants , and maid seruants , and shee asses , and camels . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.617) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.618) And the LORD plagued Pharaoh & his house with great plagues , because of Sarai Abrams wife . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.619) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.620) And Pharaoh called Abram , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.621) and said , What is this that thou hast done vnto me ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.622) Why diddest thou not tell me , that she was thy wife ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.623) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.624) Why saidest thou , Shee is my sister ? so I might haue taken her to mee to wife : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.625) now therfore behold , thy wife , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.626) take her (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.627) and goe thy way . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,1G.628) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,20G.630) And Pharaoh comanded his men concerning him : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,20G.631) and they sent him away , and his wife , and all that he had . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XII,20G.632) CHAP. XIII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.635) {COM:introduction_omitted} And Abram went vp out of Egypt , he and his wife , and all that he had , and Lot with him , into the South . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.638) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.639) And Abram was very rich in cattell , in siluer , and in gold . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.640) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.641) And hee went on his iourneyes from the South , euen to Beth-el , vnto the place where his tent had bene at the beginning , betweene Beth-el and Hai : 4 Vnto the place of the altar , which he had made there at the first : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.642) and there Abram called on the Name of the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.643) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.644) And Lot also which went with Abram , had flocks and heards , & tents . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.645) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.646) And the land was not able to beare them , that they might dwell together : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.647) for their substance was great , so that they could not dwell together . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.648) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.649) And there was a strife betweene the heardmen of Abrams cattell , and the heardmen of Lots cattell : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.650) And the Canaanite , and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.651) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.652) And Abram said vnto Lot , Let there be no strife , I pray thee , betweene mee and thee , and betweene my heardmen and thy heardmen : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.653) for wee bee brethren . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.654) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.655) Is not the whole land before thee ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.656) Separate thy selfe , I pray thee , from mee : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.657) if thou wilt take the left hand , then I will goe to the right : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.658) or if thou depart to the right hand , then I will goe to the left . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.659) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.660) And Lot lifted vp his eyes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.661) and beheld all the plaine of Iordane , that it was well watered euery where before the Lord destroyed Sodome and Gomorah , euen as the garden of the LORD , like the land of Egypt , as thou commest vnto Zoar . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.662) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.663) Then Lot chose him all the plaine of Iordane : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.664) and Lot iourneyed East ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.665) and they separated themselues the one from the other . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.666) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.667) Abram dwelled in the land of Canaan , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.668) and Lot dwelled in the cities of the plaine , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.669) and pitched his tent toward Sodome . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.670) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.671) But the men of Sodome were wicked , and sinners before the LORD exceedingly . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.672) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.673) And the LORD said vnto Abram , after that Lot was separated from him , Lift vp now thine eyes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.674) and looke from the place where thou art , Northward , and Southward , and Eastward , and Westward . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.675) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.676) For all the land which thou seest , to thee will I giue it , and to thy seede for euer . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.677) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.678) And I will make thy seede as the dust of the earth : so that if a man can number the dust of the earth , then shall thy seed also be numbred . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.679) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.680) Arise , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.681) walke through the land , in the length of it , and in the breadth of it : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.682) for I will giue it vnto thee . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.683) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.684) Then Abram remoued his tent , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.685) and came (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.686) and dwelt in the plaine of Mamre , which is in Hebron , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.687) and built there an altar vnto the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1G.688) CHAP. XIIII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.691) {COM:introduction_omitted} And it came to passe in the dayes of Amraphel King of Shinar , Arioch King of Ellasar , Chedorlaomer King of Elam , and Tidal King of nations : 2 That these made warre with Bera King of Sodome , and with Birsha King of Gomorrah , Shinab King of Admah , and Shemeber King of Zeboiim , and the King of Bela , which is Zoar . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.694) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.695) All these were ioyned together in the vale of Siddim ; which is the salt Sea . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.696) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.697) Twelue yeeres they serued Chedorlaomer , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.698) and in the thirteenth yeere they rebelled . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.699) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.700) And in the fourteenth yeere came Chedorlaomer , and the Kings that were with him , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.701) and smote the Rephaims , in Ashteroth Karnaim , & the Zuzims in Ham , and the Emims in Shaueh Kiriathaim ; 6 And the Horites in their mount Seir , vnto El-Paran , which is by the wildernesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.702) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.703) And they returned , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.704) and came to En-mishpat , which is Kadesh , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.705) & smote all the countrey of the Amalekites , and also the Amorites , that dwelt in Hazezon-tamar . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.706) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.707) And there went out the King of Sodome , and the King of Gomorrah , and the King of Admah , and the King of Zeboiim , and the King of Bela , the same is Zoar (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.708) and they ioyned battell with them , in the vale of Siddim , 9 With Chedorlaomer the King of Elam , and with Tidal King of nations , and Amraphel King of Shinar , and Arioch King of Ellasar ; foure Kings with fiue . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.709) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.710) And the vale of Siddim was full of slime-pits : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.711) and the Kings of Sodome & Gomorrah fled , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.712) and fell there : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.713) and they that remained , fled to the mountaine . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.714) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.715) And they tooke all the goods of Sodome and Gomorrah , and all their victuals , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.716) and went their way . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.717) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.718) And they tooke Lot , Abrams brothers sonne , who dwelt in Sodome and his goods , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.719) and departed . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.720) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.721) And there came one that had escaped , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.722) and told Abram the Hebrew , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.723) for hee dwelt in the plaine of Mamre the Amorite , brother of Eschol , and brother of Aner : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.724) and these were confederate with Abram . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.725) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.726) And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captiue , he armed his trained seruants borne in his owne house , three hundred and eighteene , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.727) and pursued them vnto Dan . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.728) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.729) And hee diuided himselfe against them , he and his seruants by night , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.730) and smote them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.731) and pursued them vnto Hoba , which is on the left hand of Damascus : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.732) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.733) And hee brought backe all the goods , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.734) and also brought againe his brother Lot , and his goods , and the women also , and the people . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.735) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.736) And the king of Sodome went out to meete him , after his returne from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer , and of the Kings that were with him at the valley of Saueh , which is the Kings dale . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.737) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.738) And Melchizedek King of Salem brought foorth bread and wine : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.739) and he was the Priest of the most high God . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.740) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.741) And hee blessed him , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.742) and saide ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.743) Blessed bee Abram of the most high God , possessour of heauen and earth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1G.744) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20G.746) And blessed bee the most high God , which hath deliuered thine enemies into thy hand : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20G.747) and hee gaue him tithes of all . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20G.748) CHAP. XXII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.751) {COM:introduction_omitted} And it came to passe after these things , that God did tempt Abraham , and said vnto him , Abraham . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.754) And hee said , Beholde , heere I am . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.755) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.756) And he said , Take now thy sonne , thine onely sonne Isaac , whom thou louest , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.757) and get thee into the land of Moriah : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.758) and offer him there for a burnt offering vpon one of the Mountaines which I will tell thee of . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.759) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.760) And Abraham rose vp earely in the morning , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.761) and sadled his asse , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.762) and tooke two of his yong men with him , and Isaac his sonne , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.763) and claue the wood for the burnt offering , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.764) and rose vp , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.765) and went vnto the place of which God had told him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.766) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.767) Then on the third day Abraham lift vp his eyes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.768) and saw the place afarre off (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.769) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.770) And Abraham said vnto his yong men , Abide you here with the asse , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.771) and I and the lad will goe yonder and worship , and come againe to you . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.772) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.773) And Abraham tooke the wood of the burnt offering , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.774) and layd it vpon Isaac his sonne : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.775) and he tooke the fire in his hand , and a knife : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.776) and they went both of them together . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.777) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.778) And Isaac spake vnto Abraham his father , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.779) and said , My father : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.780) and he said , Here am I , my sonne . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.781) And hee said , Behold the fire and wood : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.782) but where is the lambe for a burnt offring ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.783) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.784) And Abraham said , My sonne , God will prouide himselfe a lambe for a burnt offering : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.785) so they went both of them together . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.786) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.787) And they came to the place which God had tolde him of , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.788) and Abraham built an Altar there , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.789) and layd the wood in order , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.790) and bound Isaac his sonne , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.791) and layde him on the Altar vpon the wood . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.792) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.793) And Abraham stretched foorth his hand , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.794) and tooke the knife to slay his sonne . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.795) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.796) And the Angel of the LORD called vnto him out of heauen , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.797) and said , Abraham , Abraham . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.798) And he said , Here am I . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.799) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.800) And he said , Lay not thine hand vpon the lad , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.801) neither do thou any thing vnto him : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.802) for now I know that thou fearest God , seeing thou hast not withhelde thy sonne , thine onely sonne from mee . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.803) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.804) And Abraham lifted vp his eyes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.805) and looked , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.806) and beholde , behinde him a Ramme caught in a thicket by his hornes : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.807) And Abraham went (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.808) and tooke the Ramme , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.809) and offered him vp for a burnt offering , in the stead of his sonne . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.810) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.811) And Abraham called the name of that place Iehouah-ijreh , as it is said to this day , In the Mount of the LORD it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} seene . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.812) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.813) And the Angel of the LORD called vnto Abraham out of heauen the second time , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.814) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.815) And said , By my selfe haue I sworne , saith the LORD , for because thou hast done this thing , and hast not withheld thy sonne , thine onely sonne , 17 That in blessing I will blesse thee , and in multiplying , I will multiply thy seed as the starres of the heauen , and as the sand which is vpon the sea shore , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.816) and thy seed shall possesse the gate of his enemies . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.817) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.818) And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed , because thou hast obeyed my voice . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.819) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.820) So Abraham returned vnto his yong men , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.821) and they rose vp , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.822) and went together to Beer-sheba , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.823) and Abraham dwelt at Beer-sheba . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XXII,1G.824) CHAP_N XIII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.827) {COM:introduction_omitted} And the LORD spake vnto Moses , saying , 2 Send thou men , that they may search the lande of Canaan , which I giue vnto the children of Israel : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.830) of euery tribe of their fathers shal ye send a man , euery one a ruler among them . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.831) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.832) And Moses by the commaundement of the LORD , sent them from the wildernes of Paran : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.833) all those men were heads of the children of Israel . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.834) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.835) And these were their names . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.836) Of the tribe of Reuben , Shammua the sonne of Zaccur . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.837) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.838) Of the tribe of Simeon , Shaphat the sonne of Hori . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.839) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.840) Of the tribe of Iudah , Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.841) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.842) Of the tribe of Issachar , Igal the sonne of Ioseph . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.843) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.844) Of the tribe of Ephraim , Oshea the sonne of Nun . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.845) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.846) Of the tribe of Beniamin , Palti the sonne of Raphu . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.847) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.848) Of the tribe of Zebulun , Gaddiel the sonne of Sodi . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.849) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.850) Of the tribe of Ioseph , namely of the tribe of Manasseh , Gaddi the sonne of Susi . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.851) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.852) Of the tribe of Dan , Ammiel the sonne of Gemalli . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.853) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.854) Of the tribe of Asher , Sethur the sonne of Michael . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.855) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.856) Of the tribe of Naphtali , Nahbi the sonne of Vophsi . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.857) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.858) Of the tribe of Gad , Geuel the sonne of Machi . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.859) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.860) These are the names of the men which Moses sent to spie out the land : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.861) and Moses called Oshea the sonne of Nun , Iehoshua . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.862) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.863) And Moses sent them to spie out the land of Canaan , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.864) and said vnto them , Get you vp this way Southward , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.865) and goe vp into the mountaine : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.866) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,1N.867) And see the lande what it is , and the people that dwelleth therein , whether they bee strong or weake , fewe or many : 19 And what the lande is that they dwell in , whether it be good or bad , and what cities they bee that they dwell in , whether in tents , or in strong holds : And what the land is , whether it be fat or leane , whether there be wood therin , or not . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.868) And be ye of good courage , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.869) and bring of the fruit of the land : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.870) Now the time was the time of the first ripe grapes (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.871) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.872) So they went vp , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.873) and searched the land , from the wildernesse of Zin , vnto Rehob , as men come to Hamath . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.874) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.875) And they ascended by the South , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.876) and came vnto Hebron : where Ahiman , Sheshai , and Talmai , the children of Anak were : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.877) Now Hebron was built seuen yeeres before Zoan in Egypt . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.878) 23 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.879) And they came vnto the brooke of Eshcol , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.880) and cut downe from thence a branch with one cluster of grapes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.881) and they bare it betweene two vpon a staffe , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.882) and they brought of the pomegranates and of the figs . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.883) 24 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.884) The place was called the brooke Eshcol , because of the cluster of grapes which the children of Israel cut downe from thence . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.885) 25 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.886) And they returned from searching of the land after fourty dayes . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.887) 26 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.888) And they went and came to Moses , and to Aaron , and to all the Congregation of the children of Israel vnto the wildernesse of Paran , to Kadesh , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.889) and brought backe word vnto them , and vnto all the Congregation , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.890) and shewed them the fruit of the land . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.891) 27 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.892) And they told him , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.893) and said , We came vnto the land whither thou sentest vs , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.894) & surely it floweth with milke and honie ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.895) and this is the fruit of it . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.896) 28 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.897) Neuerthelesse , the people bee strong that dwell in the land , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.898) and the cities are walled and very great : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.899) and moreouer , we saw the children of Anak there . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.900) 29 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.901) The Amalekites dwell in the land of the South : and the Hittites , and the Iebusites , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.902) and the Amorites dwell in the mountaines : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.903) and the Canaanites dwell by the sea , and by the coast of Iordane . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.904) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.905) And Caleb stilled the people before Moses , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.906) and said , Let vs goe vp at once , and possesse it , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.907) for we are well able to ouercome it . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.908) 31 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.909) But the men that went vp with him , said , Wee be not able to goe vp against the people , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.910) for they are stronger then we . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.911) 32 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.912) And they brought vp an euill report of the land which they had searched , vnto the children of Israel , saying , The land through which we haue gone , to search it , is a land that eateth vp the inhabitants thereof , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.913) and all the people that we saw in it , are men of a great stature . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.914) 33 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.915) And there we saw the giants , the sonnes of Anak , which come of the giants : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.916) and wee were in our owne sight as grashoppers , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.917) and so wee were in their sight . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIII,20N.918) CHAP. XIIII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.921) {COM:introduction_omitted} And all the Congregation lifted vp their voyce (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.924) and cried ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.925) and the people wept that night . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.926) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.927) And all the children of Israel murmured against Moses , and against Aaron : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.928) and the whole Congregation said vnto them , Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.929) or would God we had died in this wildernesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.930) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.931) And wherefore hath the LORD brought vs vnto this land , to fall by the sword , that our wiues , and our children should be a pray ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.932) were it not better for vs to returne into Egypt ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.933) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.934) And they saide one to another , Let vs make a captaine , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.935) and let vs returne into Egypt . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.936) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.937) Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the assembly of the Congregation of the children of Israel . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.938) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.939) And Ioshua the sonne of Nun , and Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh , which were of them that searched the land , rent their clothes . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.940) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.941) And they spake vnto all the company of the children of Israel , saying , The land which wee passed thorow to search it , is an exceeding good land . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.942) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.943) If the LORD delight in vs , then he will bring vs into this land , and giue it vs , a land which floweth with milke and hony . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.944) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.945) Onely rebell not yee against the LORD , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.946) neither feare yee the people of the land , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.947) for they are bread for vs : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.948) their defence is departed from them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.949) and the LORD is with vs : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.950) feare them not . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.951) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.952) But all the Congregation bade stone them with stones : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.953) and the glory of the LORD appeared in the Tabernacle of the Congregation , before all the children of Israel . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.954) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.955) And the LORD said vnto Moses , How long will this people prouoke me ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.956) and how long will it bee , yer they beleeue me , for all the signes which I haue shewed among them ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.957) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.958) I will smite them with the pestilence , and disinherite them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.959) and will make of thee a greater nation , and mightier then they . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.960) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.961) And Moses said vnto the LORD , Then the Egyptians shall heare it , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.962) for thou broughtest vp this people in thy might from among them : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.963) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.964) And they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.965) for they haue heard that thou LORD art among this people , that thou LORD art seene face to face , and that thy cloud standeth ouer them , and that thou goest before them , by day time in a pillar of a cloud , and in a pillar of fire by night . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.966) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.967) Now if thou shalt kill all this people , as one man , then the nations which haue heard the fame of thee , will speake , saying , 16 Because the LORD was not able to bring this people into the lande which he sware vnto them , therefore he hath slaine them in the wildernesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.968) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.969) And now , I beseech thee , let the power of my LORD be great , according as thou hast spoken , saying , 18 The LORD is long suffering , and of great mercie , forgiuing iniquitie and transgression , and by no meanes clearing the guiltie , visiting the iniquity of the fathers vpon the children , vnto the third and fourth generation . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.970) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.971) Pardon , I beseech thee , the iniquitie of this people , according vnto the greatnesse of thy mercie , and as thou hast forgiuen this people , from Egypt , euen vntill now . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,1N.972) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.974) And the LORD said , I haue pardoned , according to thy word . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.975) 21 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.976) But as truely as I liue , all the earth $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} filled with the glory of the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.977) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.978) Because all those men which haue seene my glory , and my miracles which I did in Egypt , and in the wildernesse , and haue tempted mee now these ten times , and haue not hearkened to my voice , 23 Surely they shall not see the land which I sware vnto their fathers , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.979) neither shall any of them that prouoked me , see it . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.980) 24 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.981) But my seruant Caleb , because hee had another spirit with him , and hath followed mee fully him will I bring into the land , whereinto he went , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.982) and his seed shall possesse it . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.983) 25 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.984) Now the Amalekites , and the Canaanites dwelt in the valley (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.985) to morrow turne you (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.986) and get you into the wildernesse , by the way of the Red sea . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.987) 26 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.988) And the LORD spake vnto Moses , and vnto Aaron , saying , 27 How long shall I beare with this euil congregation which murmure against mee ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.989) I haue heard the murmurings of the children of Israel , which they murmure against mee . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.990) 28 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.991) Say vnto them , As truely as I liue , saith the LORD , as ye haue spoken in mime eares , so will I doe to you : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.992) 29 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.993) Your carcases shall fall in this wildernesse , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.994) and all that were numbred of you , according to your whole number from twentie yeeres old and vpward , which haue murmured against mee , Doubtlesse ye shall not come into the land concerning which I sware to make you dwell therein , saue Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh , and Ioshua the sonne of Nun . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.995) 31 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.996) But your little ones , which yee said should be a pray , them will I bring in , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.997) and they shall know the land which ye haue despised . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.998) 32 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.999) But as for you , your carkases , they shall fall in this wildernesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1000) 33 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1001) And your children shall wander in the wildernes forty yeres , and beare your whoredomes , vntill your carkases be wasted in the wildernesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1002) 34 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1003) After the number of the dayes in which ye searched the land , euen fortie dayes each day for a yeere shall yee beare your iniquities , euen forty yeeres , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1004) and yee shall know my breach of promise . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1005) 35 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1006) I the LORD haue said , I will surely doe it vnto all this euill Congregation , that are gathered together against mee : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1007) in this wildernesse they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} consumed , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1008) & there they shall die . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1009) 36 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1010) And the men which Moses sent to search the land , who returned , and made all the Congregation to murmure against him , by bringing vp a slander vpon the land , 37 Euen those men that did bring vp the euill report vpon the land , died by the plague , before the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1011) 38 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1012) But Ioshua the sonne of Nun , and Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh , which were of the men that went to search the land , liued still . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1013) 39 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1014) And Moses told these sayings vnto all the children of Israel , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1015) and the people mourned greatly . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,20N.1016) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1018) And they rose vp early in the morning , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1019) and gate them vp into the top of the mountaine , saying , Loe , we be here , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1020) and will goe vp vnto the place which the LORD hath promised : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1021) for we haue sinned . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1022) 41 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1023) And Moses said , Wherefore now doe you transgresse the commaundement of the LORD ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1024) but it shall not prosper . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1025) 42 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1026) Goe not vp , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1027) for the LORD is not among you , that ye be not smitten before your enemies . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1028) 43 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1029) For the Amalekites , and the Canaanites are there before you , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1030) and yee shall fall by the sword , because yee are turned away from the LORD ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1031) therefore the LORD will not bee with you . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1032) 44 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1033) But they presumed to go vp vnto the hill top : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1034) neuertheles the Arke of the Couenant of the LORD , and Moses departed not out of the campe . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1035) 45 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1036) Then the Amalekites came downe , and the Canaanites which dwelt in that hill , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1037) and smote them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1038) and discomfited them , euen vnto Hormah . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XIV,40N.1039) CHAP. XVI . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1042) {COM:introduction_omitted} Now Korah the sonne of Izhar , the sonne of Kohath , the sonne of Leui , and Dathan , and Abiram the sonnes {typo?} of Eliab , and On the sonne of Peleth , sonnes {typo?} of Reuben , tooke men . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1045) 2 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1046) And they rose vp before Moses , with certaine of the children of Israel , two hundred and fiftie Princes of the assembly , famous in the Congregation , men of renowne . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1047) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1048) And they gathered themselues together against Moses , and against Aaron , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1049) and said vnto them , Ye take too much vpon you , seeing all the Congregation are holy euery one of them , and the LORD is among them : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1050) wherfore then lift you vp your selues aboue the Congregation of the LORD ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1051) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1052) And when Moses heard it , he fell vpon his face . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1053) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1054) And hee spake vnto Korah , and vnto all his company , saying , Euen to morrow the LORD will shew who are his , and who is holy , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1055) and will cause him to come neere vnto him : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1056) euen him whom he hath chosen , will he cause to come neere vnto him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1057) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1058) This doe : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1059) take you censers , Korah , and all his company : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1060) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1061) And put fire therein , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1062) and put incense in them , before the LORD to morrow ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1063) And it shall be , that the man whom the LORD doeth choose , hee shall be holy : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1064) yee take too much vpon you , ye sonnes of Leui . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1065) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1066) And Moses saide vnto Korah , Heare , I pray you , ye sonnes of Leui . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1067) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1068) Seemeth it but a small thing vnto you , that the God of Israel hath separated you from the Congregation of Israel , to bring you neere to himselfe , to doe the seruice of the Tabernacle of the LORD , and to stand before the Congregation to minister vnto them ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1069) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1070) And he hath brought thee neere to him , and all thy brethren the sonnes of Leui with thee : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1071) and seeke ye the Priesthood also ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1072) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1073) For which cause both thou , and all thy company are gathered together against the LORD : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1074) and what is Aaron , that ye murmure against him ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1075) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1076) And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiram the sonnes of Eliab : which said , We will not come vp . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1077) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1078) Is it a small thing that thou hast brought vs vp out of a land that floweth with milke and hony , to kill vs in the wildernesse , except thou make thy selfe altogether a prince ouer vs ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1079) 14 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1080) Moreouer , thou hast not brought vs into a land that floweth with milke and hony , or giuen vs inheritance of fields and vineyards : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1081) wilt thou put out the eyes of these men ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1082) we will not come vp . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1083) 15 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1084) And Moses was very wroth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1085) and said vnto the LORD , Respect not thou their offering : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1086) I haue not taken one asse from them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1087) neither haue I hurt one of them . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1088) 16 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1089) And Moses said vnto Korah , Be thou and all thy company before the LORD , thou , and they , and Aaron to morrow . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1090) 17 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1091) And take euery man his censer , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1092) and put incense in them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1093) and bring yee before the LORD euery man his censer , two hundred and fiftie censers , thou also and Aaron , each of you his censer . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1094) 18 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1095) And they tooke euery man his censer , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1096) and put fire in them , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1097) and laide incense thereon , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1098) and stood in the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation with Moses and Aaron . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1099) 19 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1100) And Korah gathered all the Congregation against them , vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1101) and the glory of the LORD appeared vnto all the Congregation . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,1N.1102) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1104) And the LORD spake vnto Moses , and vnto Aaron , saying , 21 Separate your selues from among this Congregation , that I may consume them in a moment . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1105) 22 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1106) And they fell vpon their faces , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1107) and said , O God , the God of the spirits of all flesh , shal one man sinne , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1108) and wilt thou be wroth with all the Congregation ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1109) 23 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1110) And the LORD spake vnto Moses , saying , 24 Speake vnto the Congregation , saying , Get you vp from about the tabernacle of Korah , Dathan , and Abiram . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1111) 25 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1112) And Moses rose vp , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1113) and went vnto Dathan and Abiram : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1114) and the Elders of Israel followed him . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1115) 26 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1116) And hee spake vnto the Congregation , saying , Depart , I pray you , from the tents of these wicked men , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1117) and touch nothing of theirs , lest ye be consumed in all their sinnes . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1118) 27 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1119) So they gate vp from the tabernacle of Korah , Dathan , and Abiram , on euery side : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1120) and Dathan and Abiram came out , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1121) and stood in the doore of their tents , and their wiues , & their sonnes , and their little children . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1122) 28 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1123) And Moses said , Hereby ye shall know that the LORD hath sent me to doe all these workes : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1124) for I haue not done them of mine owne mind . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1125) 29 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1126) If these men die the common death of all men , or if they be visited after the visitation of all men , then the LORD hath not sent me : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1127) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1128) But if the LORD make a new thing , and the earth open her mouth , and swallow them vp , with all that appertaine vnto them , and they go downe quicke into the pit : then ye shall vnderstand that these men haue prouoked the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1129) 31 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1130) And it came to passe as he had made an ende of speaking all these words , that the ground claue asunder that was vnder them : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1131) 32 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1132) And the earth opened her mouth , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1133) and swallowed them vp , and their houses , and all the men that appertained vnto Korah , and all their goods . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1134) 33 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1135) They , and all that appertained to them , went downe aliue into the pit , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1136) and the earth closed vpon them : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1137) and they perished from among the Congregation . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1138) 34 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1139) And all Israel that were round about them , fled at the crie of them : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1140) for they said , Lest the earth swallow vs vp also . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1141) 35 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1142) And there came out a fire from the LORD , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1143) and consumed the two hundred and fiftie men that offered incense . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1144) 36 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1145) And the LORD spake vnto Moses , saying , 37 Speake vnto Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Priest , that he take vp the censers out of the burning , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1146) and scatter thou the fire yonder , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1147) for they are hallowed . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1148) 38 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1149) The censers of these sinners against their owne soules , let them make them broad plates for a couering of the Altar : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1150) for they offered them before the LORD , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1151) therefore they are hallowed , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1152) and they shall be a signe vnto the children of Israel . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1153) 39 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1154) And Eleazar the Priest tooke the brasen censers , wherewith they that were burnt had offered , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,20N.1155) and they were made broad plates for a couering of the Altar : To bee a memoriall vnto the children of Israel , that no stranger , which is not of the seed of Aaron , come neere to offer incense before the LORD , that he be not as Korah , and as his company , as the LORD said to him by the hand of Moses . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1156) 41 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1157) But on the morrow , all the Congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron , saying , Ye haue killed the people of the LORD . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1158) 42 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1159) And it came to passe when the Congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron , that they looked toward the Tabernacle of the Congregation : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1160) and behold , the cloud couered it , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1161) and the glory of the LORD appeared . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1162) 43 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1163) And Moses and Aaron came before the Tabernacle of the Congregation . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1164) 44 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1165) And the LORD spake vnto Moses , saying , 45 Get you vp from among this Congregation , that I may consume them , as in a moment : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1166) and they fell vpon their faces . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1167) 46 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1168) And Moses said vnto Aaron , Take a censer , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1169) and put fire therein from off the Altar , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1170) and put on incense , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1171) and goe quickly vnto the Congregation , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1172) and make an atonement for them : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1173) for there is wrath gone out from the LORD ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1174) the plague is begun . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1175) 47 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1176) And Aaron tooke as Moses commanded , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1177) and ranne into the midst of the Congregation : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1178) and behold , the plague was begun among the people , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1179) and he put on incense , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1180) and made an atonement for the people . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1181) 48 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1182) And he stood betweene the dead and the liuing , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1183) and the plague was stayed . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1184) 49 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1185) Now they that died in the plague , were foureteene thousand and seuen hundred , beside them that died about the matter of Korah . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1186) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1187) And Aaron returned vnto Moses , vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation ; (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1188) and the plague was stayed . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVI,40N.1189) CHAP. XVII . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1192) {COM:introduction_omitted} And the LORD spake vnto Moses , saying , 2 Speake vnto the children of Israel , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1195) and take of euery one of them a rod , according to the house of their fathers , of all their princes , according to the house of their fathers , twelue rods : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1196) write thou euery mans name vpon his rodde . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1197) 3 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1198) And thou shalt write Aarons name vpon the rod of Leui : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1199) for one rod shall be for the head of the house of their fathers . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1200) 4 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1201) And thou shalt lay them vp in the Tabernacle of the Congregation , before the Testimony , where I will meet with you . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1202) 5 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1203) And it shall come to passe , that the mans rod whom I shall choose , shall blossome : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1204) and I will make to cease from mee the murmurings of the children of Israel , whereby they murmure against you . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1205) 6 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1206) And Moses spake vnto the children of Israel , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1207) and euery one of their Princes gaue him a rod a piece , for each Prince one , according to their fathers houses , euen twelue rods : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1208) and the rod of Aaron was among their rods . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1209) 7 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1210) And Moses layd vp the rods before the LORD , in the Tabernacle of Witnesse . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1211) 8 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1212) And it came to passe that on the morrow Moses went into the Tabernacle of Witnesse , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1213) and behold , the rod of Aaron for the house of Leui was budded , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1214) and brought forth buds , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1215) and bloomed blossomes , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1216) and yeelded almonds . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1217) 9 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1218) And Moses brought out all the rods from before the LORD , vnto all the children of Israel : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1219) and they looked , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1220) and tooke euery man his rod . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1221) (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1222) And the LORD said vnto Moses , Bring Aarons rod againe before the Testimony , to be kept for a token against the rebels , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1223) and thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me , that they die not . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1224) 11 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1225) And Moses did so : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1226) as the LORD commanded him , so did he . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1227) 12 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1228) And the children of Israel spake vnto Moses , saying , Behold , wee die , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1229) we perish , (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1230) we all perish . (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1231) 13 (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1232) Whosoeuer commeth any thing neere vnto the Tabernacle of the LORD , shall die : (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1233) Shall wee be consumed with dying ? (AUTHOLD-E2-H,XVII,1N.1234)