My very good Lord , after my moost hertie commendations it shall please yo=r= Lordship to understand that the monks of the Charterhouse here at London , whiche wer committed to Newgate for thair traitorus behavor long tyme continued against the Kings Grace , be almoost dispeched by th 'and of God ; as it may apper to you by this byll inclosed . Wherof considering thair behavor and the hole mater , I am not sory , but wold that al suche as love not the Kings Highnes and his wordly honor wer in like caas . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,77.3) My Lord as ye may I desir you in the wey of charite , and none other wise , to be good lord to the Prior of the said Charterhouse , which is as honest a man as ever was in that habite or els I am much deceyved , and is one whiche never offended the Kings grace by disobedience of his Lawes , but hath labored very sore continually for the reformation of his brethern , and now at the last , at myn exhortation and instigation , constantly moved and finally persuaded his brethern to surrender thair house , lands , and goods , into the Kings hands , and to trust only to his mercy and grace . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,77.4) I beseche you , my Lord that the said Prior may be so entreated by your help , that he be not sory , and repent that he hath fered and folowed your sore words and my gentil exhortation made unto him to surrender his said house ; and think that he myght have kept the same , if yo=r= Lordshyp and I had not led him to the said surrender . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,77.5) But suerly I beleve that I knowe the man so well that how soever he be order he $will $be {TEXT:wolbe} contented without grudge . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,77.6) He is a man of suche charite as I have not seen the like . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,77.7) As towching the house of the Charterhouse I pray Good if it shall please the King to alter it , that it may be turned into a better use seing it is in the face of the world and muche communication wol run thereof throughout this realme ; (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.8) for London is the common countrey of al England , from which is derived to al parts of this realme al good and yll occurrent here . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.9) From London (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.10) the xiiij=th=. day of Juny . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.11) By yo=r= Lordships at commaundement Thomas Bedyll (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.12) Ther be departed . Brother William Greenewode . Dane John Davye . Brother Robert Salt . Brother Water Peereson . Dane Thomas Greene . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.13) Ther be even at the poynt of dethe . Brother Thomas Scryven . Brother Thomas Reedyng . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.14) Ther be sycke . Dane Thomas Jonson . Brother William Hore . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.15) One is hole . Dane Bird . (BEDYLL-E1-H,1.2,78.16)