After my right hartie commendations . (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,101.4) Whereas the Kings Maiestie , about a twelfmoneth past , gave a pardonne to a company of lewde personnes within this realme calling themselves Gipcyans , for a most shamfull and detestable murder commytted amongs them , with a speceall proviso inserted by their owne consents , that onles they shuld all avoyde this his Graces realme by a certeyn daye sythens expired , yt shuld be lawfull to all his Graces offycers to hang them in all places of his realme , where they myght be apprehended , without any further examynacion or tryal after forme of the lawe , as in their letter patents of the said pardon is expressed . His Grace , hering tell that they doo yet lynger here within his realme , not avoyding the same according to his commaundement and their owne promes , and that albeit his poore subjectes be dayly spoyled , robbed , and deceyved by them , yet his Highnes officers and Ministres lytle regarding their dieuties towards his Majestye , do permyt them to lynger and loyter in all partys , and to exercise all their falshods , felonyes , and treasons unpunished , hathe commaunded me to sygnifye unto youe , and the Shires next adjoynyng , whether any of the sayd personnes calling themselfes Egipcyans , or that hathe heretofore called themselfes Egipcyans , shall fortune to enter or travayle in the same . (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,102.5) And in cace youe shall here or knowe of any suche , be they men or women , that ye shall compell them to depart to the next porte of the See to the place where they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} taken , and eyther wythout delaye uppon the first wynde that may conveye them into any parte of beyond the Sees , to take shipping and to passe in to owtward partyes , or if they shall in any wise breke that commaundement , without any tract to see them executed according to the Kings Hieghnes sayd Lettres patents remaynyng of Recorde in his Chauncery which , with these , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} your discharge in that behaulf : not fayling t'accomplishe the tenor hereof with all effect and diligence , without sparing uppon any Commyssion , Licence , or Placarde that they may shewe or aledge for themselfes to the contrary , as ye tender his Graces pleasor which also ys that youe shall gyve notyce to all the Justices of Peax in that Countye where youe resyde , and the Shires adjoynant , that they may accomplishe the tenor hereof accordingly . (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,103.6) Thus fare ye hertely wel ; (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,103.7) From the Neate (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,103.8) the v=th=. day of December (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,103.9) the xxix=th= yer of his Ma=ties= most noble Regne (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,103.10) Yo=r= louyng ffreend Thomas Crumwell . (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,103.11) To my verye good Lorde my Lorde of Chestre President of the Marches of Wales . (CROMWELL-E1-H,1.2,103.12)