To the right worshipfull and my most entyerly beloved , good , kind father , Sir Robart Plompton , knyght , lying at Plompton in Yorkshire , be thes delivered in hast . (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.3) Ryght worshipfull father , in the most humble manner that I can I recommend me to you , and to my lady my mother , and to all my brethren and sistren , whom I besech almyghtie God to mayntayne and preserve in prosperus health and encrese of worship , entyerly requiering you of your daly blessing ; letting you wyt that I send to you mesuage , be Wryghame of Knarsbrugh , of my mynd , and how that he should desire you in my name to send for me to come home to you , (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.4) and as yet I had no answere agane , the which desire my lady hath gotten knowledg . Wherfore , she is to me more better lady then ever she was before , insomuch that she hath promysed me hir good ladyship as long as ever she shall lyve ; (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.5) and if she or ye can fynd athing meyter for me in this parties or any other , she will helpe to promoote me to the uttermost of her puyssaunce . Wherfore , I humbly besech you to be so good and kind father unto me as to let me know your pleasure , how that ye will have me ordred , as shortly as it shall like you . (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.6) And wryt to my lady , thanking hir good ladyship of hir so loving and tender kyndnesse shewed unto me , beseching hir ladyship of good contynewance therof . (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.7) And therfore , I besech you to send a servant of yours to my lady and to me , (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.8) and shew now by your fatherly kyndnesse that I am your child ; (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.9) for I have sent you dyverse messuages and wryttings , (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.10) and I had never answere againe . Wherfore , yt is thought in this parties , by those persones that list better to say ill than good , that ye have litle favor unto me ; the which error ye may now quench , yf yt will like you to be so good and kynd father unto me . (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.11) Also I besech you to send me a fine hatt and some good cloth to make me some kevercheffes . (DPLUMPT-E1-H,202.12) And thus I besech Jesu to have you in his blessed keeping to his pleasure , and your harts desire and comforth . (DPLUMPT-E1-H,203.14) Wryten at the Hirste , the xviii day of Maye . By your loving daughter , Dorythe Plompton . (DPLUMPT-E1-H,203.15)