Jhesus Dere hart , after my moste hartye commendatyons , thys $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to sertify yow that sense yowr departure frome me , I have byn very seke & att thys present my watter ys very redd , wherby I suppos I have the jaundes & the aygew both , (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.4) for I have none abyde to meate (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.5) & I have suche payns in my syde & towardes my bak as I had att Brauham , wher ytt be gane with me furst . Wher for I desyre yow to help me to a physyssyon & that thys berer may brynge hym with hym , (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.6) for now in the begynning I trust I may have gud remedy , (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.7) & the longer ytt ys delayed the worse ytt $will $be {TEXT:wylbe} . (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.8) Also my sister Powys ys comyd to me (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.9) & ys very desyrous to se yow , whiche I trust $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} the sooner at this tyme (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.10) & thus Jhesu send hus both healthe . (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.11) Att my lodge of Carleton , (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.12) the xiiij=th= day of February . (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.13) And , dere hart , I pray yow send for Doctor Stephyns , (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.14) for he knowyth best my complexon for such cawsys . (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.15) By yowr assuryd loufyng wyff , Elenor Cumbarland . (ECUMBERL-E1-H,126.16)