It maie please yor honor . (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.3) I haue according to yor honors Comandement used all endevor and industrie to fynd out a meanes for yor honor to receiue aduertisementes out of Spaine , (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.4) but being verie hard to meet wth one to send exp~slie thither , that is faithfull and sufficient , and can be able to serue yor honor as were fitt , I haue therefore aduised howe to wourke the same by those of the best sorte here that haue correspondencie in Spayne , (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.5) And aboue all others one Monsr Anthoine Balbany , an Itallian marchant of the Principall of this Towne , hauing the most frequent & best aduertisementes from thence because of his great trade there , and wth the chief p~sone of that Countrie I sought to haue it p~pounded to him , whether he would be content to emploie his frends to aduertise him of that wch should passe there , and that yor honor might receiue information thereof , wch curtesie yor honor would alwaies kindlie acknoweledge towardes himselfe & anie his frendes as they should haue anie neede to use yor honors fauor . (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.6) There was some difficultie made at the first to deale wth him therin , because being a sup~stitious papist , and not to be swayed by the consideration of benefittes , in respect of the greatnes of his estate , it was doubted the ouuerture would not be agreable to him , but for that he wth Monsr Zamatt doe shippe great quantetie of Corne to transport out of the Realme into Spayne , (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.7) and arguying wth me , whether the same be in danger to be staied if the said vessells be mett by anie englishe shippes I did thereof assure him , (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.8) yett afterwardes I did cause it to be signified to him , that if for his better assurance he would be strengthned wth anie pasportes from my lord Admyrall that I durst p~sume yor honor would gratifie him wth anie that he should neede for his p~ticuler and fauor him in all other his occasions so as he would requyte it in the other curtesie to p~cure yor honor to receiue information of that which shall passe in Spayne . (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.9) He hearkned to this offer , (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.10) and assured me that he will geiue yor honor all satisfaction in yor desier , (EDMONDES-E2-H,393.11) and hereuppon prayed me to send in dilligence to yor honor to beseech you to be pleased to assist him with the said pasportes , (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.12) but for that the nombr wch he demandeth is great , being twelue , I feare it $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} an unpleasant motion to yor honor (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.13) yett I thought good to p~sent it to yor honors consideration first for that it is a spetiall meanes to p~cure yor honor to receiue verie goode & frequent aduertisements , and wthout anie charge to you , and secondlie for that I fynd these people are resolued to mainteyne that librtie to Carrie Corne into Spayne , and thereuppon haue geiuen assurance to Zamett & the rest to staie all englishe mens goodes for their recompence , if staie be made of their shippes by her maties subiectes , (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.14) To auoyde the sendinge of so greate nombr of pasportes , as since he reqeyred of me , I undertook that yor honor would be pleased to p~cure the release of anie of his shippes that should be staied , wch although he acknowledged to be a fauor yett it did not content him , for that he feareth that being subiect to that staie , it will make him to loose the benefitt of his markett & hazard the p~ishing of the Corne . (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.15) He hath alreadie sent awaie some shippes (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.16) & desireth these pasportes for those vessells wch are yett behind , wch he saieth are not aboue the burthen of threescoore tonnes (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.17) but thereof I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} geiue assurance , (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.18) and doe humbly submitt the iudgement of the conveniencie , or not , of his request , to yor honors best consideration , (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.19) And where happelie it may be thought that I seeke thereby to p~cure some p~fitt to myself I beseech yor honor to beleeue my poor p~testation wch I will not falsifie to you , that I haue not therein anie desseing or interest of privatt benefitt , but onlie a superstious desire to serue yor honor in that wch you haue so much in recommendacion , and is of so great importance . (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.20) It is desired that the pasportes may runne in the name Peter Bernardin Massey and Anthonie Balbany and blanckes to be left for the names of the shippes , and of the Masters . (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.21) I hope also to p~cure that the Ambr of Venice shall drawe often aduertisementes from their Ambr. in Spayne and send them from tyme to tyme to yor honor , (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.22) and will emploie all other meanes possible , that by the plurallitie of advices yor honor maie be {HELSINKI:by} the better serued and make the truer iudgement of thinges . (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.23) I doe contynuallie sollicitt the paiement of the Crownes as yor honor demandeth me , (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.24) and am still confidentlie assured by Monsr de Rhosny who is the fac totum here for monie matters that wthout faile it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} answeared out of this yeares receipt , but that it $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be soone leuyed . (EDMONDES-E2-H,394.25) He toulde me that he understoode her matie had geiuen the said monie unto some aboute her (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.26) but I assured him , that it is a false information . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.27) Monsr de Villeroy did verie kindlie take yor honors letter (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.28) and will by the Ambr. retourne yor honor answeare thereunto . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.29) I did also acquaynte him , in other discourse , that the Ambr had not yett made anie privatt acquaintance wth yor honor , touching the wch he sayd that he would wryte unto him , being a faulte wch his frendes here doe accuse in him , that he doth too formallie hould himself on his grauitie , but being otherwise a verie honest gent , and of great integritie . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.30) He doth complaine greatlie in all his dispatches that he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} receiue satisfaction from my lord Admyrall in matters of iustice . That yor honor doth order & direct verie well , but that his l. doth not answeare it in p~fourmance & execution (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.31) I assure yor honor if it be not p~vyded by some good establishement to redresse the disorders of both sides , our poore marchantes $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} undonne by these differences , (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.32) and yor honor will forthwth see the effectes thereof . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.33) I haue comunicated wth one Smyth the answeare wch yor honor sent me from M=r=. Kelley touching the wch he hath thought good to wryte againe to yor honor . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.34) There is no likelyhood to compound so discordant allegations , unlesse they were together , or that they will agree to whom to referre their differences , (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.35) and these expostulations in the mean tyme serve to litle pourpose . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.36) It is verie earnestlie desired that it will please yor honor either to send the pasportes wth expedition or ells answeare that they $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be getten for that they stay the dep~ture of their shippes thereuppon , (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.37) and therefore yor honor shall greatlie satisfie them to geiue a speedie resolution wch I beseech yor honor to be pleased to doe . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.38) And craving also p~don for hauing troubled yor honor wth so tedious a letter I most humbly take my leaue ffrom Paris the second of Januarie 1598 . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.39) I send yor honer the memoriall delyuered me for the said pasportes . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.40) Yor honors most humblie bounden Tho: Edmondes . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.41) 1598 2 Jan . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.42) M=r= Edmondes to my M=r= . (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.43) His endevor to setle some intelligence wth Spaine (EDMONDES-E2-H,395.44) Twelue paspor=t=~ to be procured from y=e= l. Adm=ll= for ffrenche merchan=t=~ to carry Corne for Spaine . (EDMONDES-E2-H,396.46) Rc. the ixth at Whithall . (EDMONDES-E2-H,396.47) To the right honorable S=r=. Robrt Cecyll knight Principall Secretarie to the Queenes Mat=ie= and chancelor of the Duchee of lancaster . (EDMONDES-E2-H,396.48)