Sept. 22 $1666 . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.3) My dearst Dear , Since y=r= father tells me y=t= your stay att London is by my L=ad= Thenit and Sicelea command to wait one y=m= into y=e= contry , I must not chid you , though I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} but tell you , and y=t= truly , that I am very much troubled y=t= I doe not see you , and the more because I fear y=r= father will not give me leave to goe up w=th= him w=n= he goes . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.4) I presume you were shewed y=e= fine things y=r= father brought me : farrender for a gowne , and 6 pair of gloves , and a paire of stockens , w=ch= is more y=n= I hoped for ; (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.5) and so sensible I am of y=e= kindnes y=t= I desir you to help me to thank him for it . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.6) He is pleased to speak kindly to me , (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.7) and is more cheerfull y=n= he was when he was last in the contry ; (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.8) and I shall be as carfull not to say any thing y=t= may displease him , w=ch= puts me to a great stand in respect of other necessarys , both-3 for myself and y=r= poor sister Mary , who he has not given y=e= worth of one penny to , nor till to day has not spoak one word to her , w=ch= is a very great trouble both-6 to her and me . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.9) I thank you for y=r= letter by y=e= carrier last week . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.10) I did not writ again by him , because I had writ so lately by y=e= boy y=t= carried up y=r= father's horses . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.11) My humble service to y=e= Lady Thanet and my Lady Cicelea . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.12) Y=r= sister disir y=e= same to you and to the L=a= Cicelea . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.13) She is so troubled att y=r= fathers not looking one her as upon others , that really you must excuse her not writting to you . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.14) My dear , though I doe not see you , I hope you think often of me . (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.15) I assure you I do of you w=th= as great kindnes as any mother can doe for a childe , (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.16) and trust God will hear the prayers y=t= are made day and night for you by Y=r= most truly affectionat mother , y=e= afflicted $Elizabeth Hatton (EHATTON-E3-H,II,50.17)