HENRY {TEXT:CHARLYS} THE .IIII. (FABYAN-E1-H,167V.C2.3) Henry the .iiii. of that name and sone of Iohn~ of Gaunt late duke of Lancaster tooke possessyon of the domynyon of the Realme of Englonde | as before in the ende of the Story of the seconde Rycharde is shewyd | Vpon the laste daye of Septembre in the yere of our Lorde a thousande .CCC. lxxx .xix. and in y=e= .xix. yere of Charlys the .vii. tha~ Kynge of Fraunce | After whiche possessyon soo by hym taken anon he made newe Offycers | as the Erle of Northumberlande | he made Constable of Englonde | (FABYAN-E1-H,167V.C2.5) the Erle of Westmerlande was made Marshall | syr Iohn~ Serle Chaunceler | Iohn~ Newebery esquyer Tresorer | and syr Rycharde Clyfforde Knyght keper of the pryuey Sygnet (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.6) and that done prouysyon was made for his Coronacyon agayne the Daye of the Translacyon of Seynt Edwarde the confessour next than co~mynge | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.7) and the Parlyament was prolongyd tyll y=e= tuysday folowynge the sayd day of Coronacyon | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.8) Than vpon the Euyn of the sayde daye of Coronacyon the Kyng w=t= in the Towre of Lo~don made .xli knyghtys of the Bathe | whereof .iii. were his owne Sonnys | and .iii. Erlys | & .v. Lordys | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.9) and vpon monday beynge the sayd day of seynt Edwarde | and the .xiii. day of october he was crowned at Westmynster of the Archebysshop of Cau~torbury after which Solempnyte fynysshed an honorable feest was holden within the great Halle of Westmynster | where the Kynge beynge set in the mydde See of the Table | the Archebysshop of Cauntorbury with .iii. other prelatys were set at the same Table vpon the right hande of the Kynge | and the Archebysshop of yorke with other .iiii. prelatys was sette vpon that other hande of the Kynge | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.10) & He~ry y=e= Kynges eldest sone stoode vpo~ the right hande w=t= a poyntlesse swerde holdynge vp right | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.11) & the Erle of Northumberlande newely made Constable stode vpo~ the lefte hande with a sharpe swerde holde~ vp right (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.12) and by eyther of those swerdys stode .ii. other Lordys holde .ii. Cepters | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.13) & before the Kynge stode all y=e= dyner whyle the dukys of Amnarle of Surrey | and of Exetyr with other .ii. Lordys | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.14) and the Erle of Westmerlande tha~ newely made Marshall rode about the Halle w=t= many typped staues about hym to see the roume of the Halle kepte that Offycers myght with ease serue y=e= Tables | of the whiche Tables the chefe vpon the ryght syde of the Halle was begunne with the Barons of the .v. portys (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C1.15) and at the Table next y=e= Cupborde vpo~ the lefte hande sate the Mayer and his bretherne the Aldermen of Lo~do~ | which Mayer that tyme beynge Drewe Barentyne Goldsmyth | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.16) for seruyce there by hym that daye done | as other Mayers at euery Kynges and Quenys coronacion vse for to do had there a standynge cuppe of Golde | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.17) Than after the seconde course was seruyd syr Thomas Dymmoke Knyght beynge armyd at all peacis | and syttynge vpon a good Stede | rode to the hygher parte of the Halle | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.18) & there before y=e= Kyng caused an herowde to make Proclamacyon that what man wolde saye that Kynge Henry was not rightfull enherytoure of the Crowne of Englonde | and rightfully Crownyd he was there redy to wage with hym Batayll | tha~ or suche tyme as it shuld please the Kynge to assygne | whiche proclamacion he causyd to be made after in .iii. su~dry placys of y=e= Halle in Englysshe and in Frenshe with many moo obseruauncis at his solempnytie exercysyd & done whiche were longe to reherse | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.19) Than this feest with all honoure endyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.20) vpon the morne beynge tuysday the Parlyament was agayne begunne | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.21) and vpon wednysdaye syr Iohn~ Cheyny y=t= before that tyme hadde occupyed as speker of that Parlyament by his owne laboure for cause of such Infyrmyties as he tha~ had was dischargyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.22) and a Squyer namyd wyllyam Durwarde was electe to that roume for hym | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.23) And then was the Parlyament and the Actys therof laste callyd by Kynge Rycharde adnullyd & set at nought | and the parlyame~t holden in the .xi. yere of his Reygne holden for ferme and stable | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.24) and the same day Henrye the Kynges eldest sone was chosen & admytted Prynce of Walys and Duke of Cornewall | and Erle of Chester | and Heyre apparaunt to the Crowne | (FABYAN-E1-H,168R.C2.25) vpon the Thursdaye folowynge was put in to the comon House a byll deuysed by syr Iohn~ Bagot than Prysoner in the Towre | whereof the effecte was that y=e= sayde syr Iohn~ confessyd that he harde Kynge Rycharde saye dyuerse tymes | and at sundry Parlyamentys in his tyme holde~ | that he wolde haue his entent and pleasure concernynge his owne matiers | what so euer betyde of the resydue and if any withstode his wyll or mynde he wolde by one meane or other brynge hym out of lyfe . (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.26) Also he shewyd farther that Kynge Rycharde shuld shewe and saye to hym at Lichefelde in the .xxi. yere of his Reygne that he desyred no le~ger to lyue | than to see his Lordes & commons to haue hym in as great awe and drede as euer they hadde any of his progenytours | so that it myght be Cronycled of hym that none passyd hym of honour and dygnyte | with condycion that he were deposyd and put from his sayd dygnyte the morowe after | and if euer it came soo to | that he shulde resygne his Kyngelye mageste | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.27) he sayde his mynde was to resygne to the Duke of Herforde as to hym that was moost abeleste to occupye that honour | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.28) But one thynge he feryd lest he wolde do tyrannyse agayne y=e= Churche (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.29) More ouer he shewyd by y=e= sayd byll | y=t= as y=e= sayde syr Iohn~ Bagot rode behynde the Duke of Norfolke towarde Westmynster | y=e= sayd duke layed to his charge y=t= he with other of the Kynges Counceyll hadde murdred the Duke of Gloucetyr | the whiche at that tyme to the sayde Duke he denyed | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.30) and sayde at that Daye he was on lyue | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.31) But within .iii. wekys after | the sayd syr Iohn~ by the Kynges commaundement was sent with other p~sones vnto Calays | where for fere of his owne lyfe he sawe the sayd murder put in execucion | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.32) And farthermore he shewyd | that there was no man of honour at that dayes more in fauoure with Kynge Rycharde tha~ was the Duke of Amnarle | and that by his cou~ceyll he toke the Lordes and wrought many other thynges after the sayd Dukys aduyce . (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C1.33) Also he shewyd that he harde the Kynge beynge tha~ at Chyltrynlangley swere manye great Othes that the Duke of Herforde nowe Kynge | shulde neuer retourne into Englonde | and rather then he shulde agayne enheryte his fathers Landys | he wolde gyue theym vnto the heyres of the Duke of Gloucetyr | and of the Erlys of Arundell | and of Warwyke at the laste Parlyament adiuged | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C2.35) And farther he shewyd that of all theyse matiers he sent the sayde Duke knowlege into Fraunce by one named Roger Smert admonastynge hym to prouyde by his wysedome to withsta~de the Kynges malyce | which shewyd hym to be his mortall enemye | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C2.36) And lastlye he shewyd in the sayde Byll that he harde the duke of Amnarle say vnto syr Iohn~ Busshey | and to syr Henrye Grene | I hadde leuer than .xx. thousande pounde that this man were dede | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C2.37) and wha~ they hadde axyd of hym which man | he sayde the duke of Herforde | not for drede that I haue of his persone | But for sorowe and rumours that he is lykelye to make within this Realme | Whiche byll was tha~ borne vnto the Kynges Parlyame~t Chaumbre & there radde | after redynge whereof the sayde Duke of Amnarle stoode vp and sayde as touchynge such Artycles as in that byll were put agayn hym they were false and vntrewe | & that he wolde proue vpon his body | or otherwyse as the Kynge wolde commaunde hym | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C2.38) Vpon Fryday the sayde syr Iohn~ Bagot was brought into the sayde Parlyament Chambre | and examyned vpo~ euerye Artycle of his byll | all the whiche he there affermyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C2.39) Then it was axyd of hym what he coulde saye of the Duke of Excetyr | whereunto he answeryd and sayed that he coulde laye nothyng to his charge | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C2.40) But there is he sayd a yoman in Newgate callyd Halle y=t= can say somewhat of you | (FABYAN-E1-H,168V.C2.41) than sayde the Duke what soeuer he or ye can or lyste to saye of me | this is trouthe that I shall here expresse (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.42) trouthe it is that the laste tyme that the Kyng was at woodestoke | the Duke of Norfolke and ye had me with you into the Chapell | and closyd the dore vpo~ vs (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.43) and there ye made me to swere vpon the Sacrament there present to kepe suche counceyll as there ye shulde then shewe vnto me | where after ye shewyd to me y=t= ye coulde neuer brynge youre purpose about whyle syr Iohn~ of Gaunt late Duke of Lancaster lyued | wherfore ye were aduysed for to haue shortly after a counceyll at Lychefelde | by the whyche ye co~dyscendyd that the sayd syr Iohn~ shuld be arestyd in suche maner that he shuld haue occasyon to disobey that areste | by reason whereof by chaunce medley he shuld be there slayen | wherunto my cou~ceyll than was | that the Kynge shulde calle his secrete Counceyll | and if they agreed thereunto | I for my parte wolde agree vnto the same | to whiche sayinge syr Iohn~ Bagot gaue none answere | (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.44) & vpo~ Saterday the sayd Bagot & Halle were bothe brought into the Parlyame~t Chaumbre | and there examyned | ond after countyrmau~dyd to Prysone | (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.45) and as soone as they were departyd the Lorde Fits Water stoode vp (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.46) and sayde | moost redoughtyd souerayne Lord where as the duke of Amnarle hath before tymes and nowe lately excusyd hym of y=e= dethe of the Duke of Gloucetyr | I saye & wyll Iustyfye it that he was cause of his deth and that I shall proue opon his body if your grace be so contentyd | to the co~trary whereof the Duke with sharpe wordys answerid so that gaugys of batayll were offerid of both parties | and sealyd and delyueryd vnto the Lorde marshall (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C2.47) Tha~ partyes began to be taken amo~ge the Lordes | In so moche that the Duke of Surrey toke partye with the Duke of Amnarle | (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C2.48) & sayde that all that by hym was done | was done by constraynt of Rycharde than beynge Kynge | (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C2.49) and he hym selfe and other consentyd parforce to the same | where agayn y=e= said Lorde fyts Water and other replyed | wherfore sylence was commaundyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C2.50) and forthwith the forenamed Halle for y=t= he had co~fessyd before the Lordes that he was one of them that put to deth the Duke of Gloucetyr at Calays | he therefore was Iuged to be drawen from the Towre of London vnto Tybourne | and there to be hanged and quarteryd | the whiche execucion was done vpon the mondaye folowynge (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C2.51) Thus with theyse causes & many other this Parlyament contynued tyll a newe Mayer namyd Thomas Knollis grocer was admytted & sworne vpon the day folowyng the feast of Symonde and Iude . (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C2.52) ANNO DN~I .M.CCC.LXXX.XIX. ANNO DN~I .M.CCCC. (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.55) GROCER THOMAS KNOLLYS . WYLLYAM WALDERNE . (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.56) ANNO .I. (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.57) WYLLYAM HYDE . (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.58) In this firste yere of Kyng Henry the .iiii. yet lastyng the foresayd Parlyament vpon the Wednysday next folowynge the feest of Symonde and Iude | the Lorde Morley appealyd the Erle of Salesbury of Treason | (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C1.60) And caste his hoode for a gauge to trye with hym by Bataylle | the whiche sayinge he replyed | and caste from hym his Gloues for a gauge to proue his sayinge false | and vntrewe | whiche were there Sealyd | and delyueryd vnto the Lorde Marshall | (FABYAN-E1-H,169R.C2.62) & vpon the mondaye passyd an Acte that no Lorde nor other persone of no degre shuld after that day lay for his excuse any constraynt or coartynge of his Prynce in executynge of any wronge Iugement | or other Crymynous | and vnlefull dedys | sayinge that for fere they durste none otherwyse doo | For suche execuse after that Daye shall stande hym in none effecte | And also that all Sheryffys maye yelde accompte in the Exchekyr vpon theyr Othys | And that they be chaungyd in all Shyres yerely | And also that no Lorde nor other man of myght , {HELSINKI:comma_missing} gyue any Gownys or lyuereys to any of theyr Tenau~tys or other persones excepte onely theyr housholde and meynyall Seruauntys (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C1.63) And {HELSINKI:Ans} also than was enactyd that all Repiers and other Fisshers co~mynge with Fysshe from Rye | and Wynchylsee | and other Coostys of the Sees syde shulde sell it themselfe in Cornhyll | and Chepe | and other stretys of London to all men that wolde of them by it | excepte Fysshe mongers and other that wolde bye the sayde Fysshe to make Sale of it agayn (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C1.64) And vpon the Wednysdaye folowynge was enactyd that Rycharde late Kynge of Englonde shulde for his myssegouernaunce of the Realme be holdyn in such Prysone as the Kynge wolde assygne durynge his naturall Lyfe | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C1.65) And than y=e= Kynge graunted to all persones generall pardons | so that they were sette out of the Chauncerye by Alhalowentyde nexte folowynge | excepte such persones as were present at the murder of the Duke of Gloucetyr | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C1.66) And in this whyle was {COM:sic} the Archbysshop of Cauntorbury | and Doctour Roger whiche there was sette by Kynge Rycharde | was {COM:sic} remoued & sette in the See of London | w=t= the which he was right well contentyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C1.67) And than was the Erle of Arundellys sone restoryd to all his Fathers Landys with dyuerse other before by Kynge Rycharde dysheryted | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.68) And shortlye after was the sayd Parlyament dyssoluyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.69) and euery man had lycence to departe to his owne (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.70) And than was Rycharde late Kyng had vnto the Castell of Ledys in Kent and there kepte | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.71) and prouysyon was made at Wyndesore for the Kyng to kepe there his Cristemasse | In whiche passe tyme the Dukys of Amnarle | of Surrey | and of Exetyr with the Erlys of Salesbury and of Gloucetyr with other of theyr affynyte | made prouysyon for a Dysguysynge or a mummynge to be shewyd to the Kynge vpon Twelfethe nyght | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.72) and the tyme was nere at hande & all thynge redy for the same | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.73) vpon the sayd .xii. day came secretlye vnto the Kynge the duke of Amnarle | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.74) and shewyd to hym that he with y=e= other Lordys aforenamyd were appoyntyd to sle hym in the tyme of the fore sayd dysguysynge shewynge | wherfore he aduysyd hym to prouyde for his owne suretye | At whose warnynge the Kynge secretlye departyd from wyndesore | and came the same nyght to London | whereof the sayde Lordys beynge ware | and that theyr Counceyll was bewrayed | fledde in all haste Westwarde (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.75) But the Kynge causyd hasty pursute to be made after them | So that shortly after the Duke of Surrey | and the Erle of Salysburye were taken at Syrcetyr | where they were streyght behedyd | and theyr Heddys sent to London and sette vpon the Brygde | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.76) & at Oxenforde were taken syr Thomas Blont | and syr Benetsely Knyghtys | and Thomas Wyntercell Esquyer | the whiche were there Hedyd and Quarteryd | and theyr Heddys sent to Lo~don Brydge | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.77) and at Prytwell in Essex was takyn syr Iohn~ Holande Duke of Exetyr | & after brought to Plassby a place fast by where he was behedyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.78) and after his hede was sent to Lo~don & sette there with the other vpo~ y=e= Brydge pyght vpo~ a stake | (FABYAN-E1-H,169V.C2.79) & nere about y=e= same tyme at Bristowe was taken the Lorde Spencer than Erle of Gloucetyr and there behedyd | and his Hede sent vnto London Brydge | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C1.80) and in the same yere syr Barnarde Brokeys | syr Iohn~ Selley | syr Iohn~ maundeley | and syr Iohn~ Fereby Knyghtys and Clerkys were takyn as Prysoners in the Towre of London | and soone after foriugyd ha~ged and hedyd | and theyr Heddys also sette vpon London Brydge | In whiche passe tyme | Rycharde late Kynge was remoued frome the Castell of Ledys in Kent and sent vnto Pounfreyt Castell In this yere (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C1.81) also as before is towchyd in the .xix. yere of the .vii. Carlys | Kynge Henrye sent vnto Calays Isabell late Quene of Englonde | and wyfe vnto Richarde lately Kyng | and with hyr great Treasoure and many ryce Iewyllys as testyfyeth the Englysshe Cronycle | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C1.82) and there receyued by Frenshmen vnder safe cunduyt passynge | and by them conueyed vnto hyr father into Fraunce | and after maryed vnto Charlys sone and heyer to the Duke of Orleaunce | as before I haue shewyd in y=e= .xxii. yere of hyr sayd Fathers Reygne | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C1.83) Than it foloweth in the story of Kynge Henry | whan he had fermelye consyderyd the great conspyracy agayne hym by the forenamyd Lordys and other persones entendyd and Imagenyd to his dystruccyon | & agayn releuynge Rycharde late Kynge | he in avoydynge of lyke daunger | prouydyd to put the sayd Rycharde out of this present Lyfe | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C1.84) and shortlye after | the Opynyon of moost wryters he sent a Knyght named syr Piers of Exton vnto Pounfreyt Castell | where he with .viii. other in his companye | fell vpon the sayde Rycharde late Kynge | and hym myserably in his Chaumbre slewe | but not without reuengement of his deth | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C1.85) For or he were fellyd to the grou~de he slewe of the sayd viii .iiii. men with an Axe of theyr owne | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.86) But lastely he was woundyd to deth by the hande of the sayde syr Piers of Exton (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.87) & so dyed | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.88) After execucyon of which dedely dede y=e= sayd syr Piers toke great repentaunce | Inso moche that lamentably he sayd alas what haue we done | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.89) we haue now put to deth hym that hath ben our Soueraygne and drad lorde by the space of .xxii. yeres | by reason whereof I shall be reprochyd of all honoure where so I after this daye become | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.90) and all men shall redounde this dede to my dyshonour and shame | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.91) other opynyons of the dethe of this noble Prynce are lefte by wryters as by waye of Famyne & other (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.92) But this of moost Wryters is testyfyed & alleged | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.93) Whan the deth of this Prynce was publysshed a brode | he was after opyn vysaged layed in the Mynster of Pounfrayt | so y=t= all men myght knowe an see that he was dede | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.94) and the .xii. daye of Marche folowynge he was w=t= great solempnyte brought thoroughe the Cytie of London to Paulys | & there layed open visaged agayn to the ende that his Dethe myght be manyfestlye knowen | whiche was doutfull to many one | and speciallye to suche as oughte to hym fauoure | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.95) And then after a fewe dayes the sayd Corps was caryed vnto the Freris of Langley and there enterryd | (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.96) But after he was remouyd by Kynge Henry y=e= v. In the firste yere of his Reygne | and with great Honoure and Solempnyte conueyed vnto the Monastery of Westmynster | and there within the Chapell of Seynt Edwarde honourably buryed vpon the south syde of seynt Edwardys Shryne with this Epytaphy vpon his Toumbe as foloweth . (FABYAN-E1-H,170R.C2.97) {COM:verse_omitted} Whan this mortall Prynce was thus dede and grauen Kynge Henry was in quyet possessyon of the Realme (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.98) & fande great Rychesse y=t= before tyme to Kynge Rycharde belonged | (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.99) for as wytnessyth Polycronycon he fande in kyng Richardys Tresoury thre hundreth thousande pounde of redy coyne besyde Iuellys & other Ryche vessellys whiche were as moche in value or more | (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.100) And ouer that he espyed in the kepynge of the Tresourers handys an hundreth & l. thousande nobles & Iewellys & other stuffe y=t= cou~tyruayled the sayd value | (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C2.101) and so it shuld seme y=t= Kyng Rycharde was ryche wha~ his money & Iewellys amountyd to .vii. C. M. li. (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C2.102) And in the moneth of octobre & ende of this mayers yere was brent in Smythfelde of London a preest named syr Wyllyam Sawtry for certeyn poyntys of Heresy . (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C2.103) ANNO DN~I .M.CCCC. ANNO DN~I .M.CCCC.I. (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.106) GOLDSMYTH IOHN~ FRAUNCES . (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.107) IOHN~ WAKELE . (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.108) ANNO .II. (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.109) WYLLYAM EBOT . (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.110) In this seco~de yere of kyng Henry and moneth of February were drawen & ha~ged for treason a Knyght named syr roger Claryngton at Tybourne w=t= .ii. of his seruau~tis | y=e= pryour of Lande | & .viii. freris mynours or Gray frerys | of y=e= which some were bachelers of dyuynyte | (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C1.112) And in this yere began a great discencion in Walys atwene the Lorde Gray Ryffyn | & a Welsheman named Howen of Glendore | which Howen gatheryd to hym great strength of Welshemen | and dyd moche harme to that Countrey | not sparynge the Kynges Lordshyppes | nor his people | and lastlye toke the sayde Lorde Gray prysoner | and helde hym prysoner tyll contrarye his wyll he hadde Maryed the sayde Howens doughter | After whiche Matrymony fynysshed he helde the said Lorde stylle in Walys tyll he dyed | to the kynges great displeasure . Wherfore the kynge with a stronge Army spedde hym into Walys for to subdue the sayde Howan~ and his Adherentes | (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C2.113) But whan the kynge with his power was entred y=e= Countre he with his Fawtours fledde into the Mountaynes (FABYAN-E1-H,170V.C2.114) and helde hym there | So that the kynge myght nat wynne to hym without distruccyon of his hoost Wherfore fynally by y=e= aduyce of his lordes he retournyd into Englande for that season . (FABYAN-E1-H,171R.C2.115) In this yere also whete and other Greynes beganne to fayle | so that a Quarter of whete was solde at London for .xvi. s. (FABYAN-E1-H,171R.C2.116) and derer shuld haue been had nat ben the prouycyon of Marchauntes that brought Rye (FABYAN-E1-H,171R.C2.117) and wherwith this La~de was greatly susteyned and easyd . (FABYAN-E1-H,171R.C2.118) ANNO DN~I .M.CCCC.V. ANNO DN~I .M.CCCC.VI. (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.121) HENRY BARTON~ . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.122) IOHN~ WOODCOK MERCER . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.123) ANNO VII. (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.124) WYLLIAM CROWMER . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.125) In this yere | Dame Lucye y=e= Duke of Myllanys Suster came into Englande | (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.127) & was maryed vnto sir Edmu~d Holande Erle of Kent in y=e= Churche of seynt Mary Ouerey in Southwarke | vpon the .xxiiii. day of Ianuary | where y=e= kyng was present & gaue her that day vnto the preest | (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.128) And after the Solempnysacion of the Maryage was fynysshed she was with great honour conueyed vnto y=e= Bysshop of Wynchesters palays there fast by where y=t= day for her was holden a Sumptuous and pompous Feast . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.129) And in y=e= same yere & moneth of May Dame Phylip the yongest Doughter of kynge Henry accompanyed w=t= dyuers lordes Spirituell and Temporal was shypped in y=e= Northe | and so conueyed into Denmark where in a Towne or Cytie called London she was maryed vnto the kynge of y=e= sayd Countre . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.130) In this yere also Sir Thomas Ramston than Constable of y=e= Towre by ouersyght of his Botemen | as he wold haue passed y=e= brydge towarde the sayd Tower was drowned . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.131) And in the same yere for y=e= greuous complayntes that before tyme had ben shewyd and euydently prouyd before the kyngs counsayll | And also before the Mayre and his Brethern~ | of the great distrucco~n of fyre & yonge fysshe | By reason of werys standynge in dyuers places of the Ryuer of Thamys | wherby the fysshe of the sayd Ryuer was greatly mynysshed and wastyd | And that also if the sayd werys soo contynued the sayd Ryuer shuld in short processe be distroyed . Wherfore y=e= Mayre and his bretherne the Aldermen as co~seruatours of that Ryuer made suche laboure vnto the kynge and his Counsayll that they opteyned Co~myssion to pull vp all the werys that stode a twene London and .vii. myles beyone Kyngston~ | and in lyke wyse for such other as stode atwene London and Grauysende as wel {COM:sic} Crekes or seuerall groundes & other . The which Co~myssion by the sayd Mayre & his Officers was this yere put i execuco~n . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C2.132) And in this yere sir Robert Knollys knyght | the which in Fraunce and Brytayne had before tyme don so many victoryous acts As in the .xxxiii. yere of Edwarde the thirde and other yeres of his Reygne is somdele towched made an ende of his werke at Rochester Bridge and Chapell at the sayd brydge fote | (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C2.133) And dyed shortly after whan he had newe reedyfied the body of the Whyte Fryers Churche standyng in Fletestrete | and don to that house many Notable Benefytes where after he was buryed in the body of the sayd Churche | whiche Churche & place was first Founded by the Auncetours of the lorde Gray Cotner~ . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C2.134) ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.VI. ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.VII. (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.137) NICHOLAS WOTTON . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.138) RICHARDE WHYTYNGTON~ MERCER . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.139) ANNO .VIII. (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.140) GODFEY BROOK . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C1.141) In this yere and moneth of Noue~bre one named the Walshe Clerke apeched a knyght called Sir Percyuall Sowdan of Treason for tryall wherof daye was gyuen to theym to fyghte in Smythfelde the day abouesayd | at whiche daye eyther apperyd | & there Faught a season | (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C2.143) But in the ende the Clerke was Recreau~t | wherfore immedyatly he was spoyled of his Armour & layde vpon an hardyll so drawen to Tyborne and there hanged . (FABYAN-E1-H,172V.C2.144) And in this yere also | sir Henry Erle of Northumberlande and the lorde Bardolf co~mynge out of Scotlande with a stronge company to y=e= displeasur & hurt of the kynge as they entendyd were met and encountred with the Gentylmen and Comons of the North & foughten with and distressyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.145) And after strake of their heddes (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.146) and sent them to London whiche than were pyght vpon the brydge amonge many other . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.147) ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.VII. ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.VIII. . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.150) HENRY PONFREYT . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.151) WYLLYAM STONDON~ GROCER . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.152) ANNO .IX. (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.153) HENRY HALTON . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.154) In this yere & moneth of Decembre began a Frost | y=e= whiche contynued by the space of xv. wekes after or therupon | So that byrdes were wonderly famysshed and distressed by vyolence of the same . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.156) And in the same yere sir Edmonde of Holande Erle of Kent was by the kynge made Admyrall of the See | The whiche storyd and skymmyd y=e= see ryght well and manfully | (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.157) And lastly landed in the Coost of Brytayne | (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.158) and besieged there a Castell named Briak (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.159) and wan it by strength | (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.160) But in the wynnynge therof he was so deedly wounded with an arowe in y=e= heed that he dyed shortly after | (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.161) And than his Corps was brought agayne into Englande | & buryed omonge his Auncetours . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.162) And in the begynnynge of this yere was slayne and murderyd the Duke of Orleau~ce in Parys lyke as before it is more at length shewyd in the .xxvii. yere of Charlys the .vii. kynge of Fraunce . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.163) ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.VIII. ANNO DN~I .M.CCCC.IX. (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.166) THOMAS DUKE . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.167) DREWE BARENTYNE GOLDSMYTH . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.168) ANNO .X. (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.169) WILLYAM NORTON~ . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.170) In this yere the Seneshall of Henaude came into this Lande with a goodly Companye of Henauders & other straungers | for to do and parfourme certayne Faytes of Armys agayn dyuers nobles and Gentylmen of this lande . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C1.172) And firste the sayd Seneshall chalenged the Erle of Somerset | and other of his Company other Gentylmen of this la~de as after shall appere . For Executynge of whiche disporte the place of Smythfelde by the kynge was appoynted | And barryd and fensyd for the same entent and daye sette for euery man to be Redy by the .xi. daye of {COM:a_blank_in_the_source_text} At whiche day the Seneshall as chalenger entred the Felde pompously (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.173) And after with a goodly Company of men of honour | was the Erle of Somerset brought into y=e= same | where they ra~ne togyder certayne Courses and executed other Fayts of Armys | wherof the pryse and honour was gyuen by y=e= Herawdes vnto the Erle | so that he wanne that day great honour . (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.174) Than the seconde day came in a knyght Henauder as Chalengoure | To whome as defendaunt came sir Richard of Arundell kynght | the whiche ranne certayne Courses on horse bak And after went togyder w=t= axes on foote where sir Richarde was put to the worse (FABYAN-E1-H,173R.C2.175) For y=e= Henauder brought hym vpon his kne . (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C1.176) Then the thirde daye came in an other knyght of Henaude Chalenger | to whom as defendau~t came in Sir Iohn~ Cornewayll knyght | (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C1.177) and so well bare hy~ that he put the Straunger to the worse . (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C1.178) Vpon the .iiii. daye came into the felde an Esquyre Henauder agayn whom ranne the sone of sir Iohn Cheyny | The which at the seconde course sette his Stroke so egerly that he ouerthrewe the Henauder horse and man | for whiche dede the kyng dubbyd hym forth with knyght . (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C1.179) Vpon y=e= v. day played togyder an Henauder and a Squyre called Iohn~ Stewarde | whiche daye also the Englysshe man wan y=e= worshyp . (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C1.180) Vpon the .vi. daye Skyrmysshed there togyder an Henauder | and an Englysshe Equyer named Wyllm~ Porter . | The whiche gatte suche worshyp of the same Henauder | that the kynge for his guerdon made hym streyght knyght Vpon the .vii. daye (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C2.181) in lyke wyse played Insamble an Henauder and one Iohn~ Standysshe Esquyer | The whiche semblably for his prowesse & manly dealyng was also of the kynge dubbyd knyght . (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C2.182) And a Gascoygn~ that the same day wan the pryce of an other straunger was Immedyatly made knyght of the kynge . (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C2.183) And vpon the .viii. day or last day of this Chalenger came into the felde .ii. Henauders vnto whom came .ii. Bretherne beynge Sowdyours of Calays | The whiche Bekeryd togyder a longe season | soo that eyther p~tie receyued plentie of good strokes tyll peas by y=e= kynge was co~mau~dyd | (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C2.184) & so this Chalenge was fynysshed | to the great honour of the kyng | the whiche after Feasted thyse Strau~gers | and with Ryche gyfts sent & retourned them agayne to theyr Countrees . (FABYAN-E1-H,173V.C2.185) ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.X. ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.XI. (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.188) IOHN~ RAYNEWELL . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.189) ROBERT CHYCHELEY GROCER . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.190) ANNO .XIII. (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.191) WYLLYAM COTTON~ . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.192) In this yere | and vpon the .xii. day of Octobre were thre Flodes in Thamys | whiche thynge no man than lyuynge cowde remembre y=e= lyke to be seen . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.194) And in this yere was the lorde Thomas sone to the kyng created duke of Clarence . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.195) And in this yere | the kynge at the Request of the duke of Orleaunce sent ouer the foresayd duke his sone to ayde the sayd duke of Orleaunce agayne the Duke of Burgoyne | Of whose actes and his company I haue before made report in y=e= Story of Charlys the .vii. kynge of Fraunce . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C2.196) And in this yere y=e= kyng caused a new Coyne of Nobles to be made | which were of lesse value thanne the olde noble by .iiii. d. in a noble . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C2.197) In this yere also the kynge Created Iohn~ his sone Duke of Bedfordde and his other sone Humfrey duke of Glouceter (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C2.198) he made also sir Thomas Beauforde Erle of Dorset | (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C2.199) & the duke of Anmarle he created duke of yorke . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C2.200) ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.XI. ANNO DN~I .M.IIII.C.XII. (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.203) RAUFFE LEUENHM~ . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.204) WYLLYAM WALDREN~ . MERCER . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.205) ANNO .XIIII. (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.206) WYLLYAM SEUENOK . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.207) In this yere | and .xx. daye of the Moneth of Nouembre was a great Counsayll holden at the Whyte Freres of London | By the whiche it was amonge other thynges concluded | that for the kynges great Iournaye that he entendyd to take in vysytynge of the holy Sepulcre of our Lord certayne Galeys of warre shuld be made | & other purueaunce concernynge the same Iournay Wherupon all hasty and possyble spede was made | (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C1.209) But after the feest of Cristenmasse | whyle he was makynge his prayers at seynt Edwardes Shryne to take there his leue | and so to spede hym vpon his Iournaye he became so syke y=t= suche as were aboute hym feryd that he wolde haue dyed Right there | wherfore they for his comforte bare hym into the Abbotts place & lodgyd hym in a Chambre | & there vpon a paylet layde hym before the fyre where he laye in great Agony a certayne of tyme . (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C2.210) At length whan he was co~myn to hymselfe nat knowynge where he was | freyned of suche as then were aboute hym what place that was | The which shewyd to hym that it belongyd vnto y=e= Abbot of Westmynster | (FABYAN-E1-H,174V.C2.211) And for he felte hymself so syke he co~maunded to aske if that Chambre had any specyall name wherunto it was answeryd that it was named Iherusalem | (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.212) Than sayd the kynge louynge be to the Fader of Heuen (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.213) For nowe I knowe I shall dye in this Chambre accordyng to y=e= Prophecye of me beforesayd | that I shulde dye i Irl~m (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.214) And so after he made hymself Redy (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.215) & dyed shortly after vpon y=e= day of seynt Cuthbert or y=e= .xx. day of Marche when he had reygned .xiii. yeres .v. monthes | & .xxi. dayes . Leuynge after hym .iiii. So~nes | that is to meane Henry that was kyng | Thomas that was duke of Orleaunce | Iohn~ duke of Bedforde and Humfrey duke of Glouceter | (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.216) And the .v. was named Henry Ryche Cardynall of Wynchester (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.217) and ii. Doughters that one beynge Quene of Denmarke | And that other Duchesse of Barre | as before is shewyd . (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.218) Whanne kynge Henry was deed he was conueyed by water vnto Feuersham | and from thens by lande vnto Caunterbury | and there enteryd by the Shryne of Seynt Thomas . (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.219) To the foresayd Henry the Riche Cardynall | kynge Henry had or begat .ii. other So~nes vpon dame Katheryne Swynford | as before is shewyd in the .viii. yere of Richarde y=e= seconde whiche were named as there is expressyd . (FABYAN-E1-H,175R.C1.220)