The fyrste instruccyon is offerd vnto vs of these fyrst wordes of the
gospell . Quum venerit paracletus quem ego mittam vobis . spiritum
veritatis qui a patre procedit . In the whiche wordes is promest vnto
vs the spyryte of trouthe . to be our comforte in all doutefull
opinyons that may ryse in chrystes chirche . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.2)
Touchynge this instruccyon thre thynges I wold do .
First I wold shewe that the instruccyons of this holy gospell
perteyneth to the vniuersal chirche of chryst . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.4)
Secondly that the heed of the vnyuersall chirche iure diuino
is the pope . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.5)
Thyrdly that Martyn luther whiche deuydeth hymselfe from this
heed hath not in him the spiryte of trouth .
For the fyrst martyn luther can not denye . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.7)
but this promesse is made vnto the vnyuersall chyrche .
& ther vnto we shall bynde hym by his owne reason .
he sayth in the booke de captiuitate babilonica . Quod si demus vnam
aliquam epistolam Pauli . aut vnum alicuius epistole locum . non ad
vniuersalem ecclesiam pertinere . iam euacuata est tota Pauli
authoritas . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.10)
that is to say yf we wyll afferme that any one epistle of saynt Paule .
or any one place of his epistoles . perteyneth not vnto the vnyuersall
chirche of chryst . we take away all saynt Paules authoryte .
Now yf it be thus of the wordes of saynt Paule . moche rather this is a
trouthe of the gospels of christ . & of eury place wryten in the same
gospels . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.12)
In the vniuersall chyrche than this holy spyryte of trouthe resteth .
& shal contynue vnto the worldes ende . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.14)
vt maneat vobiscum ineternum . (FISHER-E1-H,1,314.15)
he shall abyde in the vnyuersall chyrche for euer .
et docebit vos omnem veritatem . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.17)
And he shall in euery doute teche vs the trouthe .
Thus moche for the fyrst . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.19)
Now for the seconde where I sayd that the pope iure diuino is the heed
of the vnyuersall chyrche of christ . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.20)
whan ye se a tree stande vpright vpon the ground & his braunches spred
a brode . full of leues . & fruyte . yf the sonne shyne clere . this
tree maketh a shadowe . in the whiche shadowe ye may perceyue a fygure
of the braunches . of the leues . & of the fruyte .
Euery thynge that is in the tree . hathe somwhat answerynge vnto it in
the shadowe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.22)
And contrary wyse . euery parte of the shadowe hath some thynge
answerynge vnto it in the tree . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.23)
A mans eye may leade hym from euery part of the tree . tyll euery parte
of the shadowe . & agayne . from euery parte of the shadowe tyll euery
parte of the tree . answerynge ther vnto . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.24)
Euery man may poynt any certayne parte of the shadowe . & say this is
the shadowe of suche a braunche . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.25)
& this is the shadowe of suche a lefe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.26)
& this is the shadowe of the bole of the tree . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.27)
& this is the shadowe of the top of the tre . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.28)
But so it is that the lawe of Moyses . & the gouernaunce of the
synagoge of the Iewes . was but a shadowe of the gouernaunce of the
vnyuersall chirche of christ . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.29)
So sayth saynt Paule . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.30)
vmbram habens lex futurorum bonorum . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.31)
that is to say the lawe had but a shadowe of thynges for to come .
And ad corinthios . omnia in figura contingebant illis .
All theyr gouernaunce was but a fygure & shadowe of the chirche .
Now than to my purpose . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.35)
In the gouernaunce was twayne hedes appoynted . one vnder another .
Moyses & Aaron . to condyth that people thurgh the deserte . vnto the
controy that was promysed vnto them . (FISHER-E1-H,1,315.36)
we woot that that people of the Iewes was a shadow of the
chrysten people . & that theyr Iorney by the desert . toward the
countre promysed vnto them was a shadow of our iourney . thrugh this
wretched world vnto the countre of heuen . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.37)
But Moyses & Aaron whiche were the hedes of that people . wherof than
be they shadow ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.38)
withouten doute they must be the shadowe of chryste & of his vycare
saynt Peter whiche vnder christ was also the heed of chrysten people .
And wyll ye se this more manyfestly by .iij. lykenesses .
Fyrste Moyses & Aaron bothe of them were preestes .
Moyses was made by god . & Aaron made by Moyses at the commaundement of
god . to whom was commytted the cure of the Iewes in the absence of
Moyses . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.42)
So christ & saynt Peter bothe were preestes of the new lawe .
Chryst made by his father all myghty god as it is wrytten of hym .
Tu es sacerdos ineternum secundum ordinem Melchisedech .
that is to saye thou art a preest for euer accordyng to the ordre of
Melchesidech . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.46)
And Peter was made by christ . to whom he commysed in his absence the
cure of the christen people sayenge . pasce oues meas pasce . pasce .
pasce . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.47)
The second likenes is this . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.48)
Moyses was meane bytwene almyghty god and Aaron for the causes of the
people . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.49)
& Aaron was meane bytwene Moyses & the people touchynge the causes of
god . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.50)
So scrypture techeth Exodi . iiij . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.51)
Almighty god sayd vnto Moyses spekynge of Aaron . Ipse loquetur pro te
ad populum . & erit os tuum . Tu autem eris ei in iis que ad deum
pertinent . (FISHER-E1-H,1,316.52)
that is to saye . he shall speke in thy stede vnto the people .
& thou shalt be for hym agayn . in thoo causes that perteyne vnto god .
wyll ye se how christ was the mouthe of Peter towardes almighty god .
he sayd to saynt peter . Simon Simon ecce sathanas expetiuit
vos , vt cribraret sicut triticum . Ego autem rogaui pro te vt non
deficiat fides tua . et tu aliquando conuersus confirma fratres tuos .
that is to saye . Simon Simon lo Sathanas hath coueyted gretly to syft
you as a man syfteth his whete . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.57)
But I haue prayed for the to thentent that thy faythe do not fayle .
And thou ones tourned to the stabyll waye conferme thy brethren .
Se now here wheder chryst was not the mouthe of Peter whan he promoted
his cause . before almyghty god the father . & prayed for hym that his
faythe sholde not fynally perysshe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.60)
And contrary wyse was not Peter the mouthe of christ . whan he to the
true waye conuerted dyd conferme his brethren . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.61)
here note well what authoryte was gyuen to Peter vpon them to conferme
all the other of his bretheren in the stabyll waye .
The thyrde lykenes is this . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.63)
Moyses ascended vnto the mounte to speke with almyghty god .
and Aaron remayned behynde to instructe the people .
Dyd not christ lykewyse ascend vnto his father vnto the grete mounte of
heuen ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.66)
And to what entent I praye you ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.67)
Saynt Poule telleth . vt appareat vultui dei pro nobis . to appere
before the face of almyghty god for vs . & there to be our aduocate as
sayth saynt Iohan . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.68)
And dyd not Peter remayne behynde to teche the people . the whiche our
sauyour commytted vnto his charge . lyke as Aaron was lefte for to do
the people of the Iewes . whan Moyses was aboue in the mount with god .
Thus euery man maye se how that shadowe & this thynge agreeth &
answereth one tyll another fully & clerly . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.70)
But now let vs pause here a whyle . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.71)
I wyll construe this fygure yet by another dede of christ in the gospel
. (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.72)
So it was . that the Iewes were tributaryes vnto the romaynes .
& for that tribute the heed of euery housholde dyd paye a certayne
coyne called didrachma . (FISHER-E1-H,1,317.74)
So whan they that were the gaderers of this trybute came to
saynt Peter . our sauyour bad hym go vnto the see .
And tolde hym that in a fysshes bely there he shold fynde staterem .
whiche was a double didrachma . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.76)
and bad hym paye that vnto the gaderers . bothe for hymselfe and for
christ . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.77)
Marke here that this trybute was heed money payed for them that were
heedes and gouernours of housholdes . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.78)
& christ commaunded this to be payed for no moo . but onely for hym &
for saint Peter . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.79)
& therby quyted all the resydue . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.80)
Ioyne this facte of the gospell vnto that fygure byfore .
& what can be more euydent to shewe that Peter vnder christ was the
heed of al the houshold of christ . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.82)
But yet thyrdly let vs here the testymony of some father of the chyrche
that this is the veray meanynge of the gospell . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.83)
Saynt Austyn in the boke of questyons of the newe & of the olde
testament the .lxxv. questyon sayth in this maner . didrachma capitum
solutio intelligitur . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.84)
the payment of this money was heed money payde for the heedes .
And after foloweth . Saluator quum pro se et Petro dari iubet . pro
omnibus exoluisse videtur . quia sicut in saluatore erant omnes causa
magisterii . ita & post saluatorem in Petro omnes continentur . ipsum
enim constituit caput eorum . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.86)
that is to saye . whan our sauyour commaunded this double trybute . to
be payed for hymselfe & for Peter . & in so commaundynge he dyd quyte
all the resydue of the apostles . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.87)
for all they were conteyned in hym . bycause he was theyr mayster .
And as al they were conteyned in our sauyour . So after our sauyour all
they were conteyned in Peter . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.89)
For christ made hym the heed of them all . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.90)
Here note of saynt Austyn that saynt Peter bycause he was heed of theym
all . & all they were conteyned in hym . therfore this trybute that was
payed for hym was payed for them al . (FISHER-E1-H,1,318.91)
But yet by an other scrypture whiche I rehersed before .
Saynt Austyn proueth that all the other apostles were conteyned in
saynt Peter . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.92)
Simon Simon . ecce sathanas expetiuit vos . vt cribraret sicut triticum
. Ego autem oraui pro te . vt non deficiat fides tua . et tu aliquando
conuersus confirma fratres tuos . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.93)
that is to say . Symon Symon . loo sathanas hath coueyted to syft you
as a man syfteth whete . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.94)
but I haue prayed for the that thy faythe shall not fayle .
& thou ones conuerted to the stable waye . do conferme thy brethren .
Upon the whiche wordes saint Austin saythe . Christ dyd not praye for
Iames and Iohan & for the other . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.96)
but he prayed for saynt Peter in whome the resydue was conteyned .
Consyder now how eche of these testymonyes conferme & strengthe one
another . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.98)
Fyrste the fygure & shadow of the olde lawe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.99)
Secondly the testymony of the gospels answerynge vnto the same .
Thirdly the declaracyon of saynt Austyn vpon the same .
And here I brynge but one doctour . whose testymony in the balaunce on
any trewe christen mans herte . me thynketh sholde weye downe Martyn
Luther . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.102)
But saynt Ambrose spekynge de didrachmate calleth it also capitum
solutionem . that is to say heed money . (FISHER-E1-H,1,319.103)
And of saynt Peter he saythe . Petra enim dicitur . eo quod primus in
nationibus fidei fundamentum posuerit . & tanquam saxum immobile totius
operis christiani compagem . molemque contineat .
that is to saye . Peter is called petra . bycause that he fyrste amonge
the gentyles dyd establysshe the grounde of our fayth .
& as a stone not easy to be remoued . he conteyneth in hym & stayeth
all the frame & gretnes of the worke of christ .
And saynt Gregory saythe . Certe Petrus apostolus primum membrum sancte
et vniuersalis ecclesie est . Paulus . Andreas . Ioannes quid aliud
quam singularium plebium sunt capita .
that is to saye . Peter is the chefe membre of the vnyuersall chirche .
Paule & Andrew . & Iohan what els be they . but heedes of certayne &
synguler people . wherby it appereth that as they were chefe euery man
of the people that they had cure of . So saynt Peter was chefe of the
vnyuersall chyrche . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.109)
Saynt Hierome also sayth spekynge of Peter . Propterea inter duodecim
vnus eligitur . vt capite constituto . schismatis tolleretur occasio .
that is to say that Peter was one chosen out amongest twelfe to
thentent that he beynge theyr heed al occasyons of schysmatyke dyuysyon
sholde be take away . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.111)
Saynt Cypriane forthermore sayth . spekyng of Peter whan he dyd
confesse cryst Iesu to be the sone of god . Loquitur illic Petrus super
quem edificanda fuerat ecclesia . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.112)
that is to saye there speketh Peter vpon whome the chirche was for to
be buylded . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.113)
But how shold the chirche be buylded vpon hym yf he were not the heed
and chefe membre of the chyrche . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.114)
All these be of the latyn chyrche . holy fathers . all men of grete
lernynge . all men of synguler holynes . whose vertuous lyuynges be
confirmed by myracles bothe-5 done in theyr lyfes & after theyr dethe .
Of grekes lyke wyse . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.116)
Chrysostome after that he hath praysed saynt Paule speketh of saynt
Peter sayenge . quod ipse qui fuit apostolorum caput talis fuit .
that is to saye that saynt Peter whiche was the heed of the apostles
was suche another (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.118)
and often he called saynt Peter eximium apostolorum . et os
discipulorum ac verticem collegii . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.119)
that is to saye the chefe of the apostles and mouthe of the dyscyples &
the top and heed of all the college . (FISHER-E1-H,1,320.120)
And Orygene saythe . Magno illi ecclesie fundamento petreque
solidissime super quam christus fundauit ecclesiam suam .
vide quid dicatur a domino . Modice fidei quare dubitasti .
that is to say . Se what was sayd of our lorde to that grete foundament
of the chirche and moost stable stone . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.122)
O man of lytle faythe why dydest thou doute . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.123)
Yf all these so many testymonyes bothe-1 of grekes and latyns shall not
counterpease agaynst one frere . what reason is this ?
I trust there is no true crysten man but that he wyll be moued with the
testimonye of all these . specyally whan they be grounded of so playne
& euydent a fygure of the olde lawe . and of so clere a lyght of the
holy gospels . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.125)
But here Luther wyll saye that he can not conceyue duos summos . Of the
whiche I meruayle gretly . Sithen it is manyfest that Aaron was called
summus in scrypture . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.126)
& yf he were summus sacerdos & Moyses was no whit benethe hym . than
must they two eyther of them be summus . one of them vnder another in
comparyson of the other people . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.127)
So as saynt Paule maketh many hedes sayenge . Caput mulieris vir .
caput viri christus . christi vero deus . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.128)
Se here be thre heedes vnto a woman . god , chryst , & hyr husbande .
& yet besyde al these she hath an heed of hyr owne .
It were a monstrous syght to se a woman withouten an heed .
what comforte sholde hyr housbande haue vpon hyr .
Yf than one woman not withstandynge she hathe an heed of hyr owne to
gouerne hyr accordynge to the wyll & pleasure of hyr housband . yet she
hath hyr housbande to be hyr heed & chryst to be hyr heed . and god to
be hyr heed . How moche rather our mother holy chyrche which is the
spouse of christ . hath an heed of her owne . that is to saye the pope
. (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.133)
and yet neuerthelesse chryst Iesu hyr housbande is her heed .
& almyghty god is hyr heed also . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.135)
But now let vs retourne to our instruccyon . (FISHER-E1-H,1,321.136)
Thus than ye vnderstande how that in the vnyuersall chyrche
of chryste remayneth the spyryte of trouthe for euer . and that the
heed of this chyrche the pope is vnder chryst . (FISHER-E1-H,1,322.137)
By this breuely it may appeere that the spyryte of chryst is not in
Martyn luther . (FISHER-E1-H,1,322.138)
The spyryte of euery naturall body gyueth lyfe noo forther . but to the
members & partes of the same body . whiche be naturally ioyned vnto the
heed . (FISHER-E1-H,1,322.139)
And so lykewyse it must be in the mystycall body of our mother holy
chirche . (FISHER-E1-H,1,322.140)
For asmoche than as this wretched man hath deuyded hymselfe from the
heed of this body . whiche is the vycare of chryst . how can he haue in
hym the spyryte of this body whiche is the spyryte of trouthe .
& specyally whan he hath deuyded hymselfe with suche pryde , arrogancye
. & presumpcyon . whiche is moost odyous vnto this holy spyryte . and
so dyspytyously . so presumsttuously . so malycyously contemneth &
setteth at nought . & all to raggeth the heed of chrystes chyrche . to
whome as to his chefe spyrytuall father . by the reason of his relygyon
he hath vowed and promest obedyence . How can this man haue in hym the
spyryte of god this holy spyryte of trouthe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,322.142)
And here I make an ende of the first instruccyon .
Here foloweth the seconde instruccyon agaynst the pernycyous doctryne
of Martyn luther . (FISHER-E1-H,1,322.144)
These fyue great woundes were ingraued with sharpe & vyolent pennes ,
that is to say , the sharpe nayles , and the speare .
And they doe represent vnto vs the fyue capytall Letters of thys booke
. (FISHER-E1-H,1,396.148)
Thus then you maye perceyue what bee the boardes of this booke , and
what be the leaues , how it is written within , and without , howe it
is lyned and leathered , and what bee the Letters , as well the small
as the great . (FISHER-E1-H,1,396.149)
Now wee shall heare what maner of wryting is contayned in thys booke .
But first heere , let vs make our prayer for grace , beseechyng
almyghtie God , to gyue vnto our hartes the gracyous lyght of his
beames , whereby wee may the more clearely perceiue the writings of
this booke , and that they may bring foorth some good fruite to our
soules health . (FISHER-E1-H,1,396.151)
Now you shall heare what wrytings be contayned in thys booke ,
in the booke which Ezechiel did see , was written three maner of things
, Lamentationes , Carmen , et vae , which is to say , Lamentations ,
songes , and woe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,396.153)
And the same three things , in lyke maner be wrytten in thys booke on
the Crucifixe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,396.154)
Fyrst is lamentation , (FISHER-E1-H,1,396.155)
and this verie conuenientlye is written in thys booke of the Crucyfixe
. (FISHER-E1-H,1,396.156)
For whosoeuer will ioye with Christ , must first sorow with
him . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.157)
And by sorowe and lamentation hee may come vnto ioye :
But hee that will not sorrowe and lament wyth Christ heere in thys lyfe
, hee shall come fynallye to the place where is euerlasting woe , I
saye woe that shall neuer haue ende . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.159)
Heere therfore is written all these three , lamentation , songe , and
woe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.160)
Fyrste then wee will speake of lamentation . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.161)
Lamentation aryseth of foure affections , eyther of a great feare , or
dreade , or of a great shame , or of some sorrowe , or els of some
hatred . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.162)
When Holophernes with a mightie power was entred into the countrey of
Iurie , & terribly threatned to distroy all before hym , the people
were in a greate feare and dreade to be oppressed ,
and so fell downe before almyghtie God , (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.164)
and with great lamentation , dyd call for hys helpe ,
omnis populus cecidit in faciem , adorantes dominum cum lamentatione et
fletu , (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.166)
all the people fell on theyr faces , worshyppyng our Lorde with weepyng
and lamentation . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.167)
The cause of this lamentation , was the great dreade whych they were in
. (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.168)
Heere first then let vs learne to dread , (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.169)
and doubtlesse thou Christian soule , thou mayest heere learne greater
matter of dread , then the Iewes then were in . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.170)
For the Iewes then were onelye in perill of temporall death ,
thou arte in perill of euerlastyng death . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.172)
Consider man how greeuouslie thou hast sinned : (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.173)
And also behold how greeuously sinne was reuenged , and punished in the
blessed bodye of Christ . (FISHER-E1-H,1,397.174)
And thou shalt anon fynde here great cause and matter of dread .
The storyes telleth of Cambises the King of Persia , that where one of
hys Iudges had giuen a false and a wrong iudgement , he depriued him of
hys offyce , and made an other in his place their Iudge after him .
Furthermore bicause of hys falsehoode he caused him to be slayne , and
his skinne to be hanged vp before the place of the commen iudgement ,
to the entent that this newe Iudge beholdyng the greeuous punishment of
his predecessor , might be ware of falshood , and alway dread to giue
any wrong iudgement . (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.178)
In like maner the Image of the Crucifix is hunge vp in euery Church ,
to the entent that we may see how greeuouslie sinne was punyshed in
that most blessed bodye of our Sauyour Christ Iesu ,
not for him self , nor for hys owne sinne , but for ours was he thus
cruellye intreated , (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.180)
wee were the cause , (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.181)
wee committed the sinne . (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.182)
But yet neuerthelesse he bare the paynes , and burthens of our sinnes
vpon his backe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.183)
As wryteth Sainct Peter , Peccata nostra ipse pertulit in corpore suo
super lignum crucis . (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.184)
And therefore when we behold the Image of the Crucifixe in anye place
set vp , we should thynke howe greeuously sinne was punyshed in the
body of our sauiour Christ . And there by learne to dreade the greeuous
punishment of sinne . (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.185)
Alas man thynkest thou not , that thys was matter of
dreade . (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.186)
This I say , that the verie sonne of God , was for thy sinne put vnto
thys cruell death of the Crosse : (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.187)
If thou beleeue not thys , thou arte worse then the dyuylles .
For as Sainct Iames sayeth , demones credunt et contremiscunt , the
diuilles doe beleeue , and tremble . (FISHER-E1-H,1,398.189)
And if thou verely beleeue it , thou mayest thereby thynke and learne
howe muche our sauyour and hys father both doeth hate sinne .
For sith almightie God the father woulde gyue hys moste dearely beloued
sonne vnto suche an horrible death , onely for to quenche and to
extincte sinne , thou mayest bee sure that he hateth sinne very much .
Our Sauyour also must needes hate sinne when hee rather would
suffer thys moste vyllanous death , then that sinne shoulde haue
domynion vpon our soules , (FISHER-E1-H,1,399.192)
seeyng then that thow knowest that bothe they hate sinne ? Howe
shouldest thou dreade to receue any sinne into thy soule .
If sinne were so displeasant to almighty God the father , that rather
then hee would suffer it , he would giue his owne sonne vnto death for
the expulsion of it . How much rather now doth it displease him , when
his sonne hath suffered death therfore , and yet sinne rayneth
neuerthelesse , and more generally then euer it dyd before .
Furthermore , if sinne was so greuously punished in him that neuer did
sinne , how bytterly shall it be punished in thee O sinfull creature ,
the which haste done so many great outragious sinnes .
Surely wher he hath one nayle in his handes & feete , thou sinfull
creature hast deserued one hundreth . (FISHER-E1-H,1,399.196)
And for euery one thorne , that he suffred in his head , thou hast
deserued a thousande . (FISHER-E1-H,1,399.197)
And for euery one lash that he felt of the scourges , thou art worthy
to haue innumerable . (FISHER-E1-H,1,399.198)
Who that deepely considerith this that I haue sayde , and with an
earnest study resorteth often to looke vppon this booke I maruell if he
doo not fynde here in , great cause and earnest matter of dread .
Here also may euery sinner quicken his sinne , if any lie within his
breast , (FISHER-E1-H,1,399.200)
for it is maruell that a sinner can without shame beholde this blessed
Image ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,399.201)
If a sinner call to remembrance his great vnkyndnesse , & repute the
same vnkyndenes any maner of vice , I trow that he $will $be
{TEXT:wylbe} much ashamed of his moste vnkynde and vngentle dealing
against so louing a Lorde . (FISHER-E1-H,1,399.202)
Say to me thou sinful creature , wilt thou not looke that other men ,
when thou haste beene vnto them in anye thinge beneficiall , I saye ,
wylt thou not looke that they shall be kynde and louing vnto
thee againe ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.203)
And if any person be vnkynde vnto thee , wylt thou not rebuke him fully
, and lay it vnto his reproofe to make him ashamed thereof ?
I am suer that thou wylt . (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.205)
Now then let me see , wher is thy shame ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.206)
beholde and vew euery part of this blessed body , what payne it endured
for thy sake ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.207)
Seest thou not his eyes , how they bee fylled with blood and bytter
teares ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.208)
Seest thou not his eares , how they be filled with blasphemous rebukes
, and obprobrious words ? His cheeke & necke with buffets , his
shoulders with the burthen of the crosse ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.209)
Seest thou not his mouth , how in his dryghnesse they would haue filled
it with Asell and Gaule ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.210)
Seest thou not , how his backe is payned against the hard Crosse ?
Seest thou not his sydes , how they were skourged with sharpe whyps ?
Seest thou not his armes , how they were strayned by the violence of
the ropes ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.213)
Seest thou not his handes , how they be nailed iust vnto the crosse ?
Seest thou not his legges , how they be wearyed with labour ?
Seest thou not his feete , how paynefully they stay and bere vp the
wight of his whole body ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.216)
O most vnkinde sinner , all this he suffred for thy sake .
No greater kyndes euer was , or could be shewed to thee by any creature
, then this which sweete Iesus dyd shewe for thee and for thy sake ,
& wher is now thy kindenes againe ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.219)
No kyndnesse thou canst shewe , (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.220)
but much vnkyndnesse thou haste often shewed vnto him ,
and yet thou art not ashamed . (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.222)
Alas man where is thy shame ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.223)
Thincke with thy selfe how many abhominable sinnes thou hast done
against his pleasure . (FISHER-E1-H,1,400.224)
I doo acertayne thee that the least of them stryketh him more
paynefully vnto the hart then any vnkyndnesse that euer was done vnto
thee in all thy lyfe . (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.225)
For as Sainct Barnerd sayth in the person of Christ , when he hath
rehersed all the greeuous paynes of his passion , he putteth vnto these
wordes , Extat interius planctus pregrauior , quum te ingratum experior
, (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.226)
that is to say , but inwardly mourning is much more greuous bicause I
perceue thou arte to me so much vnkynd . (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.227)
So many sinnes so much vnkyndnesse . (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.228)
And the more haynous , and the more accustomable that they bee , the
more abhominable is thyne vnkyndenesse . (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.229)
If the least of many of thy sinnes had come to lyght , and to the
knowledge of men , thou wouldest haue beene sore ashamed of them ,
Christ knoweth them , (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.231)
and saw thee doo them , (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.232)
for Omnia nuda et aperta sunt oculis eius , (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.233)
All thinges be naked and open before his eyes : (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.234)
and yet thou art not ashamed of all thy vnkindnes .
Alas man , heare what the King and Prophet sayth , Tota die verecundia
mea contra me est , et confusio faciei meae cooperuit me ,
All the day long my shame is before mee , (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.237)
and my face is couered with confusion . (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.238)
Thus sayd this holy Kinge , when our sauiour as yet had not suffered
his passion for him . (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.239)
This high poynte of kindenesse was not as yet shewed vnto this man by
our sauiour Christ , (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.240)
and he neuerthelesse was ashamed of his sinne . (FISHER-E1-H,1,401.241)
Thou hast peraduenture done much more outragious sinne ,
and hast been much more vnkynde after this his moste wonderfull passion
suffered for thy sake , then euer that king was ,
& that also maketh thy sinne much more horryble .
Thou hast after thy promise made vnto him , falsified the same promise
and vntruely broken it , by multiplying of many foule and
abhominable sinz , & by often renewing of the same .
Thou dyddest promise once at the sacrament of baptisme to keepe thy
fayth & trueth vnto thy sauiour , & to forsake the diuel & all his
works ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.246)
An honest man , or an honest woman would be much ashamed to brek their
promise , & specially to theyr friend ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.247)
Albeit the worlde is now full of such lorrells , that doo no more
regard to break their promise , then to drink when they be drye .
How often hast thou broken thy promise ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.249)
Alas man learn to be ashamed and saye with the Prophet Esdras , Deus
meus , confundor et erubesco leuare faciem meam quoniam iniquitates
nostrae leuatae sunt super caput nostrum , (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.250)
that is to say , O my god I am confounden and ashamed to lyft vp my
face vnto thee , (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.251)
for our sinnes be rysen far aboue our heads . (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.252)
Ye women when there is any black spot in your faces , or any moole in
your kerchiues , or any myer vpon your clothes , be you not ashamed ?
yes forsooth syr ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.254)
But I shall tell you , where of you ought to be ashamed .
Surely if your sowls haue any spots of deadly sinne in them ,
for when our sauiour so dearely with his most precious bloud , & with
all these greeuous paynes dyd wash and wype , & clense our soules from
euery spot of deadly sinne , ye should be much ashamed to defyle them
againe ? (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.257)
If you be ashamed for a foule myrie shoo , and not of a foule stincking
soule , ye make more dearer your shooes , then your soules .
If ye be ashamed of a spot in your clothes & haue no shame for many
great blots in your soules . What shal I say but Frons meretricis facta
est tibi ; noluisti erubescere , (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.259)
that is to say , thou hast taken vpon thee the face of a brothell ,
thou wylt not be ashamed . (FISHER-E1-H,1,402.261)
If thou then depely consider how many shameful blots of sinne be in thy
soule , before the eyes of almightie God , & all the glorious court of
heauen , & how by them thou hast vtterly broken thy promise
vnto god , & committed so great vnkindnes against this moste louing
charitie , that was shewed vnto thee for thy loue & for thy sake by our
sauiour on the crosse I suppose thou shalt fynde matter , & cause of
great shame , if any sparkle of honesty be yet left in thy soule ?