Sir , I receyved a note from you by my cosin Brampton meeting him by chaunce vppon Wednesdaye at night laste past , when I vnderstood that yow wold have certeyne trees to be sent downe . (GAWDY-E2-H,24.3) The tyme was very short to have sent any downe by theise carryars , (GAWDY-E2-H,24.4) besides the weather was not apt for removing of trees the frost falling out to be so great . (GAWDY-E2-H,24.5) My skill is small in making choyse of suche thinges (GAWDY-E2-H,24.6) neverthelesse I will vse all the cunning I have to performe the most dutifull service I maye . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.7) My Cosin Bramptyn hathe directed mee to take the advise of {HELSINKI:'of'_missing} one that hathe very great good skill , besides some other that I do meane to make acquaynted with the choyse of the best . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.8) I do hope to provide and make them ready in good order agaynst next Thursday . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.9) I have allready sent yow downe your foote clothe , (GAWDY-E2-H,25.10) Bourne S=r= Edward Cleres man had charg of it . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.11) I have nowe sent you downe a cocke , ij payre of gloves , ij dosen of poyntes , ij small bookes for a token , (GAWDY-E2-H,25.12) the one of them was gyven me that day that they rann at tilt . Divers of them being gyven to most of the lordes , and gentlemen about the Court , and one especially to the Quene . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.13) I was commanded w=th= some ij or iij more to wayte vnderneathe the Quene to be employed in messages , wher it pleased her Ma=te= to vse me more gracyously then I deserved . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.14) My oncle told me of it that night comming to him , (GAWDY-E2-H,25.15) for ij or iij of his men stood hard by in a standing . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.16) He was wonderfully well pleased therwith , w=ch= cold not be displeasing to me to se him any waye contented . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.17) It may be you may heare of it by some other , (GAWDY-E2-H,25.18) for it was not private . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.19) It was ffriday at night before the Quene came to my Lo. Admyralles . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.20) Vppon Saterday was the running at the tilt very well performed , thoughe not so full of devises and so riche as I have seene . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.21) My L. of Essex and my L. of Cumberland wer the cheife that ranne , (GAWDY-E2-H,25.22) M=r= Gresham was well commended for the credit of $Norffolk . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.23) Vppon Saterday at night her Ma=ie= lay at my L. Admiralles , and all Sondaye at his charge . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.24) Vppon Mondaye she went to M=r= Seacreatoryes to dinner when in the gallory before her going she knighted M=r= Jhon Pagington . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.25) That night she cam to my Lo. Admiralls agayne , (GAWDY-E2-H,25.26) and dyned ther vppon Tuesday . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.27) Vppon Tuesday at night she came to my L. Chaunclers wher she hathe bene ever since . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.28) Her entertaynment hathe bene very great ther bothe-2 for her self and all her trayne , w=ch= a number of vs hathe very well tasted of . (GAWDY-E2-H,25.29) It is thought her Ma=tie= will tarry ther yet this Sevenight and hearafter at Whitehall . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.30) I have bene very little from the court all this while , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.31) yet once a day I do visitt Chauncery lane wher I report to him according to his request suche newes as the court affordethe . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.32) Amongst the rest of our talke he knew my writing at this present , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.33) and willed me not to forgett his very harty commendacions to your good self . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.34) Many reasons doth leade me to follow him , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.35) and the least favor and kyndnes dothe encorage me to do him all manner of service . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.36) Ther be no shreifes as yet knowen (GAWDY-E2-H,26.37) nor wer not as yesternight at eleven of the clocke at night , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.38) and comming home late was the cause that my oncle Anthony Gavdy fayled of a letter . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.39) Neither have I as yet found any messinger but the hedgehogg , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.40) and yet I have heard that the hedgehogg overran the hare , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.41) and so the carryar may overrun the post . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.42) I know not whether stale Newes may offend his eares being so long a drawing towardes him . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.43) In the meane tyme I wold have him know this , that his Mrs. is at the court and sending his commendacions , with yowr self and my good Brother and his wyfe . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.44) She hathe heard nothing from him she saythe but only-1 touching musters , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.45) she dothe not a little marvell at it . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.46) I excused him , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.47) and layde all the fault in his secretary (GAWDY-E2-H,26.48) for thoughe he be suer , yet he is very slow . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.49) For suche thinges as my good sister wryteth for she shall receyve them all together with a letter the next tyme . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.50) I have written to her before touching Sir Charles , and my Lady , and divers others letters . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.51) I know not how they be delivered . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.52) Luke Woolmer hathe sent downe all her things by Mrs. Tylney , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.53) I will send downe her pipes and the rest as soon as I maye . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.54) M=r= Jermy is travelled into a Damaske gowne , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.55) and followeth the courte day and night . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.56) I have forgott what he called my oncle Anthony in Greeke (GAWDY-E2-H,26.57) but I thinke he will harddly prove him shreife in English . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.58) I thanke his worshipp (GAWDY-E2-H,26.59) I fynde him very kynde to me , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.60) and $he $'s {TEXT:his} continually inquisityve of me what I heare of the pricking of the shreifes . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.61) He travelled to the sea (GAWDY-E2-H,26.62) and lyes alltogether at the ankor , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.63) if his kable be suer , he is like to do the better . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.64) My Lo. of Leycester is expected for , (GAWDY-E2-H,26.65) and some newes cam out of fflaunders very latly yesternight , but vnknowen to any but the best . (GAWDY-E2-H,26.66) Some letters hathe bene intercepted of late . (GAWDY-E2-H,27.67) The prince of Parma is come to $Dunkerke (GAWDY-E2-H,27.68) but vnknowen for what cause , (GAWDY-E2-H,27.69) suspected for no good to vs . (GAWDY-E2-H,27.70) As yesterday the Quene going into the gallery made an old knight , S=r= Lewes Dyves . (GAWDY-E2-H,27.71) And thus with my very humble duty , etc. (GAWDY-E2-H,27.72) London (GAWDY-E2-H,27.73) this xxiiij=th= of November . (GAWDY-E2-H,27.74)