Most dere father , I humbly recomend me unto you , (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,338.3) and hertily beseche you of yowr dayly blessyng , naturally bownden thayreunto ; for the wiche , and other yowr manifowld benefittes to me colatyt , I am and $shall $be {TEXT:schalbe} yowr daly bedman , interely desyryng the contineweans of the same ; trustyng soo to accomplysse and fulfyll yowr parentall com~andments in the passage of myne erudicion , that yow , my good father , schall tharewith be ryght welcontentyd by Gods helpe , the wiche with hys grace hee send hus . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,338.4) Amen . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,338.5) Frome the howse of yowr bedman Mr. Doctor Lee (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,338.6) thys Ester day in the mornyng . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,338.7) By yowr vigelante sone Gregori Cromewell . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,338.8) Right worschypfull father , I co~mend me un to you , desyryng you of youre dayly blessyng , sartyfying you that I am in good helth , wyth my cosens Bersfourd and Wellyfyd , thanks be unto God omnipotente , (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.11) and apply owre boks dylygently , as shall appere I trust to youre worschyp and owre proffyts . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.12) Father , I besetch you whan ye mett wyth the ryght honorable lorde of Oxforth , to geue thanks un to hys Lorchyp , (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.13) for whan he came to a towne callyd Yeldam , to the parsons there of to hunte the foxe , he sente for me and my cossyns , (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.14) and mad us good schere ; (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.15) and lett us see schuch game and plesure as I never saye in my lyfe ; (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.16) more over father , I besetch you to geve thanks to the for sayde parson of Yeldam , which sens I came in to the cuntry hath dyvers tymys sente for me and for my cossyns and mad us hygh schere , and schewyd us gret plesure . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.17) For all other thyngs consarnyng my rayment , I beseche you geve credens to my synguler good frende Mayster Doctor Lee . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.18) Thus Jhesu have you in hys kepyng . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.19) From Topsfyld (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.20) the xvii day of October . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.21) By your lowly sone Gregory Crumwell . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,339.22) _ @ Ryght worshypfulle father , as harte canne thynke or tong canne tell , I hartely co~mende me vn to you , beyng always desyrus to here of your prosperus helth and welfare , whych I pray Jhsu long contynwe to his pleasure , and to your moste gentillyste hartis desyre , &c. (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.25) The cause of my wrytynge vn to you at thys tyme ys , to desyre you to send me your blessyng , which ys more treasure unto me then all the abundance of worldly goods ; sertyfyinge you that I was in good helth at the makynge of thys letter , thankyd be God omnipotent , and doo apply my boke deligently , as I truste in God shall in process of tyme apere to my proffyte , and to your contentacion and worship . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.26) I have recevid the tokyne that you sent by Master doctor Bekynsall , unto whome I pray you gyve thanks , (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.27) for at his beyng now at Topsfylde bothe mad me gret cheare and all my fellos , (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.28) and gave me a crone to spende . Wherfore , I beseche you father , have hym in your remembrance . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.29) Thus Jhesu preserve you in his goodnes . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.30) Frome Topsfylde (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.31) the xxv day of October . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.32) By your lowly sone Gregori Crumwell . (GCROMW-E1-H,3.1,340.33)