Henry R. By the King . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,236,E.3) Right trusty and right welbiloved Cousin we grete you wel ; (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,236,E.4) and have receyved your Lettres bearing date the iij=de=. and iiij=th=. dayes of this instant moneth , the first mencyonyng the siege laide by the Duke of Albany unto the Castel of Werke with the assaulte geven unto the same , and the valiant defence therof by Sir William Lisle capitain of that place ; and how , upon knowledge geven to the said Duke that ye with our hole armye was coming to the rescue , he shamefully and cowardly removed his siege and fled , but to what place ye then knewe not . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,236,E.5) By the ij=de=. Lettre apperith upon the reaporte of the Priores of Calstreme howe that on Tuesday at nyght last past about mydnyzt the said Duke being then at Eccles informed that our armye passed the Ryver after hym , removed from thens , toke his ordenance away , and is clerely departed ; the truthe wherof ye doubted not to be advertised from diverse wayes by the next daye : at whiche tyme uppon the more knowledge had , ye wolde assemble al the noble men to divise and determyne what ye and they sholde further do , desiring that after the Duks army skaled , we in consideration of your desease and seknes wolde discharge you , geving you licence to retourne : and thinking the lord Dacres aswel for his strenght as experience in those parties most mete to take the charge of offyce of wardyn til suche tyme as that we shal appoint som other therunto ; and finally requiryng that bothe money and our lettres of Thanks may be sent , as in the said lettres is conteyned more at large . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,237,E.6) As herunto we signifie unto you , like as thancked be almyzty God , thise newes be right good , comfortable , and honorable unto us and this our Realme ; so they be and $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} unto the said Duke of Albany's perpetual reproche , shame , and losse of reputacion bothe-3 in Fraunce , Scotland , and elliswhere , and to the no little abashement and discorage of the Frenche King , besids the alienation percase of the mynds of the Lords of Scotland more facily then afore from the faction of France unto our devotion . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,237,E.7) And for the grete travaile , labor , studie , payn , and diligence by you with al effect right actively , valiauntly , and with perfite corage , discrecion , and good conduyte taken and used by many substancial , discrete , and politique wayes for resistence of the said Duke of Albany , with deliberation and intent to have geven hym bataile in cace he durst have abyden the same we geve unto you our most cordial and herty thanks ; assuring you that amongst many your high and notable service done unto us , we shal have this in our contynual and perfite remembrance to your weale , exaltation , honor , and profite as your merits and deserts condignely and worthely do requyre . Praying you also to geve on our behalf special thanks unto all the lords , capitains , and other whiche to their grete payn and travaile have right towardly , benivolently , and conformably served us under you in this Jorney , for whose more corage and comforte , we at this tyme sende suche lettres of thanks as ye desire . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,238,E.8) Over this we having tendre respect unto your helthe and comfort , have resolved and determyned that upon advertisement receyved from you of skaling of the said duks armye , and aunswer therupon geven unto you , with ordre for establishing of suche garnisons and other direction to be taken there as for the suretie and weale of that countrey $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought expedient , ye shal then have our Lettres of discharge of your office there and retorne unto us accordingly ; being myndyd according to your advice and opynyon that our right trusty counsaillor the Lorde Dacres whom we thinke most mete and able therfor , shal exercise also th'office of Wardeyn of our Est and Myddel Marches for a season , to whom we shall then with our lettres sende sufficient commyssion accordingly . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,238,E.9) Having no doubte but that by suche direction as our most entierly welbeloved counsaillour the Lord Legate Cardinal Archebisshop of Yorke and our Chauncelor hathe advertised you , ye be before this tyme sufficiently furnished of money for defraying of that our Armye as shal appertayn . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,239,E.10) Yeven under our Signet at our manor of Woodstok the xij=th=. day of November . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,239,E.11) To our right trusty and right welbeloved Cousin and Counsaillor th'Erle of Surrey our Treasorer and Admiralle of England . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,239,E.12) Henry R. (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,239,E.14) Trusty and welbiloved we grete you wele . Signifieng unto you it is shewed unto us that albeit our welbiloved servant Edward Vaux , oon of the purveyors of our wynes , hath been with you sundry tymes in our name to cause provision to be made for cariage of our wynes from that our Citie of London , for th'expenses of our Household , into these parties : yet neverthelesse ye have litle regarded the said provision , as it is sayed , whereby we be destitute of suche wynes as we wold have here : of the which your demeanur herin we $can $not {TEXT:cannot} a litle mervaile : wherfor we advertise you of the same , willing and commaunding you that whansoever any our Surveyors either-8 for Wynes or other stuf , from hensforth , shall reasorte unto you in our name for provision of cariage of the same hither or elliswhere where it shall fortune us to be , ye will effectually endevoir yourself for the qwyk expedicion therof , without any failing as ye entende to please us . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,240,E.15) Yeven under our Signet at our Monasterie of Abendon the xj=th=. day of Aprill . (HENRY-1520-E1-H,1.1,240,E.16)