The occasion wherevpon , together with the ende wherefore , this Epistle was written , is opened in the front & entrie of the same . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,1.2) There were then , as there are now , many evill and wickedly disposed persons , not of the mysticall body , yet within the visible bounds of the Church , men which were of old ordained to co~demnation , vngodly men which turned the grace of our God into wantonnesse and denied the Lord Iesus . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,1.3) For this cause the spirit of the Lord is in the hand of Iude , the servant of Iesus and brother of Iames , to exhort them that are called , and sanctified of God the father , that they would earnestly contend to maintaine the faith ; which was once delivered vnto the Saints . Which faith because wee $can $not {TEXT:cannot} maintaine except wee knowe perfectly , first against whom , secondly in what sort it must be maintained ; therefore in the former three verses of that parcell of Scripture which I haue read , the enimies of the crosse of Christ are plainely described ; (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.4) and in the later two , they that loue the Lord Iesus haue a sweet lesson giuen them how to strengthen & stablish themselues in the faith . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.5) Let vs first therefore examin the description of these reprobates concerning faith ; and afterwards come to the words of the exhortation ; wherein Christians are taught how to rest their hearts on Gods eternall and everlasting truth . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.6) The description of these godlesse persons is two fold ; Generall and Speciall . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.7) The generall doth point them out and shew what manner of men they should be . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.8) The particular pointeth at them , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.9) and saith plainely these are they . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.10) In the generall description we haue to consider of these things . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.11) First , when they were described , they were told of before . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.12) Secondly , the men by whom they were described , They were spoken of by the Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.13) Thirdly , the daies when they should bee manifested vnto the world , they told you they should bee in the last time . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.14) Fourthly , their disposition and whole demeanure , mockers and walkers after their own vngodly lusts . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.15) 2 (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.16) In the third to the Philippians , the Apostle describeth certaine . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.17) They are men , saith hee of whom I haue told you often , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.18) and now with teares I tell you of them , their God is their belly , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,2.19) their glorying and reioycing is in their owne shame , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.20) they mind earthly things . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.21) These were enimies of the crosse of Christ , enimies whom he saw , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.22) & his eies gusht out with teares to behold them . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.23) But we are taught in this place , how the Apostles spake also of enimies , whom as yet they had not seen , described a family of me~ as yet vnheard of , a generation reserved for the end of the world , & for the last time , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.24) they had not onely declared what they heard and saw in the daies wherein they lived , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.25) but they haue propheci'd also of me~ in time to come . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.26) And you doe well , saith S. Peter , in that yee take heed , to the words of prophecie , so that yee first know this , that no prophecie in the Scripture commeth of any mans owne resolution . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.27) No prophecie in Scripture commeth of any mans owne resolution . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.28) For all prophecy , which is in Scripture , came by the secret inspiration of God . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.29) But there are prophecies which are no scripture , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.30) yea there are prophecies against the Scripture : (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.31) my brethren beware of such prophecies , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.32) and take heed you heed them not . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.33) Remember the things that were spoken of before ; but spoken of before by the Apostles of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.34) Take heed to prophecies , but to prophecies which are in scripture . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.35) For both the manner and the matter of those prophecies doth shew plainely that they are of God . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.36) 3 (HOOKER-A-E2-H,3.37) Touching the manner , how men by the spirit of prophecie in holy Scripture haue spoken & written of things to come , wee must vnderstand , that as the knowledge of that they spake , so likewise the vtterance of that they knewe came not by these vsuall and ordinary meanes whereby we are brought to vnderstand the mysteries of our salvation , and are wont to instruct others in the same . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.38) For whatsoever wee know , we haue it by the hands and ministrie of men , which lead vs along like children from a letter to a syllable , from a syllable to a word , from a word to a line , from a line to a sentence , from a sentence to a side , and so turne over . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.39) But God himselfe was their instructour , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.40) he himselfe taught the~ partly by dreames and visions in the night , partly by revelations in the daie , taking them aside from amongst their brethre~ , and talking with them , as a man would talke with his neighbour in the way . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.41) Thus they became acquainted even with the secret and hidden counsels of God . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.42) They saw things which themselues were not able to vtter , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.43) they beheld that whereat men and Angels are astonished . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.44) They vnderstood in the beginning , what should come to passe in the last daies . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.45) 4 (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.46) God , which lightned thus the eies of their vnderstanding giving them knowledge by vnvsuall and extraordinarie meanes , did also miraculously himself frame and fashion their wordes and writings , in so much that a greater difference there seemeth not to bee betweene the manner of their knowledge , then there is between the manner of their speech & ours . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,4.47) When we haue conceiued a thing in our hearts and throughlie vnderstand it , as wee thinke within our selues , yet we can vtter it in such sort that our brethre~ may receaue instruction or comfort at our mouths , how great , how long , how earnest meditation are we forced to vse ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.48) And after much travaile , and much paines , when we open our lips to speake of the wonderfull workes of God , our tongues doe faulter within our mouthes , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.49) yea many times wee disgrace the dreadfull mysteries of our faith , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.50) and grieue the spirit of our hearers by words vnsavory , and vnseemely speeches . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.51) Shall a wise man fill his bellie with the easterne wind , saith Eliphaz , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.52) shall a wise man dispute with words not comely ? or with talke that is not profitable ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.53) Yet behold , even they that are wisest amongst us living , co~pared with the Prophets , seem no otherwise to talke of God , then as if the children which are caried in armes should speake of the greatest matters of state . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.54) They whose words doe most shew forth their wise vnderstanding , and whose lips doe vtter the purest knowledge , so as long as they vnderstand and speake as men , are they not faine sundry waies to excuse themselues ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.55) Sometimes acknowledging with the wise ma~ , hardly can we discerne the things that are on earth , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.56) and with great labour finde wee out the things that are before vs , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.57) who can then seeke out the things that are in heauen ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.58) Sometimes confessing with Iob the righteous , in treating of things too wonderfull for vs , we haue spoke~ we wist not what . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.59) Sometimes ending their talke , as doth the history of the Macchabees , if we haue done wel , & as the cause required , it is that we desire , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.60) if we haue spoke~ slenderly and barely , we haue done what we could . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.61) But God hath made my mouth like a sword , saith Esay . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,5.62) And we haue received , saith the Apostle , not the spirit of the world , but the spirit which is of God , that wee might know the things , which are given to vs of God which things also we speake , not-5 in words , which mans wisdome teacheth , but which the holy Ghost doth teach . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.63) This is that which the Prophets mean by those books writte~ ful within , & without ; which books were so often delivered the~ to eat , not because God fed the~ with inke , & paper , but to teach vs , that so oft as he employed them in this heavenly worke , they neither spake , nor wrote any word of their owne , but vttered sillable by sillable as the spirit put it into their mouths , no otherwise then the Harp or the Lute doth giue a sound according to the discretion of his hands that holdeth & striketh it with skill . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.64) The difference is only this . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.65) An instrument whether it be a pipe or harpe maketh a distinction in the times and sounds , which distinction is well perceived of the hearer , the instrumente it selfe vnderstanding not what is piped or harped . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.66) The Prophets and holy men of God not so . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.67) I opened my mouth , saith Ezechiel , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.68) and God reached me a scroule , saying , son of man cause thy belly to eat (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.69) & fill thy bowels with this I giue thee , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.70) I eate it , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.71) and it was sweet in my mouth as hony , saith the Prophet . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.72) Yea sweeter , I am perswaded , then either hony or the hony combe . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.73) For herein they were not like Harps or Lutes , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.74) but they felt , they felt the power and strength of their owne words . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.75) Whe~ they spake of our peace , every corner of their hearts , was filled with joy . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.76) Whe~ they prophecied of mournings , lamentations , and woes , to fall vpon vs , they wept in the bitternes and indignation of spirit , the arme of the Lord being mighty and strong vpon them . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,6.77) 5 (HOOKER-A-E2-H,7.79) On this manner were all the prophecies of holy scripture . Which prophecies , although they containe nothing which is not profitable for our instruction , yet as one starre differeth from another in glory , so every word of prophecy hath a treasure of matter in it , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,7.80) but all matters are not of like importance , as al treasures are not of equal price . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,7.81) The chiefe & principal matter of prophecie is the promise of righteousnesse , peace , holinesse , glory , victory , immortality vnto every soule which beleeveth , that Iesus is Christ , of the Iew first , and of the Gentile . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,7.82) Nowe because the doctrine of salvation to bee looked for by faith in him , who was in outward appearance as it had beene a man forsaken of God , in him who was numbred , Iudged , and condemned with the wicked , in him whom men did see buffited on the face , scoft at by Souldiers , scourged by tormentours , hanged on the crosse , pearced to the heart , in him whom the eies of many witnesses did behold , when the anguish of his soule enforced him to roare as if his hart had rent in sunder , O my God , my God why haste thou forsaken me ? I say , because the doctrine of salvatio~ by him is a thing improbable to a natural man , that whether we preach it to the Gentile , or to the Iew , the one condemneth our faith as madnes , the other as blasphemy , therefore to establish and confirme the certainety of this saving trueth in the harts of men ; the Lord togither , with their preachings , whom hee sent immediatly from himselfe , to reveale these things vnto the world , mingled prophecies of things both civill and Ecclesiasticall , which were to come in everie age from time to time , till the very last of the latter daies ; that by those things , wherein we see daily their words fulfilled and done , we might haue strong consolation in the hope of things which are not seene , because they haue revealed as well the one as the other . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.83) For when many things are spoken of before in scripture , whereof we see first one thing accomplished , and then another , and so a third , perceiue wee not plainely , that God doeth nothing else but lead vs along by the hand , til he haue setled vs vpon the rocke of an assured hope , that no one iote or title of his word shall passe till all be fulfilled ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.84) It is not therefore saide in vaine , that these godlesse wicked ones were spoken of before . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.85) 6 (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.86) But by whom ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.87) By them whose words , if men or Angels from heauen gainesaie , they are accursed ; (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.88) by them , whom whosoever despiseth , despiseth not them , but me , saith Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.89) If any man therefore doth loue the Lord Iesus and woe worth him that loueth not the Lord Iesus ! hereby wee may know that hee loveth him indeed , if hee despise not the things that are spoken of by his Apostles ; whom many haue despised even for the basenesse and simplenesse of their persons . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.90) For it is the propertie of fleshly and carnall men , to honour and dishonour , credit , and discredit the words and deeds of every man according to that he wanteth or hath without . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,8.91) If a man with gorgeous apparell come amongst vs , although he bee a theefe or a murtherer for there are theeues and murtherers in gorgeous apparell be his heart whatsoever , if his coat be of purple , or velvet , or tissue , every one riseth up , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.92) and all the reverent solemnities wee can vse , are too little . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.93) But the man that serveth God , is contemned and despised amongst vs for his povertie . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.94) Herod speaketh in iudgement , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.95) and the people cry out , The voice of God and not of man . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.96) Paul preacheth Christ , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.97) they tearme him a trifler . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.98) Harken beloued : (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.99) hath not God chosen the poore of this world , that they should be rich in faith ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.100) hath hee not chosen the refuse of the world to be heires of his kingdome , which hee hath promised to them that loue him ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.101) hath he not chosen the ofscowrings of men to be the lights of the world , and the Apostles of Jesus Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.102) Men vnlearned , yet how fully replenished with vnderstanding ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.103) fewe in number , yet how great in power ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.104) contemptible in shew , yet in spirit how strong ? how wonderfull ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.105) I would faine learne the mysterie of the eternall generation of the sonne of God , saith Hilary . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.106) Whom shall I seeke ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.107) shall I get me to the schooles of the Grecians ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.108) why ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.109) I haue read , vbi sapiens ? vbi scriba ? vbi conquisitor huius seculi ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.110) These wise men in the world must needs bee dumbe in this , because they haue reiected the wisdome of God . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.111) Shall I beseech the Scribes and Interpreters of the law , to become my teachers ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.112) how can they knowe this , sith they are offended at the crosse of Christ ? (HOOKER-A-E2-H,9.113) It is death for me to be ignorant of the vnsearchable misterie of the sonne of God : of which misterie notwithstanding I should haue been ignorant , but that a poore fisherman , vnknowne , vnlearned , new come from his bote with his cloathes wringing wet , hath opened his mouth and taught me , In the beginning was the word , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,10.114) and the word was with God , (HOOKER-A-E2-H,10.115) & the word was God . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,10.116) These poore sillie creatures haue made vs rich in the knowledge of the mysteries of Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-H,10.117)