7 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.2)
Edifie your selues . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.3)
The speech is borrowed fro~ material builders , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.4)
and must be spiritually vnderstood . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.5)
It appeareth in the 6. of S. Iohns gospel by the Iewes ,
that their mouthes did water too much for bodilie food ,
Our Fathers , say they , did eate Manna in the
Desert , as it is written , He gave them bread from heaven to eate ;
Lord , evermore giue vs of this bread ! (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.8)
Our Saviour , to turne their appetite another way , maketh the this
answere , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.9)
I am the bread of life , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.10)
hee that co~meth to me shall not hunger , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.11)
and hee that beleeveth in mee , shall never thirst .
8 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.13)
An vsuall practise it is of Satan to cast heapes of worldly baggage in
our way , that whilest we desire to heape vp gold as dust , wee may be
brought at the length to esteeme vilely that spiritual blisse .
Christ , in the 6. of Matthew , to correct this evill
affection , putteth vs in minde to lay vp treasure for our selues in
heaven . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.15)
The Apostle , 1. Tim. 3. chapt. misliking the vanity of
those wome~ , which attired themselues more costly , then beseemed the
heavenly calling of such as professed the fear of God , willeth them to
cloath themselues with shamefastnes and modestie , and to put on the
apparel of good workes . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.16)
Tabiter pigmentatae Deum habebitis amatorem , saith Tertullian
. (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.17)
Put on righteousnesse as a garment : (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.18)
in steed of Civit haue Faith , which may cause a favour of life to
issue from you , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.19)
and God shall be enamoured , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.20)
he shall be ravished with your beauty . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,36.21)
These are the ornaments , & bracelets , and jewels , which inflame the
loue of Christ , and set his hart on fire vpon his spowse .
We see , how he breaketh out in the Canticles at the beholding
of this attire , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.23)
How faire art thou , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.24)
and how pleasant art thou , O my loue , in these pleasures !
9 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.26)
And perhaps S. Iude exhorteth vs here not to build our
houses but our selues , foreseeing by the spirit of the Almighty ,
which was with him , that there should be men in the last daies like to
those in the first , which should encourage and stirre vp each other to
make bricke & to burne it in the fire , to build houses huge as cities
, and towers as high as heaven , thereby to get them a name vpon earth
; men that shoulde turne out the poore , and the fartherlesse , and the
widdow to build places of rest for dogs & swine in their roomes ; men
that should lay houses of praier even with ground , and make the~
stables where Gods people haue worshipped before the Lord .
Surely this is a vanity of all vanities , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.28)
and it is much amongst men , a speciall sicknesse of this age .
What it should meane , I know not , except God haue set the~ on worke
to provide sewel against that day , when the Lord Iesus shal show
himselfe from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire .
What good commeth vnto the owners of these things , saith
Solomon , but only the beholding thereof with their eies ?
Martha , Martha , thou busiest thy selfe about many things ,
One thing is necessarie . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.33)
Yee are too busie , my brethren , with timber , and bricke ;
They haue chosen the better part , they haue taken a better course ,
that build themselues . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.35)
Yee are the Temples of the living God ; (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.36)
as God hath said , I wil dwel in them , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.37)
and will walke in them , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,37.38)
& they shal be my people , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.39)
and I wil be their God . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.40)
Which of you wil gladly remaine , or abide in a mishapen , a ruinous ,
or a broken house ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.42)
And shal we suffer sinne , and vanity to drop in at our eies , and at
our eares , at every corner of our bodies , & of our soules , knowing
that we are the Temples of the holy Ghost ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.43)
Which of you receiveth a guest , whom he honoureth , or whom he loveth
, (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.44)
and doth not sweepe his chamber against his comming ?
And shal we suffer the chamber of our hearts and consciences to lie
full of vomiting , full of filth , ful of garbidge , knowing that
Christ hath said , I , and my Father will come , and dwell with you ?
Is it meete for your Oxen to lay in parlours , and your selues to lodge
in cribs ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.47)
Or is it seemely for your selues to dwell in your setled houses and the
house of the Almighty to lie wast , whose house yee are your selues ?
Do not our eies behold , how God every day overtaketh the wicked in
their iourneies , how suddenly they pop downe into the pit ? how Gods
iudgements for their times come so swiftly vpon them , that they haue
not the leasure to crie , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.49)
Alas ? how their life is cut off like a threed in a moment ?
how they passe like a shadow ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.51)
how they open their mouthes to speake , and God taketh them even in the
midst of a vaine or an idle word ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,38.52)
And dare we for all this lay downe , take our rest , eate our meat
securely and carelessly in the midst of so great and so many ruines ?
Blessed and praised for ever and ever be his name , who perceiuing of
how senselesse & heavy mettall we are made , hath instituted in his
Church a spirituall supper , and an holy communion , to be
celebrated often , that we might thereby bee occasioned often to
examine these buildings of ours , in what case they stand .
For sith God doth not dwell in Temples which are vncleane , sith a
shrine $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be a sanctuary vnto him ; and this
supper is receaued as a seale vnto vs , that we are his house and his
sanctuarie , that his Christ is as truly vnited to me , and I to him ,
as my arme is united and knit vnto my shoulder , that hee dwelleth in
me as verily as the elements of bread and wine abide within me , which
perswasion , by receiving these dreadfull mysteries , we professe our
selues to haue ; a due comfort , if truly , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,39.55)
and if in hypocrisie then woe worth vs . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,39.56)
Therefore ere wee put forth our hands to take this blessed Sacrament ,
we are charged to examine , and to trie our hearts whether God bee in
vs of a truth or no : and if by faith and loue vnfained we be found the
temples of the holy Ghost , then to iudge , whether we haue had such
regard every one to our building , that the spirit which dwelleth in vs
hath no way beene vexed , molested , and grieued .
Or if it haue , as no doubt sometimes it hath by incredulitie ,
sometimes by breach of charitie , sometimes by want of zeale ,
sometimes by spots of life , even in the best and most perfect amongst
vs , for who can say , his heart is cleane ? O then to
fly vnto God by vnfained repentance , to fall downe before him in the
humilitie of our soules , begging of him whatsoever is needfull to
repaire our decaies , before wee fall into that desolation , whereof
the Prophet speaketh , saying Thy breach is great like
the sea , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.58)
who can heale thee ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.59)
11 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.60)
Receiving the sacrament of the Supper of the Lord , after this sort
you that are spiritual , iudge what I speake is not
all other wine like the water of Marah , being compared
to the cup , which we blesse ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.61)
Is not Manna like to gall , and our bread like to
Manna ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.62)
Is there not a tast , a tast of Christ Iesus in the hart of him that
eateth ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.63)
Doth not hee which drinketh , behold plainely in this cup , that his
soul is bathed in the blood of the lambe ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.64)
O beloued in our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ , if yee will tast how
sweet the Lord is , if yee will receaue the king of glory ,
Build your selues . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.65)
12 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.66)
Young men , I speake this to you , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.67)
for yee are his house , because by faith , yee are conquerers over
Satan , and haue overcome that evill .
Fathers , I speake it also to you ,
yee are his house , because yee haue knowne him , which is from the
beginning . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.70)
Sweete Babes , I speake it even to you also ;
yee are his house , because your sinnes are forgiven you for his
namesake . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.72)
Matrons and Sisters , I may not hold it
from you , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.73)
yee are also the Lords building , and , as S. Peter
speaketh , heires of the grace of life as well as we .
Though it be forbidden you to open your mouthes in publike assemblies ,
yet yee must bee inquisitiue in things concerning this building , which
is of God , with your husbands and friends at home , not as
Dalila with Sampson , but as Sara
with Abraham , whose daughters yee are , whilst yee doe
well , and build your selues . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.75)
13 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,40.76)
Having spoken thus farre of the exhortation , as whereby we are
called vpon to edifie and build our selues . It remaineth now , that
wee consider the thing prescribed , namely wherein we must bee built .
This pr.scription standeth also vpon two points , the thing
prescribed , and the adiuncts of the
thing . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,41.78)
And that is our most pure , and holy faith .
14 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,41.80)
The thing prescribed is Faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,41.81)
For as in a chaine , which is made of many linkes , if you pull the
first , you drawe the rest ; and as in a ladder of many staues , if you
take away the lowest , all hope of ascending to the highest will be
remoued , So because all the precepts and promises in the law and in
the Gospell doe hang vpon this , Beleeue ; and because
the last of the graces of God doth so follow the first , that he
glorifieth none , but whom he hath iustified , nor iustifieth any , but
whom he hath called to a true , effectual , and liuely faith in Christ
Iesus , therefore S Iude exhorting us to build
our selues , mentioneth here expresly only faith , as the thing
wherein we must be edified , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,41.82)
for that faith is the ground and the glorie of all the welfare of this
building . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,41.83)
15 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,41.84)
Yee are not strangers & forrainers , but citizens with the
Saints , and of the houshold of God , saith the Apostle ,
and are built vpon the foundation of the Prophets & Apostles ,
Iesus Christ himselfe being the cheefe corner stone , in whom all the
building being coupled together , groweth vnto an holy Temple in the
Lord , in whom we also are built together to be the habitation of God
by the spirit . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,41.86)
And we are the habitation of God by the spirit , if we beleeue .
For it is written , whosoever confesseth that Iesus is the sonne
of God , in him God dwelleth , and he in God . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.88)
The strength of this habitatio~ is great ; (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.89)
it prevaileth against Satan ; (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.90)
it conquereth sinne ; (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.91)
it hath death in derision ; (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.92)
neither principalities , nor powers can throwe it downe ;
it leadeth the world captiue , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.94)
& bringeth every enimie , that riseth vp against it , to co~fusion and
shame , and all by faith ; (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.95)
for this is the victorie that overcommeth the world , even our faith .
Who is it that overco~meth the world , but hee which beleeueth , that
Iesus is the sonne of God ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.97)
16 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.98)
The strength of every building , which is of God , standeth not in any
mans armes or legs : (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.99)
it is only in our faith , as the valour of Sampson lay
only in his haire . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.100)
This is the reason , why wee are so earnestly called vpon to
edifie our selues in faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.101)
Not as if this bare action of our minds , whereby wee beleeue the
Gospel of Christ , were able in it selfe , as of it selfe , to make vs
vnconquerable and invincible , like stones , which abide in the
building for ever and fall not out . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.102)
No , it is not the worthinesse of our beleeuing ,
it is the vertue of him in whom we beleeue , by which we stand sure as
houses that are builded vpon a rocke . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.104)
He is a wise man , which hath builded his house vpon a rocke ;
for he hath chosen a good foundation , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.106)
and no doubt his house will stand . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.107)
But how shall it stand ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.108)
verily by the strength of the rocke which beareth it , & by nothing
else . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,42.109)
Our fathers , whom God delivered out of the land of Egypt , were a
people , that had no peeres amongst the nations of the earth , because
they were built by faith vpon the rocke , which rocke is Christ .
And the rocke , saith the Apostle in the first to the
Corinthians , the tenth Chapter , did follow him
. Whereby we learne not only this , that being built by faith
on Christ as on a rocke , and grafted into him as into an Oliue , wee
receiue all our strength and fatnesse from him , but also that this
strength and fatnesse of ours ought to be no cause why we should be
high minded and not worke out our salvation with a reverent , tre~bling
, and holy feare . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,43.112)
For if thou boastest thy selfe of thy faith , knowe this that Christ
chose his Apostles , his Apostles chose not him ; that Israel followed
not the rocke , but the rocke followed Israel , and that thou bearest
not the roote , but the root thee . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,43.113)
So that every heart must $thus {TEXT:this} thinke , and every tongue
must thus speake , Not vnto vs , O Lord , not vnto vs ,
nor vnto any thing which is within vs , but vnto thy name onely , only
to thy name belongeth all the praise of al the treasures and riches of
every Temple which is of God . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,43.114)
This excludeth al boasting and vaunting of our faith .
17 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,43.116)
But this must not make vs carelesse to edifie our selues in faith .
It is the Lord that delivereth mens soules from death , but not except
they put their trust in his mercy . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,43.118)
It is God that hath given vs eternall life , but no otherwise then thus
, If wee beleeue in the name of the sonne of God ;
for hee that hath not the sonne of God hath not life .
It was the spirit of the Lord which came vpon Sampson ,
& made him strong to teare a lion as a man would rent a kid :
but his strength forsooke him , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,43.122)
and he became like other men when the razer had touched his head
. (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.123)
It is the power of God whereby the faithfull haue subdued kingdomes ,
wrought righteousnesse , obtained the promises , stopped the mouthes of
Lions , quenched the violence of fire , escaped the edge of the sword :
But take away their faith , (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.125)
and doth not their strength forsake them ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.126)
are they not like vnto other men ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.127)
18 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.128)
If yee desire yet farther to knowe how necessarie and needfull it is ,
that we edifie and build vp our selues in faith , marke the words of
the blessed Apostles , without faith it is impossible to please
God . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.129)
If I offer vnto God all the sheepe and oxen , that are in the world ,
if all the Temples , that were builded since the dayes of Adam
till this houre , were of my foundation , if I breake my very
heart with calling vpon God , and weare out my tongue with preaching ,
if I sacrifice my body and my soule vnto him , and haue no faith
all this availeth nothing . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.130)
Without faith it is impossible to please God .
Our Lord and Saviour therefore being asked in the sixt of S.
Iohns Gospell , What shall we doe that we might worke
the workes of God , maketh answer , This is the worke of
God , that yee beleeue in him , whom hee hath sent .
19 (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.133)
That no worke of ours , no building of our selues in any thing can be
available or profitable vnto vs , except we be edified & built in faith
, what need we to seeke about for long proofe ? (HOOKER-B-E2-H,44.134)
looke vpon Israel once the very chosen and peculiar to God , to whom
the adoption of the faithfull , and the glory of Cherubins , and the
covenants of mercy , and the lawe of Moses , and
the service of God , and the promises of Christ were made impropriate ,
who not-6 onely-7 were the ofspring of Abraham , father
vnto all them which doe beleeue , but Christ their ofspring , which is
God to be blessed for evermore . (HOOKER-B-E2-H,45.135)