To Sir Robart Plompton , kt. be thes letter delivered . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.3) Sir , in the most hartyest wyse that I can , I recomend me unto you . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.4) Sir , I have sent to Wright of Idell for the money that he promyst you , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.5) and he saith he hath it not to len , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.6) and makes choses (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.7) and so I can get none nowhere . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.8) And as for wood , ther is none that will bey , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.9) for they know ye want money , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.10) and without they myght have it halfe for nought , they will bey none ; (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.11) for your son , William Plompton , and Thomas Bickerdyke hath bene every day at wood sence ye went , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.12) and they can get no money for nothing , - (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.13) for tha will bey none without they have tymmer tres , and will give nothinge for them : (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.14) and so shall your wood be distroyed and get nought for it . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.15) Sir , I told you this or ye went , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.16) but ye wold not beleve me . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.17) Sir , I have taken of your tymmer as much as I can get of , or Whitsonday farme forehand ; (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.18) and that is but litle to do you any good , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.19) for ther is but some that will len so long afor the tyme . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.20) And your Lenten stoufe is to bey , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.21) and I wote not what to do , God wote , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.22) for I am ever left of thes fachion . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.23) Sir , ther is land in Rybston feild , that Christofer Chambers wold bey , if ye will sel it ; (IPLUMPT-E1-H,198.24) but I am not in a suerty what he will give for it . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.25) But if ye will sel it , send word to your son what ye will doe , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.26) for I know nothing els wherwith to help you with . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.27) Sir , for God sake take an end , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.28) for we are brought to begger staffe , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.29) for ye have not to defend them withall . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.30) Sir , I send you my mare , and iij =s= iiij =d= by the bearer herof , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.31) and I pray you send me word as sone as ye may . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.32) No more at this tyme , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.33) but the Holy Trenyttie send you good speed in all your matters , (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.34) and send you sone home . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.35) Sir , remember your chillder bookes . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.36) Be your bedfellow , Isabell Plompton . (IPLUMPT-E1-H,199.37)