my dare childe I hade great hopes to have seen yo=u= heare eare this time (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.3) for I longe gretly to see yo=u= , (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.4) I long to see yo=u= all but espesphilly yo=u= , (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.5) for I am trobelled gretly , what yo=u= can doe wth the workkers thes times , (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.6) for heare is no trade , (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.7) and I greatly fare that it is as bad theare (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.8) and I have not harde from yo=u= along time , so that I am in great fare that yo=u= are not well , (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.9) what to write (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.10) nothinge (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.11) how it is wth yo=u= , whare yo=u= have yo=r= helth after yo=r= fever , or no , (JPINNEY-E3-H,17.12) I long to hear how all things goe thare , whear yo=u= are all in helth and how Azea and his sister doe accord and what is becom of nubery and how it goes w=th= every one of yo=u= , the childern also , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.13) if the trade be as bad thare as heare , I should ad vise yo=u= to be red of sum of the workkers , not to trune thim of , but to bad thim away , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.14) I have delaid writtinge ever sence the kinge was cround , when I under stande that thay did not goe out of moringe , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.15) for they say heare that it will last ahole yeare , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.16) and if so , it will break many trade peppill (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.17) write me weare yo=u= doe intend to com this summer or not , and whare yo=r= brother doe desine to com , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.18) his wife is heare ofton , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.19) till him that shee doe desine to ride to passones the next weeke , and dun him about the mony (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.20) for now the band is due , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.21) wee have sold about 44=l= worth of the lase (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.22) but have not received above 12. or 14. of it (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.23) but in amounth more thare will be. due more , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.24) and then as soone as it is received , it shall be sent , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.25) yo=r= brothers wife have broug me all most $=l= (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.26) and shee will make it up when shee can get in the mony , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.27) ask him what hee will have doun wth it (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.28) I bles god wee are in helth heare (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.29) and hope the like of yo=u= , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.30) I obsarved apasshin in yo=r= letter , that fare had seade yo=r= spirrit , wich indeade ase ben sum trobell to me , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.31) trust god in his promisses , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.32) for hee have saide , I will never lave thee nor for sake thee , (JPINNEY-E3-H,18.33) I bless god I am suldom trobbelled at any thinge of this worlde but for yo=u= , and that I am at such adistance from my famaly , (JPINNEY-E3-H,19.34) but the great god hath saide , that all thinges shall worke together for good , to thim that truly fare him , (JPINNEY-E3-H,19.35) the lord to rais up all yo=r= spirrits to trost in him , and sarve him , and live to him , which is the dailly prayere of yo=r= ever Lov=g= mother Jane Pinny (JPINNEY-E3-H,19.36) My dare heare yo=u= see what yo=r= dafter doe write that shee have ... yo=r= writetinges , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.39) that is true (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.40) but what doe thay sicknifie unles old pimer had given him mony in consederation of it (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.41) yo=u= most com and take bands of her and her housban if yo=u= can get thim to give yo=u= bands be fore it runes to fare ; (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.42) for shee is wth childe (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.43) and how can you neglecke such athinge as this (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.44) what doe yo=u= kno~ how god may deale wth her such alittill cretuare and old to , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.45) and then her husband shall arest yo=u= for all yo=u= are worth , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.46) and see wth what viger thay will deale w=th= yo=u= (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.47) for hee have a pistilinte mother worse of the to thin his father , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.48) but carnall morrole pappill all of thim , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.49) and yet yo=u= will horkkin to thim that doe wish nether yo=u= nor yo=r= any good but thim silfes , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.50) in henderinge yo=u= to com , why $can $not {TEXT:cannot} yo=u= com as will as mr dadge (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.51) hee could $be $wanttinge {TEXT:bewanttinge} to mounthes (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.52) and why $can $not {TEXT:cannot} yo=u= that have one to helpe yo=u= , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.53) I will say noe more (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.54) the lorde dericke yo=u= for the best , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.55) but I most tell yo=u= it is so bad heare , yo=u= $can $not {TEXT:cannot} $be $sensabell {TEXT:besensabell} unles yo=u= ware hare to see and heare , (JPINNEY-E3-H,39.56) and yo=u= may travill as safe heare as thare , till the sogers doe com backe from the campe wich will not yet be thes to $or {TEXT:ro} 3 monts (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.57) but I came when the contry was all fall (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.58) and I see no canppe , (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.59) I shall have one ... to by wenser $a $thusday {TEXT:athusday} (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.60) I would I knowe how you would sill it (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.61) I have ahonderde thinges to write (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.62) but what is the ... , (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.63) for writeinge $can $not {TEXT:cannot} containe it (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.64) and if yo=u= com not how will yo=u= ashore her of any thinge yo=u= give her , (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.65) and if yo=u= com not I belive I shall not be abell to com to yo=u= this halfe yare , (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.66) yo=u= write of lawe (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.67) ware not yo=u= better com over , and see to have anend w=th= out lawe (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.68) she would have com to yo=u= longe or this tim if I would have let her com (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.69) but what doe that sigenifie , (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.70) I am at $aloss what to doe w=th= out yo=u= , (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.71) so w=th= my best wikes to yo=u= , $deseringe god to bles and presarve yo=u= and keepe yo=u= in helthe and saftie in hast I rest and still remaine yo=r= ever Lo wife Jane Pinny (JPINNEY-E3-H,40.72)