Our most bounden dueties right humbly remembred to your most excellent Maieste . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,124.4) Please your most noble Grace to be advertised that We your most humble subjects and obedient servaunts have this present daye employed all our most diligence , industrie , and activite to trye oute the veray botom and pith of suche things as the Lorde Lawarre hath ben detected to have offended your Majeste . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,124.5) But as yet we can fynde no sufficient grounde to committe hym to prison into your Graces Towr . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,124.6) And for thies two or thre dayis th'affaires as your Maieste knoweth be suche that we have differred tyll the same be passed the further enserching , with all meanes possible to trye the very effect of his detection . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,124.7) In the meane tyme we have in your Maiesties name commaunded hym to write all suche things as he hath allredy confessed , and that can come to his mynd . And further , that upon payne of his allegeaunce he shal kepe his house , and commone with no maner suspecte persone tyll we shall further declare unto hym your graciouse pleasur . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,124.8) Beseching your most noble and benigne Grace that , seen upon consyderacion that we fynde as yet no sufficient mater agenst hym , and that having respect aswell to your mercyfull clemencye , as also to your Graces honor , that wold not have hym upon a weak grounde wherof he myght clere hym self afterwarde to be extremely handeled , we have respyted his Emprisonement . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,124.9) It may please your Highnes not to be offended therewith , but to pardone us as we trust your Highnes of your most gracious disposition woll . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,125.10) Assuredly if we shuld have committed hym to the Towr , howesoever the matier shuld waye , it shuld so moch touch his honeste , and he by the same shuld be put to such a rebuke , that he shuld never be hable to recover it . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,125.11) Therefore agayn , most humbly prostrate at your Maiesties fete , we beseche the same to pardone us : not doubting but in the same and all other your Highnes maters we shal not faile to endevoyre our selfs according to our most bounden dueties as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} , we hoope , to your Graces satisfaction and contentement . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,125.12) Prayeng Allmyghty God to maynteyne your Ma=ties=. prosperouse regne , honor , and lif , to our fruition long to endure . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,125.13) Writen at your Graces Cite of London , the first daye of Decembr the xxx=th= yere of yo=r= most prosperouse and noble regne . (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,125.14) Your Maiesties most bounden feithfull and humble subjects servaunts and beadesmen Thomas Audeley . T. Norfolk . Charlys Suffolk . Thomas Crumwell . Robt. Sussex . E. Hertford . W. Southampton (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,125.15) " To the Kings moost Royall Maieste . " (LORDS-E1-H,1.2,125.16)