The xxvj day of July cam unto the Towre my lord marqwes of Northamton , by and my lord Robart Dudley , and the bysshop of London , and ser Recherd Corbett ; (MACHYN-E1-H,38.2) and after cam in to the Towre my lord cheyffe justes Chamley , the lord Montyguw , at v of the cloke at nyght . (MACHYN-E1-H,38.3) The xxvij day of July the duke of Suffoke , maister $Cheke the kynges scolmaster , maister Coke , $and ser John Yorke , to the Towre . (MACHYN-E1-H,38.4) The xxxj day of July was delevered owt of the Towre the duke of Suffoke ; (MACHYN-E1-H,38.5) and the sam day rod thrugh London my lade Elssabeth to Algatt , and so to the qwens grace her sester , with a M=l=. hors with a C. velvett cotes . (MACHYN-E1-H,38.6) The sam tyme cam to the Flett the yerle of Ruttland and my lord Russell , in hold . (MACHYN-E1-H,38.7) The $qwen's grace mad sir Thomas Jarnyngham vyce-chamburlayn and captayne of the garde , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.8) and ser Edward Hastyngs her grace mad ym the maister of the horsse the sam tym . (MACHYN-E1-H,38.9) The iij day of August the Queen came riding to London , and so to the Tower ; making her entrance at Aldgate , which was hanged , and a grett nombur of stremars hanging about the said gate ; (MACHYN-E1-H,38.10) and all the strett unto Ledynhalle and unto the Tower were laid with graffvell , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.11) and all the crafts of London stood in a row , with ther banars and stremars hangyd over ther heds . (MACHYN-E1-H,38.12) Her grace cam , and a-for her a M=l=. velvet cotes and $cloaks in brodere , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.13) and the mar of London bare the mase , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.14) and the erle of Arundell bare the sworde , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.15) and all the trumpets $blowing ; (MACHYN-E1-H,38.16) and next her my lade Elssabeth , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.17) and next her the duches of Norffoke , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.18) and next her the marqwes of Exseter , and other lades ; (MACHYN-E1-H,38.19) and after her the aldermen , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.20) and then the gard with bowes and gaffylens , (MACHYN-E1-H,38.21) and all the reseduw departyd at Aldgate in gren and whyt , and red and whyt , and bluw and gren , to the nombur of iij M=l=. horse and speres and gaffelyns . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.22) The fenerall , the iiij day of August , of my lade Browne , the wyche she ded in chyld-bed ; with a harold and iiij banars of armes , and mony schochyons ; and a gret dolle , and many mornars , and a gret dener to the pore and ryche ; the wyff of ser Antony Brown in Sussex . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.23) The v day of August cam to the Towre doctur dene of Westmynster , master Cokes . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.24) The sam day cam out of the Marsalsay the old bysshop of London , Bonar , (MACHYN-E1-H,39.25) and dyvers bysshopes bryng hym home unto ys plasse at Powlles ; (MACHYN-E1-H,39.26) and doctur Cokes whent to the sam plasse in the Marselsay that the bysshope was in . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.27) The v day of August cam in to the Towre my lord Ferrys by ... at ix of the cloke , (MACHYN-E1-H,39.28) and so whent he a-for the consell , (MACHYN-E1-H,39.29) and so with-in a nowre he was delevered unto ser John Gage , constabull of the Towre , (MACHYN-E1-H,39.30) and so he had the custody of my lord for that tyme . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.31) The Queen released from prison the lord Courtenay , soon after created earl of Denshyre , and odur moo . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.32) And the Qwene grace mad ser Edward Hastyngs master of the horse , and ser Thomas Jernyngham vysse-chamburlayne and captayn of the gard , and master Rochastur master controller ; my lord marqwes of Wynchaster lord tresorer of England , and dyvers odur offeserse , and dyvers odur . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.33) The vj day of August cam in-to the Towre , from Calais , ser Hare Dudley , that was gohyng in-to Franse . (MACHYN-E1-H,39.34) The viij day of August was bered the nobull kyng Edward the vj , (MACHYN-E1-H,39.35) and vij yere of ys rayne ; (MACHYN-E1-H,39.36) and at ys bereing was the grettest mone mad for hym of ys deth as ever was hard or sene , boyth of all sorts of pepull , wepyng and lamentyng ; (MACHYN-E1-H,39.37) and furst of alle whent a grett company of chylderyn in ther surples , and clarkes syngyng , and then ys father's bedmen , and then ij harolds , and then a standard with a dragon , and then a grett nombur of ys servants in blake , and then anodur standard with a whyt greyhond , and then after a grett nombur of ys $officers , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.38) and after them comys mo harolds , and then a standard with the hed offesars of ys howse ; and then harolds , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.39) Norey bare the elmett and the crest on horsbake , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.40) and then ys grett baner of armes in-brodery , and with dyvers odur baners , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.41) and then cam rydyng maister Clarensshuws with ys target , with ys garter , and ys sword , gorgyusly and ryche , and after Garter with ys cotte armur in brodery , and then mor $harolds of armes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,40.42) and then cam the charett with grett horsses trapyd with velvet to the grond , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.43) and hevere horse havyng $a $man on ys bake in blake , and ever on beyryng a banar-roll $of dyvers kynges armes , and with $schochyons on ther horses , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.44) and then the charett kovered with cloth of gold , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.45) and on the $charett lay on a pycture lyeng recheussly with a crown of gold , and a grett coler , and ys septur in ys hand , lyheng in ys robes and the garter about his leg , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.46) and a coat in embroidery of gold ; (MACHYN-E1-H,40.47) about the corps were borne four banners , a banner of the order , another of the red rose , another of queen Jane Seymour , another of the queen's mother . (MACHYN-E1-H,40.48) After him went a goodly horse , covered with cloth of gold unto the ground , and the master of the horse , with a man of arms in armour , which was offered , boyth the man and the horsse . (MACHYN-E1-H,40.49) There was set up a goodly hersse in Westmynster abbay with banar $-rolls and pensells , and honge with velvet a-bowt . (MACHYN-E1-H,40.50) The sam day , the wyche was the viij day of August , cam to London the good yerle of Darbe , with iiij=xx= in cottes of velvet and oder ij C. xviij yomen in a leveray , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.51) and so to Westmynster . (MACHYN-E1-H,40.52) The ix day of August cam the bysshope of Wyncheaster owt of the Towre $conducted by the yerle of Arundell to ys owen parish of sant Mare Overeys , (MACHYN-E1-H,40.53) and from thens with my lord of Arundell to dener to Bayth plasse . (MACHYN-E1-H,40.54) The x day of August was drounyd vij men at $London bryge by folij ; (MACHYN-E1-H,41.56) on was master Thomas of Brygys the $leyff-tenants sune and heire , (MACHYN-E1-H,41.57) and iij gentyllmen more , be-syd odur ; and one ... (MACHYN-E1-H,41.58) The xiij day $of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse doctur $Bourn parsun of hehnger , in Essex , the $qwen's chaplen , (MACHYN-E1-H,41.59) and ther was a gret up-rore and showtyng at ys sermon , as yt $were lyke madpepull , watt yonge pepell and woman $as ever was hard , as herle-borle , and castyng up of capes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,41.60) $if my lord mer and my lord Cortenay ad not ben ther , ther had bene grett myscheyff done . (MACHYN-E1-H,41.61) The xvj day of August was a man sett on the pelere for forgeng of falss letters in odur mens name . (MACHYN-E1-H,41.62) The xvij day of August was mad a grett skaffold in Westmynster hall agaynst the morow , for the duke of Northumberland commyng to be raynyd , with odur , as the marqwes of Northamton and the yerle of Warwyke . (MACHYN-E1-H,41.63) The xviij day of August was reynyd at Westmynster hall the marqwes of Northamton , and the duke , and th'erle of Warwyke , (MACHYN-E1-H,41.64) and so they wher condemnyd to be had to the place that thay cam fro , and from thens to be drane thrugh London onto Tyburne , and ther to be hangyd , and then to be cott downe , and ther bowells to be brentt , and ther heds to be sett on London bryge and odur $places . (MACHYN-E1-H,41.65) The xix day were arraigned at Westminster hall sir Andrew Dudley , sir John Gates , sir Harry Gattes , ser Thomas Palmer , and cast to be hanged and quartered . (MACHYN-E1-H,41.66) The sam day was a gret feyre at Chelsay $beyond Westmynster , (MACHYN-E1-H,41.67) and ther was dyvers howsses brent , $and dyvers barnes with corne brent , to the nombur ... (MACHYN-E1-H,41.68) The xx day of August dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Wattsun , chaplayn unto {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} , (MACHYN-E1-H,41.69) and ther wher present all the craftes of London in ther best leveray , syttyng on formes , $every craft by them-seylff , and my lord mere and the aldermen , and ij C. of the guard , to se no dysquyet done . (MACHYN-E1-H,41.70) The sam day was bered master Kyrtun , alderman and marchand tailler , and marchand of the stapull of Cales , a-for non . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.72) The xxj of August was , by viij of the cloke in the mornyng , on the Towre hylle a-boythe x M=l=. men and women for to have $seen the execussyon of the duke of Northumberland , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.73) for the skaffold was mad rede , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.74) and sand and straw was browth , and all the men $that longest to the Towre , as Hogston , Shordyche , Bow , Ratclyff , Lymhouse , Sant Kateryns , and the waters of the Towre , and the gard , and shyreyffs offesers , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.75) and evere man stand in order with ther holbardes , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.76) and lanes made , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.77) and the hangman was ther , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.78) and sodenly they wher commondyd to $depart . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.79) And the sam tym after was send for my lord mer and the aldermen and cheyffest of the craftes in London , and dyvers of the consell , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.80) and ther was sed mas a-for the Duke and the rest of the presonars . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.81) The xxj day of August was sett on the pelere ij men , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.82) on a prest and a-nodur a barbur , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.83) and boyth ther herers nayllyd to the pelere , (MACHYN-E1-H,42.84) the parsun of sant Alberowgh with-in Bysshope-gate for hannus wordes and sedyssus wordes aganst the $qwen's magesty hygnes at the sermon at Powlles crosse , that was the Sonday the xiij day of August , and for the up-rore that was ther don . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.85) The prest . twys ... (MACHYN-E1-H,42.86) The xxj day of August was a proclamasyon , that no man shuld reson aganst her grases magesty and her conselle , dohyng the wyche she wyll doe to the honor of God and ys mother . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.87) The xxiij day of August was the sam prest sett on the pelere agayne for mo $wordes . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.88) The sam day be-gane the masse at sant Nicolas Colabay , goodly song in Laten , and tapurs , and set on the owtter and a crosse , in old Fysstrett . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.89) Item , the next day a goodly masse songe $at sant Necolas Wyllyms , in Laten , in Bredstrett . (MACHYN-E1-H,42.90) The xxv day of August was bornyd the $Great Hare , the grettest shype in the world , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.92) and yt was pete and yff yt had plesyd God , at Wolwych , $by neckclygens and for lake of over-syth ; the furst yere of queen Mary . (MACHYN-E1-H,43.93) The xxviij day of August ded ser John $Haryngton knyght , of Rottland-shyre , with-in in Saynt Ellens , Bysshopgatt stret , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.94) and from that day that he ded tyll he was cared in-to ys contray , was mas and dirige evere day songe ; (MACHYN-E1-H,43.95) and Monday the iiij day of September , $he whent in-to the contray in a horse lytter , with ys standard and ys penon of armes , and after ys horsse ... with iiij pennons of armes borne a-bowt hym , and with a goodly helmet gylt , with targett , sword , and crest , and a x dosen of schochyons , and x dosen of pensells for a herse , and staff torchys , and a herse of wax , and a fere mageste , and the walans gylded and frynged , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.96) and so to Ware , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.97) and so $forwards . (MACHYN-E1-H,43.98) The vj day of September cam owt of the Towre my lord Ferrys , my lord cheyff justys Chamlay , and my lord Montyguw , unto the denes place , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.99) for ther satt the consell , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.100) and ther thay wher delevered and dyscharged of the Towre with a grett fyne . (MACHYN-E1-H,43.101) The iij day of August , at Rychemond , was my lord Cortnay created the yerle of Denshyre of owre nobulle qwene Mare . (MACHYN-E1-H,43.102) The xij day of September the citizens began to adorn the city against the Queen's coronation ; to hang the streets , and prepare pageants at Fanchyrche and Grasse-chyrche and Leaden-hall , in Gracyus strett , and at condutt in Cornhyll , and the great conduit in Chepe , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.103) at standard in Chepe , the crosse reparyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.104) $at the lytyll coundytt , a pagantt in Powlles $chyrche-yard , a-nodur pagant and mony spechys , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.105) and Ludgat nuly reparyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.106) and mony chylderyn ; (MACHYN-E1-H,43.107) at the condytt in Flettstrett a pagantt , and nuwe trymmyd very $gorgyously , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.108) and the strett hangyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.109) and plases for every craft to stand $severally , mad with tymber from evere $craft ther standyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,43.110) and so to remane unto evere halle for ever when they shall have nede for shyche dohyng . (MACHYN-E1-H,43.111) The xxj day of September was the obseqwe of the baron of Dudley ser John Dudley at Westmynster , the bake-syd of Sant Margatts ; (MACHYN-E1-H,44.113) and ther was at ys beryng prestes and clarkes syngyng in Laten , the prest havyng a cope and the clarke havyng the halewater sprynkull in ys hand , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.114) and after a mornar baryng ys standard , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.115) and after a-nodur beyryng ys gret baner of armes gold and sylver , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.116) and a-nodur beyryng ys elmett , mantyll , and the crest a bluw $lyon's hed standyng a-pon a crowne of gold , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.117) and after a-nodur mornar bayryng $his targett , and a-nodur ys sword , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.118) and after cam master Somersett the harold bayryng ys cott armur of gold and selver , and then the corse covered with cloth of gold to the grond , and iiij of ys men beyryng hym , and ys armes hangyd a-pone the cloth of gold , and xij men of ys servands bayryng xij stayffs torchys bornyng to the chyrche ; (MACHYN-E1-H,44.119) and in the qwer was a hersse mad of tymbur and covered with blake , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.120) and armes apon the blake , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.121) and after the mornars a grett compene ; (MACHYN-E1-H,44.122) and a-for the durge began , the harold cam to the qwer dore (MACHYN-E1-H,44.123) and prayd for ys soll by ys stylle , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.124) and so began the durge song in Laten , all the lessons , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.125) and then the harold prayd $for $a {TEXT:a_for} masse , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.126) and so the masse songe in Laten ; and after ys helmet ofered , and cott and targatt , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.127) and after all was endyd offered the standard and the baner of armes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,44.128) and so hom to dener , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.129) and ther was goodly ryngyng and a gret doll ... (MACHYN-E1-H,44.130) The xxj day of September was a grett wache in ... (MACHYN-E1-H,44.131) ser Edward Hastynges , the master of the horse , in sant $George's on the banke a-bowt my lord of Wynchester ; (MACHYN-E1-H,44.132) for ther wher serten taken , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.133) and Sowthwarke w ... (MACHYN-E1-H,44.134) The xxiiij day of September dyd pryche master doctur Fecknam at Powlles crosse , the Sonday a-for the $qwuen's crounasyon ; (MACHYN-E1-H,44.135) he mad a godly sermon as was hard in that place . (MACHYN-E1-H,44.136) The xxviij day of September the $Qwen's grace removed from Sant James , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.137) and so to Whyt Hall , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.138) and ther her grace took her barge unto the Towre , (MACHYN-E1-H,44.139) and ther all the craftes and the mare and the aldermen in bargurs with stremars and mynstrells , as trumpets wettes , shames , and regalls , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.140) and with a gret $shooting of gunes tyll her grace cam in-to the Towr , and ... (MACHYN-E1-H,45.141) The xxix day of September the $Qwuen's grace mad knyghts of the Bathe xv ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.142) the furst was the yerle of Devonshyre , the yonge yerle of Surray , the iij=de= lord of Borgane , and lord Barkley , the lord Monjoye , lord Sowche , ser Wylliam Pallet , my lord Cardyff , the lord $Wyndsore's sune , sir {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} $Ryche's sune , sir Clynton , ser {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} Pagett , ser Robart Rochaster , ser Hare Jernyngham , ser Edward Dormer . (MACHYN-E1-H,45.143) The xxx day of September the $Qwuyen's grace cam from the Towre thrugh London , rydyng in a charett gorgusly be-sene unto Westmynster ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.144) by the way at Fanche-chyrche a goodly pagant , with iiij grett gyants , and with goodly speches , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.145) the geneways mad yt ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.146) at Grache-chyrche a-nodur goodly pajant of esterlyngs makyng ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.147) and at Ledyne-hall was nodur pagant hangyd with cloth of gold , and the goodlyst playng with all maner of musyssoners , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.148) and ther was on blohyng of a trumpet all the day longe ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.149) at the conduyt in Cornhyll a-nodur of the sete ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.150) and $at the grett condutt a-nodur goodly on , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.151) and the standard pentyd and gyldyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.152) and the crosse pentyd ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.153) and $at the lytyll conduyt a goodly pagant ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.154) in Powlles chyrche-yerde ij pagants ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.155) and ij scaffolds on Powlles stepull with stremars ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.156) and Ludgat pentyd ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.157) at the conduyd in Flett-stret a goodly pajant and pentyd ... (MACHYN-E1-H,45.158) holy {COM:a_closing_square_bracket_follows_the_word_"holy"} water-stokes and sensers and copes ... (MACHYN-E1-H,45.159) Westmynster chyrche , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.160) and ther her grace hard masse , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.161) and was crounyd a-pon a he stage , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.162) and after she was a-nontyd Qwene , the forst day of October . (MACHYN-E1-H,45.163) When all was don , her grace cam to Westmynster hall ... (MACHYN-E1-H,45.164) yt was iiij of the cloke or she whent to dener or $past ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.165) and ther the duke of Norffoke rod up and done the hall , (MACHYN-E1-H,45.166) my lord the yerle of Darbe he constabull , the yerle of Arundell he boteler , and my lord of Borgane cheyff larderer , master Dymmoke the $qwyen's champyon ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.167) and ther was great $melode ; (MACHYN-E1-H,45.168) and the erle of Devonshyre bare the sword , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.170) and the yerle of Westmorland bare the cape of mantenans , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.171) and the erle of Shrowsbery bare the crowne , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.172) and the duke of Norffoke was earl marshall , and the yerle of Arundell lord stuard , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.173) and the erle of Surray was doer under the duke ys grandshyr , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.174) and the erle of Woseter was her $grace's carver that day at dener , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.175) my lord Wyndsore was {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} ; (MACHYN-E1-H,46.176) and at the end of the tabull dynyd my lade Elisabeth and my lade Anne of Cleyff ; (MACHYN-E1-H,46.177) and so yt was candyll-lyght or her grace or she had dynyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.178) and so $anon her grace toke barge . (MACHYN-E1-H,46.179) The ij day her grace mayd lxxiiij knyghts , the morowe after her crownnasyon , the wyche her be ther names folowyng : (MACHYN-E1-H,46.180) The iiij day of October was cared to the Towre the archebysshope of Yorke , and dyvers odur to {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} . (MACHYN-E1-H,46.181) The v day of October the $Qwuen's grace rod unto Westmynster chyrche , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.182) and ther her grace hard masse of the Holy-gost , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.183) and ther wher ij bysshopes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,46.184) on delevered her the shepter and odur thyng . (MACHYN-E1-H,46.185) Her grace rod in her parlement robes , and all the trumpeters blohyng a-for them all ; (MACHYN-E1-H,46.186) and so , after her grace had hard masse , they whent to the Parlement howsse all to-geyther , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.187) and the yerle of Devonshyre bare the sworde , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.188) and the yerle of Westmorland bare the cape of mayntenans . (MACHYN-E1-H,46.189) The xxij of October dyd pryche at Powlles doctur Westun , dene of Westmynster , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.190) and there at evere gatt in Powlles cherche yerd wher mad , to prevent the breaking in of horses , and for grett throng of pepull , grett bars . (MACHYN-E1-H,46.191) The xxij day of October was bered the good $lady Bowes , the wyff of ser Marten Bowesse late alderman and goldsmyth of London , with harolds , and with a C. men and women in gownes and cotes of ... and xxiiij gownes of mantyll frys , alff men and the $half women , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.192) and ys howse and the strett and the chyrche hangyd with blake clothe , and with ther armes a-pon the blake ... (MACHYN-E1-H,46.193) hangyd with blake and armes , (MACHYN-E1-H,46.194) and ther wher iiij grett candyllstykes gyldyd , with iiij grett tapurs of ... and ij grett whytt branchys bornyng gyldyd , and the compeny of Clarkes , and prestes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,47.195) and then cam the corpse with iiij penons of arms borne a-bowt her ... (MACHYN-E1-H,47.196) stayffes torchys bornyng a-bowt her with xij of ys servands beyryng of them ; (MACHYN-E1-H,47.197) and then cam the cheyffe mornars ; (MACHYN-E1-H,47.198) and then my lord mare and the swordbeyrer , and ser Hare Hubbellthorne and ser Rowland Hyll knyghtes , and mornars many , and ij $knyghts more , and dyvers gentyllmen , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.199) and after the craft of $Goldsmyths ; (MACHYN-E1-H,47.200) and when all was done they whent , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.201) and the durge , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.202) so home to ys placsse ; (MACHYN-E1-H,47.203) and the marow after a goodly masse song in Laten , and a sermon , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.204) and when all was done they whent to dener ther . (MACHYN-E1-H,47.205) The xxix day of October dyd pryche . (MACHYN-E1-H,47.206) The same day the new Lord Mayor went toward Westmynter attended by the craftes of London in ther best leveray ... with trumpets blohyng and the whets playng ... (MACHYN-E1-H,47.207) a goodly fuyst trymmed with banars and guns ... (MACHYN-E1-H,47.208) waytyng of my lord $mayre's barge unto Westmynster (MACHYN-E1-H,47.209) $and all the craftes bargers with stremars and banars of every craft , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.210) and so to the Cheker , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.211) and so hom-wards ; (MACHYN-E1-H,47.212) my lord mayre landyd at Banard Castyll (MACHYN-E1-H,47.213) and in St. Paul's chyrche-yerd dyd hevere craft wher set in $array : (MACHYN-E1-H,47.214) furst wher ij tallmen bayreng ij gret stremars $of the Marchand-tayllers armes , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.215) then cam on with a drume and a flutt playng , and a-nodur with a gret $fife (MACHYN-E1-H,47.216) all they in blue sylke , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.217) and then cam ij grett wodyn $armed with ij grett clubes all in grene , and with skwybes bornyng ... with gret berds and syd here , and ij targets a-pon ther bake ... (MACHYN-E1-H,47.218) and then cam xvj trumpeters blohyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.219) and $they {TEXT:then} cam in $blue gownes , and capes and hosse and blue sylke slevys , (MACHYN-E1-H,47.220) and evere man havyng a target and a gayffelyn to the nombur of lxx ... (MACHYN-E1-H,47.221) and then cam a duyllyll , and after the bachelars all in a leveray , and skarlett hods ; (MACHYN-E1-H,48.222) and then cam the pagant of sant John Baptyst gorgyusly , with goodly speches ; (MACHYN-E1-H,48.223) and then cam all the kynges trumpeters blowhyng , and evere trumpeter havyng skarlet capes , and the wetes capes and godly banars , and then the craftes , and then the wettes playhyng , and then my lord $mayre's offesers , and then my lord mayre and ij good henchmen , and then all the aldermen and the shreyffes , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.224) and so to dener ; (MACHYN-E1-H,48.225) and after dener to Powlles , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.226) and all them that bare targets dyd $bare after stayfftorches , with all the trumpets and wettes blowhyng thrugh Powlles , thrugh rondabowt the qwer and the body of the chyrche blowhyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.227) and so home to my lord $mere's howsse . (MACHYN-E1-H,48.228) The v day of November dyd pryche master Feknam at sant Mare Overays a-for non , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.229) and ther wher at ys sermon the yerle of Devonshyre , ser Antony Browne , and juge Morgayn , and dyvers odur nobull men . (MACHYN-E1-H,48.230) The sam day at after-non dyd prych master Feknam at sant Sthevyns in Walbroke , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.231) and ther wher serten pepull mad besenes for the sermon , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.232) and ther wher juge Browne , ser Rownland Hyll , ser Rechard Dobes , ser John Yorke ; (MACHYN-E1-H,48.233) and sum wher sent to the mare , and to the Conter . (MACHYN-E1-H,48.234) The 13th of November were arraigned at Guildhall doctor Cranmer , archbishop of Canterbury , the lord Gylfford Dudlay , the sune of the duke of Northumberland , and my lade Jane ys wyff , the doythur of the duke of Suffoke-Dassett , and the lord Hambrosse Dudlay , and the lord Hare Dudlay , the wyche lade Jane was proclamyd $Queen : (MACHYN-E1-H,48.235) they all v wher cast for to dee . (MACHYN-E1-H,48.236) The xix day of November dyd pryche master Feknam at sant Stheyns in Walbroke , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.237) and ther he mad the goodliest sermon that ever was hard of the blessed sacrament of the body and blud for to be after the consecracion . (MACHYN-E1-H,48.238) The xxiiij day of November dyd ryd in a $cart Cheken , parsun of sant Necolas Coldabbay , $round a-bowt London , (MACHYN-E1-H,48.239) for he sold ys wyff to a bowcher . (MACHYN-E1-H,48.240) The xiiij day of November be-gane the knyll for the most ryght reverent father in God my lord chaunseler of England , doctur Sthevyn Gardener , byshope of Wynchastur , and of the preve consell with kyng Henry the viij=th= and unto quen Mare quen of England ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.242) and with a hersse of iiij branchys , with gylt candyllstykes , and ij whytt branchys and iij dosen of stayffes-torchys , and all the qwyre hangyd with blake and armes , and a durge songe ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.243) and the morow masse of requiem , (MACHYN-E1-H,97.244) and alle bysshoppes and lordes and knyghtes and gentyllmen ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.245) and my lord bysshope Bonar of London did syng masse of requiem , (MACHYN-E1-H,97.246) and doctur Whyt bysshope of Lynkolne dyd pryche at the sam masse ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.247) and after all they whent to his plasse to dener . (MACHYN-E1-H,97.248) The sam day at after-none was durge in evere parryche in London , and a hersse and ryngyng , and the morow masse of requiem , (MACHYN-E1-H,97.249) and so prayd for after the old custom . (MACHYN-E1-H,97.250) The xxj day of November at none be-gane the knyll for my lord chanseler , (MACHYN-E1-H,97.251) for then was the body browt to the chyrche of sant Mare Overes , with grett compene of prestes and clarkes , and alle the bysshopes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.252) and my lord of London dyd exsecute the offes , (MACHYN-E1-H,97.253) and ware ys myter ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.254) and ther wher ij goodly whyt branchys bornyng , and the harsse with armes and $tapers bornyng , and iiij dosen of stayffes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.255) and all the qwyre with blake , and ys armes ; and afor the corse the kyng of haroldes with ys cot , and with v baners of ys armes , and iiij of emages wrothe with fyne gold and inowlle ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.256) and the morowe-masse iij masse , one of the Trenete , on of owre Lade , and $the iij of requiem for ys solle ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.257) and after to dener ; (MACHYN-E1-H,97.258) and so he was put in a hersse tyll a day that he shall be taken up and cared unto Wynchaster to be bered ther . (MACHYN-E1-H,97.259) The xxvj of November a stripling was whipt about London , and about Paul's cross , for speaking against the bishop that dyd pryche the Sonday a-for . (MACHYN-E1-H,98.260) The iiij day of Desember was a voman set in the pelere for beytyng of her chyld with rodes (MACHYN-E1-H,98.261) and ... to peteusly ; (MACHYN-E1-H,98.262) and the sam day was a man and a voman cared a-bowt London at a care-arse for baudry and ... (MACHYN-E1-H,98.263) The furst day of December was reseyvyd with pressessyon my lord cardenall Pole into Westmynster abbay ; (MACHYN-E1-H,98.264) and ther mett hym $xviij bishops , (MACHYN-E1-H,98.265) and the bysshope of Yorke dyd menyster with ys myter ; (MACHYN-E1-H,98.266) and they whent a pressessyon a-bowt the chyrche and the cloyster . (MACHYN-E1-H,98.267) The ix day of Desember was the parlement $adjourned at the Whyt Hall , her $grace's place - the iij yere ; (MACHYN-E1-H,98.268) and so to Sant James thrughe the parke . (MACHYN-E1-H,98.269) The x day of Desember was had to the Towre ser Anthony Kyngston knyght , and to the Flett , (MACHYN-E1-H,98.270) and cam owt a-gayn shortely after . (MACHYN-E1-H,98.271) The xiij day of Desember was bered at sant Androwes in the Warderobe master Recherd Stokdun , gentyllman of the warderobe , with ij goodly whyt branchys and xiij stayffes-torchys , and xiij pore men , (MACHYN-E1-H,98.272) and thay had gownes of mantell frysse , and iiij grett tapurs , and money mornars ; and the strett hangyd with blake and armes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,98.273) and money prestes syngyng ; (MACHYN-E1-H,98.274) and the morowe masse and alffe a trentall of masses , (MACHYN-E1-H,98.275) and after the offeryng a sermon $by a doctur callyd master Sydnam , a gray frere of Grenwyche . (MACHYN-E1-H,98.276) The xv day of December , before the sermon at Paul's cross began , an old man , a shepherd , be-gane to spyke serten thynges and rayllyng , whereupon he was taken and carett to the conter for a tyme . (MACHYN-E1-H,98.277) The xviij day of Dessember be-twyn 8 and 9 of the cloke in the mornyng , was cared in-to Smythfeld to be bornyd on master Philpot , archdeacon of Winchester , gentyllman , for herese . (MACHYN-E1-H,98.278) The xx day of Dessember was bered at sant Donstones in the Est master Hare Herdsun , altherman of London and skynner , and on of the masturs of the hospetall of the gray frers in London , with men and xxiiij women in mantyll fresse gownes , a hersse of wax , and hong with blake ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.280) and ther was my lord mare and the swordberer in blake , and dyvers odur althermen in blake , and the resedew of the aldermen , at ys beryng ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.281) and all the masters , boyth althermen and odur , with ther gren stayffes in ther handes , and all the chylderyn of the gray frersse , and iiij men in blake gownes bayryng iiij gret stayffes-torchys bornyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,99.282) and then xxiiij men with torchys bornyng ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.283) and the morowe iij masses songe ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.284) and after to ys plasse to dener ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.285) and ther was ij goodly whyt branchys , and mony prestes and clarkes syngyng . (MACHYN-E1-H,99.286) The xij even was at Henley a-pon Temes a mastores Lentall wedow mad a soper for master John Venor and ys wyff , and I and dyver odur neybors ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.287) and as we wher at soper , and or whe had supt , ther cam a xij wessells , with maydens syngyng with ther wessells , (MACHYN-E1-H,99.288) and after cam the cheyff wyffes syngyng with ther wessells ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.289) and the gentyll-woman had hordenyd a grett tabull of bankett , dyssys of spyssys and frut , as marmelad , gynbred , gele , comfett , suger plat , and dyver odur ... (MACHYN-E1-H,99.290) dwellyng in Ive-lane , stuard unto master G (MACHYN-E1-H,99.291) ... ser Rechard Recherdsun , prest , with ij whytt ... , xij stayfftorchys , and iiij grett tapurs , a dolle , and a knell at Powlles , and a-nodur at sant Feyths . (MACHYN-E1-H,99.292) The xxij day of January whent in-to Smythfeld to berne betwyn vij and viij in the mornyng v men and ij women ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.293) on of the men was a gentyllman of the ender tempull , (MACHYN-E1-H,99.294) ys nam master Gren ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.295) and they wer all bornyd by ix at iij postes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,99.296) and ther wher a commonment thrughe London over nyght that no yong folke shuld come ther , (MACHYN-E1-H,100.297) for ther the grettest $number was as has byne sene at shyche a tyme . (MACHYN-E1-H,100.298) The v day of Feybruary was bered master $Crystopher Allen , sum-tyme altherman of London , in sant ... in London , with iij dosen torchys , on dosen of $staff-torchys , ij whyt branchys , and iiij grett tapurs , (MACHYN-E1-H,100.299) and pore men and women had gownes , (MACHYN-E1-H,100.300) and ther wher mony mornars in blake , a lx ; (MACHYN-E1-H,100.301) and the xxviij was the $monyth's $mind (MACHYN-E1-H,100.302) The viij day of Feybruary dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Peryn , a blake frere , (MACHYN-E1-H,100.303) and at the sam sermon was a prest , on ser Thomas Samsun , dyd penanse (MACHYN-E1-H,100.304) for he had ij wyffes , (MACHYN-E1-H,100.305) and a shett abowt hym , and a tapur in ys hand bornyng a-for the precher , and the mayre of London and the althermen and worshephull men , and mony odur . (MACHYN-E1-H,100.306) The xij day of January was bered in Essex master Leygett , justes of pesse , with ij whyt branchys and a v dosen of torchys , and iiij gret tapurs and a gret dolle , and mony mornars , and a gret dener ; (MACHYN-E1-H,100.307) and shroyff sonday was ys monyth myne , (MACHYN-E1-H,100.308) and ij dosen stayffes more , and a grett dolle to the pore and a ij dosen skochyons ... (MACHYN-E1-H,100.309) Grenwyche , and to the courtt gatt for the Spaneardes and odur , one master Kayes kepyng $there tavarne and vetell . (MACHYN-E1-H,100.310) The xxiiij day of Feybruary was the obsequies of the most reverentt father in God , Sthevyn Gardener , docthur and bysshope of Wynchastur , prelett of the gartter , and latte chansseler of England , and on of the preve consell unto Kyng Henry the viij and unto quen Mare , tyll he ded ; (MACHYN-E1-H,100.311) and so the after-none be-gane the knyll at sant Mare Overes with ryngyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,100.312) and after be-gane the durge ; with a palle of cloth of gold , and with ij whytt branchys , and ij dosen of stayffe-torchys bornyng , and iiij grett tapurs ; and my lord Montyguw the cheyffe mornar , and my lord bysshope of Lynkolne and ser Robart Rochaster , comtroller , and with dyvers odur in blake , and mony blake gownes and cotes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,101.313) and the morow masse of requeem and offeryng done , be-gane the sarmon ; (MACHYN-E1-H,101.314) and so masse done , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.315) and so to dener to my lord $Montyguw's ; (MACHYN-E1-H,101.316) and at ys gatt the corse was putt in-to a wagon with iiij welles , all covered with blake , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.317) and ower the corsse ys pyctur mad with ys myter on ys hed , with ys and ys armes , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.318) and v gentyll men bayryng ys v banars in gownes and hods , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.319) then ij harolds in ther cote armur , master Garter and Ruge-crosse ; (MACHYN-E1-H,101.320) then cam the men rydyng , carehyng of torchys a lx bornyng , at bowt the corsse all the way ; (MACHYN-E1-H,101.321) and then cam the mornars in gownes and cotes , to the nombur unto ij C. a-for and be-hynd , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.322) and so at sant Gorges cam prestes and clarkes with crosse and sensyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.323) and ther thay had a grett torche gyffyn them , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.324) and so to ever parryche tyll they cam to Wynchaster , (MACHYN-E1-H,101.325) and had money as money as cam to mett them , and durge and masse at evere logyng . (MACHYN-E1-H,101.326) The xxviij day of Aprell ther was a man sett on the pelere $for lewd wordes and slanderers wordes . (MACHYN-E1-H,196.328) The xxv day of April , was sant Markes day , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.329) the $Quen's grace supt at Beynard castyll at my lord of Penproke $place , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.330) and after supper the $Quen's grace rowed up and downe Temes , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.331) and $a C. bottes at bowte here grace , with trumpettes and drumes and flutes and gones , and sqwybes horlyng on he to and fro , tyll x at nyght , or her grace depertyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.332) and all the water-syd st... with a M. pepull lokyng one here grace . (MACHYN-E1-H,196.333) The furst day of May ther was {COM:sic} ij pennys was {COM:sic} dekyd with stremars , baners , and flages , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.334) and trumpetes and drumes and gones , gahyng a Mayng , and a-ganst the $Quen's plasse at Westmynster , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.335) and ther they shott and thruw eges and oregns on a-gaynst a-nodur , and with sqwybes , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.336) and by chanse on fell on a bage of gune-powdur (MACHYN-E1-H,196.337) and sett dyvers men a'fyre , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.338) and so the men drue to on syd of the penus , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.339) and yt dyd over-swelmed the pennus , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.340) and mony fell in the Temes , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.341) butt , thanke be God , ther was but on man drownyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.342) and a C. bottes abowtt here , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.343) and the $Quen's grace and her lordes and lades lokyng out of wyndows ; (MACHYN-E1-H,196.344) thys was done by ix of the cloke on May evyn last . (MACHYN-E1-H,196.345) The xxix day of Aprell at Dowgatt in London ther was a mayd dwelling with master Cotyngham , on of the $quen's pulters ; (MACHYN-E1-H,196.346) the mayd putt in-to a pott of {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} serten powyssun (MACHYN-E1-H,196.347) and browth them unto her mastores , and to iiij of her servandes , (MACHYN-E1-H,196.348) and they dyd ett them ; (MACHYN-E1-H,197.349) and as sone as they had ett them thay be-gane to swell and to vomett peteusle ; (MACHYN-E1-H,197.350) and ther cam a good woman causyd to be feychyd serten dolle of salett owylle to drynke , (MACHYN-E1-H,197.351) and thanke be to God they be-gayne to mend (MACHYN-E1-H,197.352) and never one ded of ytt ... (MACHYN-E1-H,197.353) and servandes , and ther herers nayled to the $pellory ... (MACHYN-E1-H,197.354) was {COM:sic} thes ij persunes have {COM:sic} dullysly gyffen poyssun to their mastores and ther howshold , (MACHYN-E1-H,197.355) and ether of them ij handes cute off . (MACHYN-E1-H,197.356) The x day of May the parlement was endyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,197.357) $and $the $Quen's grace whent to the parliament howsse . (MACHYN-E1-H,197.358) The xj day of May the sam fellow and the $maid was sett on the pelere a-gayne , and ther thodur handes cut off for the sam offens . (MACHYN-E1-H,197.359) The xij day of May be-gane the Englys $service in the $quen's chapell . (MACHYN-E1-H,197.360) The xv day of May dyd pryche at Powlles $cross master Gryndalle , (MACHYN-E1-H,197.361) and ther was the quens consell , the duke of Norfoke , my lord keper of the seylle , and my lord of Arundell , my lord treysorer , my lord marques of Northamtun , my lord admerall , my lord of Sussex , my lord of Westmorland , my lord of Rutland , and mony mo lordes and knyghtes , my lord mare and the althermen ; (MACHYN-E1-H,197.362) and after sermon done they whent to my lord mayre to dener , and my lord Russell . (MACHYN-E1-H,197.363) The xxj day of May dyd pryche at Powlles crosse master Horne , (MACHYN-E1-H,197.364) and ther was my lord mayre and the althermen and mony juges and sergantes of the law , and a grett nombur of pepull to the nombur {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} (MACHYN-E1-H,197.365) The xxiij day of May cam from be-yonde the see out of France and landyd at Towr-warff , and cam thrugh London , and unto my lord bysshope of London docthur Benard , monser Memeranse ij sunes , and ... unto ys palles to ly ; (MACHYN-E1-H,197.366) and mony $lords and nobull men browth them to their logying . (MACHYN-E1-H,197.367) ... attes and mony mo for serten Frenche-men . (MACHYN-E1-H,198.369) The xxiiij day of May the inbassadurs the Frenche $were browth from the $byshope's palles by land thrugh Flet-street $unto the quen's pales to soper , by the most nobull men ther was a-bowt the cowrt , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.370) and ther was the hall and the $privy chambur and the grett chambur of pressens hangyd with ryche clothes of arres , as ever was sene , and the cloth $of state boyth hall and grett chamburs , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.371) and they had as $great chere at soper , and after a bankett as goodly as has been seen , with all maner musyke tyll mydnyght , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.372) for they wher The xxv day they wher browt to the cowrt with musyke to dener , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.373) for ther was gret cher ; (MACHYN-E1-H,198.374) and after dener to $bear and bull baytyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.375) and the $Quen's grace and the embassadurs stod in the galere lokyng of the pastym tyll vj at nyght ; (MACHYN-E1-H,198.376) and after they whent by water unto Powll wharff , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.377) and landyd , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.378) and contenent unto ther logyng to the byshope of London to soper , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.379) for ther wher gorgyus aparell as has bene sen in thes days . (MACHYN-E1-H,198.380) The xxvj day of May they whent from the $byshope's howsse to Powlles warff , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.381) and toke barge , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.382) and so to Parys garden , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.383) for ther was boyth bare and bull baytyng , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.384) and the capten with a C. of the gard to kepe rowm for them to see the baytyng . (MACHYN-E1-H,198.385) The sam day was a proclamassyon of v of the actes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,198.386) on was for The thursday the xxv day of May (MACHYN-E1-H,198.387) master John Whyt altherman and grocer ys chyld was cristened in lytyll sant Barthelmuw be-syd sant Antonys ; (MACHYN-E1-H,198.388) thes wher the god-fathers' names , my lord marques of Wynchester now lord tresorer of England , and my lord byshope of Wynchester docthur Whytt , (MACHYN-E1-H,198.389) and the god-moder my lade Laxtun , lat the wyffe of ser Wylliam Laxtun latt mare of London and grocer ; (MACHYN-E1-H,198.390) and after ther was waferers and epocras grett plente ; (MACHYN-E1-H,198.391) and after they whent home to the plasse , with the chyld $named John Whytt ; the wyche wyff was master Raff Grenway altherman and grocer of London wyff . (MACHYN-E1-H,199.392) The xxviij day of May ... bishopryke of yt by quen Mare , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.393) for that he had a wyff , and odur maters that he was fayn to ... (MACHYN-E1-H,199.394) The sam day the inbassadurs of France whent away , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.395) and toke barge toward Grayffhend (MACHYN-E1-H,199.396) and they had ... gyftes gyffyne them , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.397) and they cared money mastiffs $with them for the wolf , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.398) and The xxj day of May was bered at sant Andrew's in the Warderobe mastores Boswell , the wyff of ... Boswell clarke of the wardes , with ij whytt branchys ... , the wyche she ded with chyld , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.399) and a dosen (MACHYN-E1-H,199.400) and The xxx day of May was mared in the parryche of sant Andrews in the Warderobe , master Mathuw , draper , unto the dowther of master Wylliam Blakwell , towne-clarke of $London the mornyng ; (MACHYN-E1-H,199.401) and they wher mared in Laten , and masse , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.402) and after masse they had a bryd cupe and waffers and epocras and muskadyll plente to hevere body ; (MACHYN-E1-H,199.403) and after unto master $Blakwell's plasse to bryke-fast , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.404) and after a grett dener . (MACHYN-E1-H,199.405) The ij day of Juin was bered at lytyll sant Baythelmuw my lade Barnes , the wyff of ser George Barnes , knyght , and late mare of London ; (MACHYN-E1-H,199.406) and she gayff to pore men and powre women good rosett gownes a {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.407) and she gayffe to the powre men and women of Calles {COM:a_blank_in_the_edition} a-pesse , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.408) and she gayff a C. blake gownes and cottes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,199.409) and ther she had penon of armes , and master Clarenshux kyng of armes , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.410) and ther was a xx clarkes syngyng afor her to the chyrche with blake and armes ; (MACHYN-E1-H,199.411) and after master Horne mad a sermon , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.412) and after the clarkes song Te Dewn laudamus in Englys , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.413) and after bered with a songe , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.414) and a-for songe the Englys pressessyon , (MACHYN-E1-H,199.415) and after to the place to dener ; (MACHYN-E1-H,199.416) ser Wylliam Garrett cheyff morner , and master Altham and master Chamburlayn , and her sunes and doythurs ; (MACHYN-E1-H,200.417) ther was a nobull dener . (MACHYN-E1-H,200.418) The vj day of June saint George's feast was kept at Windsor ; (MACHYN-E1-H,200.419) the yerle of Pembroke was the Queen's substitute , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.420) lord Montycutt and my lord of ... ther was stallyd at that tyme the duke of $Norfolk , my lord marques of Northamtun , and the yerle of $Rutland , and my lord Robart Dudley the master of the $quen's horse , nuw mad knyghtes of the Garter , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.421) and ther was gret $feasting ther , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.422) and ther be-gane the comunion that day $in {TEXT:and} Englys . (MACHYN-E1-H,200.423) The xxix day of May was depreved of ys byshopepryke of London doctur Boner , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.424) and in ys plasse master Gryndall ; (MACHYN-E1-H,200.425) and $Nowell electyd dene of Powlles , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.426) and the old dene depreved , master $Cole . (MACHYN-E1-H,200.427) The xj day of June dyd pryche at Powlles master $Sandys , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.428) and ther was my lorde mayre and the althermen , and my lord of Bedford , and with dyvers odur nobull men ; (MACHYN-E1-H,200.429) and postulles masse mad an end that day , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.430) and masse a' Powlles was non that day , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.431) and the new dene toke possessyon that was afore , by my lord of Bedford , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.432) and thys was on sant Barnabe day ; (MACHYN-E1-H,200.433) and the sam nyght thay had no evyng-song at Powlles . (MACHYN-E1-H,200.434) The sam nyght abowtt viij of the cloke at nyght the $Quen's grace toke her barge at Whyt hall , and mony mo barges , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.435) and rod a-longe by the banke-syd by my lord of Wynchaster place , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.436) and so to Peper alley , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.437) and so crost over to London syd with drumes and trumpetes playhyng ard be-syd , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.438) and so to Whyt hall agayne to her palles . (MACHYN-E1-H,200.439) The xviij day of June dyd pryche at Powlles crosse docthur Juell , (MACHYN-E1-H,200.440) and ther was my lord mare and the althermen and master comtroller of the quens howse ser Edward Rogers , and mony mo , boyth men and women . (MACHYN-E1-H,200.441) The xxj day of June was v bysshopes deprevyd , the bysshope of Lychfeld and Coventre , and the bysshope of Carley , the bysshope of Westchester , the bysshope of Landaffh , and the bysshope of ... The xxiij day of June was electyd vj nuw byshopes , com from beyond the see , master Parker bysshope of Canturbere , master Gryndall bysshope of London , docthur Score bysshope of Harfford , Barlow Chechastur , doctur Bylle of Salysbere , doctur Cokes $of Norwyche . (MACHYN-E1-H,201.442)