Maystres Alyce , in my moste hartie wyse I recommende me to $you . (MORELET1-E1-H,422.3) And where as I am enformed by my sone Heron of the losse of our barns and our neighbours also with all the corne that was therin , albeit savyng Goddis pleasuer it wer greate pytie of so $myche good corne loste yet sythe it hathe lyked hym to sende vs suche a chaunce , we muste and ar bounden not onely to be content but also to be glade of his visitacion . (MORELET1-E1-H,422.4) He sent vs all that we haue loste (MORELET1-E1-H,422.5) and sythe he hathe by syche a chaunce taken yt away ageyne his pleasuer be fulfylled ; (MORELET1-E1-H,422.6) let vs never gruge therat but take in good worth and hartely thanke hym as well for aduersytie as for prosperytie (MORELET1-E1-H,422.7) and peraduenture we haue more cause to thanke hym for our losse then for our wynnyng , (MORELET1-E1-H,423.8) for his wysedome better seethe what ys good for vs then we do ourselves . (MORELET1-E1-H,423.9) Therfore I pray you be of good chere (MORELET1-E1-H,423.10) and take all the howshold with you to chyrche (MORELET1-E1-H,423.11) and ther thanke God bothe for that he hathe geven vs and for that he hathe taken from vs and for that he hathe lefte vs , which yf yt please hym he can $increase when he wyll (MORELET1-E1-H,423.12) and yf it please hym to leve vs yet lesse , at his pleasuer be yt . (MORELET1-E1-H,423.13) I pray you to make some good enserche what my poore neyghebors haue loste and byd them take no thought therfore , (MORELET1-E1-H,423.14) for and I shuld not leve my selff a spone there shall no poore neghebore of myne berre no losse by eny chaunce hapned in my howse . (MORELET1-E1-H,423.15) I pray you be wyth my children and your howsholde mery in God (MORELET1-E1-H,423.16) and devyse somewhat wythe your frendys what way were best to take for provysyon to $be made for corne for our houshold and for seede thys yere commyng , $yff $ye thyncke yt good that we kepe the grounde stylle $in $our $handys , and whether ye thyncke yt good that we so $shall do or not , (MORELET1-E1-H,423.17) yet I thyncke it were not best sodenly $thus to leve yt all vp and to put away our folke of our ferm , $till we haue somewhat aduysed vs theron , how be it yff we haue more now then ye shall nede and which can gett them other maysters ye may then dyscharge vs of them (MORELET1-E1-H,423.18) but I wolde not that eny man were sodenly sent away he wote nere whyther . (MORELET1-E1-H,423.19) At my commyng hether I perceved none other but that I shulde tary styll with the Kyngis Grace (MORELET1-E1-H,423.20) but now I shall , I thynke , by cause of thys chaunce gete leve this next weke to come home and se you , (MORELET1-E1-H,423.21) an then shall we ferther devyse together vpon all thyngis what order shall be best to take . (MORELET1-E1-H,423.22) And thus as hartely fare you well wythe all our chyldren as ye can wyshe , at Woodestokke the iii=de= daye of September by the hand of Your lovyng husbond , Thomas More Kg . (MORELET1-E1-H,423.23)