Myne owne good Father . It is to me no litle comfort , sith I can not talke with you by such meanes as I wolde , at the lest way to delite my self amonge in this bitter tyme of your absens , by such meanes as I maye , by as often writinge to you , as shall be expedient and by readinge againe and againe your most fruteful and delectable letter , the faithfull messenger of your very vertuous and gostly minde , rid from all corrupt loue of worldly thinges , and fast knitt only in the loue of God , and desire of heauen , as becommeth a very true worshipper and a faithful seruaunt of God , which I doubt not , good father , holdeth his holy hand ouer you and shall as he hath preserue you both body and soule vt sit mens sana in corpore sano and namely , now when you haue abiected all erthly consolacions and resyned yourself willingly , gladly and fully for his loue to his holy protection . (MROPER-E1-H,510.3) Father , what thinke you hath ben our comfort sins your departinge from vs ? (MROPER-E1-H,510.4) Surely the experiens we haue had of your lyfe past and godly conuersacion , and wholesome counsaile , and verteous example , and a suretie not-2 only-3 of the continuaunce of the same , but also a great encrese by the goodnes of our Lorde to the great rest and gladnes of your hart deuoyd of all earthly dregges , and garnished with the noble vesture of heauenly vertues , a pleasant pallais for the Holy Spirite of God to rest in , who defend you as I doubt not , good father , but of his goodnes he wyll from all trouble of minde and of body , and gyue me your most louinge obedient dowghter and handmaide , and all vs your children and frendes , to folow that that we prayse in you , and to our onely comfort remembre and comin together of you , that we may in conclusion mete with you , mine owne dere father , in the blisse of heauen to which our most mercifull Lord hath bought vs with his precious blood . (MROPER-E1-H,511.5) Your owne most louing obedient doughter and bedeswoman , Margaret Roper , which desireth aboue all worldly thinges to be in John Woodes stede to do you some seruice . (MROPER-E1-H,511.6) But we lyue in hope that we shall shortly receiue you againe , (MROPER-E1-H,511.7) I pray God hartely we may , if it be his holy wyll . (MROPER-E1-H,511.8) Myne owne most entierelie beloued Father . I thinke my self neuer able to geue you sufficient thankes , for the inestimable coumforte my poore heart receyued in the reading of your most louinge and godly letter , representing to me the cleare shynynge brightenesse of your soule , the pure temple of the Holy Spirite of God , which I doubte not shall perpetually rest in you and you in hym . (MROPER-E1-H,539.11) Father , if all the worlde had be geuen to me , as I be saued it hadde ben a small pleasure , in comparison of the pleasure I conceyued of the treasure of your letter , which though it were writen with a cole , is worthy in mine opinion to be written in letters of golde . (MROPER-E1-H,539.12) Father , what moued them to shitte you vp againe , we can nothing heare . (MROPER-E1-H,539.13) But surelie I coniecture that when they considered that you wer of so temperate minde , that you wer contended to abide there all your lyfe with such libertie , they thought it wer neuer possible to encline you to their will , except it were by restrayning you fro the Church , and the company of my good mother your deare wyfe and vs your childern and bedesfolke . (MROPER-E1-H,539.14) But Father this chaunce was not straunge to you . (MROPER-E1-H,539.15) For I shall not forgeat how you tolde vs when we were with you in the gardeine , that these thinges were lyke ynoughe to chaunce shortly after . (MROPER-E1-H,539.16) Father , I haue many tymes rehearsed to mine owne coumfort and diuers others , your fashyon and wordes ye had to vs when we wer last with you : for which I trust by the grace of God to be the better while I lyue , and when I am departed out of this fraile lyfe , which , I praye God , I may passe and ende in his true obedient seruice , after the wholsome counsaile and fruitfull example of liuing I haue had good Father of you , whom I praye God geue me grace to folowe : which I shall the better thorowe the assistens of your deuoute praiers , the speciall staye of my frayltie . (MROPER-E1-H,539.17) Father , I am sory I haue no lenger laysure at this time to talke with you , the chief comforte of my lyfe , (MROPER-E1-H,539.18) I trust to haue occasion to write again shortly . (MROPER-E1-H,539.19) I trust I haue your dayly prayer and blessing . (MROPER-E1-H,539.20) Your most louing obedient daughter and bedeswoman Margaret Roper , which dayly and howrelie is bounden to pray for you , for whome she prayeth in this wise that our Lorde of his infinite mercye geue you of his heauenly comfort , and so to assist you with his speciall grace that ye neuer in any thinge decline from his blessed will , but liue and dye his true obedient seruaunt . (MROPER-E1-H,539.21) Amen . (MROPER-E1-H,539.22)