Matt Henneker beeing unable and unfitt to serve your tourne , and my wife beeing unwillinge that shee should com home , eyther hither or to her fathers , allthough wishing that shee had beene fitt for your service , and that shee might have continued with you for some yeares , hath provided for her with M=ris= Eppes , who haveing now but one mayede and servant , and desireth to have her as soone as possible may bee , to the end that shee should not lose that service and be unprovided , purposeth to sende for her abowte Satterdaye next , or Mondaye at the furthest ; (PETTIT-E2-H,13.3) and beecause shee would not have my daughter your wife to bee destitute of one to serve her tourne , shee purposeth to send Matt Samsonn to bee in her steade for 3 weekes or a month , if your other mayde com not in the meane time , which I thought fitt heereby to geive you notice of , least if you had no knowledge heereof , it might bee thought to bee $oversodden - (PETTIT-E2-H,13.4) Thus praying god to bless you and all yours , and to remember mee and my wife to my Layde , your brother and Sister Oxenden , your wife and the rest of our freindes , I commende you to God . (PETTIT-E2-H,13.5) Your loving father Val: Pettit Daundelion (PETTIT-E2-H,13.6) the 26th of Aprill 1624 (PETTIT-E2-H,13.7) To his loveing Sonne , M=r= Henry Pettit , at Denton , geve theise wi=th= speede . (PETTIT-E2-H,14.10) Sonne , I thanke you for your Care and paines abowt enquireing and provideing Sheepe for mee , (PETTIT-E2-H,14.11) I prey you continue your purpose intended and see the butcher's Sheepe one Tuesdaye next , (PETTIT-E2-H,14.12) and if you and your freinde do like of them and the Peniworth , then I pray you buy them for mee , (PETTIT-E2-H,14.13) and the money shall bee readye and bee paid for them when and wheare you shall appoint , (PETTIT-E2-H,14.14) and spare your Journey if I may be assured how to do it . (PETTIT-E2-H,14.15) I wish it might bee at Sandwich for the more ease , if hee like so of it . (PETTIT-E2-H,14.16) My daughter Henneker and her husband are now heere (PETTIT-E2-H,14.17) and I thinke will sende for their Daughter tomorrow (PETTIT-E2-H,14.18) and so my wife will sende to Goodenston for her , being somwhat neere us then Denton , and the rather beecause there is no neede of sendeing anie other to you from hence to bee in her stead , as it seemeth . (PETTIT-E2-H,14.19) So with my harty salutations remembred and my wives to your sellfe , your wife and the rest of our freindes , I commende you to God (PETTIT-E2-H,14.20) and rest Your loveing father Val: Pettit (PETTIT-E2-H,14.21) Daundelion (PETTIT-E2-H,14.22) this last of Aprill 1624