M=r= Edmondes . Vntill this very day wee haue not heard one worde of yo=w= since your departure , w=ch= kept vs in douptfulnes of your safetie till by your letter bearing date the xix=th= of this moneth her may=tie= receaved full and ample satisfaccon for as much as concerned your owne proceadinge only (RCECIL-E2-H,303.3) that w=ch= yo=w= wrytt concerning the Truce , or Peace , did not so clearely make mencion of the partyculer point , whether her may=tie= should be by the agreament betwene them comprehended in the same or noe , as by a letter from Mo=r= Villeroy it appeareth , wherin he wrote to Mo=r= ffontaine w=th= theis wordes . (RCECIL-E2-H,303.4) Yo=w= maie let the Queene knowe , for I speake it not by hearesay that her may=tie= is comprehended by the assent of the Spaniard into the Treatie , (RCECIL-E2-H,303.5) and therefore yo=w= shall do well in y=e= next to wryte what yo=w= heare , althoughe I doupt not before the arryvall of this , (RCECIL-E2-H,303.6) but wee shall heare more by the personne that the kinge sendes hither . (RCECIL-E2-H,303.7) The present occasion of this dispatche is shortly this . (RCECIL-E2-H,303.8) This very day advertysement is come to the Queene of the ffleet of Spaine w=ch= is issued from fferoll and the Groyne the viij=th= of this moneth beinge sayle w=th= souldyers Maryners and many Mylls for Corne , many woemen , horse and many Materyalls for ffortificacon~s . (RCECIL-E2-H,303.9) That this is no ffable yo=w= may advertyse the king , that a small man of warre of England being at sea fell into their company in y=e= night in a storme , and seing one of their small shippes in distres to the Leewarde , bare vp w=th= her , fought w=th= her , and tooke her ; (RCECIL-E2-H,303.10) but after he had possessed her , and thought to beare for Ingland , some of the ffleet chased her , (RCECIL-E2-H,303.11) and so she was forced to let her goe , (RCECIL-E2-H,303.12) but tooke out seaven men of her , the Cap=en= , the master , and others , whose examinacon~s being taken at Plymmothe , was sent vp this day , and contayneth what before I spoke of , and that their Rendes vous was to come for ffalmoth . (RCECIL-E2-H,303.13) This being certaine that at sea thay were mett , and it appearing fully , that but for the east wyndes w=ch= haue blowen straynably , they had ben at their Place of descent , hath given her may=tie= iust cause to looke about her , having nowe no ffleet in readynes to fight w=th= them at Sea , but $o {COM:material_obliterated} trust to the land defence , (RCECIL-E2-H,304.14) And therefore she lytle doupteth {COM:material_obliterated} king wyll in any sort myslyke the sodden revocacon~ of the Troupes of Pycardy to serve herselfe . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.15) ffor this is of all certentye , (RCECIL-E2-H,304.16) ether it is for Irelande or Englande , (RCECIL-E2-H,304.17) yf for Englande , then are wee to doupt the taking in of the Army of the Lowe Contreys to be transported , w=ch= as it falleth out need not feare ffraunce if the Truce be made as all the world sayes it is , and as shrewd circumstances discover : (RCECIL-E2-H,304.18) ffor wee see the Car=all= hath lost Amyens , followes not Count Mawryce , but keepes his fforces togeither and nowe soddenly drawes them downe to the sea syde . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.19) This her may=tie= Requires yo=w= to lay feelinglie before the king , as Reasones sufficient to dispence w=th= her Revocacon~ , the Erle of Essex having most of her ma=tes= Cap=ens= in y=e= voyag , and theie being fitt to be imployed in this kingedome , if he should attempt y=e= Ile of Wight or any Place nere the harte of the kingdome . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.20) This being all at this tyme w=ch= my leasure will permytt me to wryte exspecting howerly to heare of their arryvall if the storme haue not forced them to their owne coast againe . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.21) And so I commytt yo=w= to God . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.22) ffrom y=e= Cort at Whithall (RCECIL-E2-H,304.23) the xxvj=th= of Oct. at xj=en= in y=e= night . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.24) Your louing frend Ro: Cecyll . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.25) Yf they be gone for Ireland they fynd it at an evyll tyme , (RCECIL-E2-H,304.26) for the Noble Lo: Burghe is dead of Sycknes the xiiij=th= of this moneth . (RCECIL-E2-H,304.27) M=r=. Edmondes : It is no highe tyme That I do certifie yo=w= of the receipt of all yo=r= packetts whereof I receaved iiij=or= dated in October and Nouember and two in december And that her may=tie= is very well satisfied w=th= yo=r= proceadinges . (RCECIL-E2-H,320.30) What Mons=r= de Maisse had to propounde yo=w= knowe well enoughe (RCECIL-E2-H,320.31) and therefore I need not touche it : (RCECIL-E2-H,320.32) But in short this yo=w= shall knowe . That the States refuse Treatye , desire the Queene to stoppe her eares to it , and doe send to Roane deputies to meet the king or his ministers whom they hope also to overcome w=th= infaylible argum=tes= , and to moue him to contynue in a warre , rather than to make peace ; (RCECIL-E2-H,320.33) Her May=tie= therefore being desirous to heare howe thinges are carryed there , and to see howe the kinge digesteth this their refusall will send over also some deputies , to ioyne in Conferrence w=th= the kinges Mynisters and theirs , to the intent that as they are all in a Bande of Confederacy , so they may ioyntly resolue ether to giue eare to Treatye , or to provyde for warres contynuance , and then each other open , what one party will have of an other and howe they are able to performe it , or to hold it out (RCECIL-E2-H,321.34) W=th= this Resolucion Th'embassadour is lyke to come away , w=ch= is the sowndest and most necessary ; (RCECIL-E2-H,321.35) ffor to treat w=th= Spaine before this Conferrence , were not in good proporcion , (RCECIL-E2-H,321.36) but because he hath not yet had this aunswere giuen him , yo=w= may make vse of it only as yo=r= discrecion shall serve yo=w= . (RCECIL-E2-H,321.37) Other thinges for the present I haue not worthy yo=r= knowledge (RCECIL-E2-H,321.38) but do rest assuredly . Yo=r= loving freinde Ro: Cecyll . (RCECIL-E2-H,321.39) from the Lowe Contryes comes Monsr. Barneuelt and Mons. Justynian Nassau . (RCECIL-E2-H,321.40) from England as yet , it is not knowen who . (RCECIL-E2-H,321.41) from y=e= Cort at Whithall (RCECIL-E2-H,321.42) the xxxj=th= of decem. 1597 . (RCECIL-E2-H,321.43) 31 December 1597 (RCECIL-E2-H,321.44) from M=r= Secretarie . (RCECIL-E2-H,321.45) To my very Lovinge freinde M=r= Thomas Edmondes Esq=r= her Ma=ties= Agent w=th= the frenche kinge . (RCECIL-E2-H,321.46)