A touche lyne , is a line that runneth a long by the edge of a circle , onely touching it , but doth not crosse the circumference of it , as in this exaumple you maie see . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.2) And when that a line doth crosse the edg of the circle , the~ is it called a cord , as you shall see anon in the speakynge of circles . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.3) In the meane season must I not omit to declare what angles bee called matche corners , that is to saie , suche as stande directly one against the other , when twoo lines be drawen acrosse , as here appereth . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.4) Where A. and B. are matche corners , so are C. and D. but not A. and C. nother D. and A . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.5) Nowe will I beginne to speak of figures , that be properly so called , of whiche all be made of diuerse lines , except onely a circle , an egge forme , and a tunne forme , which .iij. haue no angle and haue but one line for their bounde , and an eye fourme whiche is made of one lyne , and hath an angle onely . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.6) A circle is a figure made and enclosed with one line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.7) and hath in the middell of it a pricke or centre , from whiche all the lines that be drawen to the circumfernece are equall all in length , as here you see . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.8) And the line that encloseth the whole compasse , is called the circumference . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1R.9) And all the lines that bee drawen crosse the circle , and goe by the centre , are named diameters , whose halfe , I meane from the center to the circumference any waie , is called the semidiameter , or halfe diameter . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.10) But and if the line goe crosse the circle , and passe beside the centre , then is it called a corde , or a stryng line , as I said before , and as this exaumple sheweth : where A. is the corde . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.11) And the compassed line that aunswereth to it , is called an arche lyne , or a bowe lyne , whiche here is marked with B. and the diameter with C . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.12) But and if that part be separate from the rest of the circle as in this exa~ple you see then ar both partes called ca~telles , the one the greatter cantle , as E. and the other the lesser cantle , as D . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.13) And if it be parted iuste by the centre as you see in F. then is it called a semicircle , or halfe compasse . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.14) Sometimes it happeneth that a cantle is cutte out with two lynes drawen from the centre to the circumference as G. is (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.15) and then maie it be called a nooke cantle , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.16) and if it be not parted from the reste of the circle as you see in H. then is it called a nooke plainely without any addicion . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.17) And the compassed lyne in it is called an arche lyne , as the exaumple here doeth shewe . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B1V.18) Nowe haue you heard as touchyng circles , meetely sufficient instruction , so that it should seme nedeles to speake any more of figures in that kynde , saue that there doeth yet remaine ij. formes of an imperfecte circle , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.20) for it is lyke a circle that were brused , and thereby did runne out endelong one waie , whiche forme Geometricians dooe call an egge forme , because it doeth represent the figure and shape of an egge duely proportioned as this figure sheweth hauyng the one ende greater then the other . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.21) For if it be lyke the figure of a circle pressed in length , and bothe endes lyke bygge , then is it called a tunne forme , or barrell forme , the right makyng of whiche figures , I wyll declare hereafter in the thirde booke . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.22) An other forme there is , whiche you maie call a nutte forme , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.23) and is made of one lyne muche lyke an egge forme , saue that it hath a sharpe angle . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.24) And it chaunceth sometyme that there is a right line drawen crosse these figures , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.25) and that is called an axelyne , or axtre . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.26) Howebeit properly that line that is called an axtre , whiche gooeth thoroughe the myddell of a Globe , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2R.27) for as a diameter is in a circle , so is an axe lyne or axtre in a Globe , that lyne that goeth from side to syde , and passeth by the middell of it . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.28) And the two poyntes that suche a lyne maketh in the vtter bounde or platte of the globe , are named polis , w=ch= you may call aptly in englysh , tourne pointes : of whiche I do more largely intreate , in the booke that I haue written of the vse of the globe . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.29) But to returne to the diuersityes of figures that remayne vndeclared , the most simple of them ar such ones as be made but-3 of two lynes , as are the cantle of a circle , and the halfe circle , of which I haue spoken allready . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.30) Likewyse the halfe of an egge forme , the cantle of an egge forme , the halfe of a tunne fourme , and the cantle of a tunne fourme , and besyde these a figure moche like to a tunne fourme , saue that it is sharp couered at both the endes , and therfore doth consist of twoo lynes , where a tunne forme is made of one lyne , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.31) and that figure is named an yey fourme . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.32) The nexte kynd of figures are those that be made of .iij. lynes (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.33) other be all right lynes , all crooked lynes , other some right and some crooked . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.34) But what fourme so euer they be of , they are named generally triangles . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.35) for a triangle is nothinge els to say , but a figure of three corners . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.36) And thys is a generall rule , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.37) looke how many lynes any figure hath , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.38) so mannye corners it hath also , yf it bee a platte forme , and not a bodye . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.39) For a bodye hath dyuers lynes metyng sometime in one corner . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.40) Now to geue you example of triangles , there is one whiche is all of croked lynes , and may be taken fur a portio~ of a globe as the figur marked w=t= A (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.41) An other hath two compassed lines and one right lyne , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.42) and is as the portion of halfe a globe , example of B. (RECORD-E1-H,1.B2V.43) An other hatht but one compassed lyne , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.44) and is the quarter of a circle , named a quadrate , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.45) and the ryght lynes make a right corner , as you se in C . Other lesse then it as you se $in {TEXT:'in'_missing} D , whose right lines make a sharpe corner , or greater then a quadrate , as is F , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.46) and then the right lynes of it do make a blunt corner . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.47) Also some triangles haue all righte lynes (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.48) and they be distincted in sonder by their angles , or corners . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.49) for other their corners bee all sharpe , as you see in the figure , E. other ij. sharpe and one right square , as is the figure G other ij. sharp and one blunt as in the figure H (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.50) There is also an other distinction of the names of triangles , according to their sides , whiche other be all equal as in the figure E , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.51) and that the Greekes doo call Isopleuron , and Latine men aequilaterium : (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.52) and in english it may be called a threlike triangle , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.53) other els two sydes bee equall and the thyrd vnequall , which the Greekes call Isosceles , the Latine men aequicurio , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.54) and in english tweyleke may they be called , as in G , H , and K . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.55) For , they may be of iij. kinds that is to say , with one square angle , as is G , or with a blunte corner as H , or with all in sharpe korners , as you see in K . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.56) Further more it may be y=t= they haue neuer a one syde equall to an other , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.57) and they be in iij kyndes also distinct lyke the twilekes , as you maye perceaue by these examples . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1R.58) M. N , and O where M. hath a right angle , N , A , blunte angle , and O , all sharpe angles these the Greekes and latine men do cal scalena (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.59) and in englishe theye may be called nouelekes , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.60) for thei haue no side equall , or like lo~g , to ani other in the same figur . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.61) Here it is to be noted , that in a tria~gle al the angles bee called innera~gles except ani side bee drawenne forth in lengthe , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.62) for then is that fourthe corner caled an vtter corner , as in this exa~ple because A , B , is drawen in length , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.63) therfore the a~gle C , is called an vtter a~gle (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.64) And thus haue I done with tria~guled figures , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.65) and nowe foloweth quadrangles , which are figures of iiij. corners and of iiij. lines also , of whiche there be diuers kindes , but chiefely v . that is to say , a square quadrate , whose sides bee all equall , and al the angles square , as you se here in this figure Q . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.66) The second kind is called a long square , whose foure corners be all square , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.67) but the sides are not equall eche to other , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.68) yet is euery side equall to that other that is against it , as you maye perceaue in this figure R . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B3R_misnumbered_as_1.B1V.69) The thyrd kind is called losenges or diamondes , whose sides bee all equall , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.71) but it hath neuer a square corner , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.72) for two of them be sharpe , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.73) and the other two be blunt , as appeareth in , S . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.74) The iiij. sorte are like vnto losenges , saue that they are longer one waye , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.75) and their sides be not equal , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.76) yet ther corners are like the corners of a losing , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.77) and therfore ar they named losengelike or diamo~dlike , whose figur is noted with T (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.78) Here shal you marke that al those squares which haue their sides al equal , may be called also for easy vnderstandinge , likesides , as Q. and S . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.79) and those that haue only the contrary sydes equal , as R. and T. haue , those wyll I call likeiammys , for a difference . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.80) The fift sorte doth containe all other fashions of foure cornered figurs , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.81) and ar called of the Grekes trapezia , of Latin me~ mensulae and of Arabitians , helmuariphe , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.82) they may be called in englishe borde formes , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.83) they haue no syde equall to an other as these examples shew , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.84) neither keepe they any rate in their corners , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.85) and therfore are they counted vnruled formes , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.86) and the other foure kindes onely are counted ruled formes , in the kynde of quadrangles . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.87) Of these vnruled formes ther is no numbre , they are so mannye and so dyuers , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.88) yet by arte they may be changed into other kindes of figures , and therby be brought to measure and proportion , as in the thirtene conclusion is partly taught , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.89) but more plainly in my booke of measuring you may see it . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4R.90) And nowe to make an eande of the dyuers kyndes of figures , there dothe folowe now figures of .v. sydes , other v. corners , which we may call cinkangles , whose sydes partlye are all equall as in A , and those are counted ruled cinkeangles . and partlye vnequall as in , B and they are called vnruled . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.92) Likewyse shall you iudge of siseangles , which haue sixe corners , septangles , which haue seuen angles , and so forth , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.93) for as mannye numbres as there maye be of sydes and angles , so manye diuers kindes be there of figures , vnto which yow shall geue names according to the numbre of their sides and angles , of whiche for this tyme I wyll make an ende , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.94) and wyll sette forthe on example of a syseangle , which I had almost forgotten , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.95) and that is it , whose vse commeth often in Geometry , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.96) and is called a squire , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.97) is made of two long squares ioyned togither , as this example sheweth . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.98) And thus I make an eand to speake of platte formes , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.99) and will briefelye saye somwhat touching the figures of bodeis which partly haue one platte forme for their bound , and y=t= iust rou~d as a globe hath , or ended long as in an egge , and a tunne fourme , whose pictures are these . (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.100) Howebeit you must marke that I meane not the very figure of a tunne , when I saye tunne form , but a figure like a tunne , (RECORD-E1-H,1.B4V.101) for a tune fourme , hath but one plat forme , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.102) and therfore must needs be round at the endes , where as a tunne hath thre platte formes , and is flatte at eche end , as partly these pictures do shewe . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.103) Bodies of two plattes are other cantles or halues of those other bodies , that haue but one platte forme , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.104) or els they are lyke in fvorme to two such cantles ioyned togither as this A doth partly eppresse : (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.105) or els it is called a rounde spire , or triple fourme , as in this figure is some what expressed (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.106) Nowe of three plattes there are made certain figures of bodyes , as the cantels and halues of all bodyes that haue but ij. plattys , and also the halues of halfe globys and canteles of a globe . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.107) Lykewyse a rounde piller , and a spyre made of a rounde spyre , slytte in ij. partes long ways . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.108) But as these formes be harde to be iudged by their pycturs , so I doe entende to passe them ouer with a great number of other formes of bodyes , which afterwarde shall be set forth in the boke of Perspectiue , bicause that without perspectiue knowledge , it is not easy to iudge truly the formes of them in flatte protacture . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.109) And thus I make an ende for this tyme , of the definitions Geometricall , appertayning to this parte of practise , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.110) and the rest wil I prosecute as cause shall serue . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1R.111) SONDRY CONCLUSIONS GEOMETRICAL . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.114) THE FYRST CONCLVSION . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.115) TO MAKE A THRELIKE TRIANGLE OR ANY LYNE MEASURABLE . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.116) Take the iuste le~gth of the lyne with your co~passe , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.118) and stay the one foot of the compas in one of the endes of that line , turning the other vp or doun at your will , drawyng the arche of a circle against the midle of the line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.119) and doo like wise with the same co~passe vnaltered , at the other end of the line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.120) and wher these ij. croked lynes doth crosse , frome thence drawe a lyne to echend of your first line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.121) and there shall appear a threlike triangle drawen on that line . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.122) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.124) A. B. is the first line , on which I wold make the threlike triangle , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.126) therfore I open the compasse as wyde as that line is long , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.127) and draw two arch lines that mete in C , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.128) then from C. I draw ij other lines one to A , another to B , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.129) and than I haue my purpose . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.130) THE .II CONCLVSION . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.132) IF YOU WIL MAKE A TWILIKE OR A NOUELIKE TRIANGLE ON ANI CERTAINE LINE . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.133) Consider fyrst the length that yow will haue the other sides to containe , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.135) and to that length open your compasse , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C1V.136) and then worke as you did in the threleke triangle , remembryng this , that in a nouelike triangle you must take ij. lengthes besyde the fyrste lyne , and draw an arche lyne with one of the~ at the one ende , and with the other at the other end , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.137) the exa~ple is as in the other before . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.138) THE III. CONCL. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.140) TO DIUIDE AN ANGLE OF RIGHT LINES INTO IJ. = PARTES . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.141) First open your compasse as largely as you can , so that it do not excede the length of the shortest line y=t= incloseth the angle . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.143) Then set one foote of the compasse in the verye point of the angle (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.144) and with the other fote draw a compassed arch fro~ the one lyne of the angle to the other , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.145) that arch shall you deuide in halfe , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.146) and the~ draw a line fro~ the a~gle to y=e= middle of y=e= arch , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.147) and so y=e= angle is diuided into ij. equall partes . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.148) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.150) Let the tria~gle be A. B. C , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.152) the~ set I one foot of y=e= co~passe in B , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.153) and with the other I draw y=e= arch D. E , which I part into ij. equall parts in F , and the~ draw a line fro~ B , to F , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.154) & so I haue mine inte~t (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.155) THE IIII. CONCL. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.157) TO DEUIDE ANY MEASURABLE LINE INTO IJ. =L PARTES . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.158) Open your compasse to the iust le~gth of y=e= line . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.160) And the~ set one foote steddely at the one ende of the line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.161) & w=t= the other fote draw an arch of a circle against y=e= midle of the line , both ouer it , and also vnder it , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2R.162) then doo lykewaise at the other ende of the line . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.163) And marke where those arche lines do meet crosse waies , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.164) and betwene those ij. pricks draw a line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.165) and it shall cut the first line in two equall portions . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.166) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.168) The lyne is A. B. accordyng to which I open the compasse and make .iiij. arche lines , whiche meete in C. and D , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.170) then drawe I a lyne from C , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.171) so haue I my purpose . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.172) This conclusion serueth for makyng of quadrates and squires , beside many other commodities , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.173) howebeit it maye bee don more readylye by this conclusion that foloweth nexte . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.174) THE FIFT CONCLVSION . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.176) TO MAKE A PLUMME LINE OR ANY PRICKE THAT YOU WILL IN ANY RIGHT LYNE APPOINTED . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.177) Open youre compas so that it be not wyder then from the pricke appoynted in the line to the shortest ende of the line , but rather shorter . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.179) Then sette the one foote of the compasse in the firste pricke appointed , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.180) and with the other fote marke ij. other prickes , one of eche syde of that fyrste , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.181) afterwarde open your compasse to the wydenes of those ij. new prickes , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.182) and draw from them ij. arch lynes , as you did in the fyrst conclusion , for making of a threlyke tria~gle . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.183) then if you do mark their crossing , and from it drawe a line to your fyrste pricke , it shall bee a iust plum lyne on that place . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.184) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.186) The lyne is A. B. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.188) the prick on whiche I shoulde make the plumme lyne , is C . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.189) then open I the compasse as wyde as A , C , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.190) and sette one foote in C. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.191) and with the other doo I marke out C. A. and C. B , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.192) then open I the compasse as wide as A. B , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.193) and make ij. arch lines which do crosse in D , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.194) and so haue I doone . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C2V.195) Howebeeit , it happeneth so sommetymes , that the pricke on whiche you would make the perpendicular or plum line , is so nere the eand of your line , that you can not extende any notable length from it to thone end of the line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.196) and if so be it then that you maie not drawe your line lenger fro~ that end , then doth this conclusion require a newe ayde , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.197) for the last deuise will not serue . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.198) In suche case therfore shall you dooe thus : (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.199) If your line be of any notable length , deuide it into fiue partes . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.200) And if it be not so long that it maie yelde fiue notable partes , then make an other line at will , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.201) and parte it into fiue equall portio~s : so that thre of those partes maie be found in your line . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.202) Then open your compas as wide as thre of these fiue measures be , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.203) and sette the one foote of the compas in the pricke , where you would haue the plumme line to lighte whiche I call the first pricke , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.204) and with the other foote drawe an arche line righte ouer the pricke , as you can ayme it : (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.205) then open youre compas as wide as all fiue measures be , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.206) and set the one foote in the fourth pricke , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.207) and with the other foote draw an other arch line crosse the first , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.208) and where thei two do crosse , thense draw a line to the poinct where you woulde haue the perpendicular line to light , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.209) and you haue doone . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.210) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.212) The line is A. B. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.214) and A. is the prick , on whiche the perpendicular line must light . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.215) Therfore I deuide A. B. into fiue partes equall , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.216) then do I open the compas to the widenesse of three partes that is A. D. and let one foote staie in A. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.217) and with the other I make an arche line in C . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3R.218) Afterwarde I open the compas as wide as A. B. that is as wide as all fiue partes (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.219) and set one foote in the .iiij. pricke , which is E , drawyng an arch line with the other foote in C. also . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.220) Then do I draw thence a line vnto A , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.221) and so haue I doone . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.222) But and if the line be to shorte to be parted into fiue partes , I shall deuide it into iij. partes only , as you see the line F. G , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.223) and then make D. and other line as is K. L. whiche I deuide into .v. suche diuisions , as F. G. containeth .iij {COM:sic} , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.224) then open I the compaas as wide as .iiij. partes whiche is K. M. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.225) and so set I one foote of the compas in F , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.226) and with the other I drawe an arch lyne toward H , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.227) then open I the co~pas as wide as K. L. that is all .v. partes (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.228) and set one foote in G , that is the iij. pricke (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.229) and with the other I draw an arch line toward H. also : (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.230) and where those .ij. arch lines do crosse whiche is by H. thence draw I a line vnto F , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.231) and that maketh a very plumbe line to F. G , as my desire was . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.232) The maner of workyng of this conclusion , is like to the second conclusion , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.233) but the reason of it doth depe~d of the .xlvi. prorosicio~ of y=e= first boke of Euclide . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.234) An other waie yet . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.235) set one foote of the compas in the prick , on whiche you would haue the plumbe line to light , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.236) and stretche forth thother foote toward the longest end of the line , as wide as you can for the length of the line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.237) and so draw a quarter of a compas or more , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.238) then without stirring of the compas , set one foote of it in the same line , where as the circular line did begin , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.239) and extend thother in the circular line , settyng a marke where it doth light , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.240) then take half that quantitie more there vnto , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.241) and by that prick that endeth the last part , draw a line to the pricke assigned , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.242) and it shall be a perpendicular . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.243) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.245) A. B. is the line appointed , to whiche I must make a perpendicular line to light in the pricke assigned , which is A . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C3V.247) Therfore doo I set one foote of the compas in A , and extend the other vnto D. makyng a part of a circle , more then a quarter , that is D. E. (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.248) Then do I set one foote of the compas vnaltered in D , and stretch the other in the circular line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.249) and it doth light in F , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.250) this space betwene D. and F. I deuide into halfe in the pricke G , whiche halfe I take with the compas , and set it beyond F. vnto H , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.251) and therfore is H. the point , by whiche the perpendicular line must be drawen , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.252) so say I that the line H. A , is a plumbe line to A. B , as the conclusion would . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.253) THE .VI. CONCLVSION . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.255) TO DRAWE A STREIGHT LINE FROM ANY PRICKE THAT IS NOT IN A LINE , AND TO MAKE IT PERPENDICULAR TO AN OTHER LINE . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.256) Open your compas so wide that it may extend somewhat farther , the~ from the prick to the line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.258) then sette the one foote of the compas in the pricke , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.259) and with the other shall you draw a co~passed line , that shall crosse that other first line in .ij. places (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.260) Now if you deuide that arch line into .ij. equall partes , and from the middell pricke therof vnto the prick without the line you drawe a streight line , it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} a plumbe line to that firste lyne , accordyng to the conclusion . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.261) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.263) C. is the appointed pricke , from whiche vnto the line A. B. I must draw a perpe~dicular . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.265) Therfore I open the co~pas so wide , that it may haue one foote in C , and thother to reach ouer the line , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.266) and with y=t= foote I draw an arch line as you see , betwene A. and B , which arch line I deuide in the middell in the point D . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.267) Then drawe I a line from C. to D , (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.268) and it is perpendicular to the line A. B , accordyng as my desire was . (RECORD-E1-H,1.C4R.269) THE XXXIIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.272) IN ALL RIGHT ANGULED TRIANGLES , THE SQUARE OF THAT SIDE WHICHE LIETH AGAINST THE RIGHT ANGLE , IS =L TO THE .IJ. SQUARES OF BOTH THE OTHER SIDES (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.273) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.275) A. B. C. is a triangle , hauing a ryght angle in B. Wherfore it foloweth , that the square of A. C , whiche is the side that lyeth agaynst the right angle shall be as muche as the two squares of A. B. and B. C. which are the other .ij. sides . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.276) By the square of any lyne , you muste vnderstande a figure made iuste square , hauyng all his iiij. sydes equall to that line , whereof it is the square , (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.277) so is A. C. F , the square of A. C. (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.278) Lykewais A. B. D. is the square of A. B. (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.279) And B. C. E. is the square of B. C. (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.280) Now by the numbre of the diuisions in eche of these squares , may you perceaue not onely what the square of any line is called , but also that the theoreme is true , and expressed playnly bothe-3 by lines and numbre . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.281) For as you see , the greatter square that is A. C. F. hath fiue diuisions on eche syde , all equall togyther , (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.282) and those in the whole square are twenty and fiue . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.283) Nowe in the left square , whiche is A. B. D. there are but .iij. of those diuisions in one syde , (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.284) and that yeldeth nyne in the whole . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.285) So lykeways you see in the meane square A. C. E. in euery syde .iiij. partes , whiche in the whole amount vnto sixtene . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.286) Nowe adde togyther all the partes of the two lesser squares , that is to saye , sixtene and nyne , (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.287) and you perceyue that they make twenty and fiue , whyche is an equall numbre to the summe of the greatter square . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4R.288) By this theoreme you may vnderstand a redy way to know the syde of any ryght anguled triangle that is vnknowen , so that you knowe the lengthe of any two sydes of it . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.290) For by tournynge the two sydes certayne into theyr squares , and so addynge them togyther , other subtractynge the one from the other accordyng as in the vse of these theoremes I haue sette foorthe and then fyndynge the roote of the square that remayneth , which roote I meane the syde of the square is the iuste length of the unknowen syde , whyche is sought for . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.291) But this appertaineth to the thyrde booke , (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.292) and therefore I wyll speake no more of it at this tyme . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.293) THE XXXIIIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.295) IF SO BE IT , THAT IN ANY TRIANGLE , THE SQUARE OF THE ONE SYDE BE =L TO THE .IJ. SQUARES OF THE OTHER IJ. SIDES , THAN MUST NEDES THAT CORNER BE A RIGHT CORNER , WHICH IS CONTEINED BETWENE THOSE TWO LESSER SYDES . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.296) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.298) As in the figure of the laste Theoreme , bicause A. C , made in square , is as much as the square of A. B , and also as the square of B. C. ioyned bothe togyther , therefore the angle that is inclosed betwene those .ij. lesser lynes , A. B. and B. C. that is to say the angle B. whiche lieth against the line A. C , must nedes be a ryght angle . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.299) This teoreme dothe so depende of the truthe of the laste , that whan you perceaue the truthe of the one , you can not iustly doubt of the others truthe , (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.300) for they conteine one sentence , contrary waies pronounced . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.301) THE .NUM. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.E4V.303) IF THERE BE SET FORTH .IJ. RIGHT LINES , AND ONE OF THEM PARTED INTO SUNDRY PARTES , HOW MANY OR FEW SO EUER THEY BE , THE SQUARE THAT IS MADE OF THOSE IJ. RIGHT LINES PROPOSED , IS =L TO ALL THE SQUARES , THAT ARE MADE OF THE VNDIUIDED LINE , AND EUERY PARTE OF THE DIUIDED LINE . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.304) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.306) The ij. lines proposed ar A B. and C. D , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.307) and the lyne A. B. is deuided into thre partes by E. and F . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.308) Now saith this theoreme , that the square that is made of those two whole lines A. B. and C. D , so that the line A. B. sta~deth for the le~gth of the square , and the other line C. D. for the bredth of the same . That square I say will be equall to all the squares that be made , of the vndiueded lyne which is C. D. and euery portion of the diueded line . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.309) And to declare that particularly , Fyrst I make an other line G. K , equall to the line C. D , and the line G. H. to be equal to the line A. B , and to bee diuided into iij. like partes , so that G. M. is equall to A. E , and M. N. equal to E. F , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.310) and then muste N. H. nedes remaine equall to F. B . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.311) Then of those ij. lines G. K , vndeuided , and G. H. which is deuided , I make a square , that is G. H. K. L , In which square if I drawe crosse lines frome one side to the other , according to the diuisions of the line G. H , then will it appear plaine , that the theoreme doth affirme . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.312) For the first square G. M. O. K , must needes be equal to the square of the line C. D , and the first portio~ of the diuided line , which is A. E , for bicause their sides are equall . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1R.313) And so the seconde square that is M. N. P. O , shall be equall to the square of C. D , and the second part of A. B , that is E. F . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1V.314) Also the third square which is N. H. L. P_N , must of necessitee be equal to the square of C. D , and F. B , bicause those lines be so coupeled that euery couple are equall in the seuerall figures . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1V.315) And so shal you not only in this example , but in all other finde it true , that if one line be deuided into sondry partes , and another line whole and vndiuided , matched with him in a square , that square which is made of these two whole lines , is as muche iuste and equally , as all the seuerall squares , whiche bee made of the whole line vndiuided , and euery part seuerally of the diuided line . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1V.316) THE XXXVI. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1V.318) IF A RIGHT LINE BE PARTED INTO IJ. PARTES , AS CHAUNCE MAY HAPPE , THE SQUARE THAT IS MADE OF THAT WHOLE LINE , IS =L TO BOTHE THE SQUARES THAT ARE MADE OF THE SAME LINE , AND THE TWOO PARTES OF IT SEUERALLY . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1V.319) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1V.321) The line propouned beyng A. B. and deuided , as chaunce happeneth , in C. into ij. unequall partes , I say that the square made of the hole line A. B , is equal to the two squares made of the same line with the twoo partes of it selfe , as with A. C , and with C. B , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F1V.322) for the square D , E. F. G. is equal to the two other partial squares of D. H. K. G and H. E. F. K , but that the greater square is equall to the square of the whole line A. B , and the partiall squares equall to the squares of the second partes of the same line ioyned with the whole line , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.323) your eye may iudg without muche declaracion , so that I shall not neede to make more exposition therof , but that you may examine it , as you did in the laste Theoreme . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.324) THE XXXVIJ THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.326) IF A RIGHT LINE BE DEUIDED BY CHAUNCE , AS IT MAYE HAPPEN , THE SQUARE THAT IS MADE OF THE WHOLE LINE , AND ONE OF THE PARTES OF IT WHICH SOEUER IT BE , SHAL BE =L TO THAT SQUARE THAT IS MADE OF THE IJ. PARTES IOYNED TOGITHER , AND TO AN OTHER SQUARE MADE OF THAT PART , WHICH WAS BEFORE IOYNED WITH THE WHOLE LINE . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.327) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.329) The line A. B. is deuided in C. into twoo partes , though not equally , of which two partes for an example I take the first , that is A. C , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.330) and of it I make one side of a square , as for example D. G. accomptinge those two lines to be equall , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.331) the other side of the square is D. E , whiche is equall to the whole line A. B . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2R.332) Now may it appeare , to your eye , that the great square made of the whole line A. B , and of one of his partes that is A. C , which is equall with D. G. is equal to two partiall squares , wherof the one is made of the saide greatter portion A. C , in as muche as not only D. G , beynge one of his sides , but also D. H. beinge the other side , are eche of them equall to A. C . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2V.333) The second square is H. E. F. K , in which the one side H. E , is equal to C. B , being the lesser parte of the line , A. B , and E. F. is equall to A. C. which is the greater parte of the same line . So that those two squares D. H. K. G , and H , E , F , K , bee bothe of them no more then the greate square D. E , F , G , accordinge to the wordes of the Theoreme afore saide . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2V.334) THE XXXVIIJ. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2V.336) IF A RIGHTE LINE BE DEUIDED BY CHAUNCE , INTO PARTES , THE SQUARE THAT IS MADE OF THAT WHOLE LINE , IS =L TO BOTH THE SQUARES THAT AR MADE OF ECHE PARTE OF THE LINE , AND MOREOUER TO TWO SQUARES MADE OF THE ONE PORTION OF THE DIUIDED LINE IOYNED WITH THE OTHER IN SQUARE . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2V.337) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2V.339) Lette the diuided line bee A , B , and parted in C , into twoo partes : (RECORD-E1-H,2.F2V.340) Nowe saithe the Theoreme , that the square of the whole lyne A , B , is as mouche iuste as the square of A. C , and the square of C. B. , eche by it selfe , and more ouer as muche twise , as A. C. and C. B. ioyned in one square will make . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.341) For as you se , the great square D. E. F. G , conteyneth in hym foure lesser squares , of whiche the first and the greatest is N. M. F. K , and is equall to the square of the lyne A. C . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.342) The second square is the lest of them all , that is D. H. L. N , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.343) and it is equall to the square of the line B. C . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.344) Then are there two other longe squares both of one bygnes , that is H. E. N. M. and L. N. G. K , eche of them both hauyng .ij. sides equall to A. C , the longer parte of the diuided line , and there other two sides equall to C. B , beeyng the shorter parte of the said line A. B . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.345) So is that greatest square beeyng made of the hole lyne A. B , equal to the ij. squares of eche of his partes seuerally , and more by as muche iust as .ij. longe squares , made of the longer portion of the diuided lyne ioyned in square with the shorter parte of the same diuided line as the theoreme wold . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.346) And as here I haue put an example of a lyne diuided into .ij. partes , so the theoreme is true of all diuided lines , of what number so euer the partes be , foure , fyue , or syxe . etc. (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.347) This theoreme hath great vse not only in geometrie , but also in arithmetike , as herafter I will declare in conuenient place (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.348) THE .XXXIX. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.350) IF A RIGHT LINE BE DEUIDED INTO TWO =L PARTES , AND ONE OF THESE .IJ. PARTES DIUIDED AGAYN INTO TWO OTHER PARTES , AS HAPPENETH THE LONGE SQUARE THAT IS MADE OF THE THYRD OR LATER PART OF THAT DIUIDED LINE , WITH THE RESIDUE OF THE SAME LINE , AND THE SQUARE OF THE MYDLEMOSTE PARTE , ARE BOTHE TOGITHER =L TO THE SQUARE OF HALFE THE FIRSTE LINE . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3R.351) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.354) The line A. B. is diuided into ij. equal partes in C , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.355) and that parte C. B. is diuided agayne as hapneth in D . Wherfere saith the Theorem that the long square made of D. B. and A. D , with the square of C. D. which is the mydle portion shall bothe be equall to the square of half the lyne A. B , that is to saye , to the square of A. C , or els of C. D , which make all one . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.356) The long square F. G. N. O. whiche is the longe square that the theoreme speaketh of , is made of .ij. long squares , wherof the fyrst is F. G. M. K , and the seconde is K. N. O. M . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.357) The square of the myddle portion is L. M. O. P_N . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.358) And the square of the halfe of the fyrste lyne is E. K. Q. L . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.359) Nowe by the theoreme , that longe square F. G. M. O , with the iuste square L. M. O. P_N , muste bee equall to the greate square E. K. Q. L , whyche thynge bycause it seemeth somewhat difficult to vnderstande , althoughe I intende not here to make demonstrations of the Theoremes , bycause it is appoynted to be done in the newe edition of Euclide , yet I wyll shew you brefely how the equalitee of the partes doth stande . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.360) And fyrst I say , that where the comparyson of equalitee is made betweene the greate square whiche is made of halfe the line A. B. and two other , where of the fyrst is the longe square F. G. N. O , and the seconde is the full square L. M. O. P_N , which is one portion of the great square allredye , and so is that longe square K. N. M. O , beynge a parcell also of the longe square F. G. N. O , Wherfore as those two partes are common to bothe partes compared in equalitee , and therfore beynge bothe abated from eche parte , if the reste of bothe the other partes bee equall , than were those whole partes equall before : (RECORD-E1-H,2.F3V.361) Nowe the reste of the great square , those two lesser squares beyng taken away is that longe square E. N. P. Q , whyche is equall to the long square F. G. K. M , beyng the rest of the other parte . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.362) And that they two be equall , theyr sydes doo declare . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.363) For the longest lynes that is F. K and E. Q are equall , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.364) and so are the shorter lynes , F. G , and E. N , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.365) and so appereth the truthe of the Theoreme . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.366) THE .XL. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.368) IF A RIGHT LINE BE DIUIDED INTO .IJ. EUEN PARTES , AND AN OTHER RIGHT LINE ANNEXED TO ONE ENDE OF THAT LINE , SO THAT IT MAKE ONE RIGHTE LINE WITH THE FIRSTE . THE LONGE SQUARE THAT IS MADE OF THIS WHOLE LINE SO AUGMENTED , AND THE PORTION THAT IS ADDED WITH THE SQUARE OF HALFE THE RIGHT LINE , SHALL BE =L TO THE SQUARE OF THAT LINE , WHICHE IS CONPOUNDED OF HALFE THE FIRSTE LINE , AND THE PARTE NEWLY ADDED . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.369) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.371) The fyrst lyne propouned is A. B , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.372) and it is diuided into ij. equall partes in C , and an other ryght lyne , I meane B. D. annexed to one ende of the fyrste lyne . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.373) Nowe say I , that the long square A. D. M. K , is made of the whole lyne so augme~ted , that is A. D , and the portio~ annexed , y=t= is D. M . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4R.374) for D. M is equall to B. D , wherfore y=t= long square A. D. M. K , with the square of halfe the first line , that is E. G. H. L , is equall to the great square E. F. D. C. whiche square is made of the line C. D. that is to saie , of a line compounded of halfe the first line , beyng C. B , and the portion annexed , that is B. D . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.375) And it is easyly perceaued , if you consyder that the longe square A. C. L. K. whiche onely is lefte out of the great square hath another longe square equall to hym , and to supply his steede in the great square , and that is G , F. M. H . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.376) For they sydes be of lyke lines in length . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.377) THE XLI. THEOREME . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.379) IF A RIGHT LINE BE DIUIDED BY CHAUNCE , THE SQUARE OF THE SAME WHOLE LINE , AND THE SQUARE OF ONE OF HIS PARTES ARE IUSTE =L TO THE LO~G SQUARE OF THE WHOLE LINE , AND THE SAYDE PARTE TWISE TAKEN , AND MORE OUER TO THE SQUARE OF THE OTHER PARTE OF THE SAYD LINE . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.380) Example . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.382) A. B. is the line diuided in C . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.383) And D. E. F. G , is the square of the whole line , (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.384) D. H. K. M. is the square of the lesser portion whyche I take for an example (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.385) and therfore must bee twise reckened . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.386) Nowe I saye that those ij. squares are equall to two longe squares of the whole line A. B , and his sayd portion A. C , and also to the square of the other portion of the sayd first line , whiche portion is C. B , and his square K. N. F. L (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.387) In this theoreme there is no difficultie , if you co~syder that the litle square D. H. K. M. is iiij. tymes reckened , that is to say , fyrst of all as a parte of the greatest square , whiche is D. E. F. G . (RECORD-E1-H,2.F4V.388) Secondly he is rekned by him selfe . (RECORD-E1-H,2.G1R.389) Thirdely he is accompted as parcell of the long square D. E. N. M , (RECORD-E1-H,2.G1R.390) And fourthly he is taken as a part of the other long square D. H. L. G , so that in as muche as he is twise reckened in one part of the compariso~ of equalitee , and twise also in the second parte , there can rise none occasion of errour or doubtfulnes therby . (RECORD-E1-H,2.G1R.391)