Most Deare Mother , beinge In that extremety of missery that I nowe am falen Into , whether should I fly for succor but to the wombe that bare me . (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.3) I doe desier you for Christ Iesus sake not to lett your pore Sonne to goe to a Iayle , there to ly , dy and Rott : (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.4) Even for my deare fathers sake I alsoe humbly crave yours and my brothers helpe at this tyme (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.5) or else I am for euer lost . (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.6) truly I am soe possessed w=th= extremity of greife y=t= I knowe $not what to write . (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.7) but my missery makes me capable to desier helpe and Realese , (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.8) this is the first tyme that I am vnfortunately falen Into the handes of a Credittor One Thomas Sampson (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.9) the debt is about fifty poundes . (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.10) and I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} but hope that hee $will $be {TEXT:wilbe} Reasonable . (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.11) The baylifs swere and damne themselves y=t= yf I cann satisfy him noe other acction shall come against me (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.12) but I shall bee delivered safly at my lodging . (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.13) I doe beseech you Deare Mother lett me not bee a Newgate bird and soe for ever to loose my liberty and fortunes . (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.14) Your distresfull pore Sonne Richard Farrar (RFERRAR-E2-H,278.15)