_ @ Aprill y=e= 23=d= ; Munday , (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.3) in y=e= Hooke . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.4) Honourd S=r= , This is to acquaint of our ingaging w=th= y=e= French and of our haveing gott y=e= victory . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.5) Wee mett y=m= of sea , May 19 . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.6) There was about saile . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.7) Wee fought y=m= from 11 to 9 att night ; since w=ch= , have been in pursuit of y=m= . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.8) There is run ashoare , in Sherbrook bay , Torveil w=th= 3 more capitall ships , w=ch= are now burned . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.9) Cozen Tom Heath burnt Torveil ; (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.10) and have chased 14 saile more in y=e= Hooke , where wee now are . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.11) S=r= Cloudsly Shovel is goeing in w=th= y=e= 3=d= rates and fire-ships to destroy y=m= . (RHADDJR-E3-H,41.12) Wee have been soe unfortunate as $to lose Rear Adm=ll= Carter in y=e= fight . (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.13) I am very well (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.14) and have received no wound ; (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.15) only a small splinter hitt mee on y=e= thigh , (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.16) but did no damage , (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.17) only made itt black and blew . (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.18) I would write more particularly , (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.19) but y=e= vessell I heare is goeing away presently ; (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.20) soe , haveing no more att present , butt duty to your self and my mother , I remain your dutyfull Son , Rich=d= Haddock . (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.21) Cozen Ruffin is alive and very well . (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.22) I will write y=e= particulars of our fight as soon as wee come into any port . R=d= H. (RHADDJR-E3-H,42.23)