Navy Office , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.3) this 27th Nov=r= , . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.4) Deare Son , I have yo=rs= of yesterday's date , $from {TEXT:form} the Downes , w=ch= brings us the joyfull tydeings of yo=r= safe arrivall there . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.5) Yo=r= long passage from Newfoundland put us in great feare of your wellfare , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.6) and perticularly your mo=r= hath bine for a month or 5 weekes crying for you and yo=r= brother Nic=s= safety ; (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.7) but blessed be God you are both come well home . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.8) Your bro=r= now with us came up from the Downes by leave from his Cap=t= , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.9) and hath behaved himself with so much bravery and couradge that he hath gained the good report of the Duke of Ormond , his Capt=t= , &c. , both in the action at Rotta and St. Mary Port , and Vigo , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.10) and was the first man that borded one of the gallions at Vigo , w=ch= is come home . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.11) I do not find by yo=r= letter that you were w=th= your Comodore at the takeing and destroying the French shipps to the southwards of Trepassa , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.12) and consequently you will not come in for your share of that capture . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.13) The news papers tells us yo=r= prize is got into Plym=o= , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.14) and for your boate w=th= 5 men you say you left behind at Plym=o= we never heard anything of it , w=ch= gives you trouble ; (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.15) and because you write not of my Coz W=m's= wellfare , I am conscernd for feare he might be in that boate . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.16) To morrow morning I intend to go to y=e= Adm=ty= and endeavor you may come into the River , if his R. Highness orders your cleaneing . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,43.17) God Allmighty hath blest y=e= forces of her Maj=ty= and her Allies , both-1 by land and sea , in a wonderfull manner ; for w=ch= we lately had a publick day of thanksgiveing in this citty . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.18) The Queene , House of Lords and Comons , w=th= the Bishops , Judges , &c. came to S=t= Paul's Church , where , after sermon , Te Deum was sung . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.19) Since your leaveing England , two of our bord are dead , viz=t=. Mr. Sotherne and my good freind Com=r= Willshaw , who dyed y=e= 23=d= Sept=r= last . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.20) My Coz Anna Babb , that was in one of our almes houses at Stepny , is likewise dead , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.21) and my poore Coz=n= Lockwood's son in law , Coz=n= Hodges , dyed lately at Gosport , since his arrivall from Cadix and Vigo , who waited a tender on y=e= Duke of Ormond's shipp . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.22) We are all in good health , praised be God , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.23) and do kindly salut you . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.24) I am your most afection=t= father , R=d= Haddock . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.25) Pray let me know how yo=r= shipp proves . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.26) I have concerd my selfe to get one of y=e= 4=th= rates building at Deptfod for you , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.27) and this day spake to S=r= Geo. Rooke about it , and formerly to y=e= other 3 Councill of y=e= Lord High Adm=ll= . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.28) I know she is tender by your reifeing your courses ; (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.29) and $'t $was {TEXT:twas} well hinted in yours to y=e= Adm=ty= . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.30) I am glad you past by Plym=o= . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.31) Orders went thither some tyme since to cleane you and severall of yo=r= consarts . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.32) R=d= H. (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.33) On Her Majesty's Service . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.34) To Capt=n= Richard Haddock , Comand=r= of her Maj=ty= Shipp the Reserve , these present , In y=e= Downes . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.35) Navy Office , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.37) this Decemb=r= , . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.38) My deare Son , Your letter of the 17=th= Nov=r= past , giveing me acc=t= of the unhapy disaster of your ship being run ashore by a Dutch pilot and of your happy getting off againe , I rec=d= 3 or 4 ds. after its date ; (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,44.39) but , hopeing you might have gote away before an answer could arrive you , I forbore answering it to you to Helvoet Sluce . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.40) I have just now rec=d= yours of the 7=th= instant , Tuesday , and , to our great joy , the acc=t= of God $Almighty $'s {TEXT:Almighty's} wonderfull preservation of you in the late most dreadfull storm , w=ch= no man liveing can remember the like . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.41) I perseave you have had an acc=t= of the most sad and lamentable efects of it heere in England , not only in the losse of our $shipping , but about men in the Queen's shipps . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.42) I shall not eneumerate y=e= perticulars of the losse , only that Capt. Emes , w=th= his wife and son and all y=e= men in y=e= Restauration , lost on y=e= Goodwin , and poore Tom Blake drowned at Bristoll in y=e= Canterbury store ship cast away . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.43) The Dorcetshire we have acc=t= of her being on y=e= back of Yarm=o= Sands , cruseing , I supose for want of anchors and cables , (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.44) and hope y=e= Association is cruseing in the sea on the like occasion . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.45) My deare son Nic=o= hapend to be sick on bord her , as S=r= S. Fairebone wrote me from the Downes . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.46) I sent Tom Apleby imediatly to Deale to bring him up ; (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.47) but the ship sailed y=e= morning before he gote downe . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.48) I hope he will come well home to us . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.49) Pray God the Russell may be got of y=e= sands and into Helvoet Sluce . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.50) Wee haue 7 or 8 vessells w=th= anchors and cables in Harw=ch= or Oasely bay , ready to put to sea when we heare where S=r= Stafford is . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.51) S=r= Cloud. Shovell I hope now safe at the Nore ; (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.52) his mainemast cut downe after he had drove 3 leag=s= from y=e= Longs , very neare the Galloper . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.53) Y=e= S=t= Geo. and R. Oake , now at Blackstakes , rode out y=e= storme w=th=out damage ; and the Cambridge I beleive the same . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.54) The 4 ships that broke from their ground takle was the Association , Russell , Revenge , and Dorcetshire . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.55) The Revenge was in Solebay some tyme since , and furnish w=th= anchors and cables from y=e= Nottingham and another man of warr y=t= went out Yarm=o= roads to looke for our shipps . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,45.56) Capt. Kerr in y=e= Revenge gave acc=t= that he saw y=e= Association , Monday last was sevenight ; so that we are in hope she is very well . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,46.57) I shall not inlarge , only to give you our kind saluts . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,46.58) Pray God send you w=th= y=e= King of Spaine well out that place and over to us . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,46.59) My harty and humble service to S=r= Geo: Rooke . (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,46.60) I am your most afec=t= father , R. H. (RHADDSR-1700-E3-H,46.61)