I haue spoken of Briberie and Simonie , (SMITH-E2-H,B1V.2) and now I must speake of their sister Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,B1V.3) Manie times haue I thought to speake of this Theame , (SMITH-E2-H,B1V.4) but the argume~ts which are alleaged for it , haue made mee doubtfull what to say in it , because it hath gone as it were vnder a protection . (SMITH-E2-H,B1V.5) At last you see it falleth into my text , (SMITH-E2-H,B1V.6) and therefore now I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} bauke it any longer . (SMITH-E2-H,B1V.7) Therefore if any heere haue fauoured this occupation before , let him now submit his thoughts vnto Gods thoughts ; (SMITH-E2-H,B2R.8) for I will alleage nothing against it , but that which is built vppon the rocke . (SMITH-E2-H,B2R.9) Vsurie is the sin which God wil trie now whether you loue better than his worde : that is , whether you will leaue it if he forbid it : (SMITH-E2-H,B2R.10) for if hee flatly forbid it , and yet you wilfully retaine it , then you loue Vsurie better than Gods worde . (SMITH-E2-H,B2R.11) Therefore one saith well that our Vsurers are Hereticks , because after manie admonitions , yet they maintaine their errour , and persist in it obstinatly as Papists doo in Poperie . (SMITH-E2-H,B2R.12) For this cause I am glad that I haue any occasion to griple with this sin , where it hath made so many spoyles , & where it hath so many patrons : (SMITH-E2-H,B2R.13) for it is said that there be moe of this profession in this Citie , than there bee in all the land beside . (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.14) There be certaine sins which are like an vnreasonable enemie which will not be reconciled to death , (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.15) and this is one of those euerlasting sins which liue and die with a man . (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.16) For when he hath resigned his pride and his enuie and his lust , yet Vsurie remaineth with him , (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.17) & he saith as Naaman said , Let the Lord bee mercifull vnto me in this : (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.18) let me haue a dispensation for this , as though this were a necessarie sinne , and hee could not liue without it . (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.19) There be three sinnes which are counted no sinnes , (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.20) and yet they doo more hurt than all their fellows , (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.21) & those are Briberie , Nonresidencie , and Vsurie : (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.22) these three because they are gainful are turned from sinnes to occupatio~s . (SMITH-E2-H,B2V.23) How many of this Citie for all that they are Vsurers , yet would be counted honest me~ , and would faine haue Vsurie esteemed as a trade : whereas if it were not so gainfull , it would bee counted as great a sinne as any other , (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.24) and so it is counted of all but them which liue by it . (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.25) This is the nature of pleasure and profite to make sinnes seeme no sinnes , if we gaine anything by them , (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.26) but the more gainfull a sinne is , the more daungerous it is , (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.27) and the more gainfull Vsurie is , the more daungerous it is . (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.28) I will speake the more of it , because happely you shall not heare of this matter againe . (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.29) First I will define what Vsurie is , (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.30) then I wil shew you what Vsurie doth signifie : (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.31) then I will shewe the vnlawfulnes of it : (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.32) then I will shewe the kindes of it : (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.33) then I will shewe the arguments which are alleaged for it : (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.34) then I will shewe the punishment of it : (SMITH-E2-H,B3R.35) then I will shewe you what opinion wee should holde of them which doo not lend vpon Vsurie , but borrow vpon Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,B3V.36) Lastly , I will shewe you what they should doo which haue got their riches by Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,B3V.37) Touching the first , Vsurie is that gaine which is gotten by lending , for the vse of the thing which a man lendeth , couenanting before with the borrower to receaue more tha~ was borrowed : (SMITH-E2-H,B3V.38) and therefore one calls the Vsurer a legall theefe , because before hee steale , he tels the partie how much hee will steale , as though hee stole by law . (SMITH-E2-H,B3V.39) This word more , comes in like a sixt finger , which makes a monster , because it is more than should be . (SMITH-E2-H,B3V.40) Another defining Vsurie , calleth it the Contrarie to Charitie : (SMITH-E2-H,B3V.41) for Paule saith , Loue seeketh not her owne , (SMITH-E2-H,B3V.42) but Vsurie seeketh an others which is not her owne : (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.43) therfore Vsurie is farre from loue , (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.44) but God is Loue , saith Iohn , (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.45) therefore Vsurie is farre from God too . (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.46) Now , al the Commandements of God are fulfilled by loue , which Christ noteth when hee draweth all the Commandements to one Commandement , which is , Loue God aboue all things , and thy neighbour as thy selfe : as if hee should say , hee which loueth God , will keepe all the Commaundements which respect God , (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.47) and he which loueth his neighbour will keepe all the Commaundements which respect his neighbour : (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.48) therefore to maintaine loue , God forbiddeth all things which hinder this loue : (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.49) and among the rest here hee forbiddeth Vsurie , as one of her deadliest enemies : (SMITH-E2-H,B4R.50) for a man can not loue and be an Vsurer , because Vsurie is a kinde of crueltie , and a kinde of extortion , and a kinde of persecution , (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.51) and therfore the want of loue doth make Vsurers : (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.52) for if there were loue there would bee no Vsurie , no deceit , no extortion , no slaundering , no reuenging , no oppression , (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.53) but wee should liue in peace and ioye and contentment like the Angels ; whereby you see that all our sinnes are against our selues : (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.54) for if there were no deceit , then we should not bee deceiued : (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.55) if there were no slander , then wee should not bee slandered : (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.56) if there were no enuie , then wee should not bee enuied : (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.57) if there were no extortion , then we should not bee iniuried : (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.58) if there were no Vsurie then we should not bee oppressed . (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.59) Therfore Gods law had been better for vs than our owne lawe : (SMITH-E2-H,B4V.60) for if his law did stand , the~ we should not be deceiued , nor slandered , nor enuied , nor iniured , nor oppressed . (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.61) God hath commanded euery ma~ to lend freely , (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.62) & who would not borrowe freely ? (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.63) Therefore they which brought in vsurie , brought in a lawe against themselues . (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.64) The first Vsurers which wee reade of , were the Iewes , which were forbidden to be Vsurers , (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.65) yet for want of faith and loue , Ezekiel & Nehemiah doth shewe how the Iewes , euen the Iewes which receiued this lawe from God himselfe , did swarue from it as they did from the rest . (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.66) First , they did lend vppon Vsurie to straungers ; (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.67) after they began to lend vppon Vsurie to their brethren , (SMITH-E2-H,B5R.68) and now there be no such Vsurers vppon earth as the Iewes which were forbidden to be Vsurers . Wherby you may see how the malice of man hath turned mercie into crueltie . (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.69) For whereas lending was commaunded for the benefite of men , Vsurie hath turned it to the vndoing of men : (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.70) for they take when they seeme to giue ; (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.71) they hurt when they seeme to helpe ; (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.72) they damage when they seeme to vauntage : (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.73) therefore it is well noted that Vsurie hath her name of byting , (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.74) and she may well signifie byting ; (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.75) for many haue not onely been bitten by it , but deuoured by it , that is , consumed all that they haue : (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.76) therfore as the Apostle saith , If you bite one another , take heede you be not deuoured one of another : (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.77) so I may say if you be Vsurers one to another , take heede you bee not deuoured one of another , (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.78) for Vsurers are biters . (SMITH-E2-H,B5V.79) As the name of the Diuell doth declare what an enemie he is ; so the name of Vsurie dooth declare what an enemie she is . (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.80) That you may knowe Vsurie for a byter , her name doth signifie byting . (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.81) If there were one byting Vsurie , and another healing Vsurie , then Vsurie should haue two names ; one of byting , and another of healing : (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.82) but all Vsurie signifieth byting , to shewe that al Vsurie is vnlawfull . (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.83) Now , you haue heard what Vsurie is , and of what it is deriued , you shall heare the vnlawfulnes of it . (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.84) First , it is against the law of charitie , because charitie biddeth vs to giue euery man his owne , and to require no more than our own ; (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.85) but Vsurie requireth more than her owne , (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.86) and giues not to other their owne . (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.87) Charitie reioyceth to communicate her goods to other , (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.88) and Vsurie reioyceth to gather other mens goods to her selfe . (SMITH-E2-H,B6R.89) Secondly , it is against the lawe of Natio~s ; (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.91) for euerie Nation hath some lawe against Vsurie , and some restraint against Vsurers , as you shall heare when wee speake of the punishment . (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.92) Thirdly , as it is against the law of Nations , so it is against the law of Nature , that is , the naturall compassion which should bee among men . (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.93) You see a riuer when it goeth by an emptie place , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.94) it will not passe vntill it hath filled that emptie place , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.95) & then it goeth forward to another emptie place (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.96) and filleth it , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.97) and so to another emptie place (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.98) and filleth it , alwaies filling the places which are emptie : (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.99) so should wee , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.100) the rich should fill the poore , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.101) the ful should fill the hungrie , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.102) they which abound should fill them which want , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.103) for the rich are but Gods Amners , (SMITH-E2-H,B6V.104) and their riches are committed to them of God to distribute and doo good as God dooth himselfe : (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.105) As the water is charitable after a sorte , so is the ayre , (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.106) for it goeth to emptie places too , (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.107) and filleth them as the water doth . (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.108) Nature $can $not {TEXT:cannot} abide that any place should bee emptie , (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.109) and therefore the ayre though it bee a light bodie , and so naturally ascendeth vpward : yet rather than any place in the earth shuld be emptie , the ayre wil descend as it were fro~ his throne , and goe into caues , into dens , and into dungeons , to fill them . (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.110) If the rich were so good to their emptie brethren , as the ayre and water are to other emptie things ; as there is no emptie place in the worlde , so there should be no emptie person in the world : (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.111) that is , the rich in Israel would fill the poore in Israel , (SMITH-E2-H,B7R.112) but the riche make the poore to fill them , (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.113) for Vsurers feede vpon the poore , euen as great fishes deuoure the small . (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.114) Therfore he which sayd Let there not be a begger in Israel , sayd too , let there not be an Vsurer in Israel , (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.115) for if there be Vsurers in Israel , there wil be beggers in Israel , (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.116) for Vsurers make beggers , euen as Lawyers make quarrellers . (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.117) Fourthly , it is against the law of God . (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.118) First , it is forbidde~ in Exo. 22 . where it is sayd , If thou lend money vnto my people , that is , to the poore with thee , thou shalt not oppresse them with Vsurie : (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.119) heere Vsurie is called oppression , (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.120) therefore if oppression be a sinne , Vsury is a sinne too . (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.121) Secondly , it is forbidde~ in Leu. 25. 36 . where it is sayd , Thou shalt not giue thy money to Vsurie , nor lend thy vittailes for increase . (SMITH-E2-H,B7V.122) Heere you may see , that men may be Vsurers of vittailes and other thinges , as well as of money . (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.123) Thirdly , it is forbidden in Deut. 23 . where it is sayde , Thou shalt not lende vnto thy brother vpon Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.124) And least you shoulde saye , that he meaneth but one kinde of Vsurie , he sheweth , that he meaneth all kinds of Vsurie : (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.125) for after he sayth , as vsurie of money , vsurie of vittailes , vsurie of corne , or vsurie of any thing which is giuen to Vsurie : because some are not Vsurers of money , (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.126) but some are Vsurers of vittailes , (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.127) some are Vsurers of Cloth , (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.128) some are Vsurers of Corne , (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.129) some are Vsurers of Wine , (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.130) some are Vsurers of Oyle , and some of one thing , and some of an other , (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.131) and none would bee counted Vsurers , but they which lend money vpon Vsurie ; (SMITH-E2-H,B8R.132) therefore God forbiddeth so preciselie Vsurie of any thing , shewing , that all Vsurie is vnlawfull . (SMITH-E2-H,B8V.133) It is a miserable occupation to liue by sinne , and a great comfort to a man when he looketh vpon his Golde and Siluer , and his heart telleth him , all this is well gotten , (SMITH-E2-H,B8V.134) and when he lieth vpon his deathbed , and must leaue all to his children , he can say vnto them , I leaue you mine owne ; (SMITH-E2-H,B8V.135) but the Vsurer $can $not {TEXT:cannot} saye , I leaue you mine own , (SMITH-E2-H,B8V.136) but I leaue you other mens , (SMITH-E2-H,B8V.137) therefore the Vsurer can neuer dye in peace , because if he dye before he make restitution , he dyeth in his sinne . (SMITH-E2-H,B8V.138) When Christ raysed Lazarus from death , after he had layne foure dayes in the graue , he wept so ouer his Sepulcher , that the standers about sayd one to an other , See how he loued him , (SMITH-E2-H,B8V.139) As it may be sayde of Christ , See how he loueth vs , so it should be sayd of vs , See how they loue their breethren . (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.140) For Christ sayd to his Disciples , Loue one another , as I haue loued you . (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.141) But it may be sayde of the Vsurer , See how hee hateth hys breethren , (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.142) and heare how he loueth them : (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.143) for hee loueth them in wordes , (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.144) and hateth them in deedes . (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.145) He sayth that he loueth them , and that he lendeth for compassion , (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.146) but it is for compassion of himselfe , that he may gaine by his lending . (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.147) The Vsurer loueth the borrower , as the Iuye loueth the Oke : (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.148) The Iuye loueth the Oke to growe vp by it , (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.149) so the Vsurer loueth the borrower to grow rich by him . (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.150) The Iuye claspeth the Oke like a louer , (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.151) but it claspeth out all the iuice and sap , that the Oke can not thriue after : (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.152) So the Vsurer lendeth like a frie~d , (SMITH-E2-H,C1R.153) but hee couenanteth like an enemye , (SMITH-E2-H,C1V.155) for he claspeth the borrower with such bands , that euer after he diminisheth , as fast as the other encreaseth . (SMITH-E2-H,C1V.156) Christe expounding the commaundement which forbiddeth to steale , sayth , lende freely , shewing that Vsurie , because she lendeth not freely , is a kinde of theft , and the Vsurers a kind of theeues , (SMITH-E2-H,C1V.157) for else this exposition were not right . (SMITH-E2-H,C1V.158) Therfore Zacheus , as though he had stolne other mens goods , when he began to repent , he restored them againe foure foulde , (SMITH-E2-H,C1V.159) euen as theeues are inioyned to restore four fould for that which they haue stolne , so Zacheus restored foure foulde , as though he had stolne . (SMITH-E2-H,C1V.160) It seemeth that Zacheus was no greate theefe , because hee restored foure foulde for all that he had gotten wrongfully , (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.161) for hee got but the fourth part of his goods wrongfully at the most , (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.162) or else he could not haue restored foure fould againe . (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.163) But now , if some should restore foure fould , for all that they haue gotten wrongfully , they shoulde restore more than they haue , because all which Vsurers get , they get wrongfully : (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.164) for their occupation is a sinne , (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.165) and therefore one sayth , Because they $can $not {TEXT:cannot} restore foure fould heere , they shall suffer an hundreth fould heereafter . (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.166) Amaziah is forbidden to strengthen himself with the armyes of Israel , onely because Israel had offended God ; (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.167) if Amaziah might not ioyne the armyes of Israel with his armyes to strengthen him , darest thou ioyne the goods of the poore with thy goodes to inrich thee ? (SMITH-E2-H,C2R.168) It remaineth that we speake of the Vsurers punishment : (SMITH-E2-H,D7R.170) Then , what may be thought of them which doo not take Vsurie , but giue Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,D7R.171) Lastly , what they should doo , which haue got their riches by Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,D7R.172) To begin with the punishment , not onely Gods lawe , but euen the Cannon lawe doth so condemne Vsurie , that first it dooth excommunicate him from the Church , as though he had no communion with Saints . (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.173) Secondly , it dooth detaine him from the Sacraments , as though hee had no communion with Christ . (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.174) Thirdly , it dooth depriue him of his Sepulcher , (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.175) and will not suffer him to be buried , as though he were not worthie to lye in the earth but to lye in hell . (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.176) Lastly , it maketh his will to be no will , as though his goods were not his owne : (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.177) for nothing is ours but that which wee haue rightlie got : (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.178) and therefore wee say , It is mine by right , as though it were not ours , vnles it be ours by right . (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.179) This is the iudgement of mans lawe . (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.180) Now you shal heare the iudgement of Gods lawe . (SMITH-E2-H,D7V.181) A Vsurer dooth receiue two Incomes ; one of the borrower , and another of the reuenger ; (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.182) of the borrower he lookes for gaine ; (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.183) but of the reuenger hee lookes for punishment : (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.184) therefore al the Scripture prophecieth euill vnto him , as Michaiah did to Achab . (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.185) Salomon saith , He which increaseth his riches by Vsurie , gathereth for them which will bee mercifull to the poore . (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.186) As if he should say , when hee hath loden himselfe like a cart , he shall be vnloden like a cart againe , (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.187) and they shall inherit his money for whom hee did neuer gather it . (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.188) For , hee which is vnmerciful to the poore , meaneth not to gather for them which will bee mercifull to the poore : (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.189) but Salomon saieth , That they shall be his heires which will bee mercifull as he was vnmercifull . (SMITH-E2-H,D8R.190) Now marke whether this prophecie of Salomon be true , (SMITH-E2-H,D8V.191) I know not how many in this Citie doo increase by Vsurie ; (SMITH-E2-H,D8V.192) but this prophecie seemeth to bee verified of many : (SMITH-E2-H,D8V.193) For it is noted , that the riches and lands of Aldermen and Merchants , and other in London , do not last so long , nor indure so wel , as the riches and lands of others in the Countrey , and that their children doo not prooue so well as others , nor come to that place in the Common weale , which for their wealth their parents looked that they should come to . (SMITH-E2-H,D8V.194) I can giue no reason for it but the reason of Salomon , He which increaseth by Vsurie , gathereth for them which will bee mercifull to the poore . (SMITH-E2-H,D8V.195) That is , their riches shall goe from their heires to Gods heires , according to that , The riches of the sinner is laid vp for the righteous : (SMITH-E2-H,D8V.196) that is , the righteous shall inioy that which the wicked gathereth . (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.197) All riches are vncertaine , (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.198) but the riches which are euill gotten , are most vncertaine : (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.199) They may bee called mooueable goodes , (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.200) for they are very mooueable , like the clowdes which neuer rest til they fall as they climed . (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.201) God saith , that he will smite the Vsurer with his fist , not with the palme of his hande , but with his fist , which giueth a greater blow . (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.202) As his hands were shut against the poore , so Gods hands shall be shut against him , that his punishment may be like his sinne . (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.203) But if you will heare their finall sentence , Dauid saith heere , That they shall not dwell in Gods temple , nor rest in his holie mountaine . (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.204) Then we will seeke no moe punishments , (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.205) for this punishment is all punishme~ts , (SMITH-E2-H,E1R.206) If they shall not come to heauen , whose then shall those riches be ? (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.207) nay , whose then shall the owner be when that day commeth ? (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.208) If he shall not rest in heauen , then he shall rest in Hell where no rest is . (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.209) Then saith one , the Vsurer shall crie vnto his children , Cursed be you my children , because you were the cause of these torments , (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.210) for least you should be poore , I was an Vsurer , (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.211) and robbed other , to leaue riches vnto you . (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.212) To whome , the children shall replie againe , nay , Cursed be you father , (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.213) for you were the cause of our torments ; (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.214) for if you had not left vs other mens goodes , we had not kept other mens goodes . (SMITH-E2-H,E1V.215) Thus when they are cursed of God , they shall curse one another , curse the Lord for condemning them , curse their sinnes for accusing them , curse their parents for begetting them , and curse themselues , because they $can $not {TEXT:cannot} helpe themselues . (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.216) As they which are blessed doe nothing but blesse , so they which are cursed do nothing but curse . (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.217) This is the second Vsurie which the Vsurer shall receiue of God , (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.218) after he hath receiued Vsurie of men , then the name of Vsurie shall be fulfilled , as it signifieth biting , (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.219) so when it hath bitten other , it shall bite the Vsurer too , and neuer rest biting ; (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.220) then they shall wish that they could restore againe as Zacheus did , (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.221) and shall not restore because their money is gone . (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.222) Therefore if Christ be come to your hearts , as he came to Zacheus house , restore now as Zacheus did , (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.223) and escape this iudgment . (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.224) This is the end of the Vsurer and his money , (SMITH-E2-H,E2R.225) if they stay together till death , yet at last there shall bee a diuision . (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.226) The Deuill shall take his soule , (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.227) the earth shall take his body , (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.228) the strangers shall take his goods , (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.229) and the mourners shall reioyce vnder their blackes , and say , Wickednes is come to the graue . (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.230) Therefore , if thou wouldest not be counted an Vsurer then , refraine to be an Vsurer now , (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.231) for they which are Vsurers now , shall be counted Vsurers then . (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.232) Thus you haue heard the Vsurers payment . (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.233) Now if you will know whether it be vnlawfull to giue Vsurie , as it is vnlawfull to take Vsurie , I wish that you could resolue your selues , that I mighte not speake of it : (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.234) for I haue hearde some Preachers say , that there be some truthes which they would be loth to preach , (SMITH-E2-H,E2V.235) and so there be some truthes which I would be loth to preache , because many heare by halues , and some for malice or ignorance will take things otherwise than they are spoken , (SMITH-E2-H,E3R.236) yet because I haue promised , I will speake some thing of it . (SMITH-E2-H,E3R.237) Well then , may we neither take Vsurie , nor giue Vsurie ? (SMITH-E2-H,E3R.238) I knowe that Ieremy saith , I haue not lent vpon Vsurie to others , neyther haue others lent vpon Vsurie to me ; as though both were vnlawfull , not only to take Vsurie , but to giue Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,E3R.239) But thereby Ieremy doeth signifie , that he was no medler in the world , whereby they should enuie him like other men , (SMITH-E2-H,E3R.240) and therefore hee cleareth himselfe chiefely from Vsurie , because Vsurers were most enuyed . (SMITH-E2-H,E3R.241) And to shewe that he was not an Vsurer , he saith , that he was not a borrower , which is more lawfull than to be an Vsurer , like a man which saith I doe neither hate him , nor knowe him . (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.242) Why (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.243) it was lawfull to knowe him , (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.244) but to proue that he did not hate him , he sayth , he doth not knowe him : (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.245) So Ieremy , to proue that he had not lent vppon Vsurie , doth say , that hee neuer borrowed vppon Vsurie , which many will doe that will not lende . (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.246) The best Expositors giue this sense of it . (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.247) I knowe beside , that Christ did cast forth the buyers out of his temple , as well as the sellers , (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.248) but that was not for buying , but for buying in the temple , where they should not buy , but pray : (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.249) or else it was as lawfull to buy any thing , as it is lawfull to vse it . (SMITH-E2-H,E3V.250) I know beside , that it is a common saying , if there were no buyers , there would be no sellers , (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.251) if there were no bribe giuers , there would be no bribe takers . (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.252) But in this case it may be rather sayd , if there were no takers , there would be no giuers , (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.253) for the giuer doeth not make the receiuer to take , (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.254) but the receiuer doth make the giuer to giue , because he will not lende vnlesse the other will giue him for the lone : (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.255) therefore as we say , the receiuer makes a theefe : so I may say , the receiuer of Vsurie makes the giuer of Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.256) Therefore I would be loth to compare them which are constrained to borrow vppon Vsurie , vnto them which did buy in the temple , and were not constrayned more than they which solde in the temple . (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.257) Much lesse may I compare them which giue Vsurie , vnto them which take Vsurie : (SMITH-E2-H,E4R.258) for there is as great oddes betweene them , as there is betweene giuing and taking , or betweene couetousnesse and necessitie , (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.259) for one is couetousnesse , (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.260) and the other is necessitie . (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.261) Hee which lendeth for Vsurie , lendeth for couetousnesse , (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.262) but he which borroweth vpon Vsurie , borroweth for necessitie . (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.263) Now , for necessitie God hath allowed many things ; as for necessitie it was lawfull for Adams sonnes to marrie with Adams daughters , because there were no other women . (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.264) For necessitie it was lawfull for Dauid to eate the Shew bread , because he had no other foode . (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.265) For necessitie it was lawfull to worke , and heale , and fight vppon the Saboath , which was not lawfull , but for necessitie . (SMITH-E2-H,E4V.266) Therfore for necessitie why may not a man pay more than he borrowed , seeing no Scripture doth forbid vs to pay more than wee borrow , but to require more than wee lend . (SMITH-E2-H,E5R.267) Some doo thinke that as God did vse the ambition of Absalom , and the malice of Pharaoh , & the trecherie of Iudas vnto good ; so men may vse the couetousnes of vsurers vnto good : that is , to helpe at a neede , when a man is like to bee vndone , and his children cast away , and his Lease forfeited , and many inconueniences beside like to insue which you knowe better than I vnlesse hee haue present money at some time to preuent a mischiefe . (SMITH-E2-H,E5R.268) For example hereof , I may alleage how Iaacob did vse the sinne of Laban : (SMITH-E2-H,E5R.269) Laban did euill in swearing by Idolls , (SMITH-E2-H,E5R.270) but Iaacob did not euill in receiuing such an oath of him , though it was an vnlawfull oath . (SMITH-E2-H,E5R.271) So , though the Vsurer doo euill in taking Vsurie , yet a man doth not euill in giuing Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.273) Beside , I may alleage the example of Abraham and Abimelech : (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.274) Abraham made a couena~t with Abimelech ; (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.275) to confirme this couenant , Abraham sware , (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.276) and Abimelech sware , (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.277) Abraham sware by the true God , (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.278) but Abimelech sware by his false Gods , (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.279) and yet Abraham did receiue this oath (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.280) and sinned not . (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.281) So , if her Maiestie and the Turke should make a couenant , the Turk would not sweare as the Queene would sweare ; (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.282) for the Queene would sweare by the Lorde , (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.283) but the Turke would sweare by Mahomet : (SMITH-E2-H,E5V.284) if it be lawfull then to receiue such an oath , though it bee an vnlawfull oath , why may it not bee lawfull for mee , to giue more than I borrowed , though it bee vnlawfull for the Vsurer to take more than hee lended ? (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.285) Beside , a Prince may not pardon a wilfull murderer , (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.286) yet I think that no man wil say in hast , that he which hath committed murder may not take a pardon . (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.287) As this vnlawfull giuing doth not make the taking vnlawfull ; so the other vnlawfull taking doth not make the giuing vnlawfull . (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.288) Beside , it is lawfull to suffer iniurie , though it be vnlawfull to offer iniurie : (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.289) It is lawfull to suffer iniurie , as Christ paide tribute , which was iniurie ; (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.290) but it is not lawfull to offer iniurie , because there are sixe Commandements against it . (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.291) Now , to take Vsurie , is as it were to offer iniurie ; (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.292) but to giue Vsurie , is as it were to suffer iniurie : (SMITH-E2-H,E6R.293) therefore though I may not take more than I borrowed , yet I may giue more than I borrowed . (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.294) Moreouer , I may compare giuing of Vsurie to swearing ; (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.295) if a man sweare without cause he sinneth ; (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.296) but if he sweare as the word teacheth him to sweare , he sinneth not : (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.297) so , if a man borrow vpon Vsurie and borrow without cause , he sinneth , because he feedeth the Vsurer : (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.298) but els , as a man maye sweare in some case , so in some case a man may borrowe vpon Vsurie , that is , in case of necessitie , when a man must needes borrow , and can borrowe of none but of Vsurers . (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.299) Lastly , I may alleage that Vsurie and Vsurer are neuer read in the scripture , but they signifie him which takes Vsurie , not him which giues Vsurie : (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.300) and therfore the Scripture seemeth to forbid taking , but not giuing . (SMITH-E2-H,E6V.301) Many reasons moe are alleaged which I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} refute , (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.303) and therefore I will not contradict them : (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.304) yet I meane not to decide the question , because I will not be mistaken ; (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.305) but if some should come vnto me in that necessitie and extremitie which I can imagine , and aske ; may I borrowe money of these Vsurers to saue my life , or my credite , or my liuing , seeing no man will lend mee freelie ? I would answere him as the Prophet answered Naaman , neither doo (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.306) nor doo not , (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.307) but goe in peace . (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.308) I will not forbid thee (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.309) nor I will not condemne thee , (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.310) but if thy conscience condemne thee not , I thinke thy sinne one of the least sinnes ; (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.311) & as Naaman praied , Lord be mercifull vnto me in this : so I think the Lord will bee mercifull vnto thee in this : (SMITH-E2-H,E7R.312) but if thy conscience goe against it : then doo it not , (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.313) for it is sinne to thee though it bee free for another , because whatsoeuer is not done of faith is sinne . (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.314) I charge you in the feare of God that you do not mistake that which is said , (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.315) for I knowe no learned preacher , nor learned writer of other mind . (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.316) Yet least you should mistake the matter , as I distinguished of lenders , so I will distinguish of borrowers . (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.317) If some may borrow vpon Vsurie , it dooth not followe that all may borrowe vppon Vsurie , because all haue not the like cause : (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.318) therefore doo not say that I teach you to borrowe vpon Vsurie , (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.319) for I thinke that the most in this citie which borrowe vppon Vsurie , should not borrowe as they doo , because they rather maintaine Vsurie , than supplie their necessitie . (SMITH-E2-H,E7V.320) Some I know borrow for meere necessitie ; (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.322) if any may be allowed , those are they : (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.323) but there is a kind of borrowers in this Citie which feede Vsurers as the bellowes kindle the fire ; (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.324) for they haue no neede to borrow , (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.325) but because they would bee rich , and richer , and richest of all : therfore they will imploy al the money which they can borrowe , thinking to get more by the vse of it , than the Vsurie of it doth come too . (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.326) This maketh the~ sell their wares so deare , because they must not only gaine the price but the interest beside , and more than the interest too , (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.327) or els they gaine nothing . (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.328) These borrowers are in another predicament than those which borrowe for necessitie : (SMITH-E2-H,E8R.329) and therefore if they bee not olde enough to answere for themselues , I am too young to answere for them . (SMITH-E2-H,E8V.330) There are other borrowers as I haue heard , which for some secrete cause would seeme barer and needier than they are , either because they would not bee charged deeplie with Subsidies , or els because they would compou~d with their Creditors for a little : (SMITH-E2-H,E8V.331) therefore they will haue alwaies some thing for Vsurie , that their Creditors may thinke them bare of money , or that other may pitie the~ in their charges . (SMITH-E2-H,E8V.332) These are like those Foxes which haue wealth enough to pay their debts , and yet lie in prison because they would defraud their Creditors . (SMITH-E2-H,E8V.333) I doubt not but there bee moe sorts than I knowe , (SMITH-E2-H,E8V.334) I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} hunt euerie corner because I want experie~ce : (SMITH-E2-H,E8V.335) but this is my conclusion , (SMITH-E2-H,E8V.336) I would haue no man pay interest vnto Vsurers but for necessitie , euen as a trauailer giueth his pursse to a theefe , because he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} choose . (SMITH-E2-H,F1R.337) Thus you haue heard what I can say of them which take Vsurie , and them which giue Vsurie . (SMITH-E2-H,F1R.338)