CHAPTER XIV . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.3)
Forasmuche as the greate and costly array and apparell used wythin this
Realme contrary to good Statutes therof made hathe be the Occasion of
grete impov~isshing of divers of the King~ Sugiect~ and p~voked meny of
them to robbe and to doo extorc~on and other unlawfull Dedes to
maynteyne therby ther costeley arrey : In eschewyng wherof , Be it
ordeyned by the Auctoritie of this p~sent P~liament that no p~sone of
whate estate condic~on or degre that he be use in his apparell eny
Cloth of golde of Purpoure Coloure or Sylke of Purpoure Coloure but
onely the Kyng the Qwene the Kyng~ Moder the Kyng~ Chylder the King~
Brethers and Susters , upon payne to forfett the seid Apparell wherwyth
so ev~ yt be myxte , and for usying the same to forfaite xx pounde :
And that no man under the astate of a Duke use in eny apparell of his
Body or uppon his Horses eny clothe of gold of tyssue uppon payne to
forfeyt the same apparell wherwyth so ev~ yt be myxte and for usyng the
same to forfette xx marke ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.7)
and that no man undre the degree of an Erle were in his apparrell any
Sables uppon payne to forfeyt the same apparell .
And that no manne undre the degree of a Baron use in his Apparell of
his body or of his Horses eny clothe of golde or clothe of Sylver or
tynsyn Satten ne no other Sylke or Clothe myxte or broderd wyth Golde
or Sylver uppon payne of forfeyture of the same apparrell , albeit that
yt be myxte wyth eny other Sylke or clothe , (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.9)
and for usyng of the same to forfett x marke . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.10)
And that no Ma~ne under the Degree of a Lorde or a Knyght of the Garter
were any Wollen Clothe made oute of this Realme of Englonde Irelonde
Wales Cales or the Marches of the same or Berwyk , upon payne to
forfayte the seid Clothe and for usyng of the same to forfayte x pounde
. (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.11)
And that no ma~ne undre the degree of a Knyght of the $Garter
{TEXT:Carter} were in his goune or Cote or eny other hys apparell any
Velvett of the Colour of Crymesyn or blewe uppon payne to forfett the
same Gowne or Cote or other apparell and for usyng of the same to
forfett xl Shyllyng~ . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.12)
And that eny of the Usshers of the Kyng~ Chambre for the tyme being
that fyrste sueth his Accion of Detynue for the same apparell have the
seid Forefeytours of the seid apparell , (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.13)
and yff none of the seid Usshers co~mence ther accion therof wythin xv
days in the terme nexte after the seid forfeytoure , then the Kyng~
Chamberleyn for the tyme beyng to have therof hys lyke acc~on .
And the Kyng oure Souv~aigne Lorde and his Heyres to have the one halfe
of the seid Forfeytours of the seid money so forfeyted ,
and the seid Chamberleyn of the Kyng for the tyme beyng to have the
seid other halfe of the money . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.16)
Provided that yf ther be eny lyke Forfeyture co~mytted or done by eny
of the Qwenys sarvand~ beyng in her Cheker roule that then eny of the
Usshers of her Chambre , and in theyr defaute the Qwenys Chamb~leyn for
the tyme beyng have lyke acc~on for the seid forfeytures as ys
aforeseid for the Kyng~ Usshers and his Chamberleyn .
And that no manne undre the degree of a Knyght , excepte Esquyers for
the Kyng~ body hys Cuppe berers Carvours and Sewers havyng the
ordynarie Fee for the same and all other Esquyers for the body havyng
possession of Landes and Tenement~ or other Hereditament~ in theyr
handes or other to ther use to the yerely value of CCC marke and Lordes
Sonnes and Heyres , Justices of the one Benche or of the other , the
Maister of the Rolles , and Barons of the Kyng~ Eschequer and all other
of the Kyng~ Councell and Mayres of the Citie of London for the tyme
beyng , use or were eny Velvett in theyr gowenes or Rydyng Cootes or
Furres of Martron in theyr apparrell uppon payne to forfette the same
Furre and apparell wherwyth so ever yt be myxte and for usyng of the
same to forfett xl Shyllyng~ . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.18)
Nor no p~sone other then be above named were Velvet in their Dublett~
nor Satten nor Damaske in their gownes nor Cotes , excepte he be a
Lordes Sone or a Gentilman havyng in his possession or other to his use
Landes or Tenement~ or annuytyes at the leste for Terme of Lyffe to the
yerely valewe of an hundreth pounde above all repryses , uppon payne to
forfeyte the same apparell wherwyth so ev~ yt be myxte and for usyng of
the same to forfett xl Shillyng~ . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.19)
Nor no p~sone use or were Satten or Damaske in ther Doblett~ nor Sylke
or Chamlett in their Gowenes or Cootes nott havyng Landes or Tenement~
in hys possession or other hys use Office or Fee for terme of Lyffe or
Lyff~ to the yerely value of xx=ti= Pounde , excepte he be a Yoman of
the Crowne or of the Kyng~ garde or gromes of the Kyng~ Chambre or of
the Qwenys having therfore the Kyng~ Fee or the Qwenes uppon payne to
forfett the same apparell wherwyth soev~ hyt be myxte , and for usyng
of the same to forfett xl Shyllyng~ . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.20)
And that no ma~ne undre the degree of a Gentilman excepte Graduates of
the Univ~sities and excepte Yomen Gromes and pagys of the Kyng~ Chambre
and of oure Souv~aigne Lady the Qwenes , and excepte suche Men as have
Landes Ten~t~ or Fees or Anuytyes to the yerely value of x li. for
Terme of Lyffe or an hundrethe pounde in Good~ use or were eny Furres ,
wherof ther ys no like kynde growyng in this lande of Englonde Irelonde
Wales or in any Lande under the Kyng~ obeysaunce , upon payne to
forfett the same Furres and for usying of the same to forfett xl
Shelyngs . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.21)
The Value of ther Good~ to be tryed by there owne Othes .
And that no ma~ne under the degree of a Knyght excepte sp~uall Me~ne
and Sergeauntes at the Lawe or graduates of Univ~sities use eny more
Clothe in eny longe Gowne then foure broyde yerdes , and in a Rydyng
Gowne or Cotte above thre yerdes uppon payne of forfeyture of the same
. (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.23)
And that noo s~vyng ma~ne undre the Degre of a Gentilman use or were
eny Goune or Coote or suche lyke apparrell of more Clothe then too
brode yerdes and an halfe in a shorte Gowne and thre brode yerdes in a
longe Gowne , and that in the seid Gowne or Coote they were no mann~
Furre , uppon payne of Forfeyture of the sayd apparrell or the value
therof . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.24)
And that no s~vyng ma~ne waytyng uppon his Maister under the degree of
a Gentilman use or were eny garded Hose or eny clothe above the pryce
of xx d. the yerde in hys Hose except yt be of his Maisters weryng Hose
apon payne of forfeyture of iij s. iiij d. (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.25)
And that no ma~ne undre the degree of a Knyght were any garded or
pynshed Sherte or pynched partelet of Lynnen clothe uppon payne of
Forfeyture of the same Sherte or Partelett (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,8.26)
and for usyng of the same to forfeyte x. shillyng~ .
And that no s~vaunte of Husbondy nor Sheparde nor comen Laborer nor
s~v=a=nte wnto eny Artificer owte of Cytie or borowe nor husbondman
havyng no good~ of his owne above the value of x. pounde use or were
any Clothe wherof the broode yerde passythe in pryce twoo shillyng~
nor that eny of the seid s~v=a=nts of Husbondrye Sheppardes nor
Laborers were eny hose above the pryce of x d. the yerde uppon payne of
imprisonament in the Stokkys by thre days . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,9.29)
And that he that wyll sue for eny of the seid Forfeytures of the seid
apparell forfeyted by eny p~sone undre the degree of a Lorde or a
Knyght of the Garter have the seid apparell so forfeyted by acc~one of
detynue . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,9.30)
And the Kyng oure Souv~aigne Lorde to have the oon halfe of the
forfeyture of the seid Money so forfeyted , or the Lord of the
Franchysse yf yt be recoverd or p~sented wythin a Fraunches or Lete ,
and the p~tie that wyll sue have the other halfe ;
And the sute to be by acc~on of dette ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,9.33)
And that in eny wyse of all the seid Acco~nes the Defendaunte $shall
$not {TEXT:shalnott} wage his Lawe nor-1 by p~tecc~on nor essoyne
nor the partie to be barred by the Kyng~ p~done nor be delayde by eny
plee to the dissablement of his p~sone . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,9.35)
And that the Lorde Stuarde of the Kyng~ House for the tyme beyng wythin
the Verge and Justices of Assize and Justices of the Peace , Stewardes
in letes or lawe-days and ev~y of them have also power to inqwere and
holde plee of ev~y Defaulte of the p~mysses as well by examynac~on of
the p~tie as after the course of the Co~en Lawe , and to determyn the
same aswell at the Kyng~ sute as at the suet of the p~tie .
Provyded alwey that this Acte be nott p~judiciall nor hurtfull to eny
sp~uall or temporall manne in weryng eny Ornament~ of the Churche in
executing dyvine s~vyce nor to any m~chaunt~ strayngers .
Provided also that yt $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to all Maires
Recorders Aldermen Shyreffes and Bailles and all other hede Officers of
Cities or bowrghes or Townes corporatt that nowe be or hereafter $shall
$be {TEXT:shalbe} to use & were lyke apparrell in their Gownes ,
dublett~ , clokes , and other apparrell as ther p~decessours have donne
in tymes paste , this Acte in eny wyse notwythstondyng .
Provided also that this acte be nott p~judiciall nor hurtfull to eny
Woman or to eny ambassatures Hencemen Harroldes of armes Mynstrelles
Players in enterludes , nor to any ma~ne weryng any apparrell of the
Kyng~ lyverey geven hym by the King , for the tyme beyng of his
Attendance aboute the Kyng~ Grace . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,9.39)
Also be it enacted by auctoritie aforeseid that all other Statutes of
array made afore the makyng of this p~sent Statute , and all Penalties
or Forfeytures to be levyd or demaunded by reasone of them or eny of
them be utterly voyde repelled and of none effecte and discharged .
And that this acte of array made at this present P~liament begynne to
take his effecte at the Feaste of Seynt Michell Tharchaungell next
co~myng and nott before , and to endure unto the nexte Parliament .
Provyded also that this acte extend nott to eny p~sone or p~sones usyng
eny manner of apparrell aswell uppon hyme selfe as uppon hys horse ,
beyng in the Kyngs s~vyce in time of Warre . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,9.42)
Provided alwey that the King~ Grace by this p~sent Acte be nott letted
nor restreyned of his lyb~tie but that his Highnes at hys pleasure by
his Plakkarde or his letter or his byll assigned wyth his moste
gracious hande may graunte and gyve Licence and auctoritie to suche of
his Sugiect~ as his Grace shall thinke convenyent to were all and suche
singler apparell on his body or his horses as shall stande wyth the
pleasure of the Kyng~ Grace , wythoute damage or forfeyture to hym or
them that so doythe of eny apparell or other payne conteyned in this
astatute . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,9.43)
CHAPTER IV . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.46)
The Kyng oure Sov~aigne Lorde for dyv~s causes and reasonable
consideracions hym movyng by thassent of the lordes sp~uall and
temporall and the Comeyns in this p~sent parliament assembled and by
auctorite of the same hath enacted ordeyned and stablysshed that ev~y
p~son of what condicion or degre he be of , beyng or hereaft~ be yn our
seid Sov~aigne Lorde the Kyng~ Wages and s~vice of Warre beyond the see
or uppon the see , at his pleasure have the p~tecc~on of p~fectur~ or
moratur~ cum clausula volum~ ; and in the excepcion of the seid
p~teccion there be made omyssion of Assises ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.49)
and that the seid p~teccions be allowable in all the Kyng~ court~ and
other courtes where the seid p~teccions $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} pleded
or layed for any of the seid p~sons in all pleyse of Assise aswell of
novell disseasyn as of fressheforce without any difficultie ;
and excepte all way that the seid p~teccions be not alowable in accions
of dette taken or to be taken by oure Sov~aigne Lorde the Kynge or by
any p~son to his use or to the use of oure late Sov~aigne Lorde Kyng
Henry the vij=th= or to thuse of his executo=r=s for the p~fourmaunce
of his Will nor in any appelle of murdre or felonye by any p~son or
p~sons sued or to be sued . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.51)
And that a sp~iall clause be exp~ssed in the same p~teccions for the
same . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.52)
Also be it enacted that the Jugement~ to be geven from hensforth in
such Assise arained or to be arained shall not be p~judiciall to any of
the seid p~sons so being in the s~vice of oure Sov~aigne Lorde the Kyng
as is afore seid which have any thyng in rev~sion or remaynder in
londys or ten~t~ wherof such assise be arained if the names of thos
p~sons which be in the rev~sion or the remayndre of such londys or
ten~t~ be not in the seid Assise , but that the seid Jugement be ayenst
all theym voide ; the seid ordynance to endure and be available to ev~y
of the seid p~sons as longe as he abideth so in the Kyng~ Wages and
s~vice of Warre . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.53)
And if this ordynaunce touchyng the seid p~sons so nowe abidyng or that
after this shall so abide in the s~vice of the Kyng~ Highnesse be not
sufficient for the eyse and suertie of theym ; Be it ordeyned and
enacted by the same auctorite that oure Sovaigne Lorde the Kynge and
the Lordes of his Counceill for the tyme being have full power in all
man~ of accions sut~ and p~cesse to graunte to ev~y of such p~sons
p~teccions as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in theire causes avaylable after
theire discressions duryng the tyme that they or any of theym contynue
in the seid s~vice of Warre . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.54)
Provided that this acte be not available to any p~son for any entre syn
the first day of this p~sent parliament . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.55)
Also be it enacted that if any discent of any landes or ten~t~ or any
other right or enhereditament~ be to any p~son or p~sons being within
this realme or els where that that discent be of no greater effecte to
the damage or hurt of the seid p~sons being in the Kyng~ s~vice as is
afore seid Then if the seid p~sons in the Kyng~ s~vice so being were
within the Age of xxj yeres . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.56)
Also be it ordeyned by the seid auctorite that all such p~sons as shall
passe ov~ the see or bide uppon the see in the Kynges s~vice as is
aforeseid ev~ych of theym which have landes and ten~t~ holden of the
Kyng or of any other to theire only use shall mowe laufully make therof
alienacion feoffament~ and t=a=nsmutacion of possession by dede or
dedys fyne or fynes recov~er or recov~ers for the p~fourmaunce of their
willys without any fyne for the seid alienacions feoffamentys fynes
recov~es or t=a=nsmutacion of possession therfor to be made ;
And that they and ev~y of theym theire heires and assignes and the
heires and assignes of ev~y of theym be discharged of all such fynes by
the seid Acte without l~res patentes of licence or p~don or other
discharge to be had in that behalfe . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,26.58)
And furthermore be it also ordeyned and enacted by the seid Auctorite
that if any of the seid p~sons so being in the seid s~vice which hold
landes or ten~t~ of the Kyng or of any other by Knyght~ s~vice or
otherwise wherfor his heire oweth to be in Warde , and fortune in the
seid s~vice to decesse be yonde the see or uppon the see or that any
feoffament of the same land~ and ten~t~ be supposed to be made by
collusion the heire of the owner of the same landes and ten~t~ beyng
within age , That then the feoffees or executours of such p~son so
decessed have the warde and mariage of the heire so being within age
and of the landys and ten~t~ so holden duryng the nonage of ev~y such
heire to the p~fourmaunce of the Will of the seid p~son so decessed
without any accompte or other thyng therfor to be yelden paiyng yerely
the rent~ to the chefe Lorde or Lord~ of the fee :
Savyng to ev~y p~son or p~sons other then the seid p~sons that shall
make any such alienacion feoffament fyne or suffer recov~ye to be had
ayenst theym without paiyng therfor any fyne to the Kyng or the Lorde
or Lord~ of whom the seid land~ is holden for the same such right title
use and int~est as they had before the seid feoffament alienacion fyne
recov~ye or t=a=nsmutacion of possession or any of theym made or
suffred of any such lond~ ten~t~ or hereditament~ wherof any such
feoffament fyne alienacion or recov~e so $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made
. (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.61)
Provyded all wey that this Acte extend not to any Capitens or
Souldiours that nowe be or hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} reteyned
within the Townes of Caleys Hammes Guysnes Rise banke and Berwyk Wales
or any of theym and the Marches of the same . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.62)
CHAPTER V . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.64)
. (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.65)
For asmoche that the Kynge oure sov~aigne Lorde entendeth by the grace
of God to send ov~ the see a greate armye trustyng therby not only to
p~serve this his realme in his auncient fame and honoure but also to
set in p~fyte peace and t=a=nquyllite his subgiett~ of the same and the
better to be disposed to s~ve God ; How be it many tymes by the
inordynate covetisenes of Capiteynes reteyned with Princes afore this
tyme greate parte of the nombre of Soudeours for whom such Capiteynes
have endented with Princes at tyme of nede have lakked of theire nombre
of Soudiours wherby great Jeop~dy have ensued and irrecup~able damages
may ensue if remedy therfor be not seen and had . Be it ordeyned
therfor by auctorite of this p~sent p~liamente That if any Capitayne be
reteyned or hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to s~ve the Kyng on the
see or beyond the see in feit of Warr~ which have not his or theire
hole and p~fite nombre of men and Souldiours accordyng as he $shall $be
{TEXT:shalbe} reteigned with the Kyng or gefe not theym theyre full
Wages without abriggement as he shall receyve of the Kynge for theym ,
he shall for such defaute forfaite to the Kyng all his goodes and
catalles and theire bodies to prison . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.67)
And that ev~y Capteigne Petycapteyne and all other havyng under theyme
retynue of Souldeour or Soldeours at the Kyng~ Wag~ shall uppon the
payne afore seid pay to the retynue of Souldeour or Souldeours and ev~y
of the same the Wag~ ratably as is allowed unto theym by the Kyng oure
Sov~aigne Lorde or the Tresourer of his Warres without lessyng or
withdrawyng of any parte therof . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.68)
And for as longe tyme as they shall receyve Wag~ for theym this payment
to be made unto the seid retynues and ev~y Souldeour of the same of
theire Capteyns and Petycapteyns all ways within vj daies next and
immediatly after that the seid Capteyn Petycapteyn or other $shall
$have {TEXT:shalhave} receyved theire Wag~ of the Kynge or of the
Tresourer of his Warres or of theire Lord~ or Maisters .
And if any Souldeour being no Capteyn ymmediatly reteygned with the
Kyng which hereaft~ $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in Wagys and reteygned or
take any Priste to s~ve the Kyng uppon the see or uppon the lond or
beyond the see departe out of the Kyng~ s~vice without licence of the
Kyng~ leuetenaunt there that such departyng be takyn demed and adjuged
felonie and that he so offendyng suffer for the seid offence punyshment
and execucion of felonye . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.70)
And for as much as his offence stretcheth to the hurte and jeop~die of
the Kyng oure Sov~aigne Lorde the Nobles of the realme and of all the
comen well therof that therfor he or they so offendyng not being within
orders of holy Church enjoy not the benefice of his clergie .
And that it be ordeigned by the seid auctorite that the Justic~ of the
peace of ev~y Shire of Englond where any such offenders be taken have
power to enquyre of the seid offenses (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.72)
and the same to here and det~myne as they do and may do of felonies
trespaces and other offenses exp~ssed in the Kyng~ Com~yssion to theym
made as though the seid offenses were done in the same Shire ;
And also that the seid dep~tyng of such Souldeours and also theire
reteignours if it be trav~sed tried in the same Shire where they be for
such cause arrested and arrayned . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.74)
Provided all wey that no Capteyn be charged by this acte for lak of his
nombre reteigned as is abovesaid whos Souldeours shall happe to die or
otherwise departe not in the defaute of the Capteyn , So that the seid
Capteyn if he be at londe wages shewe the departyng or lakkyng of his
Souldeour within x daies after the lakkyng of the seid Souldeour unto
the Kyng~ Leuetenaunte ther & to the Tresourer of the Warres ; Or if
the Capteyne be at the See Wag~ if he shewe the dep~tyng or lakkyng of
the Souldeour so lakkyng to the Admyrall of the Navye where he is
reteyned at the next metyng with the seid Admyrall .
Provyded all wey that this acte extend not to any Capteyns or
Souldeours that nowe be or hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} reteigned
within the townes of Caleys Hammes Guysnes Ryse Banke and Berwyk Walys
or any of theym and the Marches of the same . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,27.76)
Provyded all wey that this Acte be not p~judiciall nor hurtfull to the
seid Capiteyns Petycaptens nor any other havyng under theym retynue of
Souldeours nor any of theym for non payment of the Kyng~ Wag~ to theire
houshold s~vaunt~ and other to whom they shall daily fynde and geve
mete and drynke duryng the seid s~vice of Warre .
CHAPTER VI . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.80)
For the deceitfull drapyng and makyng of wollen clothes made and draped
within this Realme , And also for mesuryng in sale of the same , Our
Sov~ayn Lord the Kyng by thadvyse and assent of his Lord~ sp~uell and
temp~ell and the Comons in this p~sent parliament assembled and by
auctorite of the same hath ordyned establisshed and enacted dyv~se
ordyn=a=nc~ and statut~ for the trewe makyng and drapyng of suche
wollen clothes and for mesuryng in sales the trewe content of the same
in man~ and fo=r=me folowyng ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.83)
Fyrst That the Wolle whiche $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} delyv~ed for or by
the Clothier to any p~sone or p~sones for brekyng kembyng cardyng or
spy~nyng of the same the delyv~e therof $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} by
even just and true poise and weight of haberdepois sealid by auctorite
not excedyng in weight after the rate of xij pounde Wolle seymed above
oon quart~ of a pound for the waste of the same wolle and in noon other
maner ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.84)
And that the breker or kember to delyv~ agayn to the seid Clothier the
same Woll so broken and kempt and the carder and Spynner to delyv~
agayn to the same Clothier yerne of the same Woll by the same even just
and true poise and weight the wast thereof excepted without any part
therof concealyng or eny more oyle water or other thyng put therunto
deceyvably upon payn to be sett upon the pillorie or the Cukkyngstole
Man or Woman as the case shall requyre upon due prof of suche deceyte
afore and by the discrecyon of the Maire Baily or other Hede Officer of
Citie Burgh or Town where the deceyt shall appere , The same Maire
Baily or Hede Officer callyng to hym such p~sones as shall seme to hym
convenyent for the prof of suche deceyt . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.85)
Item that the Wever whiche shall have the wevyng of eny wollen yerne to
be webbed into cloth shall weve werk and put into the webbe for Cloth
to be made therof asmoche and all the same yerne as the Clothier or eny
p~sone for hym shall delyv~ to the same Wev~ with his usyd mark put to
the same without changyng or eny p~cell therof levyng out of the same
webbe (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.86)
or that restore to the same Clothier the surpluis of the same yerne if
eny be left not put into the same Webbe and without eny more oyle brene
moistur dust sonde or other thyng deceyvably puttyng to or castyng to
the same Webbe upon payne to be sett upon the pillorie by prof
discrecion and in man~ as is aforeseyd . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.87)
Item that no man~ p~sone bye eny coloured Wolle or coloured wollen
Yerne of eny Carder Spynner or Wev~ but onely in open Markett upon payn
to be sett upon the pillorie in man~ aforeseyd .
Item that the Walker and Fuller shall truely walke fulle thikke and
werke ev~y webbe of wollen yerne whiche he shall have to walke fulle
thikke or werke without eny Flokkes or any other man~ deceyt to be usyd
in the same and shall not rowe nor werke any Clothe or Webbe with any
Cardes on the right side nor of the wrong side upon payn to be sett
upon the pillory in man~ afore rehersed . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.89)
Item that the Clothier nor other p~sone whatsoev~ he be after the fest
of Midsom~ next cu~myng shall not put eny cloth to sale which when it
$shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} full wette shall shrynke more than oon yerd in
all the lenght and oon quart~ of a yerd in the brede for the more p~t
therof ; and clothes callyd Narowes or Straites after the rate , upon
payn to forfet for ev~y clothe otherwise put to sale iij s. iiij d. and
besyd~ that to deducte of his price for the same to be rebated to the
byer therof asmoche after the rate as the same clothe so otherwise put
to sale beyng full wette shall shrynke more than a yerd of that it was
in lenght tyme of the same sale and as it shall {COM:sic} beyng wette
shall {COM:sic} want of the brede of oon yerd and iij quart~s of a yerd
. (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.90)
Item that the byer of Wollen clothes denysen or alyen after the byeng
therof shall not drawe nor cause to be drawen in lenght nor streyn nor
do to be streyned in brede the same clothes nor any of them by
teynto=r= or wynche or by eny other meane upon payn of forfature for
ev~y of the same clothes so to be drawen or streyned C s.
Provyded alwey that if suche byer of clothes for proof cause soche
clothes to be full wette he may drawe and strayn them for evenyng of
them oonly so that excede not oon yerd in length more than it $shall
$be {TEXT:shalbe} when it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} full wette .
Item that no man~ p~sone what degre or condicion so ev~ he be of werk
or putt upon any wollen Clothes any Flokkes or other deceyvable thyng
upon payn to forfayt for ev~y cloth so wrought deceyvably with Flokk~
or other deceyvable thyng xl s ; and besyd~ that to be sett upon the
pillory in man~ and fo=r=me afore reherced . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.93)
Item that no man~ p~sone or p~sones denysen nor alyen shall not drawe
nor strayn nor do to be drawen or strayned within this Realme nor any
of the p~tyes of beyond the see any Wollen Clothes of the makyng or
drapyng within this Realme in length nor in brede more nor in other
man~ than is aforeseyd nor after the seid fest of Midsom~ send or
convey nor cause to be sent or convehed unto eny of the p~ties of
beyond the see there to put to sale eny wollen clothes of the makyng or
drapyng of this Realme drawen and strayned in length or brede more than
is afore reherced after the rate of xxiiij yerd~ for a brode cloth upon
payn to forfait for ev~y cloth so more drawen and strayned in length
and brede than is afore seid x l~i . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.94)
Item that no man~ p~sone denysen nor other bye or sell any wollen
Clothes by other mesure more or lesse than after the treue content
therof to be moten and mesured by the yerd addyng to ev~y yerd oon
enche of the Rule of the true mesuryng for the content of the same
clothes upon payn to forfait for ev~y cloth to the cont=a=ry mesured C
s . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.95)
Item that ev~y Clothier and other p~sone which shall put or delyv~ to
eny p~sone eny Wolle to breke kembe carde or spynne or yerne to the
wevers to webbe or the webbe to the fullers to fulle walke & thikk
shall w=t=out deceyt or male engyne satisfye content and paye to the
same breker kember carder spynn~ wever and fuller for the same their
labour and workemanship~ redy money of the kyng~ coyn with out to
delyv~ for payment of suche labour or workemanship~ or eny p~te therof
in wares or vitailes upon payn to forfait for ev~y defalt in that he or
they shall delyv~ for suche paiement for suche labour and Workemanship~
eny wares or vitaile x s . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.96)
Item that the Alnager or Seler after the seid fest of Midsom~ next
co~myng resonably requyred shall put to ev~y Wollen cloth made and
draped within the circuit or p~cint of his office to be sold the Kyng~
Seales of leed and not put to eny suche clothes eny seales of wexe in
any wise upon payne of forfaiture for ev~y cloth sealyd otherwise than
with leede iij s. iiij d. The oon moyte of all the said forfaitures
conteyned in all the seid ordyn=a=nc~ made for makyng and drapyng of
Wollen clothes and for the mesuryng therof to be to our Sov~ayn Lord
the Kyng and to ev~y p~sone whiche woll and shall sewe by writt bill or
other accion in that behalf agaynst any p~sone doyng to the cont=a=ry
of the same ordyn=a=nc~ the other moyte (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.97)
And that the defendaunt in any plee upon any suche accion be not
admitted to wage his lawe nor any p~teccion nor essoyne for eny suche
defend=a=unt~ be allowed in the same . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,28.98)
The said Act~ and Ordin=a=nc~ to endure unto the next p~liament .
And be it furthermore ordeyned and enacted by thadvyse and auctoritie
aforesaid that the Kyng our Sov~ayn Lord or eny other p~sones take not
any advantage or p~fuyt of any penalties of forfaitures by an Act made
in the p~liament holden at Westm~ the xxiij day of Januare in the first
yere of the Reign of Richard the third late in dede and not in right
Kyng of Englond conc~nyng the makyng and drapyng of wollen Clothes
geven lymyted or assigned for eny cloth made or hereafter to be made
but oonly accordyng to the seid orden=a=nc~ and statut~ nowe made in
this p~sent p~liament , Eny acte statute orden=a=nce or p~vysion to the
cont=a=ry hertofore made notwithstondyng . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.101)
Provyded alwey that this Acte extend not to Wollen Cloth called
Kendalles nor Clothes called Carpenell Whites comonly made for lynyng
for hosen . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.102)
And p~vyded also that this Acte extend not to Wollen Clothes called
Tostok~ made in the Countie of Devonshire for medelyng Flokk~ with
their wolle , So they make the same clothes oonly of Wolle growyng in
the Countie of Devonshire and of noon other Wolle so that they drawe
nor streyn the same Clothes more nor in other man~ than is aforeseid .
Provyded also this Acte or eny penaltie or articule therin conteyned
extend not ne in any wise be hurtfull or p~judiciall to any cloth
makers for makyng of any Cloth within the Countie of Cornewall but that
all Clothmakers within the same Countie may make cloth and use
clothmakyng as they before the makyng of this acte have usyd and
accustomed , this acte or any thyng therin conteyned notwithstondyng .
Provyded also that this acte extend not nor be p~judicyall of or to the
maker m~chaunt or byer of eny wollen clothes called Bastard~ made with
cremyll Lystes . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.105)
CHAPTER VII . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.107)
Where att the Parliament holden att Westm~ the ix=th= day of Novemb~r
the thurd Yere of the reign of our late Sov~aign Lord Kyng Henry the
vij=th= whose soule God p~don , it was shewed by Shermen Fullers and
other Artificers that shuld live and opteyn their nedy Sustentacyon by
meane of drap~y made and drapyd w=t=in this Realme aswell thorowoute
the same Realme as within the Citie of London , that Whereas in a
statute made the vij=th= yere of the Reign of Kyng Edward the Fourth
amonges other it was conteyned that no p~sone denysen nor stranger
shuld carye or do to be caried to any parties beyond the see any Wollen
Yarne nor cloth unfulled but the Wollen Yarne to be made in this Realme
shuld be woven in the same ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.110)
And also all cloth within the same made shuld be fulled and fully
wrought within the same before that any of the same shuld be had or
caried out of this Realme upon payn of forfaiture of the very value of
suche yerne not woven and cloth not fullyd had or caried out of this
Realme , the oon half of the same forfaiture to be levyed to the use of
the Kyng , and the other half of that to hym or them that shuld espye
or make p~ve of any suche Yarne not woven or cloth not fullyd caried to
any place beyond the See . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.111)
And for as moche as in the seid statute of Kyng Edward there is noon
exp~sse mencyon made that the seid Clothes shuld be rowed and shorne
before that they be caryed and conveyhed out of this Realme , wherby
the seid power comons of the Craftes aforeseid myght be sett in labour
and occupacion Therfore the said Clothes then were and yet been in
grete nombre and plente caried and conveied oute of this realme unrowed
and unshorn into the p~ties of the beyond the see as well by denysens
as by strangers wherby outlandishe nacyons with the same drap~y been
sett to labo=r= and occupacyon to their grete enrichyng , and the pouer
Comons of the craftes aforsaid thorough all this Realme which of
naturall reason as the Kyng~ true ligemen shuld have and opteyn their
nedy sustentacion and lyvyng by meanes of the same drap~ey for lack of
such occupacion daily fall in grete nu~bre into Indilnes and pov~tie to
their utt~most distruccyon if it shuld then any lenger contynue ;
Whereupon our said Sov~aygn Lord Kyng Henry the vij=th= by the advyse
of the Lord~ sp~uall and temp~all and at the praiers of the Comons in
his said p~liament assembled and by auctoritie of the same ordeyned
establisshed and enacted That noo stranger nor denysen shuld carye or
make to be caried out of this Realme any wollen clothes but that they
before be barbyd rowed and shorn within the same Realme for the releif
and settyng aworke of the seid pouer Comons of the craftes aforeseid
upon payn of the forfaiture lymyted in the said Statute of Kyng Edward
made upon cloth caried out of this Realme not fullid to be devyded in
man~ and fo=r=me as in the same statut~ conteyned , So that Clothes
called Vesses Rayes Saillyng Clothes and all other Clothes com~only
sold at xl s. or under be not comprysed in the said Acte made the seid
third yere of the reign of our said late Sov~aign Lord Kyng Henry the
vij=th= as by the same actes more playnly apperyth :
And for lack of due execucyon of the seid act~ litell effect or p~fett
hath folowed or growen of the same to the seid pouer crafty men beyng
naturall Subgett~ which for lack of worke and occupacion daily fall in
Idilnesse and pov~tye : (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.114)
Be it therfor ordeyned establisshed and enacted by the Kyng our
Sov~aign Lord and the Lord~ sp~uall and temp~all and the comons in this
p~sent p~liament assembled and by auctoritie of the same that the seid
act~ and orden=a=nc~ may stand and contynue in there full strenght and
v~tue . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.115)
And that they from hensforth been duely put in execucion accordyng to
the teno=r= p=r=porte and effect of the same and of either of them ;
And that ev~y p~sone that will sue for the same forfaitures be admitted
to his accion of dett by bill or informacion in any of the Kyng~ Court~
of Record where the same may be det~myned after the Cours of the co~en
lawe ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.117)
And that the Defendant in such behalf in noo wise be admitted to wage
his Lawe nor that any p~teccion or essoyne be in the same alowable .
Nev~thelesse for that the drapyng and makyng of suche clothes callid
Vesses Rayes Saillyng Clothes and other Clothes which tyme of makyng of
the Statute of Kyng Henry the vij=th= were co~monly solde at xl s. or
under the maker therof and Clothier of tymes passyd and nowe is and
herafter is like to be at gretter charge aboute the drapyng and makyng
of the same and also of all other clothes for that Wolle is of ferr
gretter price , and also the Cost~ and Charg~ for the workemanship of
such Clothes is ferr more chargeable than it were tyme of makyng of the
seid estatute ; Be it therfore p~vyded by the auctoritie aforeseid that
Clothes called Vesses Rayes Saillyng Clothes and other Clothes nowe
co~monly sold at iiij Mark~ or under be not comprised in this or any of
the seid Act~ but may be caried and conveyed oute of this Realme into
the p~ties of beyond the See not barbed rowed nor shorn , this or any
of the seid Actes notwithstondyng . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,29.119)
CHAPTER XI . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,31.122)
Forasmoche as the science and connyng of Physyke and Surg~ie to the
p~fecte knowlege wherof bee requisite bothe grete lernyng and ripe
exp~ience ys daily within this Royalme exc~cised by a grete multitude
of ignoraunt p~sones of whom the grete partie have no man~ of insight
in the same nor in any other kynde of lernyng some also can no l~res on
the boke soofarfurth that co~mon Artific~s as Smythes Wevers and Women
boldely and custumably take upon theim grete curis and thyngys of great
difficultie In the which they partely use socery and which crafte
partely applie such medicyne unto the disease as be verey
noyous and nothyng metely therfore to the high despleasoure of God
great infamye to the faculties and the grevous hurte damage and
distruccion of many of the Kyng~ liege people most sp~ally of them that
$can $not {TEXT:cannot} descerne the uncu~nyng from the cunnyng ; Be it
therfore to the suertie and comfort of all man~ people by the
auctoritie of thys p~sent parliament enacted that noo p~son within the
Citie of London nor within vij myles of the same take upon hym to
exc~cise and occupie as a Phisicion or Surgion except he be first
examined approved and admitted by the Bisshop~ of London or by the Dean
of Poules for the tyme beyng callyng to hym or them iiij Doctours of
Phisyk and for Surg~ie other exp~t p~sones in that facultie And for the
first examynacion such as they shall thynk convenient ; And aft~ward
alway iiij of them that have been soo approved upon the payn of
forfeytour for ev~y moneth that they doo occupie as Phisicions or
Surgeons not admitted nor examined after the tenour of thys Acte of v
li to be employed the oon half therof to thuse of our Sov~aign Lord the
Kyng and the other half therof to any p~son that wyll sue for it by
accion of dette in which no Wageour of Lawe nor p~teccion $shall $be
{TEXT:shalbe} allowed . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,32.125)
And ov~ thys that noo p~son out of the seid Citie and p~cincte of vij
myles of the same except he have been as is seid before approved in the
same take upon hym to ex~cise and occupie as a Phisicion or Surgeon in
any Diocesse within thys Royalme but if he be first examined and
approved by the Bisshop of the same Diocesse or he beyng out of the
Diocesse by hys Vicar gen~all either of them callyng to them such
expert p~sons in the seid faculties as there discrecion shall thynk
convenyent and gyffyng ther lett~s testimonials under ther sealle to
hym that they shall soo approve upon like payn to them that occupie the
cont=a=rie to thys acte as is above seid to be levyed and employd after
the fourme before exp~ssed (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,32.126)
Provided alway that thys acte nor any thyng therin conteyned be
p~judiciall to the Univ~sities of Oxford and Cantebrigge or either of
them or to any privilegys g=a=unted to them . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,32.127)
CHAPTER XV . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,33.130)
Where by the workers and makers of Cappes and Hattes within this Realme
of England have dailly occupied and sett on work in making of cappes
and hattes of the Kyng~ naturall Subjectis that is to sey Men Women
Maydens and Childern borne wythin this Realme of England to the great
relief and comfort of poore Prisoners within this Realme to the nombre
of thre score thowsand persones and above in carding spynnyng stitchyng
knyttyng thikkyng dressyng dyeng sheryng and pressyng wyth other c~ten
feates conc~nyng the workyng and makyng of cappes and hattes made and
wrought wythin the Citie of London and in dyv~se and many other Cities
Boroughes and Townes within this Realme wherby the King~ Subject~ here
naturally borne have had their poore lyving tyme out of mynde , Till of
late yeres past that so great haboundaunce of cappes and hattes redy
wrought and made have been and daily be brought from the p~ties of
beyond the See into this Realme , and here have been and daylly bee
uttred and sold to the great p~fite occupieng encreace and relyef of
Straungiers of other Realmes which had and have the workyng and makyng
of the same cappes and hattes , and to the great Idelnesse
enpov~ysshyng and utter undoing of great multitude of the Kyngis
naturall subjectis borne wythin this said Realme ; By reason wherof the
Kyng~ Subject~ borne wythin this Realme have not their poore
leving nor be not occupied nor sett on worke in making of cappes and
hattes as they were wont to be ; By occasyon wherof they fall to
Idelnesse & other inco~venie~t~ to beggyn~ & manyfold syknes to the
great impov~ysshment of the co~mons of this Realme ; In consideracion
of the p~misses be yt ordeigned enacted and establysshed by the Kyng
our Souv~aigne Lord the Lord~ sp~uall and temporall and the Co~mons in
this p~sent p~liament assembled and by the auctorite of the same , that
from the furst day of May next co~myng ther be no cappes nor hatt~ made
and redy wrought in any partie beyond the See bought by any of the
Kinges Subject~ borne undre the Kingis obbeysaunce except Lordes or
Knyght~ uppon peyne of Forfeiture for ev~y suche cappe or hatte so by
theym or any of theim bought xl s. the oon moyte of the same forfeyture
to be to the King our Sov~aigne Lord , and thother moyte to hym or
theym that wyll sue for the same by accion of dett or otherwise ; In
whiche acco~n the p~tie defendaunt $shall $not {TEXT:shalnot} be
admytted to wage his Lawe nor p~tecc~on nor essoyne to be allowed in
the same accion . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.133)
Ferthermore be it enacted by the said auctorite that no Capper nor
Hatter nor other p~sone selle nor putt to sale any cappe or hatte that
$shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made within this Realme after the Fest of
Midsom~ next co~myng but that it be sufficiently wrought and of a
sufficient colour in ev~y point after the goodnesse and fynesse of the
woll wherof they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made uppon peyne of
forfeyture of ev~y cappe or hatte so sold vj s. viij d. And that the
Capper nor none other p~sone $shall $not {TEXT:shalnot} take by hym
self or any other p~sone to his use for any Cappe made of the fynest
Leemynster woll above iij s. iiij d. ; Nor for any Cappe made of the
seconde sorte of the same Leemynster wolle above ij s. vj d. nor for
any cappe made of the third sort of Leemynster wolle above xx d. nor
for any cappe made of the fourth sorte of the same Leemynster wolle
above xij d. ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.134)
And that no Capper Hatter nor any other p~sone shall not take by
hymself or any other p~sone to his use for any Cappe made of the fynest
Cotteswold woll above ij s. ; Nor for any cappe made of the seconde
sorte of the same Cotteswold woll above xvj d. And that all other
cappes and hattes of other woll to be sold at suche price as the bier
and seller may resounably agree . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.135)
The cappe made of the seid fynest Leemynster woll to be marked in the
lynyng of the same cappe with a l~re L . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.136)
The cappe made of the seconde sorte of the same Leemynster woll to be
marked with this mark Lr ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.137)
The cappe made of the fynest Cotteswold woll to be marked with a l~re
C. in the lynyng therof ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.138)
And the seconde cappe of the seconde sorte of Cotteswold woll to be
marked wyth this marke Cr ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.139)
And the Hatter Capper nor other p~sone by hym self nor any other p~sone
to his use shall take of any of the Kyng~ Subject~ for any hatte of the
best makyng not engreyned more than ij s. ; (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.140)
And yf any Capper Hatter or other p~sone take more money for any cappe
or hatte contrary to this acte , he to forfayte for ev~y cappe and
hatte for which he shall take mor than is aforerehersed xl. s .
The moite therof to be to the Kyng our Sov~aigne Lord , and the other
moite to the p~tie grevid or any other p~sone that woll sue accion for
the same forfaiture by Writt Byll or Pleynte at the Co~en Lawe or after
custome of Citie or Towne wher it shall fortune suche forfaiture to bee
by like p~cesse as is used in accions of Debt in Court where it $shall
$be {TEXT:shalbe} pursued . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.142)
And that the Defendaunt in that behalf be not admytted to wage his Lawe
nor that any p~teccion or essoyne be to hym allowed .
And that all and singuler Estatutes hertofore made conc~nyng hattes or
cappes be fromhensforth repelled and adnulled by vertue of this p~sent
parliament . (STAT-1500-E1-H,3,34.144)