CHAPTER VIII . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.3)
OWTWARDE . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.4)
Where in the parliament holden at Westm~ in the thirde yere of the
King~ moste gracious reigne , amongest other thinges for the advoyding
of sorceryes witchecrafte and other inconveniences , it was enacted ,
that no p~sone within the Citie of London , nor within seven myles of
the same , shoulde take upon him to exercyse and occupie as Phisician
or Surgeon , except he be first examyned approved and admytted by the
Bisshopp of London and other , undre and upon certaine peynes and
penalties in the same Acte mencioned ; (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.6)
Sithens the making of whiche saide Acte the Companie and Felowship of
Surgeons of London , mynding oonelie theyre owne lucres , and nothing
the profite or ease of the diseased or patient , have sued troubled and
vexed divers honest p~sones aswell men as woomen , whome God hathe
endued with the knowledge of the nature kinde and operac~on of certeyne
herbes rotes and waters , and the using and mynistering of them to
suche as been pained with customable diseases , as Womens brestes being
sore , a Pyn and the Web in the eye , uncoomes of hand~ scalding~
burning~ sore mouthes the stone strangurye saucelin and morfew , and
suche other lyke diseases , and yet the saide p~sones have not takin
any thing for theyre peynes and cooninng , but have mynistred the same
to the poore people oonelie for neighbourhode and Goddes sake and of
pitie and charytie ; and it is nowe well knowen that the surgeons
admytted wooll doo no cure to any p~sone , but where they shall knowe
to be rewarded with a greater soome or rewarde than the cure extendeth
unto , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.7)
for in cace they wolde mynistre theyre coonning to sore people
unrewarded , there shoulde not so manye rotte and perishe to deathe for
lacke of helpe of Surgerye as dailie doo , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.8)
but the greatest parte of Surgeons admytted been muche more to be
blamed than those p~sones that they trouble , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.9)
for althonghe the most parte of the p~sones of the saide crafte of
Surgeons have small cooning , yet they wooll take greate soomes of
money and doo litle therfore , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.10)
and by reasone therof they doo often tymes impaire and hurte theyre
patient~ rather thenne doo them good : In considerac~on
wherof and for the ease comforte socour helpe relief and healthe of the
King~ poore Subject~ inhabytaunt~ of this his Realme , nowe peyned or
diseased , or that hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} peyned or
diseased , Be it ordeyned establisshed and enacted by thauctorytie of
this p~nt parliament , that at all tymes from hensforthe , it $shall
$be {TEXT:shalbe} lefull to everye p~sone being the King~ Subject
having knowledge and experience of the nature of herbes rotes and
waters or of the operac~on of the same by speculac~on or practyse ,
within any parte of the Realme of Englande , or within any other the
King~ Domynions , to practyse use and mynistre in and to any outwarde
sore uncoom wounde appostemac~ons outwarde swelling or disease , any
herbe or herbes oyntement~ bathes pultes and emplasters , according to
theyre cooning experience and knowlege in any of the diseases sores and
maladies aforesaide and all other lyke to the same , or drinkes for the
stone strangurye or agues , without sute vexac~on trouble penaltie or
losse of theyre good~ . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.11)
The foresaide Statute in the foresaide thirde yere of the King~ most
gracious reigne , or any other Acte ordin=a=nce or statute to the
contrarye hereof heretofore made in any wise notwithstanding .
CHAPTER IX . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.14)
Where divers persones aswell inhabytauntes fermers and dwellers nere
unto the streme of Severne and unto the crykes and pilles of the same ,
from Kingrode upwarde towarde the Citie and Towne of Gloucestre ,
conveyeth and carieth graine and corne out of the Realme of Englande ,
unto the parties beyonde the Sea , where graines are verye deare , and
nowe of late tyme have made picard~ and other greate botes with fore
mastes of the burden of xv toon and so to xxxvj toonne ,
and by reasone wherof wheate rye beanes barley malte and other kynde of
graines , by stealthe are conveyed into the utter parties beyonde the
Sea , so that therby the King~ Majestie is not oonelie deceyved of his
subsidie and custome for the same , but it causeth at suche tymes
wheate graine and other kynde of corne as is aforesaide to be at hiegh
prices , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.18)
and by the same meanes , thinhabytaunt~ within the saide Citie or Towne
of Bristoll , are often and sundrye tymes destitute and skant maie have
graine or corne to serve the King~ obedient Subject~ there dwelling and
inhabyting ; (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.19)
and allso by reasone of having of the saide greate botes and vessells ,
often tymes divers Shipps , aswell of the parties beyonde the Sea as
other of Englishe Shipps lying in Kingrode and Hungrode , being port~
or havens of the Citie or Towne of Bristoll aforesaide distaunte fyve
myles or therabout from the saide towne of Bristoll , awayting and
tarying there the cooming of the saide greate botes with corne and
graine downe Severne , who there dischardgeth the graine and corne
aborde the saide Shipps at Kingrode , by reason wherof the saide Shipps
and other Vessels there tarying for the receipte of the saide graine
and corne , doo then cast out theyre balast of Stones and other robull
of balast of theyre saide Shipps and Vessells , into the saide rodes
and havens of Hungrode and Kingrode , and there lodith the saide graine
and corne in the Shipps and Vessells , to the greate distrucc~on , and
in contynuaunce to thuttre undoing of the saide rodes and havens ;
so that the mouthe and hole channel of the saide havens is so heaped
and quarred with Stones robull of balastes of the Shippes and Botes
there arryving , that greate Shipps whiche useth the course of
merchaundyse to the saide towne of Bristoll from the partes beyonde the
Sea and fro the saide towne laden with merchaundyse unto the utter
parties , maie scantlye or savelye coome unto the Kinges saide portes
and towne of Bristoll and the ryver of the same , and so from the saide
porte and towne of Bristoll unto the saide Severne , without greate
daunger and p~ill , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.21)
and by that meanes Shippes of greate bourden are lyke to be distroyed
and utterlye to be caste awaie , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.22)
and if redresse be not the so so~ner had therein it $will $be
{TEXT:wilbe} to the uttre distrucc~on of the haven and porte of the
saide towne of Bristoll , whiche saide towne of Bristoll is chieflie
mainteyned by course of merchaundyse : (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,906.23)
Wherfore it maie please the Kinges Majestie the Lordes sp~uall and
temporall and the Co~mons in this p~nt parliament assembled and by
auctorytie of the same , to enacte make and ordeyne , that after the
laste daie of Julye next cooming , no maister or maisters owner or
owners of Shipp or Shipps or of any other Bote or Vessell , or any
other p~sone or p~sones , do caste or unlode theyre balaste or robull
at or in the saide rode called Kingrode and Hungrode , nor in any of
them , ne in any other place from the rode of Kingrode unto the towne
of Bristoll , nor in no parte of the haven therof but on the lande
oonelie above the full Sea merke ; (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,907.25)
upon peyne that everye suche owner maister of Shipp or of other Bote or
Vessell and of everye other p~sone or p~sones casting and laying theyre
balast or robull in the streme at the place or in the ryver aforesaide
, to forfaite at everye tyme so offending foure poundes , the oone
haulfe therof to be to our Soveraigne Lorde the King , and thother
haulfe therof to the partie that will sue for the same in any of the
Kinges Courtes of Recorde , aswell within Courtes of Recorde within
Cities and Townes Corporate before the Mayre Aldermen Shirieff~ and
Bailief~ according to theyre corporac~on , as elswhere in any of the
King~ Court~ of Recorde , by Bill plainte acc~on of debte informac~on
or otherwyse ; in the whiche action the defendaunte shall not wage his
lawe , neyther yet no protecco~n or essoine to be allowed .
And further that it maie be enacted by thauctorytie aforesaide , that
no p~sone or p~sones from hensforthe shall enbote or lade or cause to
be enboted or laden , any Wheate Malte Beanes or any other kinde of
Graine or Corne whatsoever it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} , in any picarde
bote or other Vessell at any creke pille banke or elswhere upon the
Severne streme betwene the Keye of the Citie of Gloucestre , and the
saide Citie or Towne of Bristoll by Water of Severne , to thintent to
be transported into the utter parties beyonde the Sea out of the King~
Domynion , before the saide Owner or lader of the saide picarde bote or
other Vessell , hathe been with the King~ Customers of the saide Porte
and Towne of Bristoll aforesaide , and there by himself and oone
sufficient suertie with him bounden unto the King~ Customers of the
saide Porte and Towne of Bristoll aforesaide , in suche reasonable
soomes of Money to thuse of our saide Soveraigne Lorde the King as
shall amounte to the double value of the saide Graine or Corne there to
be laden or to be enboted ; (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,907.27)
upon condico~n that the saide Owner or Maister of the saide picarde or
bote or other Vessell , shall not repaire nor transporte the saide
Corne or Graine nor no parte therof into any utter parties beyonde the
Sea out of the King~ Domynion , before the saide Maister owner therof
shall coome and bring the saide Graine and Corne unto the keye of the
saide Towne of Bristoll , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,907.28)
and there to be viewed or sene the content~ therof ,
and the content~ therof to be declared unto the King~ Customers and to
the Maire of the saide Towne for the tyme being , if there be any suche
lisence or lawfull cause for to convey or transporte Graine or Corne
into the parties beyond the Sea out of the saide Kinges Domynion ,
there to be measured and mette by the common measure of the saide Towne
: And after the saide obligac~on withe condic~on so made sealed and
delivered unto the saide customer , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,907.30)
thenne the saide customer shall delivre a sufficient cocket unto the
partye owner or owners or Maister so bounden to convey the saide Graine
or Corne unto the Keye of Bristoll , upon paine that everye picarde
bote or other Vessell so laden with Graine or other kind of Corne , to
be caryed or transported into the utter parties of beyonde the Sea out
of the King~ Domynion , to be forfaicted aswell the saide Corne and
Graine so laded , as the saide bote so laden contrarye unto this p~nt
acte , wherof the King our Soveraigne Lorde to have three part~ therof
, and the partie that will sue for the same the fourthe parte , before
the King~ moste honorable Counsaill according to the Kinges
Proclamac~on in that behaulf made and p~vided .
And further be it enacted by auctorytie aforesaide , that if it shall
appeare upon the measuring therof , unto the Maire of the saide Towne
of Bristoll and to the King~ Customers then for the tyme being , that
there is more Corne or graine loded to be transported into the parties
beyonde the Sea within any of the saide Vessells botes pyckardes or
trowes over and above foure quarters , than it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe}
lefull unto the saide maire and customers there for the tyme being , to
cause the owner or conveyer therof unto the saide towne of Bristoll ,
to make sale of suche corne and graine as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe}
brought over and above the content~ of the saide cocket or lycence ,
and over and above foure Quarters besyde the cocket or lycence ,
according as the pryces of suche graine and corne are co~monlie woorthe
and solde in the open market of the saide towne of Bristoll :
The saide common meater to have for the measuring of everye waie of
corne twoo pence ; on peyne of everye p~son being owner of the saide
graine or corne or having the chardge of the same denyeng the measuring
of the saide graine at the saide Key of Bristoll to lose and forfaicte
for everye tyme so denyeng fyve pounde , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,907.33)
the oone haulf therof to be to our saide Soveraigne Lorde the King ,
and thother haulf therof to be to the partie that will sue for the same
in any Courte of Recorde , by action of debte informac~on or otherwyse
; in the whiche action the defendaunte shall not wage his lawe nor
protecc~on nor essoine allowed . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,907.34)
And be it allso enacted by auctorytie abovesaide , that no p~sone or
p~sones , after the firste daie of Auguste next cooming , doo caste or
unlade out of any maner of Ship crayer or any other Vessell , being
within any Haven rode chanell or ryver flowing or rooning to any Porte
Towne or to any Citie boroughe or towne within this Realme or any other
the King~ Domynions , any maner of Balaste rubbishe gravell or any
other wracke of filthe , but oonelie upon the Lande above the full Sea
Marke , upon peyne that everye p~sone and p~sones offending this Acte ,
to lose and forfaicte for everye tyme so offending fyve poundes , the
oone haulf to the King our Soveraigne Lorde and thother haulf therof to
suche p~sone and p~sones as will sue for the same by Bill plainte
originall writ or informac~on , in any the King~ Court~ of Recorde
in whiche Acc~on or Sute no Wager of Lawe $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe}
admitted nor any Essoine or Protecc~on allowed .
CHAPTER XII . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,909.39)
WESTM~ . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,909.40)
Forasmuche as the Streate called Whyte Crosse Strete and the Streate
called Cheswell Streate leading frome Whyte Crosse Streate unto the
Hieghe waie leading to Moregate , the Lane called Golding Lane and the
Streate called Grub Streate in the Parishe of Saincte Gyles without
Crepulgate , the Streate called Goswell Streate in the Parishe of
Saincte Botulphes without Aldersgate , the Lane called Long Lane being
in the Parishe of Saincte Botulphe without Aldersgate , and Saincte
Sepulchres without Newgate , the Streate called Saincte Johns Strete
leading from the Barres of Smithfelde up to the Ponde at the Corner of
the Wall extending along the Hieghe waie leading to Islington , and
allso the Streate from the saide Barres to Cowcrosse , the lane called
Water Lane in Fletestrete in the Parishe of Saincte Byyde and
Saincte Dunstone leading downe to Thames , the waie leading without
Temple Barres Westwarde , by and to Clement~ Inne Gates , and Newe Inne
Gates , to Drewrye Place in the Countie of Midd~ , and allso oone litle
Lane streatching from the saide waie to the Signe of the Bell at
Drewrye Lane ende , and the Common hiegh waie leading throughe a
certaine Place called Petye Fraunce , from the Barres of the Weste ende
of Totehill Streate of Westm~ in the Countie of Midd~ unto the
uthremoste Parte of the West ende of the saide Place called Petie
Fraunce ; the Streate or hieghe waie leading from Bisshopps Gate to and
above Shortdiche Churche , and the Bridge called Stronde Bridge , and
the waie leading from the same Bridge towardes Temple Barre , and the
waie called Foskewe Lane from the garden and tenement of the Bisshopp
of Lichefelde and the gardens and tenement~ called the Bell and
Proctoures downe to Stronde Bridge , be verye foule and full of Pyttes
and Sloughes , verye p~illous and noyous aswell for all the King~
Subject~ thorowe and by them repayring and passing aswell on Horsebacke
as on Fote , as allso with Carriace , and verye necessarye to be kepte
cleane for the advoyding of corrupte Savoures and occasion of
Pestilence : For the amendement and reformac~on wherof it maie please
the Kinges Hieghnes with thassent of the Lord~ sp~uall and temporall
and of his Commons in this his hieghe Courte of Parliament assembled
and by auctorytie of the same , that it maie be ordeyned establisshed
and enacted that all and everye p~sone and p~sones bodies politicque
and corporate , whiche now have or at any tyme herafter shall have ,
any Land~ tenement~ or other hereditament~ in Fee Simple Fee Tayle for
terme of Lief for terme of Yeres or by reasone of the Wardeship of any
heyre during the Nonage of the same heyre , or by execuc~on by Writ of
Elegit , or for any Estatute estaple , lyeng and being adjoining to the
forsaide Streates lanes and waies or any of them , shall on this syde
the Feaste of Saincte Michaell tharchaungell whiche $shall $be
{TEXT:shalbe} in the Yere of our Lorde God a thousande fyve hundred and
foure and fourtie , well and sufficientlye pave or cause to be paved
with good paving Stones all and everye parte of the saide Streates
lanes and other the Premisses before expressed , everye Man suche parte
and quantitie of the same Lanes streates and waies unto the middes of
them and everye of them in lengthe and bredthe , as his or theyre
Landes and tenement~ doo lye or extende ; in lyke maner and forme as
the Streates and Lanes within the Citie of London be paved , with
Causeys or Cannells in the middes of the same Stretes lanes and waies
as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought moste necessarye and convenient ;
upon peyne everye p~sone in his owne defaute to forfaicte for everye
Yarde square of the same Streates lanes and waies and everye of them
not sufficientlie paved before the feaste of Saincte Michaell , twelve
pence : (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.42)
And that and everye suche p~sones , having or whiche hereafter shall
have , Land~ or Tenement~ in Fee Simple Fee Tayle or for tearme of Lief
or otherwyse as is aforesaide , adjoyning or lying to and next eyther
syde of the same Streates lanes and waies or any of them theyre Heyres
assignes or successoures , after and frome the saide feaste of Saincte
Michaell , shall yerelie repaire and mainteyne the same Pavement~ and
everye of them over againste his saide Land~ and Tenement~ well and
sufficientlye from tyme to tyme as often and whan as neade shall
reaquire at all tymes hereafter with paving Stone , upon peyne to
forfaicte for everye Yarde square not sufficientlye paved twelve pence
, as often as any suche defaute of any p~sone $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe}
p~nted before the Justices of Peace within the saide Countie of Midd~ ,
for that parte of the saide Streates lanes and waies being within the
said Countie of Midd~ and before the Mayre and the Aldremen or Justices
of Peace within the Citie of London for that whiche is within the
Liberties of the saide Citie . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.43)
And be it enacted by thauctorytie aforesaide , that the saide Justices
of Peace within the saide Countie of Midd~ for the tyme being , shall
have full power and auctorytie to enquire in everye Quarter Sessions to
be kepte after the saide feaste of Saincte Michaell by the othes of
twelve men of the saide Countie , aswell of them that have not paved
suche parte or porc~on of the saide Streates lanes waies and everye of
them being within the saide Countie over againste and along unto the
myddes of the same Streates lanes and waies as theyre Land~ and
Tenement~ doo lye or extende , as allso of suche p~sones as have been
remysse and negligent in amending and repayring of the same Stretes
lanes and waies frome tyme to tyme as neade shall require according to
the meaning of this Acte . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.44)
And be it allso enacted by thauctorytie aforesaide , that the Justices
of Peace within the saide Countie of Midd~ for the tyme being within
theyre Jurisdicc~on , shall have full power and auctorytie by theyre
discreac~ons to amerce and set fynes upon suche p~sones as $shall $be
{TEXT:shalbe} remisse negligent or make defaute in the obs~ving of the
tenour of this Acte ; (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.45)
And if the saide Justices of Peace within the saide Countie of Midd~ or
the Maire and Aldremen and Justices of Peace of the saide Citie of
London , at any theyre Quarter Sessions after the saide feaste of
Sainte Michaell to be holden and kepte within the saide Countie of
Midd~ , by the Justices of Peace of the same Countie , or the Maire
Aldremen and Justices of Peace of the saide Citie of London at any
theyre Quarter Sessions or Enquestes of Wardencie kepte within the
saide Citie of London , be negligent and remisse on theyre parties to
chardge by the othe of twelve men suche p~sones to fynde and present
the saide Defaultes and Negligences of all p~sones offending contrarie
to the meaning of this Acte , thenne the saide Justices of Peace within
the saide Countie of Midd~ being p~nt at the same Quarter Sessions , to
lose and forfaicte for everye tyme so neglecting the same Charge , an
hundred Shilling~ ; (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.46)
And in lykewyse the Maire Aldremen and Justices of Peaxe of London , to
lose and forfaicte for everye lyke defaulte and neglecting an hundred
Shilling~ . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.47)
And be it further enacted by the saide auctorytie , that the Clercke of
peax of the saide Countie of Middlesex for the tyme being , shall from
tyme to tyme certifie into the Kinges Eschequier aswell all suche fynes
and forfaictures so assessed within the saide Countie , lost and
forfaicted befor the saide Justices in Midd~ to the use of the Kinges
Hieghnes and his heyres , (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.48)
and the Barons of the saide Eschequier to make out processe by
distresse to be taken and levied upon the saide land~ and tenement~ ,
or otherwyse by theyre discreac~ons aswell for the saide fynes assessed
, as allso for the saide forfaictures and penalties before lymited ;
And if the Clerke of peaxe within the saide Countie of Midd~ be remisse
and negligent in making suche certificat or doing the duetie according
to this Acte , thenne the same Clerke to lose and forfaicte for everye
suche defaulte fyve poundes , the oone haulf therof to be to the use of
the Kinges Hieghnes and thother haulf to any of the Kinges subjectes
that wooll sue for the same , in any of the Kinges Courtes , by bill
action informac~on or otherwyse wherein no wager of lawe essoine or
protecc~on shall lie for the defendaunte . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,910.50)
And further be it enacted by thauctorytie aforesaide , that the Maire
Aldremen and Justices of Peace within the saide Citie of London and
Suburbes of the same or foure of them , wherof the Maire to be oone ,
by vertue of this Acte shall have full power and auctorytie from tyme
to tyme to set fynes and amerciament~ of all and singlre p~sone and
p~sones for not paving and repayring of any of the saide Streates lanes
or hieghe waies within the saide Cities and Liberties of the same ,
whiche nowe be paved or hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} by force of
this Acte paved ; (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,911.52)
And the same fynes and amerciament~ to be levied by distresse plainte
or action within the saide Citie by the Chamberleyne of the saide Citie
for the tyme being , to the use of the Maire and Co~mynaltie of the
saide Citie and theyre successoures , as other fynes and amerciament~
for any other matter or cause within the saide Citie hathe been used
and accustomed . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,911.53)
Provided allwaies that if any thinhabytaunt~ of suche land~ and
tenement~ doo sufficientlie repaire and pave before theyre mansions and
dwelling places the saide Streates lanes and hiegh waies , that thenne
everye suche inhabytaunte by force of this Acte shall defalke abbate
and reteyne in his hand~ , asmuche of rent due to his lessour as he
canne prove to have expended in and about the same paving and repayring
, and the lessour for so muche money as suche soome dothe amounte unto
, to have no action reentre nor other remedye for oone paiment of the
same , ooneles it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} otherwyse agreed betwene
them . (STAT-1540-E1-H,3,911.54)