CHAPTER VI . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,852.3) AN ACTE AGAISTE NEWE BUYLDING~ . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,852.4) For the reformynge of the great Mischiefes and Inconveniences that daylie growe and increase by reason of the pesteringe of Houses with div~se Famylies , Harboringe of Inmates , and convertinge of great Houses into sev~all Ten~t~ or Dwellinges , and erectinge of newe Buylding~ within the Citties of London Westm~ and other Places nere therunto adjoyninge , wherby great Infection of Sicknes & dearthe of Victualles and Fewell hathe growen and ensued , and manye idle vagrante and wicked p~sons have harboured themselfes there , and div~se remote places of the Realme have bene disapointed of Workmen and dispeopled ; The w=ch= Enormyties and Defect~ her Majestie of her Wisdome Princely Considerac~on and Care of her Subject~ , by her Highnes P~clamac~on dated at Nonsuche the seaventh daie of Julie in the xxij=th= yere of her Majesties Raigne , did intend to reforme , untill some good order might be p~vided in Parliament : Be it enacted by the aucthoritie of this p~sent Parliament , That noe p~son or p~sons of what Estate Degree or Condic~on soever , shall fromhensforth make and erecte anye newe Buildinge or Buildinges House or Houses for habitac~on or dwellinge , within either of the saide Citties , or within thre myles of anye of the Gates of the said Cittie of London , Excepte it be to enlarge his or their House or Houses that so shall builde the same , or to add some other Buylding~ to his or their Houses , or in their Gardens for the more ease or pleasure of the Buylder ; or that suche newe House or Ten~te $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} fytt for the Habitac~on or Dwellinge of suche a person as heretofore hath bene assessed to or for the Subsidie to her Majestie at Five poundes in Good~ or Thre poundes in Landes at the last Assessement next before the saide newe Building~ , or $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} judged by the Two next Justic~ of Peace , by writinge under their Hand~ and Seales to be p~sented at the next Quarter Sessions , to be fytt and able to be assessed in the Subsidie , accordinge to that rate if before that tyme he hath not bene so assessed ; or except anye suche newe Buildinge $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made for anye Hospitall for Relief of the Pore ; upon payne to forfeit for ev~ye suche Offence quarterlie , the so~me of Fyve poundes . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,852.6) And further be it enacted , That noe p~son or p~sons , of what Estate Degree or Condic~on soever , shall at any tyme hereafter converte or devide any Dwellinge House or other Buylding~ , nowe erected and builded or hereafter to be erected and builded within the Citties and Places aforesaide , or any of them , into div~se and sev~all Habitac~ons or Dwelling~ for sev~all and div~se Famylies ; excepte everie sev~all House soe devided $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} fytt for the Habitac~on or Dwellinge of suche a p~son as heretofore hathe bene assessed to or for the Subsidie to her Majestie at Fyve Poundes in Goodes or Thre Pound~ in Landes , at the Subsidie next before such Devision , or by twoe Justices of Peace next adjoy~ing , by Writinge under their Handes and Seales to be p~sented at the next Quarter Sessions , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought fytt and able to be assessed in the Subsidie according to that Rate ; upon payne to forfeyte for everie suche Offence , yf any other p~son under that value shall inhabite suche House , the some of Fyve Poundes for everie Moneth ; to be paide by that p~son that shall p~mytt the House devided to be inhabited . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,852.7) And be it enacted also , That everie p~son being not of suche value w=ch= shall herafter dwell or inhabite in anye suche House so to be newe builded converted or devided as aforesaide , shall forfeyte for everie Moneth that he or she shall dwell or inhabite in the same , the some of Fyve Poundes . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,852.8) And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaide , That noe p~son or p~sons inhabitinge & dwelling within the Citties and Places aforesaide , shall after Twentie Daies next ensuynge this Session of Parliament , receyve or take into his or their House or Houses any Inmate or Undersitter or Inmates or Undersitters ; upon payne to forfeyte for everie monethe that he she or they shall have & kepe or willinglie suffer in his her or their House or Houses anye suche Inmate or Undersitter , cont=a=rie to the true meaninge of this Acte , the some of Fyve Poundes as is aforesaide : Provided , That this Braunche of this Acte , or any thinge therin conteyned , shall not extend to any p~son or p~sons for takinge or receyvinge into his her or their House or Houses any p~son or p~sons w=ch= is or $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} assessed in the Subsidie at Fyve Poundes in Goodes or Thre Poundes in Landes or Fees , or $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} thought able and fytt to paye suche a Rate in Subsidie as is aforesaide . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,852.9) And Whereas div~se Comons Waste Groundes and Great Fieldes nere adjoyninge to the Citties aforesaid w=ch= have bene heretofore used for trayninge and musteringe of Souldiors , and for recreac~on comforte & health of the People inhabitinge the saide Citties and Places , and for the use and ex~cise of Archerie , have of late yeres bene inclosed and converted into sev~alties and to other private uses : Be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaide , That it shall not be laufull to any p~son or p~sons to inclose or take in any parte of the Co~mons or Waste Groundes scituate lienge or beinge within thre Myles of any of the Gates of the saide Cittie of London , nor to sever or devide by any Hedge Ditche Pale or otherwise , anye of the saide Fieldes lyinge within thre Myles of any of the Gates of the saide Cittie of London as aforesaide , to the let or hindraunce of the traynyng or musteringe of Souldiors or of walkinge for recreac~on comforte and health of her Majesties People , or of the laudable ex~cise of shotinge where there hathe bene usuall ex~cise of shotinge and Mark~ have bene there sett ; upon payne to forfeyt for everie Moneth that he or they or any of them shall kepe anye parte of the saide Co~mons or Waste Groundes inclosed or taken in for everie suche Inclosure , Five Poundes , and for ev~ye Moneth that he or they shall kepe anye parte of anye of the same Fieldes severed or devided for everie suche Offence Fyve Poundes : The one moytie of all w=ch= Paynes Penalties and so~mes of Money to be forfeyted by vertue of this Acte $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the Churchewardens of all and ev~ye Parishe and Parishes where the sev~all Offenc~ $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mitted , to be ymployed by them , withe Consent of the more parte of the Parisheners beinge Householders , to the use of the Pore of the Parishe or Parishes , and thother moytie to him or them that will sue for the same by Acc~on of Debte Bill Playnte or Informac~on in any of the Quenes Majesties Court~ of Recorde , in w=ch= Sute noe Essoyne Protecc~on Writt of Priviledge or Wager of Lawe $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} admytted or allowed . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.10) And for the better Relief of the Pore in sev~all Parishes where any of the Offenc~ aforesaide $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mytted , Be it also enacted , That the Churchewardens of ev~ye sev~all Parishe if they shall not be herin Offendors where anye of the Offences aforesaide $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mytted , and if they be Offendors then the Curate of the Parishe withe twoe other honeste men of the same Parishe being Housholders , shall have full power and aucthoritie by vertue of this Acte to enter into all and everie House and Houses and other place and places where anye Offence $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} co~mytted againste the true meaning of this Acte , and there to distreyne for the moytie of all and everie suche so~me and so~mes of Money as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} forfeyted by vertue of this Acte , and the Distresse and Distresses to deteyne untill suche moytie of the so~me and so~mes of Money so to be forfeyted $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} trulie satisfied and payed accordinge to the true intent and meaninge hereof . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.11) Provided alwaies , That this Acte or any thinge therin conteyned shall not extend to take awaye p~judice or impeache anye good Usag~ or Customes , heretofore used in the Citties of London and Westm~ or eyther of them , for the reformynge or punyshinge any of Offenc~ aforesaide ; nor to any Lorde or Lordes havinge lib~tie to kepe a Leete for punyshinge of any Thoffenc~ afore mencioned within the Jurisdicc~on of his Leete , as they might have done before this Statute . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.12) Provided also , That notwithstanding any thinge in this Acte conteyned it shall and maye be laufull for ev~ye suche Marriner Sayler or Shipwright , as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed by the Lorde Admyrall and the Masters and Companye of Trinitye House for the tyme beinge in Writing under their Handes & Seales , to contynue his Habitac~on in any House that hath bene buylte sithen the saide P~clamac~on nere to the Thames syde , serving onelie for the Habitac~on of suche Marriner Sayler or Shipwright , and not to be used for any Victuallinge House , nor for any Storehouse for anye Merchaundise , savinge suche as shall apperteyne to the arminge or apparellinge of Shippes ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.13) And likewise that anye Marriner Sailor or Shipwright maie hereafter builde any House , for suche purpose and for no other , on or nere the Thames side , so as it be distant from the verie Wharfe or Bancke thirtie Foote , soe as people may passe betwixte the saide Houses and the saide Banke and the Thames ; And soe as in the newe building therof ev~ye House hereafter to be builded maie be distant from any other House above twentie Foote to avoide casualtie of Fier , and soe as also that there be noe newe Landinge place or Staires made to take upp and laye to Lande , or to laye from Lande in any Boate or Shippe , anye Wares or m~chaundizes . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.14) And to avoide Doubt~ that maie arise by reason of this Acte , Be it further enacted and declared by thauctoritie aforesaide , That two Justic~ of Peace inhabiting next to any of the Houses or Ten~t~ aforesaide , shall have full Power by vertue of this Acte , to decyde and determyne whether ev~ye p~ticuler House or Ten~te before mencioned be sufficient and convenient for Habitac~on of a man assessed or fytt to be assessed to the Subsidie for her Majestie at Fyve Poundes in Goodes or Thre Pound~ in Landes ; and whether the Inhabitante in any such House or Ten~te be of value or substance to be assessed in the Subsidie accordinge to the Rates aforesaid ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.15) And that a Myle $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} reckoned and taken in this manner and noe otherwise , (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.16) That is to saye , a Myle to conteyne Eight Furlong~ , (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.17) and everie Furlonge to conteyne Fortie Lugg~ or Poles , (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.18) and ev~y Lugg or Pole to conteyne Sixtene Foote and Halfe . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.19) Be it further enacted , That for avoidinge of colorable contynuyng of Inmates againste thintenc~on of this Acte by p~tence of any Leases or States made to them , the saide Inmat~ p~tending anye Leases shall {COM:sic} at the next Leete or Courte to be helde in the Mannor or Place where the Houses inhabited by Inmat~ are scituate , shall {COM:sic} p~duce his or her Lease , and therof make good proofe before the Stewarde of the Leete or Courte and the Jurie , w=ch= if he shall not doe then the said Inmate to be forthwith removed as above is mencioned . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.20) This Acte to endure for seaven yeres , and afterward~ untill thend of the Session of Parliament then next ensuynge . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,853.21) CHAPTER VIII . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,857.24) AN ACTE AGAINSTE DECEITFULL MAKING OF CORDAGE . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,857.25) Forasmuch as ys founde by co~men Experience that sundrie p~sons usinge the Trade of making Cables Halsers and other kinde of Cordage within this Realme , have of late for their private lucre and gayne used to make the same of oulde caste and overworne Cables Halsors and Cordage ; and yet have craftelye and deceytfullie uttered and soulde the same , beinge tarred , as newe good and stronge , & as made of newe and p~fecte stuffe , coveringe and hydinge the false and corrupte makinge thereof by tarringe of $them $before {TEXT:thembefore} the same putt to sale , by reason whereof not onely div~se Shippes Vesselles & Goodes aswell of her Majesties as of sundrie her Highnes Subjectes , but also the Lyves of div~se of her saide Subjectes have bene loste p~ished and caste awaye : For Remedy thereof , and for the avoydinge of suche great losses inconveniences and daungers as myghte otherwise hereafter ensue , by suche corrupte false and deceytfull makinge of Cables Halsers and other Cordage as ys aforesaide , Be it enacted by the Quenes most Excellent Majestie the Lordes Sp~uall & Temporall and the Co~mons in this p~sent Parliament assembled , and by the Authoritie of the same , That yf any p~son or p~sons shall after Fortie daies next after the ende of this Session of Parliament , make or cause to be made any Cables of any olde and overworn Stuffe w=ch= shall conteyne above seaven ynches in compasse , Then everie p~son soe offendinge shall forfeyte and lose fower tymes the value of everie suche Cable so by him or her made or cause to be made as ys aforesaide ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,857.27) And if any p~son or p~sons after the saide Fortie dayes next after thend of this Session of Parliament shall tarre or cause to be tarred any Halsers or other Cordage made within this Realme of suche olde and overworn Stuffe as aforesaide , beinge of lesser Assise and not conteyni~ge in compasse seaven ynches , and shall after by waye of retayle sell or put to sale , or cause to be solde or put to sale , the same beinge so tarred , that everie p~son soe offendinge shall forfeite and lose the treble value of ev~ye Cable Halser and other Cordage beinge of lesser Assise , and made of suche olde and overworn Stuffe as is aforesaide , whiche $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} so soulde or putt to sale beinge tarred as aforesaide ; the one moytie of all whiche Forfeytures $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the Quenes Majestie her Heires and Successors , and the other moytie to suche p~son or p~sons as will sue for the same by Acc~on of Debte Bill Playnte or Informac~on , wherein noe Essoyne P~tecc~on or Wager of Lawe shall be allowed : (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,857.28) And Furthermore , That everie p~son w=ch= shall in any wise offende againste the tenor and meaninge of this Acte , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} ymprisoned for the same duringe her Majesties pleasure . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,857.29) CHAPTER IX . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,857.31) AN ACTE TOUCHINGE BREDTH OF CLOTHES . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,857.32) Whereas in the Parliament holden at Westm~ in the fyfte and sixt yeres of the Raigne of our late Soveraigne Lorde Kinge Edwarde the Sixte , one Statute was made , intituled An Acte for the true makinge of Wollen Clothe , wherebie amonge other thing~ it was inacted , That all broade Plunckett~ Azures Blewes and other coloured Clothe w=ch= after the Feast of S=t= Michaell the Archaungell then next ensuynge shoulde be made within the Shires of Wiltshire Glowcester or Som~sett , or elswhere of like makinge , shoulde conteyne in lenghe , beinge thoroughe wett , betwixte fyve and twentye and eight and twentye yardes , yearde and ynche of the Rule , and shoulde be seaven quarters within the List~ at the leaste , and lysted accordinge to the auncient Custome , and beinge well scowred thicked mylled and fullie dried , shoulde weighte threscore and eight pounde the peece at the least , as by the saide Acte amonge div~se Clauses Articles and P~visions conteyned in the same more playnelie is exp~ssed ; sithence the makinge of w=ch= saide Statute , althoughe the makers of the said coloured Clothes have endevoured themselves accordinge to their best skill and industrie to p~forme and fulfill the saide recited Statute in everie of their Clothes asmuche as in them did lye , as touchinge the bredthe of Clothes , and to thend & purpose have allowed and doe allowe so muche Yearne and Stuffe to ev~y suche Clothe as myght sufficientlie serve to make all the saide coloured Clothes full out in lenghe bredthe and weight accordinge to the saide Statute made in the fyfte and sixt yeres of Kinge Edwarde the Sixt ; Yet notwithstandinge manye tymes by reason of the div~se natures in the Woolles , and by the greate div~sities in the spynnynge cardinge and myllinge , manye of the saide coloured Clothes made within the saide Countie of Som~sett , and elswhere of like makinge , doe not conteyne full seaven quarters in bredthe , accordinge to the saide Statute made in the fifte and sixt yeres of Kinge Edwarde the Sixte , and yet noe defaulte touchinge the saide bredthe can justlie be imputed to the maker therof , for that the saide Clothmakers , as Experience daylie sheweth , $can $not {TEXT:cannot} observe the saide former Statute in all the saide Clothes , as touchinge the bredthe , althoughe they indevor themselves never so muche thereunto ; w=ch= Clothes not conteyninge their full Assize in bredthe as is aforesaid , are many tymes taken & seised by the serchers of London when they come to their Markett at Blackwell Hall , to the great losse and damage of the saide Clothemakers , and to the great hindraunce of Clothe makinge within the saide Countye : In Considerac~on whereof , albeyt it is not hereby intended to repeale or make voide the saide former recited Statute otherwise then ys hereafter exp~ssed , yet nevertheles be it enacted by the Quenes most Excellent Majestie withe Thassent of the Lordes Sp~uall and Temporall and the Co~mons of this p~sent Parliament assembled , and by the Authoritie of the same , That noe p~son or p~sons $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} hereafter chardged for any suche defaulte w=ch= hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in any of the saide broade Plunkett~ Azures Blewes or other coloured Clothes , for want of bredthe of seaven quarters , so that the same Clothe doe conteyne in bredthe , beinge throughlie wett , sixe quarters and an halfe at the least within the List~ unwrought and lysted accordinge to the auncient Custome ; Any Thinge in the saide former recited Statute mencioned to the cont=a=rie in anye wise notwithstandinge . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.34) Provided alwaies and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaide , That if any of the saide Clothes shall not conteyne Sixe Quarters and a Halfe at the leaste within the List~ as is aforesaide , that then ev~y p~son offendinge in that behalfe shall for everie suche Clothe be subjecte to suche Paynes Penalties and Forfeytures as were , by force of the former recited Statute of the Fyfte and Sixte yeres of Kinge Edwarde the Sixte , to have bene forfeyted for want of Bredthe of Seaven Quarters within the List~ . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.35) And be it nevertheles inacted by thaucthoritie aforesaide , That if anye of the saide brode Plunckett~ Azures Blewes or other coloured Clothes , beinge well scowred thicked mylled and fullie dried , shall conteyn in weight any lesse then threscore and eight poundes at the leste , that then everie of the saide Clothiers therin offendinge shall incurr doble suche Penaltyes and Forfeytures , for everie Pounde soe wantinge of the saide Weight , and not weyinge after suche rate as ys before exp~ssed in and by the saide Statute made in the Fyfte and Sixt yeres of Kinge Edwarde the Sixte , ys lymitted and appoynted . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.36) And be it nevertheles enacted by the authoritie aforesaide , That if anye of the Clothes to be made w=th=in the Countie of Som~sett , or elswhere of lyke makinge , called Plunkett~ Azures and Blewes , beinge well scowred thicked mylled and fullie dried , shall conteyne in Weighte anye lesse then threscore and eight poundes at the least , or yf any of the saide Clothes shall conteyne in Lengh~e any more then xxvij=tie= yeardes at the most , that then ev~y of the same Clothyers therin offendinge shall incurr double suche Penaltyes and Forfeytures for ev~y pounde so wantinge , as by the saide Statute of the Fyfte and Sixte yeres of the Raigne of Kinge Edwarde the Sixte , are to suche Default~ lymitted and appoynted ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.37) And for ev~y yarde that anye suche Clothe shall conteyne above xxvij=tie= yard~ in Lengthe , and not weyinge after suche rate as ys before expressed , the Maker of everie suche Clothe shall incurre dowble the Penalties bye the Statute of the Fowrthe and Fyfte yeres of the Reignes of Kinge Philipp & Quene Marie to suche Default~ lymitted and appoynted . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.38) CHAPTER X . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.40) AN ACTE TO REFORME ABUSES IN CLOTHES . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.41) In theire moste humble and dutyfull wise shewen and beseechen your Highnes your true and faithfull Subject~ the Clothiers Merchaunt~ and Chapmen of your Countie of Devon and of the Counties adjoyninge , That where in the Moneth of Januarie in the fower and thirtieth yere of your Majesties most happie Raigne , aswell at the humble Suyte and Petic~on of sundrie your saide Subjectes , as upon c~tificate of div~se Justices in your Highnes saide Countie of Devon , and uppon Complaynte of the States of Hollande , It pleased your Highnes , with thadvise of your most Honorable Privie Counsell , by your Highnes P~clamac~on , for the Reformac~on of thinsufficiencies growen in the Clothes called Devonshire Kersies or Dozens , a Co~modity heretofore in great Request Priese and Estimac~on bothe amongest your naturall Subject~ and in forreyn Nacions and Countries , but of late marvailouslie and not without occasion discredited by the Invenc~ons and newe Devises of the Weavers Tuckers and Artificers , to co~maunde that the Lawes before that tyme made and standinge in force not repealed for and concerninge the p~misses , shoulde be duely accomplished in all Thing~ ; and that everie Officer shoulde diligentlie p~forme his Office accordinglie , and that the weight of the saide Kersies or Dozens beinge rawe , and wroughte with clean Stuffe without any deceitfull Addic~on shoulde weigh fyftene pound~ and conteyne in the Markett at the least betwene fiftene and sixtene yardes in Lengh~e , and that the same shoulde be sewantly woven throughout of like sorted Yarne , forbiddinge all other Deceipt~ in Weaving , and all dymynishinge and unreasonable drawinge stretchinge and other Deceipt~ in Tuckers ; And that eche Weaver shoulde weave his Shopm~ke in eche Dozen , and a Purrell in eche ende thereof , and that Officers shoulde be appoynted in Markett Townes to viewe weighe and trie the same Kersies whether they were in Lengh~e Weight or Goodnes , according to the rate and p~porc~on set forthe in the same P~clamac~on ; the same P~clamac~on to endure till the firste daye of this p~sent Parliament , as by the same more at large maye appere : (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.43) Nowe moste gracious Soveraigne , Forasmuche as by the saide P~clamac~on greate order and better makinge of the saide Clothes for Weight and Lengh~e thereof hathe ensued , and to thend that hereafter further Discoverie and Restrainte of all Abuses and Deceipt~ cont=a=rie to the former Lawes and Statut~ of this Realme may be p~vided for , to the revivinge of the Reputac~on of so good p~fitable and necessarie a Co~moditie ; It may please your Majestie with thassent of the Lordes Sp~uall and Temporall and the whole Co~monaltie assembled in this p~sent Parliament and by thaucthoritie of the same , That it maye be enacted and established as followeth ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,858.44) That is to saye , That from and after the firste daye of Julye nowe next co~myng , eyche Kersey called Devonshire Kersey or Dozen w=ch= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made and woven within the saide Countie of Devon , or any other Countie next adjoyninge therunto , beinge rawe unscowred untucked & unwett as yt cometh from the Weavers Beame , and beinge made of cleane and p~fecte Stuffe , That is to witt of Woolle shorne clensed and throughlye wasshed or scowred after the shearinge and before the weavinge , without anye Fraude Deceipte Pollicie or Devise , or any Stuffe thereunto deceytfullye or unlaufullye added , in the workinge or after the workinge thereof , for the increase of the Weight , shall weighe in the Markett fyftene poundes or upward~ ; And that from and after the saide first day of Julye ev~ye rawe Devonshire Kersey or Dozen from thenceforth to be woven and made in the saide Countie of Devon , or anye of the other Counties adjoyninge , beinge a rudge washe Kersey , that is to saye , beinge made of Fleece Wooll wasshed only on the Sheepes Back~ , and the Wooll not beinge clensed washed and scowred after it is shorne and before it is woven , shall without any Fraude Deceipte Pollicie Device or Addic~on of Stuffe whatsoever to increase the Weighte thereof weighe in the Markett seventene poundes at the least beinge rawe as it cometh of the Weavers Beame ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.45) And eiche and everie of the same Devonshire Kersies or Dozens so being rawe and as it cometh forthe of the Weavers Loome , without rackinge stretching streyning or other Devise to increase the Lengh therof , shall conteyne in Lengthe betwene Fiftene and Sixtene yeardes by the measure of yearde and ynche by the Rule , without w=ch= Observac~on of Weight beinge rawe , they $can $not {TEXT:cannot} fall out , after they be well scowred thicked and fullie dried , to conteyne the lengthe and weight exp~ssed and lymitted in the Statute of the fourth and fyveth yeres of Phillipp and Marie , viz. Twelve yerdes in lengh~e and Twelve pound~ in Weight , as hathe bene sufficientlie made knowen and testified to your Highnes saide Privie Counsell before the saide P~clamac~on : (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.46) And yf any Weaver shall worke or make any of the saide kindes of Kersies of lesse Weight or Measure then ys before mencioned after their kinde , everie suche Offendor shall forfeite for ever~ quarter of a pounde in Weight w=ch= anye of the saide rawe Kersies or Dozens w=ch= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} broughte to any Markett or soulde or offered to be soulde , shall want of their Weight aforesaide , Twelve pence , and for everie quarter of a yarde w=ch= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} wantinge in lengh~e of either sorte of the saide Kersies likewise beinge soulde or offerred to be soulde , Twelve pence ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.47) And that eche sorte of the saide Kersyes or Dozens $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} sewantly woven throughout of well and like sorted yarne , and that no Weaver shall use any div~sitie in the bignes or goodnes of his yearne in any parte of the saide Kersies , savinge onelye in the Lyst~ , nor use anye other practise in edginge or weavinge of any the same Kersies or Dozens , to make the same seme fyner nere the Edge or Liste then in other parte of the same Clothe . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.48) And that it maye be further Inacted by the authoritie aforesaide , That eiche Weavor shall weave his shopm~ke of some coloured Yarne in thend of everie Kersey , w=ch= he shall hereafter weave or make , and shall also at eche end of everie of the same Kersies weave one Purrell likewise of coloured Yarne of the bredthe of Thre Quarters of an Ynche at the leaste , wherbye the deceitfull cuttinge and dymynishinge of suche Clothes by Tuckers or Fullers heretofore used , may hencforthe be p~vented ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.49) And if any Weaver shall use any Deceipte in mynglinge his Yearne , or shall omytt his shopm~ke , or shall not weave in everie Kersey Two Purrells , accordinge to the tenor of this Acte , he shall forfeyt and lose for everie Offence to the cont=a=rie , Tenne Shilling~ . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.50) And to thend that the weight and goodnes of all the saide Kersies called Dozens beinge rawe may be the better and more certenlie knowen , it may further be enacted , That noe Weaver nor any p~son whatsoever shall offer or put to sale any of the same Rawe Kersies called Dozens , before the same have bene viewed weighed and marked in some Cittie Towne Corporate or Marked Towne , and allowed by suche Officer , and marked withe suche Mark~ as $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} there in suche Cittie or Towne used and appoynted for that purpose ; upon payne to forfeyt and loose for everie Clothe soulde or offered to be soulde to the cont=a=rie , Tenne Shilling~ , thone Halfe of all w=ch= Forfeytures $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} to the use of your Highnes your Heires and Successors , and thother Halfe to the principall Officer or Magistrate of the Cittie Towne Corporate or Markett Towne next adjoyninge to the dwellinge or workinge Place of suche Weavers as shall offende in any of the p~misses , yf he the same Officer or Magistrate shall firste make Seisure therof , or els to the principall Officer of that Cittie Towne Corporate or Markett Towne where the same $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} soulde or offered to be soulde , to be recovered by Acc~on of Debte Bill Playnte Informac~on with Cost~ , in anye Courte of Recorde , wherin noe P~tection Wager of Lawe or Essoyne $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} allowed (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.51) And for the better Discoverie of the Offences aforesaide and the more p~fecte accomplisshing of the p~misses , it may be also enacted , That the principall Officer or Magistrate for the tyme beinge in everie Cittie Towne Corporate or Markett Towne of the saide Countie , or of any other of the Counties adjoyninge , where any suche Kersies called Devonshire Kersies or Dozens nowe are or hereafter $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} woven made offered or put to sale , shall everie yere from henceforthe appoynte and have in redynes at all tymes nedefull , two or more discreete p~sons w=ch= $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} speciall and knowen Officers and Searchers , w=ch= shall attend and $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} at his and their saide Office sworne , duringe his and their contynuance in the saide Office trulye to viewe weyghe & marke eiche Kerseye called a Dozen , in suche Cittie or Towne , or any of them , made soulde or offered to be soulde or put to sale , and to p~sent eche Offence or Defecte w=ch= shall there fall out cont=a=rie to the true meaninge of this Statute ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.52) everie whiche Sercher or Officer so to be hereafter appoynted for this purpose in any suche Cittie Towne Corporate or Markett Towne , shall by force of this Acte have power and authoritie to enter in the daye tyme into all Shoppes Warehouses Workehouses and other places convenient of the same Cittie or Towne where he or they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} soe appoynted , there to viewe searche and see whether any Kersey or Dozen be made soulde or offered to be soulde cont=a=rie to the true meaninge of this Acte ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.53) And also to see what Paynes Penalties and Forfeytures $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} growen due to her Majestie by any Weaver Seller or Buyer within the Lib~ties and p~cinct~ of the same Towne , takinge onlye of and for the weying and markinge of everie Kersey , a Farthinge for his paynes , and so accordinge to the nomber and noe more , w=ch= Farthinge uppon everie Kersey is to be payde by the Seller of the same Kersey ; (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.54) And if suche Serchers and Officers shall not be yerelie appointed and attendante at all tymes reasonable and convenient , or shall neglecte his or their dutyes in the true serche weighinge and markinge of the saide Kerseis , or any of them , or shall marke anye one Kersey w=ch= want~ of his weight as is aforesaide , That then and in everie suche Case the Chief Magistrate of everie suche Cittie and Towne , shall forfeyt and loose for everie suche Offence of their Sercher or Serchers Twentie Shilling~ , (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.55) and for everie Market Daye they shall wante two or one at the least of suche Serchers the so~me of Fourtie Shilling~ , to be levied as hereafter is exp~ssed . (STAT-1590-E2-H,4,859.56)