Right highe and mightie Prince , so itt is that latelie I sent unto you Rougecrosse pursevant at Armes and by him advertised yo=r= Grace that I and other , my Sovereigne Lord's subjects , were come to represse and resist your Invasions of this the Kinges my Sovereigne Lordes realme . (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,86,E.4) And for that intent I offered to give you battell on this half , Friday next coming , which my message your Grace tooke pleasure to heare as I am enformed . (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,86,E.5) And by your herauld Isley ye made answere that you were right joyeous of my desire , and would not faile to accomplishe the same and to abide me there , where you were at the tyme of my message so shewed unto your Grace . (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,86,E.6) And albeit it hathe pleased yow to change your said promise and put your self into a ground more like a fortresse or Campe then upon any indifferent ground for battel to be tryede , wherefore considering the day apointed is so nighe approching I desire now of your Grace for the accomplishment of your honorable promise yow will despose your self for yo=r= parte , like as I shall doo for myne , to be to morrowe with your host in your side of the plaine of Milfeild , in likewise as I shall doo for myne , and $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} with the subjects of my sovereign Lord on my side of the playne of the said feild to give yow battell betwixt xij. of the clock and iij. in the afternoone , upon sufficient warning by yow to be given by viij=th=. or ix of the Clock in the Morning by the said Pursevant . (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,87,E.7) And like as I and other Noblemen my company binde us by our writeing subscribed with our hands to keepe the same tyme to the intent above said : $if $'t may like your Grace by your honorable Letters subscribed with your hand to bind yo=r= Grace for the accomplishment of this desire , trusting that yow will depeach our said Pursevant immediatly , (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,87,E.8) for the long delay of so honorable a Journey wee think should sound to your dishonor . (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,87,E.9) Written in the feild in Woller haughe the 7=th=. day of September at five of the Clock in the afternoone (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,87,E.10) Thomas Surrey . Thomas Haward , Thom. Dacre , Clifford , Henerie Scroope , Ralphe Scrope , Rich. Latimer , William Conyers , J. Lomley , R. Ogle , W. Percye , E. Stanley , William Molynex , Marmaduke Constable , W. Gascoigne , W. Griffith , George Darcy , W. Bulmer , Thom. Strangwayes , &c. (THOWARD-E1-H,1.1,87,E.11)