FFYRST AT O=R= LONDYNG ATT JAFFE . (TORKINGT-E1-H,22.3) Sonday , the xij Day of Julii , that was relique Sonday , a bowt v of the Cloke at aftyr noon , we came to Jaffe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,22.5) and fell to an Ankyr in the Rode ther . (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.6) And in contynently we sent to Jherusalem ffor the ffather Warden of the mounte Syon to com and se vs conducted to Jherusalem , As the custome ys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.7) Wedynsday , the xv Day of Julii , the ffather Warden of Bedelem cam to vs with lordis of Jherusalem - (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.8) And Rama thane beyng turkys - The great Turke havyng in Dominyon All the holl londe , And in shorte tyme they concludyd what sume ower patrone should pay for o=r= tribute . (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.9) And thanne we war suffered to com on londe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.10) The same Day at iij of Cloke at aftir noon , we com on londe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.11) And as we came owt of the boott we war receyvyd by the Turkys and Sarrasyns , and put in to an old Cave by name and tale , ther Screvener ever wrytyng ower namys man by man As we entyred in the presens of the seyd lordis , (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.12) And ther we lay in the same Grotte or cave all nyght upon the stynking Stable grounde , as well nyght as Day , ryght evyll intretyd by the seyd Turkes Mames . (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.13) At this Jaffe begynnyth the holy londe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.14) and to every pylgryme at the ffyrst foote that he set on the londe ther ys grauntyd plenary remission , De Pena et a Culpa . (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.15) At thys haven Jonas the prophete toke the see , whanne he fledde from the sithe of our lord in Tharsis . (TORKINGT-E1-H,23.16) And in the same Jaff , Seynt Petir reysid ffrom Deth Tabitam , the servaunt of the Appostolis . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.18) And fast by ys the place where Seynt Petir vsyd to ffyssh , And our Savior Crist Calleyd hym and seyd , sequere me . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.19) This Jaff was Sumtyme a grett Citee , as it appereth by the Ruyne of the same , (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.20) but nowe ther standeth never an howse but oonly ij towers , And Certeyne Caves vnder the grounde . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.21) And it was oon of the fyrst Cityes of the world ffounde by Japheth , Noes sonne , (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.22) and bereth yett hys name . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.23) Thursday , the xvj Day of Julii , at iiij of the Cloke at aftyr noone , we toke 3 assis (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.24) and rode to Rama the same nyght , (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.25) And ther we war Recyvyd into Duke Philipps hospitall . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.26) And it ys callyd so be cause Duke Philipp of Burgone , byldyd it of hys grett Charitie to Receye Pylgryms therin . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.27) We ffound no thyng therin , but bar walles and bar florethes , excepte oonly a well of good ffresh watir which was myche to our Comforth . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.28) Nevtheles ther com to vs Jacobyns and other feynyd Cristen Peple of Sonndry Sectis , that browgth to vs mattes ffor our mony to lye upon , And also brede , Sodying egges and sumtyme other vetaylles as mylke Grapys , and Appyllys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.29) And ther we taryed all that nyght And ffriday all Day . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.30) A bowt ij myle from Rama ys the Towne of Lydia , wher Seynt George suffered martydom and was hedyd . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.31) And in the same Seynt Peter helyd Enea of the Palsey . (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.32) Rama ys from Jaff x myles , And from Jherusalem xxx myle , (TORKINGT-E1-H,24.33) And vpon the right honde goyng ffrom Rama to Jherusalem a bowxt xx myle ffrom Rama ys the Castell of Emaus wher ij Discpulis of our Criste knew hym in brekyng of bred aftyr his Resurrecion as it ys well knowen by the Gospell . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.34) A lytyll from thens , upon an hill called Mounte Joye , lyeth Samuell the Pphete . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.35) And a lityll ther by ys the towne of Ramathe where Samuell was born . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.36) And of thys towne was Joseph of Aramathia that awght the new Tumbe or Monyment that our Savir Crist was buryed in . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.37) And a lytyll over the myd way {HELSINKI:was} on the left honde ys the vale Terebynthy wher David overcome Goleam . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.38) ffriday , the xvij Day of Julii , a bowte vj of the Cloke att aftyr noon the Turke , compellyd vs to com owt of our hospytall at Ramys , (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.39) led vs in to the feld a myle with owt the Cetee where stondeth ij Towers , (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.40) And ther we lay in the field all night . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.41) Satirday , erley in the mornyng , we toke our Jorneyne towardys Jherusalem , (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.42) And a bowt noon we restyd vs vndernethe the Olyff trees (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.43) And ther refresshyd vs with Such mete ond wyne as we browght with vs from ower Shippe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.44) And a bowght vj or vij of the Cloke at after noon we cam to Jherusalem (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.45) and were receyvyd into the Mounte Syon , (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.46) And ther we supped , (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.47) And aftyr Supper we war lede to our hospytall callyd Sancto Jacobo , ryght in the way to the holy Sepulcre Warde . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.48) Sunday , the xix Day of Julii , we cam all to Mounte Syon to Masse , which was song ther ryght Devowtly . (TORKINGT-E1-H,25.49) And thanne $they {TEXT:the} Delyved to every Pylgryme a candyll of wax brennyng in his honde All the masse tyme , ffor which Candyll they recyvyd of every Pylgryme v gale ob . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.50) And whanne Masse was Don we went all to Dyn in the place wher we War ryght honestely svyed . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.51) And at medys of the Dyner the ffather Wardyn made a ryght holy sermon , (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.52) and shewyd ryght Devoutly the holynesse of all the blyssyd choseyn place of the holy londe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.53) And exortyd every man to cofession and repentaunce , And so to visite the seyd holy placis in clennes of lyff . And with shuch Devocion as all myghty god wold geff vnto them of hys most Speciall grace . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.54) And thys Sermon Don , the ffader warden gaff vs warnyng that every man shuld provyd mete for him self and he wold fynd vs wyne , (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.55) and so he Dede all the tyme that we war ther . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.56) And Carpetts to lay upon vs ffor the which every man pylgryme recompenssyd the seyd ffryers at ther Devocion . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.57) As for bred and othe vitallys was broght to us for ower mony by persons of Divse sects . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.58) And all way the Wardeyne of the seyd ffrers or sum of hys Brothern by hys assigment Daly accompanyd with vs Informyng And shewing vnto vs the holy places with in the holy lande . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.59) Munday , Seynt Margaretes Day , we begane ower Pylgrymage at the Mount Syon . (TORKINGT-E1-H,26.60) ffyste the place wher the Jewys wold a restyd and take a way the holy body of our blyssyd lady whanne the Apostys bar hyr to the Vale of Josaphat to be buryed . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.62) And ther by we cam in to a place wher Seynt Petir , Aftyr that he had Denyed our lord , thryse went owt of the howse of Cayphas in to a Cave and wept byttyrly , Whanne he hard the Coke crow iij=es= . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.63) The place ys callyd Gallicantus . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.64) PYLGRMAGIS IN TO THE VALE OF JOSOPHAT . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.66) And Thanne we Descendyd Downe by the Vale of Salamons temple . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.68) And fyrst we cam to Torrens Cedron , which in somer tyme ys Drye , And in wynter , and specially in lente , it ys mervelows flowyng with rage of watir that comyth with Grett violence thorow the vale of Josophat . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.69) And it renne be twyne the Citee and the Mounte of Olivete , (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.70) And it ys callyd as it ys be fore Torrens Cedron . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.71) And over the same watir seynt Eline made a brygge of stone whiche ys yett ther over . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.72) And many yers be for the passion of Crist , $there {TEXT:the} lay over the same watir a tree , ffor a foote bryge , wheroff the holy Crosse was aftyr wardes made . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.73) This seying Quene Saba , by the spirite of prophecie , whanne she passyd that wey she wold nott trede thervpon , (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.74) but wadyd thorow the watir . Seying that the Savyor of all the world shuld suffre hys Deth vpon that Tree , (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.75) Ther is clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.76) And thus Descendyd we come to the botome of the Vale of Josophat (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.77) and begynnyth the Vale of Siloe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.78) And they both be but on vale , (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.79) but the name Chaungeth . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.80) And att the bygynyng of thys Vale ys a fayer Tombe in the maner of a tower substancially made , Wherin as ys sayd Absolon ys buryed . (TORKINGT-E1-H,27.81) And so ever ony Sarazin comyth by that Sepulcre he cast a stonne ther att with grett violence and Dispite , by cause the seyd Absolon pursued hys father , king David , and cause hym to flee . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.82) And sum other men Say it ys the sepulcre of Josophat , And that the Vale take the name of the seyd Josophat . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.83) Nott far from thys place ys the myddys of the vale of Josophate , wher ys a very fayer churche in the kepyng and handys of the Sarazyns , wherin we Descendid in to a wonde ffayer vawght by xlviii grees . Wher ys the holy Tombe of our blyssyd lady , wher she was buryed by the Apostoles , And aftyr that Assumpte in to hevyn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.84) And ther ys clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.85) PYLGRYMAGES AT THE MOUNTE OF OLIVETE . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.87) Departyng owt of thys forseyd churche of ower lady , we Came to the fote of the Mounte of Olyvete , (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.89) And a lytyll Ascendyng we came to the place vnder an holow Roke , wher our savyor preying fell in such an Agony that he Swete watir and blode That the Droppes ffell in grett plenty from hys eyne to the erthe , seying , Pater si possibile est vt transseat a me calix iste verumtamen , non sicut ego volo sed sicut tu vis ffiat voluntas tua . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.90) Clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.91) Ther is Also the stone wher vpon the Aungell stod comfortyng hym the same tyme . (TORKINGT-E1-H,28.92) ffrom thens Descendyng a stonys Cast we came to the place wher our savyor Crist left Petir , Jamis , and John . (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.93) Sedete hic Donec vadam illuc et orem . vigilate et orate . (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.94) ffrom thens we assendyd in to the place wher as Seynt Thomas the Apostill receyved the Gyrdyll of our lady whanne she was Assumpte . (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.95) ffrom thense we entred in to the gardeyn (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.96) and visited the place wher our savyor was takyn and where Seynt Petir Stroke of Malcus eere . (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.97) And therby ys the place shewyd by a token of a ston wher Judas be trayed our Savyor to the Jewys with a kysse , And wher the Jewis fell bakward , when Crist seyd , Quem queritis , Illi autem Dixerunt Jhm nazarenum . (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.98) And yet we ascendid mor (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.99) and came to the place wher ower Savyor Crist seying and beholdyng the Citie of Jherusalem vpon Palme of {COM:sic} Sonnday wepte vpon seing , (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.100) Si cognovisses et tu , S. fleres , etc. (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.101) ffrom thens we Ascendid mor hyer (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.102) and come to a place wher the Aungell of ower lord browght a palm vnto our blyssyd lady shewying vnto hyr the Day of hyr Dethe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.103) Also thanne we cam to the place wher our blyssyd lady Dede reste hyr many tymes ffor werynesse whanne she went pylgrmagis aftyr the passion of our lorde , And also hys assencion . Also wher the Postyllys made Crede of ower feyth . (TORKINGT-E1-H,29.104) Also a lityll thense ys the place wher ower Savyor Crist taught hys Discipulis to pray , Seying Cum oratis ita Dicite Pater noster . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.105) Thanne next we went vnto the hyethe and tope of thys seyd Mounte of Olivete , wher we founde an olde Chirche with ine the whiche Chrche ys a fayer Tower xiij Sqware , (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.106) And on the on Syde ys a Dore , (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.107) And in the myddys of the Tower ys the place wher our blyssyd Savyor Crist Jhu ascendid vnto hevyn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.108) Videntibus illis , etc. (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.109) In the same Tower ys the ston vpon the whiche ower Savyor stonding ascendid in to hevyn , in the whiche stone The prynte Of hys holy foote yett appere , And specially of the ryght foote . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.110) Ther ys clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.111) And from thense we Ascendid a lytyll (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.112) And come to a nother tower Callyd Galilee (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.113) and that ys the Place of the whiche the Aungell shewyng the resurrection of our Savyor , seyd to ys Discipulis , Precedet vos in Galileam ibi eum videbitis sicut predixit vobis . Accordyng to the promyse of our Savyor made a for hys passion , whanne he seyd Postquam Resurrexero precedam vos in Galileam . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.114) That ys for to sey into the seyd Place Callyd Galilee . And not in to the Region of Galilee whiche ys ffer from thys place . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.115) And whanne we war on the mounte of Olivete we myghte se pfyghtly , Vpon the Golden gate of the temple of Salomon , of whiche gate o=r= lord rode in on Palme Sonnday . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.116) But no Cristen man ys not suffered for to come ny it . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.117) Neverthelesse to them that with Devocion behold it a ffar ys grauntyd clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,30.118) Thanne we Descendyng the same way that ower lorde rode vpon palme Sonnday , (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.120) And cam to the Place wher the Chyldern of Israell brake braunches of Olyff trees and kest in the way a ffor ower Savyor whanne he rode on hys Asse towards Jherusalem , (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.121) And they songe , Osanna Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.122) And thanne be the ledyng and conductyng of ower seyd gydes we decenddid in to the Vale of Josophat , but not the same wey we went owte warde . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.123) Ther we Ascendid vp to the gate of the Citee callyd Seynt Stevyns gate , (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.124) ffor ther ys the Place wher Seynt Stephen was stoyned to Deth , And wher Saule stod and kepte hys clothes with in Jherusalem . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.125) And a non we entred in att the forseyd gate , (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.126) and on the left hande with in the gate ys Probatica Piscina vnder the wale of the Temple of Salomon , in the whiche Place ower lord shewyd many Miraclis as it ys well knowen by the Gospell . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.127) ffrom thence we went to the howse wher the Synnys of Mary Mawdleyn war for govyn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.128) Therby ys an other howse that sumtyme was a fayer Churche of Seynt Anne . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.129) But now the Sarrasyns have made ther of a muskey , that is for to sey ther Temple . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.130) And that ys the self Place that was Seynt Annes howse . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.131) And ther She Deyed . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.132) And in a vawght vnderneth ys the very self Place wher our blyssyd lady was born . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.133) And ther ys Plenarie Remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,31.134) The stonys of that Place wher ower lady was born ys remedi and consolacion to women that Travell of Chylde . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.136) ffrom thense we went to the howse of Herode , that ys on the left hande of Pylates howse . And stondyth heyer vpon the ffronte of the hyll . In to the whiche howse ower Savyor was presentyd vnto herodes by Pylates sendyng acusyd by the Jewys (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.137) neverthelesse . The seyd herode Clothed hym in a white Garment (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.138) and sent hym agen to Pilate , Et facti sunt Amici herodes et Pilatus in illo Die , etc. (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.139) And ij howses of Pilate and Herode be yet now the fayrest howses in Jherusalem , and specially the howse of king Herode . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.140) Item . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.141) As we passyd by the strete ther stondeth An arche $on {TEXT:ov} the way , vpon the which stondyth ij large whitht stonys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.142) Vpon the oon of them our Savyor stode whanne he was jugede to Deth , (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.143) And on the other stone stode Pylate whanne he gaff Sentence that he shuld be Crucyfyed . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.144) The next place that we cam ys wher ower blyssyd lady stode whanne she mette with hyr Der sonne beryng his Crosse , wher for over myche Sorow and Dolor of harte She Sodenly fell in to a sowne and forgetfullnesse of hyr mynde , (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.145) and thys holy Place ys callyd Sancta Maria De Spasimo . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.146) Seynt Elyne byldyd a chirche ther , (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.147) but yt ys Downe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.148) And the Sarrazins have often attempted to bylde ther , (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.149) but ther edifying wold not stonde in no wyse . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.150) Item , the next place ys wher the Jewes Constrayned Symeon Cirenen , commyng from the Towne , to take the Crosse and ber it aftyr our Savyor Criste . (TORKINGT-E1-H,32.151) And from thense we went to a place callyd Bivium , that ys as myche for to sey as a Crosse strete or a Crosse wey , wher the women of Jherusalem stod and Sorowfully wepte whanne our lord was lede to hys Deth , To whom he seyd wepe ye nott vpon me ye Doughters of Jherusalem , (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.153) But wepe ye vpon yower self and vpon yower Chyldern . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.154) And from thense we went to the howse of Dives Epulonis qui Sepultus est in Inferno . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.155) And fyrst , as our wey lay , we cam to the howse of Veronica , whych ys from the howse of Pilate vcl pace , wher as our blyssid Savyor impressyd the ymage of hys fface in hyr wymple whiche ys at Rome . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.156) And it ys callyd ther the Vernacle . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.157) And so we visited all the long wey by which our Savyor Criste was lede from the howse of Pilate vnto the place of hys Crucifying . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.158) And also we passyd by the gate of the Temple of the holy Sepulcre , (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.159) and in ower wey homward we cam to the Chirche that the Jacobyns hold . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.160) In the chirche syd ys a lytyll Chapell in the whiche Chapell Seynt Jamis the mor was hedyd by king herode . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.161) Also therby ys the place wher our lord Criste aftyr hys Resurrecion apperyd To mary Mawdleyn and to other Devowte women in the hye wey as they com from hys Sepulcre , wher he seyd on to them . Avete , (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.162) And ther with they com ner hym , Et tenuerunt pedes eius . (TORKINGT-E1-H,33.163) And all theses Stacions thus visited the Day of Seynt Margarete afore rehersyd . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.165) We returnyd to the Mounte Syon to reffressh us (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.166) and ther restyd us for a Certeyn tyme . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.167) PYLGRIMAGE OF THE MOWNTE SYON . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.169) A lityll from the Movnte Syon , The Chirche of the Aungellis , wher sumtyme was the howse of Annas the Busshope , in to the which our Savior Criste was ffyrst lede ffrom the Mownte of Olivete , wher he sufferyd many Iniuris . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.171) And specially ther he toke a buffet of on of the busshopps servaunts , Seying , Sic respondes Pontifici . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.172) ffrom thense we went to a Chirche of Seynt Savior , wher sum tyme stod the grett hous of Chayphas wher our blyssyd Savior was scornyd , hys face Coverd and bobbyd , And most grevowsly betyn (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.173) and ther sufferyd many afflicions all that nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.174) Ther ys allso a lytyll cave at the Auters ende wher they shette hym ynne tyll the Jewys had taken ther counsell and Determynyd what they wold Do with hym . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.175) And it ys yett callyd Carcer Dni . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.176) Ther ys also in the same place the moste parte of the grett stonne that the Aungell as we rede Removyd ffrom the Dor of the Sepulcre . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.177) And it is now the stone of the hye auter in the same Churche . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.178) And the other parte of the Same stone lith yett beffore the Sepulcre Dore . (TORKINGT-E1-H,34.179) And ther with owt the Door in the Courte , on the left honde , ys a tree with many stonys a bowght it , wher the ministres of the Jewys and Seynt Petir with them warmyd them by the ffyer . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.180) And goyng owt of the same Courte , in the hygh wey on the ryght honde , in a Corner , ys astone wher our blyssyd lady stode whanne Petir went owt Sore wepyng . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.181) And hys wepying was so myche that he cowd not geff hyr non Answer whanne she inquired of hyr Swete sonne . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.182) And ther she Desyrows to know of hyr sonne , Most Sorrowfull a bode tyll in the mornyng That She saw them lede hym bownde to the howse of Pilate , whethir she most Sorowfully folowyd hym . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.183) A lityll from thys Chirche ther appeareth a Ruyne of an old falyn Chirche wher thys most glorius virgine , aftyr the Deth of our Savyor hyr sonne , Dwellyd and bode most devowtly by the space of xiiij yerys vn to the Day of hyr Assumption . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.184) And ther ys clene remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.185) Ther by ys the place and a stone lying wher our blyssyd lady Died and assumptyd In to hevyn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.186) Ther ys clene Remission . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.187) Ther by Also ys a parte of a stone upon the whych Seynt John Evngeliste sayd often Masse be fore that blyssyd lady as her Chapleyn aftyr the assencion of ower lorde . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.188) Ther ys Also the place shewyd by a stonne whiche ys a yard of hight , wher Seynt Mathe was Chosyn in to the Nowmber of the Apostolys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.189) ffrom thens going in to the Mownte Syon , fast by the Chirche , ys the place wher our blyssyd lady vsyd to sey hyr most Devowte Prayers and Dayly Devowte Devocions at the Assencon of our lord and be for . (TORKINGT-E1-H,35.190) Also therby be ij stonys , (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.192) upon oon of them ower Savyr Criste vsed to sitt and preche to hys Discipls , (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.193) And upon the other satt hys blyssed mother heryng hys seyd prechynges . (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.194) Under the Chirche of the seyd Syon ys the Sepulcre or byryall of prophets and kyngs of Israell . As David , Salomon , Roboas Abias , Asa , Jeconias , Sedechias , with many moo . (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.195) In thys Sepultur ys no Cristen man suffred to entre , (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.196) ffor the Sarrazins kepte that Place in grett revence (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.197) and worshippe it ryght myche in ther maner , (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.198) and have made ther of ther muskey . That ys for to sey ther Chirche or Chapell . (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.199) Ther by ys the place wher Seynt Stevin the ij=de= tyme Seynt Gamaliell , Seint Poules techer , Abbibas his sonne , And Nichodem war buryed . (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.200) Also therby ys the place wher the Pascall lambe was rostyd , etc. And wher the watir was hett to wassh the ffete of Cristis Discipulis . (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.201) And Ther fast by ys the Place wher kyng David Dyd penaunce , and made the vij Psalmys for the sleyng of Vrye , whom he put in the forh frontt of the batell porposly to have hym slayne to the entent that he myght the mor at liberte vse hys wyff whom he kept in advoutre . (TORKINGT-E1-H,36.202) PYLGRYMAGE TO Y=E= MOWNTIS OF JUDE . (TORKINGT-E1-H,50.205) A bowte ij of the cloke at Aftyr none , we toke our assis at Bethelem , (TORKINGT-E1-H,50.207) ffyrst we come to the Sepulcre of the vij prophetis . (TORKINGT-E1-H,50.208) Ther ys also the place wher David Slew Golyas . (TORKINGT-E1-H,51.210) And from thense we com to the howse of Zacharie , in the Mowntayns of Jude whych ys v myle from Bethelem , and v from Jherusalem , in to the whiche howse of zacharie , aftyr the salutacon of the Aungell , and the conception of Crist , The most blyssyd virgine goyyng in to the Mowntaynes with grett spede , entred and salutyd Elisabeth , and mad thys Swete song , Magnificat anima mea Dmn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,51.211) And ther by was sumtyme a Chirche that nowe ys fallyn , $where $is {TEXT:wherys} the place wher zacharie fulfyllyd with the holy gost prophesyd , Saying , Benedictus Dns Deus Israll , And wher he askyd pene and ynke , and wrotte hys sonne , Johes est nomen eius . (TORKINGT-E1-H,51.212) Thanne next aftyr we come to the howse of Symyonis Justi et Timorati , the whiche recevyd Criste in hys Armys , whanne he was presentyd in to the temple , seying , Nunc Dimittis Dne svu. tuu. (TORKINGT-E1-H,51.213) In ower way home wardys , ij myle from Jherusalem , we com vnto a cloyster of Grekkys monkes , whose chyrche ys of the holy crosse , etc. , (TORKINGT-E1-H,51.214) ther as the hye auter of the same Chirche stondeth , ys the place wher the tree grew that the holy Crosse was made . (TORKINGT-E1-H,51.215) And ther by ys Salomons archezard , whyche ys yett a Dilectable place . (TORKINGT-E1-H,51.216) Thus we cam to Jherusalem , the same Satyrday , at nyght , (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.218) and went to Mounte Syon , (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.219) and ther refresshed vs (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.220) and rested vs for that nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.221) SatyrDay , at aftyr noon , we visited places a bowyt Jherusalem , (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.222) it was Seynt Jamys Day . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.223) ffyrst we came to an old brokyn Castyll , where the Jewys wher gadererd to gedyr of a counsell at the tyme of the passion of our lord , (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.224) and Judas went to counsell with them to the same place . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.225) And it ys callyd now malu. consilium . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.226) ffrom thense we cam to Acheldemake , other wyse Callyd terra Sancta , that was bowght with the xxx pece of silver that our Savyor was sold for by Judas . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.227) And ther ys made a grett vowght , (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.228) and ther be vij holes a bowght to cast the Dede Cristen mens bodyes in to the seyd vowght or cave , (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.229) it was so ordeynyd and Dressyd by Seynt Elyn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.230) Ther by in the Rokkes be certayne Caves , wher the Apostolys hid them in the tyme of the passion of our lorde . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.231) Item , not farr from thense we cam to a fayer tree , w=t= a grett hepe of stonys a bowght it , wher Ysac , the pphete , was Sawen in sounder by the myddys w=t= a sawe of Tree . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.232) Ther ys also by Ortus Olerum , (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.233) ther ronnys watyr properly in that Garden . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.234) Than we cam to Natatorium Siloe , wher our Savyor gaff sight to the born blynde man , $anoyntyng hys eyne with Claye and Spetyll , Saying , Vade , et lava in Natatoria Siloe Qui abiit et venit videns . (TORKINGT-E1-H,52.235) And aftyr that we cam to a ffountayne wher our blyssyd lady was wont many tymes to wasse hyr clothes , and the clothes of ower blyssyd Savyor in hys chyldhod . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.237) ffrom thense we cam to the Chirche of Seynt Jamys the lesse , in a Cave wher he hyd hym the tyme of the passion of our lord , a vowyng that he wold never ete mete vnto the tyme he sawe hys Mayster Criste rysen vpon Estern Day . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.238) Erly in the mornyng ower blyssyd Savyr com to hym , (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.239) and browght hym mete , saying , Jamis , now ete , (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.240) for I am rysyn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.241) Item , ther by ys the Sepulcre of zacharie , the prophete . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.242) And from thense we com to the place wher sumtyme stode the Towne of Gethsemany , which is rehersyd in scriptur . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.243) Thes places thus visited , we retorynd homwarde a geyne , be the Temple of Salomon , whiche ys callyd Porticus Salomonis . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.244) And ther we myght se grett nowber of lampes brennyng in the seyd Temple at the Sone sett . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.245) And so we went to our hospitall (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.246) and restyd vs for that nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.247) The same Sonday that Seynt Annys Day , a fore noon , we went to Bethanye , whiche ys be yon the Mownte of Olyvete ij myle from Jherusalen . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.248) Ther we Entred in to an Old Chirche , (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.249) And Sawe the grave or monument in the which Lazarus lay iiij Days Dede , as the Gospell sheweth , etc. , whom our Savyor Crist reysyd from the Deth to lyff . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.250) Not far from theinse ys the house of Simonis leprosi , whiche preyd ower lorde to ete with hym . (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.251) And ther as he Satt , Mary mawdleyn browght Alabauster of an onyment , (TORKINGT-E1-H,53.252) and satt at our lordys fete , (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.253) and with owt seassyng , whesshed hys fete with hyr terys , wppyng them with hyr her of hyr hede , (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.254) And a noyntyd them with hyr precious onyment . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.255) And ther our Savyr for gaff the synnys of the sayd mary Mawdleyn . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.256) Thys Symon leprosus that harborowed our lorde And suche of hys Disciplis as war Cristeyned , was aftyr warde made Bushoppe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.257) And he was namyd Julian . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.258) And thys ys he that men call vpon for good harborowe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.259) Ther by ys the howse of the Martha , our lordes hostes , And the howse of the seyd Mary Mawdleyn , whyche we visited . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.260) And thys Day we retornyd to Bethphage , (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.261) ffrom thens our Savyr Crist Sent ij Discipulis to Jherusalem , vpon palmys sonnday , ffor an asse , seying , Ite in Castellum qd contra vos est . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.262) Thanne we made an ende of all our pylgrymags , (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.263) And retornyd to Mownte Syon to Dyner , wher we had a ryght honeste Dyner of the wardens Costes , (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.264) And at myddys of the Dyner he mad a Ryght holy and a ffamous sermon vn ta vs . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.265) And restyd vs ther all that Day . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.266) And as we went to Bethanye , ffyrst we come to the howse of Judas , (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.267) And a for hys Doore ys the place wher he hanged hym self , et Crepuit medius . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.268) And ther we se the Dede see perfyghly , wher the v Citees stod that Sanke for synne . (TORKINGT-E1-H,54.269) Munday , that was Septem Dormiencium , we com wery erly in the mornyng to Mounte Syon , (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.270) And ther we hard messe (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.271) and brake ower fasts . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.272) Thanne we taryed long for our assys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.273) And thanne ther we toke humnle our leve of the holy places , And of the most blyssyd Citee of Jherusalen . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.274) And thus with ryghth light and Joyous hertis , by warnyng of our Dragman and guydes , The same Day , at viiij of the cloke in the mornyng , We found all redy , the lordes , Turkis , and Sarrasyns , Mamolukes , as well of Jherusalem , as of Rama . And other with ther folkes , to a grett nowmber of horsemen , to condyte vs to Jaffe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.275) And so at the mownte Syon , we toke our assys , (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.276) And Rode forthe at the seyd tyme . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.277) And be syd the Castell of Emaus we rest vs , (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.278) and refresshyd vs with suche wyne and mete as we browght with vs from Jherusalem , (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.279) and a bowght vj of the cloke at aftyr noon , we com to Rama , (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.280) and lityd ther at the hospitall , beyng ryght wery of that Jorney , ffor the bestys that we rode vpon , ryght weke and ryght simple , and evyll trymed to Jorney with wher we lay all that nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.281) Tewysday , abowzt viij or ix of the cloke , we toke our assis (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.282) and cam towardes Jaffe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.283) the Turkes constreynyd vs to tary by the space of iiij howers , (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.284) and ther we lay in the sande , and the sonne bornyng exedyngly hoote , whiche was gretly to our payne . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.285) And ther we war ryght evyll intreated by the Turkes and Sarrasyns many weys , and in grett fere , which war to long to wryte . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.286) The same nyght , with grett Diffyculty and moche paciens , we war Delived a borde into ower Shippe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.287) And ther we lay at ankyr , wedynesday and thursday , all Day . (TORKINGT-E1-H,55.288) The cause was ther com many infideels and bowght many sondry thyngs in our shippe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.290) The fryday , the last Day of Julii , a bowght v of the cloke in the mornyng , we made sayle to warde Cypress homward with ryght grett joy and solas . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.291) Tewysday , the iiij=th= Day of August , we come to Cypres , (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.292) And ther we lay at the Towne , whiche ys callyd Salyns , by the space of iiij wekes and on Day . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.293) And whyles we lay in Cypres , many of our pylgrymes went to see the Cityes in the Countre ther a bowght , (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.294) And som visited pylgrymages . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.295) A bowt iij myle from ffamagust ys an old Castell wherin Seynt Katherine was borne , (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.296) and she was the kyngs Dowghter of that yle callyd Costus , as it is shewyd ther aswell by wrytyng as be reportt , (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.297) She was martyred in the Citye of Alexandre , And born by the handys of Aungellys to the Mownte Synay , And ther buryed by the seyd Aungellys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.298) Also the xxv Day of August , that was Seynt Bertilmews Day , the morne aftyr Seynt Bertilmew , Decessyd Roberd Crosse , of London , Pewterer , (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.299) and was buryed in the Chirche yard in Salyns . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.300) And xxvij Day of August , Decessyd Syr Thomas Toppe , a prest of the west countre , (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.301) And was Cast over the borde , As was many moo whos soules god assoyle . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.302) And thanne ther Remayned in the shippe iiij Englyssh prestis moo . (TORKINGT-E1-H,56.303) Wedynsday , the xxvj Day of August , a bowt x of the cloke in the morning , we made Sayle to wardys the Rodes , (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.305) Neverthelesse the wynd was soo streyneable a yens vs , that we made nott spede , but sumtyme sealyd bakward , sumtyme forward , by the Coste of Cipres . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.306) And thus fonde the wynde a gens vs or ellys such calmys that we sped but lytyll of our waye . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.307) And aftyr that , nott in shorte tyme , we com ny the mountaynes of Turkey , in asia . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.308) And sone aftyr we passyd by Mirrea , wher Seynt Nicholas was Bisshope . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.309) And thus we Sayled thorow the Gulf of Seynt Elene , otherwyse callyd the Gulf of Satalie , (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.310) And com a long the Costes of Turkey , (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.311) And ther we saw the Mowntaynes of Macedonye . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.312) And in the Gulfe aforseyd , Seynt Elyne kest on of the holy nayles in to the see to sease the tempest . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.313) ffryday , the xxv Day of Septembre , we had siygte of the yle of the rodes (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.314) Sonnday a for the ffeste of Seynt Michell , we come to the Rodes to Dyner , (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.315) And ther myself lay seke by the space of vj wekys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.316) Off our cher and well entretyng at the rodys , And what Comfort was Don to vs , and Speciall that was seke and desesyd , by Sir Thomas Newporte , And Mayster William Weston , And Syr John Bowthe , and aftyrward by other Jentylmen of Englond ther , it war to long to wrytte . (TORKINGT-E1-H,57.317) Att the Rodes , In the Chyrche of Seynt John , ys many grett reliques , The fynger of Seynt John , that he showyd ower savor with whanne he seyd Ecce Agnus Dei . (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.318) In the place of the lordes mysteres , ys a fayer Chapell in the whiche Chapell ther ys on of the thornys that our lorde was corwnyd with (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.319) and every good fryday from ix of the Cloke to it be x. it burgyns (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.320) and waxe grene , etc. (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.321) The morne aftyr Seynt Martyn , that was the xij Day of nomevbr , at j of the clok att aftyr noon , I toke shippyng at the Rodis , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.322) it was a shippe of the rodys , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.323) And fryday , the xiij Day nomebr , we com to an ylonde callyd Calamo , C myle from the Rodes , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.324) And it pteyneth to the Rodes . (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.325) Sonnday , the xv Day of Novembre , we came to an yland callyd Meleo , vndernethe the Domynycon of the Venescians , iij C myle from the Rodes , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.326) in thys yle ys made grett plente of mylstonys , And brunstonys , And also grett plente of Partyrege and veri good wynes . (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.327) The wynde being ev streyght and contrarius a gens vs , that we myght nott make no Sayle in Cristmasse wek . (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.328) The same Day that was the xxviij Day of December , at ij or iij of the cloke , at myd nyght we made Sayle . (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.329) Tewysday , Seynt Thomas Day , Erly in the morning , we Discoverd nott fare from vs iij grett shippys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.330) And thanne we war in Grett fere , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.331) ffor we wende they had be Turkes , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.332) but $they {TEXT:ther} war not soo . (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.333) They war Cristen Men , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.334) we made to wardes them , for to have Spoke with som of them to know what Tydyngs they browgh owt of ffraunce , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.335) and Sodenly on of the shippes Shott a goone at vs , (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.336) And hit ower Shippe (TORKINGT-E1-H,58.337) and Stoke A Sonnder on of our grett Cables , (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.338) god be thankyd no man was harmyd nor hurte . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.339) Thanne he made vs to mayne , that ys to sey stryk Downe ower sayles . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.340) The same Seynt Thomas Day the Martir , we traversed the see , And the morow aftyr . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.341) And also Newyers Day , sumtyme bakward , sumtyme forward , both Day and nyght , in gret fer be the coste of Turkey . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.342) Satyrday , the secunday of Januarii , the wynde made well for vs in ower way . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.343) Sunday , the wynde began to Ryse in the north , (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.344) And munday all Day and all nyght it blew owtrageowsly . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.345) Indured a wondred grett Tempest , As well by excedyng wonders blowing of wynde as by contynuall lythynyng . So that the capteyne , and the patron , And all the knyghtys of the Rode , whych war ther to the nowmbyr of viiij , wendyd we shulde a be lost . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.346) The same nyght , a bowte x of the Cloke , we all promysyd pylgrymage to ower lady of grace of Missena in Cecylia . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.347) And every man Delivered hys offeryng the same tyme to the patrone of the shippe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.348) Tewysday , the v Day of Januarii , we Seyleyd vp and Down in the Gulff of Venys , (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.349) ffor the wynde was so straygth a yens vs that we myght not Kepte the Ryght wey in no wyse , (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.350) And sore we war offeryd to be dryff in to Barbaria , where Dwellyth ower Mortall Enimys , As Turkes , Mamnoluks , Sarrazyns , and other infidelys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,59.351) Wednesday , the vj Day of Januarii , the wynde Rose a yens vs , with grett tempest , thonnderyng and lyghtnyng all Day and all nyght , So owtrageowsly , that we know not wher wee war . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.353) And thanne we putt vs all in the Mercy of god , beyng in grett peyne and woo both Day and nyght , voowyng sum of vs pylgrylmages to our blyssyd lady of Lorett in ytalya , and sum to our lady of Walsyngham , and sum to Seynt Thomas of Cannterbury , we that war englysshmen . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.354) The Patrone of our Shippe garderd mony of vs for to make our offeryng to the iij kyngs of coloney , (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.355) And as sone as we cam on londe we shuld have Messe in the honor of them . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.356) And in thys fforsayd long Contynual tempeste and storme we war Dreff bakward iij C myle . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.357) Thursday , the vij Day of Januarii , the Maryoners made a grett Showte , seyng to vs that they sey londe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.358) Thanne they war glade , and we also . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.359) And the same nyght we came to the Porte callyd Shefelanya , vnder the Venycians , (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.360) And whanne we shuld a take the Porte Sodenly fell down and Deyde the Pylate of our shippe , which we call lodysman . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.361) And thanne we had a grett lose , (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.362) ffor he was a good honest person , on whose Soule Jhu have mercy . (TORKINGT-E1-H,60.363) In thys yle ys good wynes and grett Chepe , Plente of lambes , Gotys , motons , and also hennys , and capons . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.364) In all thes for sayd yles ys growing wondyr myche licores , tyme , Sage , ffyggs , Oryges , Pomgarnetts , smale Reysyns , which we call Reyse of Corans . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.365) Whanne we lay in thys yle oftyntymes we went on londe (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.366) and hard messe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.367) and in the yle callyd Shefelaria Dwellyd Hercules , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.368) thys yle ys vj C myle ffrom the Rodes . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.369) Also a man that was born in thys yle told vs that they had no Rayne by the space of x months , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.370) they sow ther whete with owt Rayne , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.371) Croppyd them with owt Rayne , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.372) And made ther wyne with owt Rayne . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.373) In thys yle we lay xxv Days . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.374) Sonnday , the last Day of Januarij , we made sayle to wards Missena , in Cecyll , with lesse wynd , and munday all Day . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.375) Tewysday , the ij Day of Februarii , that was the Purificacon of our lady , the wynde made well for us . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.376) Wedynsday , Seynt Blasies Day , the wynde Rose in the Suthweste , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.377) so contynued all Day And all nyght , and thursday all Day and all nyght , that it put vs many tymes on Joypert of our lyff , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.378) and sped no thyng of our Ryght weye . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.379) ffriday , the v Day of ffebruarii , proched nye the Cyte of Corfew , (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.380) but the wynde enforcyd So myche and so strayte a yens vs , that our govenor Saw it was not possible for to wyne the porte of the Cite of Corfewe . (TORKINGT-E1-H,61.381) Satyrday , that was the Vedasti et Amandi , we passyd by the forseyd havyn , with grett wynde , thunderyng , and lytenyng owt of mesur , (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.382) and so contynued a mervelows grett tempeste And storme , (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.383) the same day , lx or lxxx myle from Corfew , we gate an haven a mong the Rokkes and monteyns , in grett parell , whiche havyn ys callyd Swafane , in Turkey , (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.384) And whanne we war inne we cowd nott get owt nor kast our Anker for the grett Depes that was ther in shorte tyme . (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.385) They cowd not fynd no londe at iiij score fadom , (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.386) Also the grett tempest contynowd so owtrageowsly , that we war never in such a fer in all our lyff . (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.387) And at the last they kest ij grett ankers to gedyer , (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.388) And as god wold they toke hold . (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.389) And thanne the Maryoners brake the ordinar takele of the shippe , the somer Castyll Chambers , Dores , wyndows , and all maner of bordys , that the wynde myght have hys cowse att more large . (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.390) And thanne we all promyseyd pylgrymages to our blyssyd lady of Lorett , in Italee . The Maryorners seyng to vs they never see nor hard of such a wynde in all their lyffs . (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.391) And it contynowed the same Satyrday tyll it was myd nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.392) And in the same yle callyd Swafana , in Turkey , we a bode v days , (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.393) and Dyverse knyghes of the Rodes went on londe with ther hande gonnes (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.394) and slew horse for ther hawkes that war in the sheppe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.395) ther war in the shippe j C hawkes and moo . (TORKINGT-E1-H,62.396) Thursday , the xij Day of ffebruarij , a bowte x or xj of the clok at night , we made Sayle bakward j C myle to wards Corfew , whyche we passyd by a fore , be cause our vitales war ner spent . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.397) ffryday , the xij Day of ffebruarij , we cam in to the havyn of Corfewe , whiche Cite and yle ys vnder the Venycianns . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.398) Satyrday we com on lande , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.399) yt ys a good Citie , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.400) $there {TEXT:the} ys also a castyll , and a stronge stonding vpon a Roke of Stone in the see , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.401) and it ys excedeynly full of peple , and Specially of Jewys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.402) The same Satyrday ther Justyng and ronnyng with sperys . Also Sonnday And Munday , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.403) And was shewyd ther many Dyverse fetis of werre . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.404) In thys Citye ther ys plente of brede and wyne , and good cher , And schase of fysshe many tymes . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.405) Ther ys also the fayerest yle of comodites $that {TEXT:than} ony man may see , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.406) And the felde full of whete benys , wynes , and specially of Olyff trees , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.407) we went of on pylgrymage to our blyssyd lady , a myle from the Citye , the fayerst grounde that ever I saw in my lyff . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.408) Satirday a for the fyrst Sonnday of clene lent , the xx Day of ffebruarii , we went in to the castell a mong the Jewys , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.409) it was ther Sabaday . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.410) The same Day ther was a Jewe maryed , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.411) and aftyr Dyner I saw them Danse in a grett Chamber , bothe men and women , in Ryche apparell , Damaske , Saten , velvett , weryng a bowte ther nekkys chenys of fine gold with many Rynggs on ther fyngers with stonys of grett pryce , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.412) She that was Maryed , she had vpon her hede a crowne of gold . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.413) On of the Jewys be gan to syng , (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.414) And than all the women Daunsed to gedyr by the space of an ower . (TORKINGT-E1-H,63.415) And aftyr that ther cam in yong men , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.417) on of them sang , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.418) Thanne the men and women Dauncyd to geder . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.419) Aftyr that they callyd in ther mynstrellys , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.420) and so the Dauncyd iij long howrys . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.421) They be fayer women , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.422) wonderful werkes in Sylk and gold and many goodly thyngs they have to sell in thys cetye , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.423) we a bode ther by the space of xiiij Dayes . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.424) ffriday , the xxvj Day of ffebruaij , at iiij of cloke at aftyr none , we made Sayle towardes Myssena , Cecyll . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.425) Satyrday , the xxvij Day of ffebruarij , we lay xx from Corfew , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.426) for the wynde was so a yens vs , we myght pass no father {COM:sic} . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.427) Ther ys a wonder fayer Chapell of o=r= lady , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.428) and many grett myracles ys shewyd ther , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.429) ther we bood vij Dayes . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.430) ffryday , the v Day of Marche , at x of the cloke in the mornyng , we made Sayle with scase wynde , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.431) and pasyd Corfew ageyne , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.432) and so in to the Gulf of Venyse . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.433) Satyrday and Sonnday the wynde made well for vs . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.434) Munday , the viij Day of Marche , we came to Calabria , perteynyng to the kyngdom of Napolis , now vnder the kynge of Spayne . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.435) Ther we lay by cause the wynd was a yens vs . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.436) Ther ys grett plente of whete , and many strong Castylls stondyng , (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.437) a wonderfull $hygh {TEXT:hyth} Rokke of Stone , I never saw suche in all my lyff . (TORKINGT-E1-H,64.438) Also ovyr the watyr on the other syd , which ys Distant a Calabria xxiij myle , ys the yle of Cecyll in the whyche yle by the see syde ys Mons Ethneus whiche brennyth both Day and nyght , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.439) ye may se the smoke come owt of the Toppe of it . (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.440) Ther cam owt of thys hyll fyer ronnyng Downe like as it had be a flode of watyr in to the Citye , which stondyth by the see syd , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.441) and brent many howses , And also Shippes that war in the havyn , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.442) And put the City , whiche ys callyd Cathanea , in grett Juberte , wher the holy body of Seynt Agathe lyes , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.443) And by the myracle of the veyle of Seynt Agathe the Citee a for rehersyd was preservyd . (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.444) Thursday , the xj Day of Marche , we went on londe , in Calabria , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.445) hyred horses and mules , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.446) and rode by the space of xx (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.447) and cam to a fayer towne callyd Regio , that stondyth on the watyr syde , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.448) and ther we lay all nyght . (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.449) ffryday , the Day of Seynt Gregori , we toke a barke at the forseyd Regio , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.450) and sayle over the watir to Myssena , whiche ys xij myle ov . (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.451) And ther we abode v Dayes . (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.452) Thys Missena , in Cecyll , ys a fayer Cite and well wallyd w=t= many fayer towers and Divse castell , the fayerst havyn for Shippes that ev I saw , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.453) ther ys also plente of all maner of thyngs that ys necessari for man , except clothe , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.454) that ys very Dere ther , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.455) ffor englyssh men brynge it thedyr by watyr owt of and a Enlong , (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.456) it ys a grett long wey , iij m=l= myle and iij C by watir . (TORKINGT-E1-H,65.457)