Plese it your Grace to undirstond that besids al other maters contenyd in our Lettres jointly written at thys tyme to your Grace , oon is in them untowchyd by cause I wold not make my clerke privey to the secretie theroff , which yff I shold not to longe have taried the last curror save thys , I shold then have written . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,134.3) But by cause then we wer sent for to come to th'emperor commissionars , and our Lettres wer redy written contenyng a longe discurse and declaration off many mattres shewyd by the Cardinal Sedunensis which was necessary your Grace shold know in al haste , we therfor not knowinge how long th'emperors commissioners shuld lete us , dispached that poste , reservyng thys to be written by my selff at laysor which then I had not . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,135.4) The thinge is this . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,135.5) The said Cardinal Sedunens. in makinge his long discurse hertofor by us written , emongest other things shewyd me that oon off the secrete mater stretyd betuyx th'emperor and your Grace was that th'emperor entendeth to resigne the Empire unto your Grace , and to obten your Election by hys procurement and sollicitinge off the Electors therunto , which th'emperor entendyd to do for the avancement of your honor and the love which he berith you . Which mater when I herd I lete as I nothynge had marked it , and lete hym passe on in tellynge off his tale which endyd in thys , that thys thynge shold be oon off the secrete maters treatid by hym betwix th'Emperor and your Grace . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,135.6) Sire besids that I am your Graces subject and servant , and sworn off your counsel thoff unworthi , your Grace hath also shewyd so largely your bounteousnes and liberalite anenst me that I ougth mo to desire the incresement and augmentation off your Graces honor then any servaunt to your Grace belonginge . Which I assure your Grace I doo tendre as moch to my symple powar as any subjiet in your realme (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,135.7) or ellys it wer pitie I shuld lyve . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,135.8) And lykwyse yff $there $be {TEXT:therbe} any thynge soundinge to your Grace's damage or hynderaunce iff I shold concele it ; ther coud no pain be to great for me . Wherfor I most humbly besech your Grace to accepte graciously and favorably the thinge which now I write both for the ardent love which I bere unto your Grace , and for the accomplishment off my dutie . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.9) Surly yff it lyke your Grace I thinke the said Election off your Grace to th'empire $can $not {TEXT:cannot} be brogth aboute by no means , for diverse considerations . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.10) Fyrste that lyke as in the Election off the Pope a certain forme is to be kept which not observed makith the Election to be voyd , so off auncient tyme and ordinaunce off the universale churche a certain forme must be observyd in chesinge off th'emperor , which ometted , the Election is voyde . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.11) Oon of the cheffe points in the Election off th'emperor is that he which shal be electyd must be off Germanie subgiet to $the Empire ; wheras your Grace is not , nor never sithen the Cristen faith the Kings of Englond wer subgiet to th'empire . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.12) But the Crown of Englond is an Empire off hitselff mych bettyr then now the Empire of Rome : for which cause your Grace werith a close Crown . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.13) And therfor yff ye wer chosen , sens your Grace is not off th'empire the Election wer voide . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.14) And iff your Grace shuld accepte the said Election therby ye must confesse your realme to be under subjection off th'empire to the perpetual prejudice off your successor , (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.15) or ells the said Election wer voyde as made off a person not eligible . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.16) Besids that the forme off the Election contenyth that first he must be Kinge of Romains (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,136.17) and the coronation at Rome makith hym have the name off the Emperor , wher befor he is callyd but Kinge off Romains . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,137.18) Over thys yff th'emperor which nou is remain stil Kyng off Romains as I understond he entendeth to doo , then yff your Grace wer eligible and undir th'empire , yet ye coud not be chosen Emperor , by cause ye were never Kinge of Romains . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,137.19) And also he remanyng ye could not be chosen Kynge off Romains , bycause the Kingdome is not voyde , and noon can be chosen therto but when it is voyd edyr by dethe or ellys when the Kinge off Romains is crownyd Emperor , wherby undir hym may be chosen a Kinge off Romains . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,137.20) The said Empire also as it is now establyshed may not have two Emperors at oon tyme , but oon as cheff , and the odyr as here apparaunt , which is callyd the Kinge off Romains , wher he must begyn that wyl come to th'empire . For which considerations I repute it impossible the laws theron made stondinge that your Grace may be chosen . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,137.21) And I am afferd lest the said offer beinge so speciouse at the first heringe was oonly made to get therby sum money of your Grace : Which they move to have kepte secret lest the publyshynge off it shuld make their intent to be knowen , and frustrate them off thir purpose befor they coud acheve it . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,137.22) Surly yff it lyke your Grace my simple advise is that your Grace interpretinge al to the beste , and the said offer to be made rather off th'emperors good mynd and grete benivolence then for odyr purpose , yff the mater shal herafter be set forward or movyd to gyff most exquisite thanks to th'emperor for his good mynd therin : which peraventure may procede off good benivolence , and so to withdraw your fote bake out off that mater , and to make good interpretation opon so grete an offer , which shal be most honorable . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.23) Thus in thys mater I have shewed my simple advise and mynd ; which , I thougth , my dutie savyd , I could not kepe close from your Grace , wherin I trust such as be lernyd in the law far bettyr then I wil afferme the same if it lyke your Grace to make them privey to it . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.24) And iff I doo erre , as I suppose I do not , I submitte to reformation besechinge your Grace graciously to accepte my trew mynde and rygth meanyng in thys mater , which I have touchyd for my discharge lest heraffter it mygth be imputyd to me not to have shewyd it in tyme when it came first to my knowledge . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.25) In al other maters at thys tyme we have written at large how her we find not al persons inclyned as it was thougth they shold be . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.26) And thus Almyghty Jhu~ preserve your Grace to his plesur with encrese off mych honor . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.27) From Machlyn (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.28) the xij=th=. day of Februarie (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.29) By your most humble subjecte and servaunt Cuthbert Tunstal . (TUNSTALL-E1-H,1.1,138.30)