In the beginnynge was the worde , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.6)
and the worde was with God : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.7)
and the worde was God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.8)
The same was in the beginnynge with God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.9)
All thinges were made by it , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.10)
and with out it , was made nothinge , that was made .
In it was lyfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.12)
and the lyfe was the lyght of men , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.13)
and the lyght shyneth in the darcknes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.14)
but the darcknes comprehended it not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.15)
There was a man sent from God , whose name was Iohn .
The same cam as a witnes to beare witnes of the lyght , that all men
through him myght beleve . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.17)
He was not that lyght : but to beare witnes of the lyght .
That was a true lyght , which lyghteth all men that come into the
worlde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.19)
He was in the worlde , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.20)
and the worlde was made by him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.21)
and yet the worlde knewe him not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.22)
He cam amonge his awne (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.23)
and his awne receaved him not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.24)
But as meny as receaved him , to them he gave power to be the sonnes of
God in that they beleved on his name : which were borne , not of bloude
nor of the will of the flesshe , nor yet of the will of man : but of
God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.25)
And the worde was made flesshe (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.26)
and dwelt among vs , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.27)
and we sawe the glory of it , as the glory of the only begotten sonne
of the father , which worde was full of grace and verite .
Iohn bare witnes of him (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.29)
and cryed sayinge : This was he of whome I spake , he that cometh after
me , was before me , because he was yer then I . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.30)
And of his fulnes have all we receaved , even grace for grace .
For the lawe was geven by Moses , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.32)
but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.33)
No man hath sene God at eny tyme . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.34)
The only begotten sonne , which is in the bosome of the father , he
hath declared him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.35)
And this is the recorde of Iohn : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,1J.36)
When the Iewes sent Prestes and Levites from Ierusalem , to axe him ,
what arte thou ? And he confessed (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.37)
and denyed not , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.38)
and sayde playnly : I am not Christ . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.39)
And they axed him : what then ? arte thou Helyas ?
And he sayde : I am not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.41)
Arte thou a Prophete ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.42)
And he answered no . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.43)
Then sayd they vnto him : what arte thou that we maye geve an answer to
them that sent vs : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.44)
What sayest thou of thy selfe ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.45)
He sayde : I am the voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes ,
make strayght the waye of the Lorde , as sayde the Prophete Esaias .
And they which were sent , were of the pharises .
And they axed him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.49)
and sayde vnto him : why baptisest thou then , yf thou be not Christ
nor Helyas , nether a Prophet ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.50)
Iohn answered them sayinge : I baptise with water :
but one is come amonge you , whom ye knowe not (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.52)
he it is that cometh after me , whiche was before me , whose sho
latchet I am not worthy to vnlose . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.53)
These thinges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan , where Iohn dyd
baptyse . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.54)
The nexte daye , Iohn sawe Iesus commynge vnto him ,
and sayde : beholde the lambe of God , which taketh awaye the synne of
the worlde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.56)
This is he of whom I sayde . After me cometh a man , which was before
me , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.57)
for he was yer $then {TEXT:them} I , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.58)
and I knew him not : but that he shuld be declared to Israell ,
therfore am I come baptisynge with water . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.60)
And Iohn bare recorde sayinge : I sawe the sprete descende from heven ,
lyke vnto a dove , and abyde apon him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.61)
and I knewe him not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.62)
But he that sent me to baptise in water , the same sayde vnto me : apon
whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him , the same
is he which baptiseth with the holy goost . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.63)
And I sawe and bare recorde , that this is the sonne of God .
The next daye after , Iohn stode agayne , and two of his disciples .
And he behelde Iesus as he walked by , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.66)
and sayde : beholde the lambe of God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.67)
And the two disciples hearde him speake ; (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.68)
and folowed Iesus . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.69)
And Iesus turned about , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.70)
and sawe them folowe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.71)
and sayde vnto them : What seke ye ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.72)
They sayde vnto him : Rabbi which is to saye by interpretacion
, Master where dwellest thou ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.73)
He sayde vnto them : come and se . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.74)
They came (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.75)
and sawe where he dwelt : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.76)
and abode with him that daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.77)
For it was about the tenthe houre . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,20J.78)
One of the two which hearde Iohn speake and folowed Iesus , was Andrew
Simon Peters brother . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.80)
The same founde his brother Simon fyrst , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.81)
and sayde vnto him : we have founde Messias , which is by
interpretacion , annoynted : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.82)
and brought him to Iesus . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.83)
And Iesus behelde him (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.84)
and sayde : thou arte Simon the sonne of Ionas ,
thou shalt be called Cephas : which is by interpretacion , a stone .
The daye folowynge Iesus wolde goo into Galile ,
and found Philip , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.88)
and sayde vnto him , folowe me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.89)
Philip was of Bethsaida the cite of Andrew and Peter .
And Philip founde Nathanael , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.91)
and sayde vnto him . We have founde him of whom Moses in the lawe , and
the prophetes dyd wryte . Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth .
And Nathanael sayde vnto him : can ther eny good thinge come out of
Nazareth ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.93)
Philip sayde to him : come and se . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.94)
Iesus sawe Nathanael commynge to him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.95)
and sayde of him . Beholde a ryght Israelite , in whom is no gyle .
Nathanael sayd vnto him : where knewest thou me ?
Iesus answered , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.98)
and sayde vnto him : Before that Philip called the , when thou wast
vnder the fygge tree , I sawe the . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.99)
Nathanael answered and sayde vnto him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.100)
Rabbi , thou arte the sonne of God , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.101)
thou arte the kynge of Israel . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.102)
Iesus answered and sayd vnto him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.103)
Because I sayde vnto the , I sawe the vnder the fygge tree , thou
belevest . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.104)
Thou shalt se greater thinges then these . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.105)
And he sayde vnto him : Verely , verely , I saye vnto you : herafter
shall ye se heven open , and the angels of God ascendynge and
descendynge over the sonne of man . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,I,40J.106)
And the thryde daye , was ther a mariage in Cana a cite of Galile :
and the mother of Iesus was there . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.112)
And Iesus was called also and his disciples vnto the mariage .
And when the wyne fayled , the mother of Iesus sayde vnto him : they
have no wyne . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.114)
Iesus sayde vnto her : woman , what have I to do with the ?
myne houre is not yet come . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.116)
His mother sayde vnto the ministres : whatsoever he sayeth vnto you ,
do it . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.117)
And ther were stondynge theare , six waterpottes of stone after the
maner of the purifyinge of the Iewes , contaynynge two or thre fyrkins
a pece . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.118)
And Iesus sayde vnto them : fyll the water pottes with water .
And they fylled them vp to the brym . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.120)
And he sayde vnto them : drawe out now , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.121)
and beare vnto the governer of the feaste . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.122)
And they bare it . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.123)
When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was turned vnto
wyne , and knewe not whence it was but the ministres which drue
the water knew He called the brydegrome ,
and sayde vnto him . All men at the beginnynge , set forth good wyne ,
and when men be dronke , then that which is worsse .
But thou hast kept backe the good wyne , vntyll now .
This beginnynge of miracles dyd Iesus in Cana of Galile ,
and shewed his glory , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.128)
and his disciples beleved on him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.129)
After that he descended in to Capernaum , and his mother , and his
brethren , and his disciples : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.130)
but contynued not manye dayes there . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.131)
And the Iewes ester was even at honde , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.132)
and Iesus went vp to Ierusalem , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.133)
and founde syttynge in the temple , those that solde oxen and shepe and
doves , and chaungers of money . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.134)
And he made a scourge of small cordes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.135)
and drave them all out of the temple , with the shepe and oxen ,
and powred oute the changers money , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.137)
and overthrue the tables , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.138)
and sayde vnto them that solde doves : Have these thinges hence ,
and make not my fathers housse an housse of marchaundyse .
And his disciples remembred , how that it was wrytten : the zele of
thyne housse hath even eaten me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.141)
Then answered the Iewes (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.142)
and sayde vnto him : what token shewest thou vnto vs , seynge that thou
dost these thinges ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.143)
Iesus answered and sayd vnto them : destroye this temple ,
and in thre dayes I will reare it vp agayne . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,1J.145)
Then sayde the Iewes : xlvi. yeares was this temple abuyldinge :
and wylt thou reare it vp in thre dayes ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,20J.148)
But he spake of the temple of his body . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,20J.149)
Assone therfore as he was rysen from deeth agayne , his disciples
remembred that he thus sayde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,20J.150)
And they beleved the scripture , and the wordes which Iesus had sayde .
When he was at Ierusalem at ester in the feaste , many beleved on his
name , when they sawe his miracles which he dyd .
But Iesus put not him selfe in their hondes , because he knewe all men
, and neded not , that eny man shuld testify of man .
For he knewe what was in man . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,II,20J.154)
Ther was a man of the pharises named Nicodemus a ruler amonge the Iewes
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.159)
The same cam to Iesus by nyght , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.160)
and sayde vnto him : Rabbi , we knowe that thou arte a teacher whiche
arte come from God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.161)
For no man coulde do suche miracles as thou doest , except God were
with him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.162)
Iesus answered and sayde vnto him : Verely verely I saye vnto the :
except a man be boren a newe , he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} se the
kyngdom of God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.163)
Nicodemus sayde vnto him : how can a man be boren when he is olde ?
can he enter his moders wombe and be boren agayne ?
Iesus answered : verely , verely I saye vnto the : except that a man be
boren of water and of the sprete , he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} enter
into the kyngdome of god . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.166)
That which is boren of the flesshe , is flesshe :
and that which is boren of the sprete , is sprete .
Marvayle not that I sayd to the , ye must be boren a newe .
The wynde bloweth where he listeth , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.170)
and thou hearest his sounde : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.171)
but canst not tell whence he cometh and whether he goeth .
So is every man that is boren of the sprete . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.173)
And Nicodemus answered and sayde vnto him : how can these thinges be ?
Iesus answered and sayde vnto him : arte thou a master in Israel ,
and knowest not these thinges ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.176)
Verely verely , I saye vnto the , we speake that we knowe ,
and testify that we have sene : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.178)
and ye receave not oure witnes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.179)
Yf when I tell you erthely thinges , ye beleve not : how shuld ye
beleve , yf I shall tell you of hevenly thinges ?
And no man ascendeth vp to heaven , but he that came doune from heaven
, that is to saye , the sonne of man which is in heaven .
And as Moses lifte vp the serpent in the wyldernes , even so must the
sonne of man be lifte vp , that none that beleveth in him perisshe :
but have eternall lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.182)
For God so loveth the worlde , that he hath geven his only sonne , that
none that beleve in him , shuld perisshe : but shuld have everlastinge
lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.183)
For God sent not his sonne into the worlde , to condempne the worlde :
but that the worlde through him , might be saved .
He that beleveth on him , shall not be condempned .
But he that beleveth not , is condempned all redy , be cause he
beleveth not in the name of the only sonne of God .
And this is the condempnacion : that light is come into the worlde ,
and the men loved darcknes more then light , because their dedes were
evill . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,1J.187)
For every man that evyll doeth , hateth the light :
nether commeth the light , lest his dedes shuld be reproved .
But he that doeth truth , commeth to the light , that his dedes might
be knowen , how that they are wrought in God .
After these thinges cam Iesus and his disciples into the Iewes londe ,
and ther he haunted with them (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.193)
and baptised . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.194)
And Iohn also baptised in Enon besydes Salim , because ther was moche
water there , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.195)
and they came (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.196)
and were baptised . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.197)
For Iohn was not yet cast into preson . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.198)
And ther arose a question bitwene Iohns disciples and the Iewes a bout
purifiynge . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.199)
And they came vnto Iohn , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.200)
and sayde vnto him : Rabbi , he that was with the beyonde Iordan , to
whom thou barest witnes . Beholde the same baptyseth ,
and all men come to him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.202)
Iohn answered , and sayde : a man can receave no thinge at all except
it be geven him from heaven . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.203)
Ye youre selves are witnesses , how that I sayde :
I am not Christ (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.205)
but am sent before him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.206)
He that hath the bryde , is the brydegrome . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.207)
But the frende of the brydegrome which stondeth by and heareth him ,
reioyseth greately of the brydgromes voyce . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.208)
$'T $is {TEXT:Tis} my ioye is fulfilled . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.209)
He must increase : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.210)
and I must decreace . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.211)
He that commeth from an hye is above all : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.212)
He that is of the erth , is of the erth , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.213)
and speaketh of the erth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.214)
He that commeth from heaven , is above all , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.215)
and what he hath sene and hearde : that he testifieth :
but no man receaveth his testimonye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.217)
How be it he that hath receaved hys testimonye hath set to his seale
that God is true . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.218)
For he whom God hath sent , speaketh the wordes of God .
For God geveth not the sprete by measure . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.220)
The father loveth the sonne (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.221)
and hath geven all thinges into his honde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.222)
He that beleveth on the sonne , hath everlastynge lyfe :
and he that beleveth not the sonne , shall not se lyfe ,
but the wrathe of God abydeth on him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,III,20J.225)
Assone as the Lorde had knowledge , how the Pharises had hearde , that
Iesus made and baptised moo disciples then Iohn though that
Iesus him selfe baptised not : but his disciples he lefte
Iewry , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.230)
and departed agayne into Galile . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.231)
And it was so that he must nedes goo thorowe Samaria .
Then came he to a cyte of Samaria called Sichar , besydes the
possession that Iacob gave to his sonne Ioseph .
And there was Iacobs well . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.234)
Iesus then weryed in his iorney , sate thus on the well .
And it was about the sixte houre : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.236)
and there came a woman of Samaria to drawe water .
And Iesus sayde vnto her : geve me drynke . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.238)
For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the toune to bye meate .
Then sayde the woman of Samaria vnto him : how is it , that thou beinge
a Iewe , axest drinke of me , which am a Samaritane ?
for the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.241)
Iesus answered and sayde vnto hir : yf thou knewest the gyfte of God ,
and who it is that sayeth to the geve me drynke , thou woldest have
axed of him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.242)
and he wolde have geven the water of lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.243)
The woman sayde vnto him . Syr thou hast no thinge to drawe with ,
and the well is depe : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.245)
from whence then hast thou that water of lyfe ?
Arte thou greater then oure father Iacob which gave vs the well , and
he him silfe dranke therof , and his chyldren , and his catell ?
Iesus answered and sayde vnto hir : whosoever drinketh of this water ,
shall thurst agayne . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.248)
But whosoever shall drinke of the water that I shall geve him , shall
never be more a thyrst : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.249)
but the water that I shall geve him , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} in him a
well of water , springinge vp in to everlastinge lyfe .
The woman sayd vnto him : Syr geve me of that water , that I thyrst not
, nether come hedder to drawe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.251)
Iesus sayde vnto her . Go (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.252)
and call thy husband , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.253)
and come hydder . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.254)
The woman answered and sayde to him : I have no husband .
Iesus sayde to her . Thou hast well sayd , I have no husbande .
For thou haste had five husbandes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.257)
and he whom thou now hast , is not thy husband .
That saydest thou truely . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,1J.259)
The woman sayde vnto him : Syr I perceave that thou arte a prophet .
Oure fathers worshipped in this mountayne : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.262)
and ye saye that in Hierusalem is the place where men ought to
worshippe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.263)
Iesus sayde vnto her : woman beleve me , the houre cometh , when ye
shall nether in this mountayne nor yet at Ierusalem , worshippe the
father . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.264)
Ye worshippe , ye wot not what : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.265)
we knowe what we worshippe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.266)
For salvacion commeth of the Iewes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.267)
But the houre commeth (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.268)
and nowe is , when the true worshippers shall worshippe the father in
sprete and in trouthe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.269)
For verely suche the father requyreth to worshippe him .
God is a sprete , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.271)
and they that worshippe him , must worshippe him , in sprete and
trouthe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.272)
The woman sayde vnto him : I wot well Messias shall come , which is
called Christ . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.273)
When he is come , he will tell vs all thinges .
Iesus sayde vnto hir : I that speake vnto the am he .
And even at that poynte , came his disciples ,
and marvelled that he talked with the woman . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.277)
Yet no man sayde vnto him : what meanest thou , or why talkest thou
with her ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.278)
The woman then lefte her waterpot , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.279)
and went her waye into the cite , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.280)
and sayde to the men . Come se a man which tolde me all thinges that
ever I dyd . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.281)
Is not he Christ ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.282)
Then they went out of the cite , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.283)
and came vnto him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.284)
And in the meane while his disciples prayed him sayinge : Master , eate
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.285)
He sayde vnto them : I have meate to eate , that ye knowe not of .
Then sayd the disciples bitwene them selves : hath eny man brought him
meate ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.287)
Iesus sayde vnto them : my meate is to doo the will of him that sent me
. And to fynnysshe his worke . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.288)
Saye not ye : there are yet foure monethes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.289)
and then commeth harvest ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.290)
Beholde I saye vnto you , lyfte vp youre eyes ,
and loke on the regions : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.292)
for they are whyte all redy vnto harvest . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.293)
And he that repeth receaveth rewarde , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.294)
and gaddereth frute vnto life eternall : that bothe he that soweth ,
and he that repeth myght reioyse to gether . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.295)
And herin is the sayinge true , that one soweth , and another repeth .
I sent you to repe that wheron ye bestowed no laboure .
Other men laboured , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.298)
and ye are entred into their labours . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,20J.299)
Many of the Samaritans of that cyte beleved on him , for the sayinge of
the woman , which testified : he tolde me all thinges that ever I dyd .
Then when the Samaritans were come vnto him , they besought him , that
he wolde tary with them . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.302)
And he aboode there two dayes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.303)
And many moo beleved because of his awne wordes ,
and sayd vnto the woman : Now we beleve not because of thy sayinge .
For we have herde him oure selves , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.306)
and knowe that this is even in dede Christ the savioure of the worlde .
After two dayes he departed thence , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.308)
and went awaye into Galile . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.309)
And Iesus him selfe testified , that a Prophete hath none honoure in
his awne countre . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.310)
Then assone as he was come into Galile , the Galileans receaved him
which had sene all the thinges that he dyd at Ierusalem at the feast .
For they went also vnto the feast daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.312)
And Iesus came agayne into Cana of Galile , wher he turned water into
wyne . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.313)
And ther was a certayne ruler , whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum .
Assone as the same herde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile ,
he went vnto him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.315)
and besought him , that he wolde descende , and heale his sonne :
For he was even readie to dye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.317)
Then sayde Iesus vnto him : excepte ye se signes and wondres , ye $can
$not {TEXT:cannot} beleve . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.318)
The ruler sayd vnto him : Syr come awaye or ever that my chylde dye .
Iesus sayde vnto him , goo thy waye , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.320)
thy sonne liveth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.321)
And the man beleved the wordes that Iesus had spoken vnto him ,
and went his waye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.323)
And anone as he went on his waye , his servantes met him ,
and tolde him sayinge : thy chylde liveth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.325)
Then enquyred he of them the houre when he beganne to amende .
And they sayde vnto him : Yester daye the seventhe houre , the fever
lefte him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.327)
And the father knew that it was the same houre in which Iesus sayde
vnto him : Thy sonne liveth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.328)
And he beleved , and all his housholde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.329)
Thys is agayne the seconde myracle , that Iesus dyd , after he was come
oute of Iewry into Galile . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IV,40J.330)
After that ther was a feast of the Iewes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.335)
and Iesus went vp to Ierusalem . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.336)
And ther is at Ierusalem , by the slaughterhousse , a pole called in
the Ebrue tonge , Bethseda , havinge five porches , in which laye a
greate multitude of sicke folke , of blinde , halt and wyddered ,
waytinge for the movinge of the water . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.337)
For an angell went doune at a certayne ceason $into $the
{TEXT:the_into} pole (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.338)
and troubled the water . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.339)
Whosoever then fyrst after the steringe of the water , stepped in , was
made whoale of what soever disease he had . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.340)
And a certayne man was theare , which had bene diseased .xxxviii.
yeares . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.341)
When Iesus sawe him lye , and knewe that he now longe tyme had bene
diseased , he sayde vnto him . Wilt thou be made whoale ?
The sicke answered him : Syr I have no man when the water is troubled ,
to put me into the pole . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.343)
But in the meane tyme , whill I am about to come , another steppeth
doune before me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.344)
And Iesus sayde vnto him : ryse , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.345)
take vp thy beed , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.346)
and walke . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.347)
And immediatly the man was made whole , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.348)
and toke vp his beed , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.349)
and went . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.350)
And the same daye was the Saboth daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.351)
The Iewes therfore sayde vnto him that was made whole . It is the
Saboth daye , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.352)
it is not laufull for the to cary thy beed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.353)
He answered them : he that made me whole , sayde vnto me : take vp thy
beed , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.354)
and get the hence . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.355)
Then axed they him : what man is that which sayde vnto the , take vp
thy beed (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.356)
and walke . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.357)
And he that was healed , wist not who it was . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.358)
For Iesus had gotten him selfe awaye , because that ther was preace of
people in the place . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.359)
And after that , Iesus founde him in the temple ,
and sayd vnto him : beholde thou arte made whole ,
synne no moore , lest a worsse thinge happen vnto the .
The man departed , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.363)
and tolde the Iewes that yt was Iesus , whiche had made him whole .
And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.365)
and sought the meanes to slee him , because he had done these thinges
on the Saboth daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.366)
And Iesus answered them : my father worketh hidder to ,
and I worke . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.368)
Therfore the Iewes sought the moare to kill him , not-1 only-2 because
he had broken the Saboth : but sayde also that God was his father , and
made him selfe equall with God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.369)
Then answered Iesus (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,1J.370)
and sayde vnto them : verely , verely , I saye vnto you : the sonne can
do no thinge of him selfe , but that he seeth the father do .
For whatsoever he doeth , that doeth the sonne also .
For the father loveth the sonne , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.374)
and sheweth him all thinges , whatsoever he him selfe doeth .
And he will shewe him greter workes then these , because ye shoulde
marvayle . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.376)
For lykwyse as the father rayseth vp the deed , and quickeneth them ,
even so the sonne quyckeneth whom he will . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.377)
Nether iudgeth the father eny man : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.378)
but hath committed all iudgement vnto the sonne , because that all men
shuld honoure the sonne , even as they honoure the father .
He that honoureth not the sonne , the same honoureth not the father
which hath sent him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.380)
Verely verely I saye vnto you : He that heareth my wordes , and
beleveth on him that sent me , hath everlastinge lyfe ,
and shall not come in to damnacion : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.382)
but is scaped from deth vnto lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.383)
Verely , verely I saye vnto you : the tyme shall come , and now is ,
when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God .
And they that heare , shall live . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.385)
For as the father hath life in him silfe : so lyke wyse hath he geven
to the sonne to have lyfe in him silfe : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.386)
and hath geven him power also to iudge , in that he is the sonne of man
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.387)
Marvayle not at this , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.388)
the houre shall come in the which all that are in the graves , shall
heare his voice , and shall come forthe : they that have done good vnto
the resurreccion of lyfe : and they that have done evyll , vnto the
resurreccion of dampnacion . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.389)
I can of myne awne selfe do nothinge at all . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.390)
As I heare , I iudge , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.391)
and my iudgement is iust , be cause I seke not myne awne will , but the
will of the father which hath sent me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.392)
Yf I beare witnes of my selfe , my witnes is not true .
Ther is a nother that beareth witnes of me , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.394)
and I am sure that the witnes whiche he beareth of me , is true .
Ye sent vnto Iohn , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.396)
and he bare witnes vnto the truthe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.397)
But I receave not the recorde of man . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.398)
Neverthelesse , these thinges I saye , that ye might be safe .
He was a burninge and a shyninge light , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.400)
and ye wolde for a season have reioysed in his light .
But I have greater witnes then the witnes of Iohn .
For the workes which the father hath geven me to fynisshe : the same
workes which I do , beare witnes of me , that the father sent me .
And the father him silfe which hath sent me , beareth witnes of me .
Ye have not hearde his voyce at eny tyme , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.405)
nor ye have sene his shape : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.406)
therto his wordes have ye not abydinge in you .
For whome he hath sent : him ye beleve not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.408)
Searche the scriptures , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.409)
for in them ye thinke ye have eternall lyfe : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.410)
and they are they which testify of me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,20J.411)
And yet will ye not come to me , that ye might have lyfe .
I receave not prayse of men . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,40J.414)
But I knowe you , that ye have not the love of God in you ,
I am come in my fathers name , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,40J.416)
and ye receave me not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,40J.417)
Yf another shall come in his awne name , him will ye receave .
How can ye beleve which receave honoure one of another , and seke not
the honoure that commeth of God only ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,40J.419)
Doo not thinke that I wyll accuse you to my father .
Ther is one that accuseth you , even Moses in whom ye trust .
For had ye beleved Moses , ye wold have beleved me :
for he wrote of me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,40J.423)
But now ye beleve not his writinge : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,40J.424)
how shall ye beleve my wordes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,V,40J.425)
After these thinges Iesus went his waye over the see of Galile nye to a
cyte called Tiberias . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.430)
And a greate multitude folowed him , because they had sene his myracles
which he dyd on them that were diseased . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.431)
And Iesus went vp into a mountayne , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.432)
and there he sate with his disciples . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.433)
And ester , a feast of the Iewes , was nye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.434)
Then Iesus lifte vp his eyes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.435)
and sawe a greate company come vnto him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.436)
and sayde vnto Philip : whence shall we bye breed that these might eate
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.437)
This he sayde to prove him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.438)
for he him sylfe knewe what he wolde do . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.439)
Philip answered him , two hondred peny worthe of breed are not
sufficient for them , that every man have a litell .
Then sayde vnto him , one of his disciples , Andrew Simon Peters
brother . There ys a lad here , which hath fyve barly loves and two
fisshes : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.441)
but what is that amonge so many ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.442)
And Iesus sayde . Make the people sit doune : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.443)
Ther was moche grasse in the place . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.444)
And the men sate doune , in nombre , about five thousande .
And Iesus toke the breed , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.446)
and gave thankes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.447)
and gave to the disciples , and his disciples to them that were set
doune . And lykwyse of the fysshes , as moche as they wolde .
When they had eaten ynough , he sayd vnto his disciples : gadder vp the
broken meate that remayneth : That nothinge be loost .
And they gadered it to geder , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.450)
and fylled twelve baskettes with the broken meate , of the five barly
loves , which broken meate remayned vnto them that had eaten .
Then the men , when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd , sayde :
This is of a trueth the Prophet that shuld come into the worlde .
When Iesus perceaved that they wolde come , and take him vp , to make
him kinge , he departed agayne into a mountayne him silfe a lone .
And when even was come , his disciples went vnto the see and
entred into a shyppe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.455)
and went over the see vnto Capernaum . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.456)
And anonne it was darcke , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.457)
and Iesus was not come to them . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.458)
And the see arose with a greate winde that blew .
And when they had rowen aboute a. xxv. or a xxx. furlonges , they sawe
Iesus walke on the see , and drawe nye vnto the shyp ,
and they were afrayed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,1J.461)
And he sayde vnto them : It is I , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.463)
be not a frayde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.464)
Then wolde they have receaved him into the shyp ,
and the ship was by and by at the londe whyther they went .
The daye folowynge , the people which stode on the other syde of the
see , sawe that ther was none other shyp theare , save that one wher in
his disciples were entred , and that Iesus went not in with his
disciples into the ship : but that his disciples were gone awaye alone
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.467)
How be it , ther came other shippes from Tiberias nye vnto the place ,
where they ate breed , when the Lorde had blessed .
Then when the people sawe that Iesus was not there nether his disciples
, they also toke shippinge (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.469)
and came to Caparnaum sekinge for Iesus . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.470)
And when they had founde him on the other syde of the see they sayd
vnto him : Rabbi , when camest thou hidder ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.471)
Iesus answered them (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.472)
and sayde : verely verely I saye vnto you : ye seke me , not because ye
sawe the myracles : but be cause ye ate of the loves , and were filled
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.473)
Laboure , not for the meate which perissheth , but for the meate that
endureth vnto everlastynge lyfe , whiche meate the sonne of man shall
geve vnto you . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.474)
For him hath god the father sealed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.475)
Then sayd they vnto him : what shall we do that myght worke the workes
of God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.476)
Iesus answered and sayde vnto them . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.477)
This is the worke of God , that ye beleve on him , whom he hath sent .
They sayde vnto him : what signe shewest thou then , that we maye se
and beleve the ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.479)
What doest thou worke ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.480)
Oure fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert , as yt is written : He gave
them breed from heaven to eate . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.481)
Iesus sayde vnto them : verely , verely I saye vnto you : Moses gave
you breed from heaven : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.482)
but my father geveth you the true breed from heaven .
For the breed of God is he which commeth doune from heaven and geveth
lyfe vnto the worlde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.484)
Then sayde they vnto him : Lorde , ever moore geve vs this breed .
And Iesus sayde vnto them : I am that breed of life .
He that commeth to me , shall not honger : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.487)
and he that beleveth on me shall never thurst .
But I sayed vnto you : that ye have sene me , and yet beleve not .
All that the father geveth me : shall come to me :
and him that cometh to me , I cast not awaye .
For I came doune from heaven : not-1 to do myne awne will , but his
will which hath sent me : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.492)
And this is the fathers will which hath sent me , that of all which he
hath geven me , I shuld loose no thinge : but shuld rayse it vp agayne
at the last daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,20J.493)
And this is the wyll of him that sent me : that every man which seith
the sonne and beleveth on him , have everlastinge lyfe .
And I will rayse him vp at the last daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.496)
The Iewes then murmured at him , because he sayde : I am that breed
which is come doune from heaven . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.497)
And they sayde : Is not this Iesus the sonne of Ioseph , whose father
and mother we knowe ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.498)
How ys yt then that he sayeth , I came doune from heaven ?
Iesus answered and sayde vnto them . Murmur not betwene youre selves .
No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me , drawe him
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.501)
And I will rayse him vp at the last daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.502)
It is written in the Prophetes , that they shall all be taught of God .
Every man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father
commeth vnto me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.504)
Not that eny man hath sene the father , save he which is of God :
the same hath sene the father . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.506)
Verely verely I saye vnto you , he that beleveth on me , hath
everlastinge lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.507)
I am that breed of lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.508)
Youre fathers dyd eate Manna in the wildernes (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.509)
and are deed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.510)
This is that breed which commeth from heaven , that he which eateth of
it , shuld also not dye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.511)
I am that lyvinge breed which came doune from heaven .
Yf eny man eate of this breed , he shall live forever .
And the breed that I will geve , is my flesshe , which I will geve for
the lyfe of the worlde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.514)
And the Iewes strove amonge them selves sayinge : How can this felowe
geve vs his flesshe to eate ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.515)
Then Iesus sayde vnto them : Verely , verely I saye vnto you , except
ye eate the flesshe of the sonne of man , and drinke his bloude , ye
shall not have lyfe in you . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.516)
Whosoever eateth my flesshe , and drinketh my bloude , hath eternall
lyfe : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.517)
and I will rayse him vp at the last daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.518)
For my flesshe is meate in dede : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.519)
and my bloude is drynke in dede . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.520)
He that eateth my flesshe and drynketh my bloude , dwelleth in me and I
in him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.521)
As the lyvinge father hath sent me , even so lyve I by my father :
and he that eateth me , shall live by me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.523)
This is the breed which cam from heaven : not as youre fathers have
eaten Manna and are deed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,40J.524)
He that eateth of this breed , shall live ever .
These thinges sayd he in the synagoge as he taught in Capernaum .
Many of his disciples , when they had herde this , sayde : this is an
herde sayinge : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.528)
who can abyde the hearinge of it ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.529)
Iesus knew in him selfe , that his disciples murmured at it ,
and sayde vnto them : Doth this offende you ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.531)
What and yf ye shall se the sonne of man ascende vp where he was before
? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.532)
It is the sprete that quyckeneth , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.533)
the flesshe proffeteth nothinge . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.534)
The wordes that I speake vnto you , are sprete and lyfe .
But ther are some of you that beleve not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.536)
For Iesus knewe from the begynnynge , which they were that beleved not
, and who shuld betraye him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.537)
And he sayde : Therfore sayde I vnto you : that no man can come vnto me
, except it were geven vnto him of my father .
From that tyme many of his disciples went backe ,
and walked no moore with him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.540)
Then sayde Iesus to the twelve : will ye alsoo goo awaye ?
Then Simon Peter answered : Master to whom shall we goo ?
Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.543)
and we beleve and knowe , that thou arte Christ the sonne of the
lyvinge God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.544)
Iesus answered them : Have not I chosen you twelve , and yet one of you
is the devyll ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VI,60J.545)
He spake it of Iudas Iscariot the sonne of Simon .
For he it was that shuld betraye him , and was one of the twelve .
After that , Iesus went about in Galile (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.552)
and wolde not go about in Iewry , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.553)
for the Iewes sought to kill him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.554)
The Iewes tabernacle feast was at honde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.555)
His brethren therfore sayde vnto him : get the hence
and go into Iewry that thy disciples maye se thy workes that thou doest
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.557)
For ther is no man that doeth eny thinge secretly , and he him selfe
seketh to be knowen . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.558)
Yf thou do soche thinges , shewe thy selfe to the worlde .
For as yet his brethren beleved not in him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.560)
Then Iesus sayd vnto them : My tyme is not yet come ,
youre tyme is all waye redy . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.562)
The worlde $can $not {TEXT:cannot} hate you . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.563)
Me it hateth : be cause I testify of it , that the workes of it are
evyll . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.564)
Go ye vp vnto this feast . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.565)
I will not go vp yet vnto this feast , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.566)
for my tyme is not yet full come . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.567)
These wordes he sayde vnto them (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.568)
and abode still in Galile . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.569)
But assone as his brethren were goone vp , then went he also vp vnto
the feast : not openly but as it were prevely .
Then sought him the Iewes at the feast , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.571)
and sayde : Where is he ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.572)
And moche murmurynge was ther of him amonge the people .
Some sayde : He is good . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.574)
Wother sayde naye , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.575)
but he deceaveth the people . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.576)
How be it no man spake openly of him , for feare of the Iewes .
In the middes of the feast , Iesus went vp into the temple
and taught . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.579)
And the Iewes marveylled sayinge : How knoweth he the scriptures ,
seynge that he never learned ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.580)
Iesus answered them , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.581)
and sayde : My doctrine is not myne : but his that sent me .
If eny man will do his will , he shall knowe of the doctrine , whether
it be of God , or whether I speake of my selfe .
He that speaketh of him selfe , seketh his awne prayse .
But he that seketh his prayse that sent him , the same is true ,
and no vnrightewesnes is in him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.586)
Dyd not Moses geve you a lawe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.587)
and yet none of you kepeth the lawe ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.588)
Why goo ye a boute to kyll me ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,1J.589)
The people answered and sayde : thou hast the devyll :
who goeth aboute to kyll the ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.592)
Iesus answered and sayde to them : I have done one worke ,
and ye all marvayle . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.594)
Moses therfore gave vnto you circumcision not because it is of Moses ,
but of the fathers . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.595)
And yet ye on the Saboth daye , circumcise a man .
If a man on the Saboth daye receave circumcision without breakinge of
the lawe of Moses : disdayne ye at me , because I have made a man every
whit whoale on the saboth daye ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.597)
Iudge not after the vtter aperaunce : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.598)
but iudge rightewes iudgement . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.599)
Then sayd some of them of Ierusalem : Is not this he whom they goo
aboute to kyll ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.600)
Beholde he speaketh boldly , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.601)
and they saye nothinge to him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.602)
Do the rulars knowe in dede , that this is very Christ ?
How be it we knowe this man whence he is : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.604)
but when Christ cometh , no man shall knowe whence he is .
Then cryed Iesus in the temple as he taught sayinge : ye knowe me ,
and whence I am ye knowe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.607)
And yet I am not come of my selfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.608)
but he that sent me is true , whom ye knowe not .
I knowe him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.610)
for I am of him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.611)
and he hath sent me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.612)
Then they sought to take him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.613)
but no man layde hondes on him , because his tyme was not yet come .
Many of the people beleved on him (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.615)
and sayde : when Christ cometh , will he do moo miracles then this man
hath done ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.616)
The pharises hearde that the people murmured suche thinges about him .
Wherfore the pharises and hye prestes sent ministres forthe to take him
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.617)
Then sayde Iesus vnto them : Yet am I a lytell whyle with you ,
and then goo I vnto him that sent me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.619)
Ye shall seke me , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.620)
and shall not fynde me : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.621)
and where I am , thyther can ye not come . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.622)
Then sayde the Iewes bitwene them selves : whyther will he goo , that
we shall not fynde him ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.623)
Will he goo amonge the gentyls which are scattered all a broade , and
teache the gentyls ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.624)
What maner of sayinge is this that he sayde : ye shall seke me , and
shall not fynde me : and where I am , thyther can ye not come ?
In the last daye , that great daye of the feaste , Iesus stode
and cryed sayinge : If eny man thyrst , let him come vnto me and drinke
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.627)
He that beleveth on me , as sayeth the scripture , out of his belly
shall flowe ryvers of water of lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.628)
This spak he of the sprete which they that beleved on him , shuld
receave . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.629)
For the holy goost was not yet there , because that Iesus was not yet
glorifyed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,20J.630)
Many of the people , when they hearde this sayinge sayd : of a truth
this is a prophet . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.632)
Other sayde : this is Christ . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.633)
Some sayde : shall Christ come out of Galile ?
Sayeth not the scripture that Christ shall come of the seed of David :
and out of the toune of Bethleem where David was ?
So was ther dissencion amonge the people aboute him .
And some of them wolde have taken him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.637)
but no man layed hondes on him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.638)
Then came the ministres to the hye prestes and pharises .
And they sayde vnto them : why have ye not brought him ?
The servauntes answered never man spake as this man doeth .
Then answered them the pharises : are ye also disceaved ?
Doth eny of the rulers or the pharises beleve on him ?
But the comen people whiche knowe not the lawe , are cursed .
Nicodemus sayde vnto them : He that came to Iesus by nyght , and was
one of them . Doth oure lawe iudge eny man , before it heare him , and
knowe what he hath done ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.645)
They answered and sayde vnto him : arte thou also of Galile ?
Searche and loke , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.647)
for out of Galile aryseth no Prophet . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.648)
And every man went vnto his awne housse . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VII,40J.649)
And Iesus went vnto mounte Olivete (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.654)
and erly in the mornynge came agayne in to the temple
and all the people came vnto him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.656)
and he sate doune (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.657)
and taught them . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.658)
And the scribes and the pharises brought vnto him a woman taken in
advoutry , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.659)
and set hyr in the myddes (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.660)
and sayde vnto him : Master , this woman was taken in advoutry , even
as the dede was a doyng . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.661)
Moses in the lawe commaunded vs that suche shuld be stoned .
What sayest thou ther fore ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.663)
And this they sayde to tempt him : that they myght have , wherof to
accuse him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.664)
Iesus stouped doune , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.665)
and with his fynger wrote on the grounde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.666)
And whyll they continued axynge him , he lyfte him selfe vp ,
and sayde vnto them : let him that is amonge you with out synne cast
the fyrst stone at her . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.668)
And agayne he stouped doune (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.669)
and wrote on the grounde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.670)
And assone as they hearde that , they went out one by one the eldest
fyrst . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.671)
And Iesus was lefte a lone , and the woman stondynge in the myddes .
When Iesus had lyfte vp him selfe agayne , and sawe no man but the
woman , he sayde vnto hyr . Woman , where are those thyne accusars ?
Hath no man condempned the ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.674)
She sayde : No man Lorde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.675)
And Iesus sayde : Nether do I condempne the .
Goo , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.677)
and synne no moare . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.678)
Then spake Iesus agayne vnto them sayinge : I am the light of the
worlde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.679)
He that foloweth me shall not walke in darcknes :
but shall have the light of lyfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.681)
The pharises sayde vnto him : thou bearest recorde of thy sylfe
thy recorde is not true . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.683)
Iesus answered and sayde vnto them : Though I beare recorde of my selfe
yet my recorde is true : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.684)
for I knowe whence I came and whyther I goo .
But ye $can $not {TEXT:cannot} tell whence I come , and whyther I goo .
Ye iudge after the flesshe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.687)
I iudge noman , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.688)
though I iudge yet is my iudgment true . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.689)
For I am not alone : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.690)
but I and the father that sent me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.691)
It is also written in youre lawe , that the testimony of two men is
true . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.692)
I am one that beare witnes of my selfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,1J.693)
and the father that sent me , beareth witnes of me .
Then sayde they vnto him : where is thy father ?
Iesus answered : ye nether-10 knowe me , nor yet my father .
Yf ye had knowen me , ye shuld have knowen my father also .
These wordes spake Iesus in the tresury , as he taught in the temple ,
and noman layde hondes on him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.700)
for his tyme was not yet come . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.701)
Then sayde Iesus agayne vnto them . I goo my waye ,
and ye shall seke me , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.703)
and shall dye in youre synnes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.704)
Whyther I goo , thyther can ye not come . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.705)
Then sayde the Iewes : will he kyll him selfe , because he sayth :
whyther I goo , thyther can ye not come ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.706)
And he sayde vnto them : ye are from beneth ,
I am from above . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.708)
Ye are of this worlde , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.709)
I am not of this worlde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.710)
I sayde therfore vnto you , that ye shall dye in youre synnes .
For except ye beleve that I am he , ye shall dye in youre synnes .
Then sayde they vnto him , who arte thou ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.713)
And Iesus sayde vnto them : Even the very same thinge that I saye vnto
you . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.714)
I have many thinges to saye , and to iudge of you .
But he that sent me is true . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.716)
And I speake in the worlde , those thinges which I have hearde of him .
They vnderstode not that he spake of his father .
Then sayde Iesus vnto them : when ye have lyft vp an hye the sonne of
man , then shall ye knowe that I am he , and that I do nothinge of my
selfe : but as my father hath taught me , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.719)
even so I speake : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.720)
and he that sent me , is with me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.721)
The father hath not lefte me alone , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.722)
for I do alwayes those thinges that please him .
As he spake these wordes , many beleved on him .
Then sayde Iesus to those Iewes which beleved on him .
If ye continue in my wordes , then are ye my very disciples ,
and shall knowe the trueth : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.727)
and the trueth shall make you free . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.728)
They answered him : We be Abrahams seede , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.729)
and were never bonde to eny man : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.730)
why sayest thou then , ye $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} made fre .
Iesus answered them : verely verely I saye vnto you , that whosoever
committeth synne , is the servaunt of synne .
And the servaunt abydeth not in the housse for ever :
But the sonne abydeth ever . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.734)
If the sonne therfore shall make you fre , then are ye fre in dede .
I knowe that ye are Abrahams seed : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.736)
but ye seke meanes to kyll me , because my sayings have no place in you
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.737)
I speake that I have sene with my father : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.738)
and ye do that which ye have sene with youre father .
They answered and sayde vnto him : Abraham is oure father .
Iesus sayde vnto them . If ye were Abrahams chyldren , ye wolde do the
dedes of Abraham . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.741)
But now ye goo about to kyll me a man that have tolde you the truthe ,
which I have herde of god : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.742)
this dyd not Abraham . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.743)
Ye do the dedes of youre father . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.744)
Then sayde they vnto him : we were not borne of fornicacion .
We have one father , which is God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.746)
Iesus sayde vnto them : yf God were youre father , then wolde ye love
me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.747)
For I proceaded forthe (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.748)
and come from God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.749)
Nether came I of my selfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.750)
but he sent me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.751)
Why do ye not knowe my speache ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.752)
Even because ye $can $not {TEXT:cannot} abyde the hearynge of my wordes
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.753)
Ye are of youre father the devyll , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.754)
and the lustes of youre father ye will folowe .
He was a murtherer from the beginnynge , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.756)
and aboode not in the trueth , because ther is no trueth in him .
When he speaketh a lye , then speaketh he of his awne .
For he is a lyar , and the father therof . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.759)
And because I tell you the trueth , therfore ye beleve me not .
Which of you can rebuke me of synne ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.761)
If I saye the trueth , why do not ye beleve me ?
He that is of God , heareth goddes wordes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.763)
Ye therfore heare them not , because ye are not of God .
Then answered the Iewes (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.765)
and sayde vnto him : Saye we not well that thou arte a Samaritane , and
hast the devyll ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.766)
Iesus answered : I have not the devyll : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.767)
but I honour my father , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.768)
and ye have dishonoured me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.769)
I seke not myne awne prayse : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.770)
but ther is one that seketh and iudgeth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.771)
Verely verely I saye vnto you , yf a man kepe my sayinges , he shall
never se deeth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.772)
Then sayde the Iewes to him : Now knowe we that thou hast the devyll .
Abraham is deed , and also the Prophetes : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.774)
and yet thou sayest , yf a man kepe my sayinge , he shall never tast of
deeth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.775)
Arte thou greater then oure father Abraham which is deed ?
and the Prophetes are deed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.777)
Whome makest thou thy selfe ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.778)
Iesus answered : Yf I honoure my selfe , myne honoure is nothinge worth
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.779)
It is my father that honoureth me , which ye saye , is youre God ,
and ye have not knowen him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.781)
but I knowe him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.782)
And yf I shuld saye , I knowe him not , I shuld be a lyar lyke vnto you
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.783)
But I knowe him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.784)
and kepe his sayinge . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.785)
Youre father Abraham was glad to se my daye ,
and he sawe it (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.787)
and reioysed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.788)
Then sayde the Iewes vnto him : thou arte not yet. l. yere olde ,
and hast thou sene Abraham ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.790)
Iesus sayd vnto them : Verely verely I saye vnto you : yer Abraham was
, I am . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.791)
Then toke they vp stones , to caste at him .
But Iesus hid him selfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.793)
and went out of the temple . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,VIII,20J.794)
And as Iesus passed by , he sawe a man which was blynde from his birth
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.799)
And his disciples axed him sayinge . Master , who dyd synne : this man
or his father and mother , that he was borne blynde ?
Iesus answered : Nether-1 hath this man synned , nor yet his father and
mother : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.801)
but that the workes of God shuld be shewed on him .
I must worke the workes of him that sent me , whyll it is daye .
The nyght cometh when noman can worke . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.804)
As longe as I am in the worlde , I am the lyght of the worlde .
Assone as he had thus spoken , he spate on the grounde
and made claye of the spetle , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.807)
and rubbed the claye on the eyes of the blynde ,
and sayde vnto him : Goo (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.809)
wesshe the in the pole of Syloe , which by interpretacion , signifieth
sent . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.810)
He went his waye (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.811)
and wasshed , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.812)
and cam agayne seinge . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.813)
The neghboures and they that had sene him before how that he was a
begger , sayde : is not this he that sate and begged ?
Some sayde : this is he . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.815)
Other sayd : he is lyke him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.816)
But he him selfe sayde : I am even he . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.817)
They sayde vnto him : How are thyne eyes opened then ?
He answered and sayde . The man that is Iesus , made claye ,
and anoynted myne eyes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.820)
and sayd vnto me : Goo to the pole Syloe (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.821)
and wesshe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.822)
I went and wesshed (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.823)
and receaved my syght . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.824)
They sayde vnto him : where is he ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.825)
He sayde : I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} tell . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.826)
Then brought they to the pharises , him that a lytell before was blynde
: (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.827)
for it was the Saboth daye when Iesus made the claye and opened his
eyes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.828)
Then agayne the pharises also axed him how he had receaved his syght .
He sayde vnto them : He put claye apon myne eyes
and I wasshed , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.831)
and do se . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.832)
Then sayde some of the pharises : this man is not of God , because he
kepeth not the saboth daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.833)
Other sayde : how can a man that is a synner , do suche myracles ?
And ther was stryfe amonge them . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.835)
Then spake they vnto the blynde agayne : What sayst thou of him ,
because he hath openned thyne eyes ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.836)
And he sayd : He is a Prophet . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.837)
But the Iewes dyd not beleve of the felowe , how that he was blynde and
receaved his syght , vntyll they had called the father and mother of
him that had receaved his syght . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.838)
And they axed them saying : Is this youre sonne , whome ye saye was
borne blynde ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.839)
How doth he now se then ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,1J.840)
His father and mother answered them (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.842)
and sayde : we wote well that this is oure sonne , and that he was
borne blynde : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.843)
but by what meanes he now seith , that can we not tell ,
or who hath opened his eyes , can we not tell .
He is olde ynough , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.846)
axe him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.847)
let him answer for him selfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.848)
Suche wordes spake his father and mother , because they feared the
Iewes . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.849)
For the Iewes had conspyred all redy that yf eny man dyd confesse that
he was Christ , he shuld be excommunicat out of the synagoge .
Therfor sayde his father and mother : he is olde ynough ,
axe him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.852)
Then agayne called they the man that was blynde ,
and sayd vnto him : Geve God the prayse : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.854)
we know that this man is a synner . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.855)
He answered and sayde : Whyther he be a synner or noo , I $can $not
{TEXT:cannot} tell : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.856)
One thinge I am sure of , that I was blynde , and now I se .
Then sayde they to him agayne . What dyd he to the ?
How opened he thyne eyes ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.859)
He answered them , I tolde you yerwhyle , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.860)
and ye dyd not heare . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.861)
Wherfore wolde ye heare it agayne ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.862)
Will ye also be his disciples ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.863)
Then rated they him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.864)
and sayde : Thou arte his disciple . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.865)
We be Moses disciples . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.866)
We are sure that God spake with Moses . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.867)
This felowe we knowe not from whence he is . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.868)
The man answered and sayde vnto them : this is a merveleous thinge that
ye wote not whence he is , seinge he hath opened myne eyes .
For we be sure that God heareth not synners . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.870)
But yf eny man be a worshipper of God and do his will , him heareth he
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.871)
Sence the worlde beganne was it not hearde that eny man opened the eyes
of one that was borne blynd . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.872)
If this man were not of God , he coulde have done no thinge .
They answered and sayd vnto him : thou arte altogeder borne in synne :
and dost thou teache vs ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.875)
And they cast him out . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.876)
Iesus hearde that they had excommunicate him :
and assone as he had founde him , he sayd vnto him : doest thou beleve
on the sonne of God ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.878)
He answered and sayde : Who is it Lorde , that I myght beleve on him ?
And Iesus sayde vnto him : Thou hast sene him ,
and he it is that talketh with the . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.881)
And he sayde : Lorde I beleve : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.882)
and worshipped him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,20J.883)
Iesus sayde : I am come vnto iudgement into this worlde : that they
which se not , myght se , and they which se , myght be made blynde .
And some of the pharises which were with him , hearde these wordes
and sayde vnto him : are we then blynde ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,40J.887)
Iesus sayde vnto them : yf ye were blynde , ye shuld have no synne .
But now ye saye , we se , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,40J.889)
therfore youre synne remayneth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,IX,40J.890)
Verely verely I saye vnto you : he that entreth not in by the dore ,
into the shepefolde , but clymeth vp some other waye : the same is a
thefe and a robber . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.895)
He that goeth in by the dore , is the shepeherde of the shepe :
to him the porter openeth , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.897)
and the shepe heare his voyce , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.898)
and he calleth his awne shepe by name , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.899)
and leadeth them out . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.900)
And when he hath sent forthe his awne shepe , he goeth before them ,
and the shepe folowe him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.902)
for they knowe his voyce . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.903)
A straunger they will not followe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.904)
but will flye from him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.905)
for they knowe not the voyce of straungers . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.906)
This similitude spake Iesus vnto them . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.907)
But they vnderstode not what thinges they were which he spake vnto them
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.908)
Then sayde Iesus vnto them agayne . Verely verely I saye vnto you : I
am the dore of the shepe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.909)
All , even as many as came before me , are theves and robbers :
but the shepe dyd not heare them . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.911)
I am the dore : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.912)
by me yf eny man enter in , he $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} safe ,
and shall goo in and out and fynde pasture . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.914)
The thefe cometh not but forto steale , kyll and destroye .
I am come that they myght have lyfe , and have it more aboundantly .
I am the good shepeheerd . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.917)
The good shepeheerd geveth his lyfe for the shepe .
An heyred servaunt , which is not the shepeherd , nether the shepe are
his awne , seith the wolfe commynge , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.919)
and leveth the shepe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.920)
and flyeth , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.921)
and the wolfe catcheth them , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.922)
and scattereth the shepe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.923)
The heyred servaunt flyeth , because he is an heyred servaunt , and
careth not for the shepe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.924)
I am that good shepeheerd , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.925)
and knowe myne , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.926)
and am knowen of myne . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.927)
As my father knoweth me : even so knowe I my father .
And I geve my lyfe for the shepe : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.929)
and other shepe I have , which are not of this folde .
Them also must I bringe , that they maye heare my voyce , and that ther
maye be one flocke and one shepeherde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.931)
Therfore doth my father love me , because I put my lyfe from me , that
I myght take it agayne . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.932)
No man taketh it from me : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.933)
but I put it awaye of my selfe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.934)
I have power to put it from me , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.935)
and have power to take it agayne : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,1J.936)
This commaundment have I receaved of my father .
And ther was a dissencion agayne amonge the Iewes for these sayinges ,
and many of them sayd . He hath the devyll , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.940)
and is mad : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.941)
why heare ye him ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.942)
Other sayde , these are not the wordes of him that hath the devyll .
Can the devyll open the eyes of the blynde ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.944)
And it was at Ierusalem the feaste of the dedicacion ,
and it was wynter : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.946)
and Iesus walked in Salomons porche . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.947)
Then came the Iewes rounde aboute him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.948)
and sayde vnto him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.949)
How longe dost thou make vs doute ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.950)
Yf thou be Christ , tell vs playnly . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.951)
Iesus answered them : I tolde you (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.952)
and ye beleve not . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.953)
The workes that I do in my fathers name they beare witnes of me .
But ye beleve not , because ye are not of my shepe .
As I sayde vnto you : my shepe heare my voyce ,
and I knowe them , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.957)
and they folowe me , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.958)
and I geve vnto them eternall lyfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.959)
and they shall never perisshe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.960)
nether shall eny man plucke them oute of my honde .
My father which gave them me , is greatter then all ,
and no man is able to take them out of my fathers honde .
And I and my father are one . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.964)
Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones , to stone him with all .
Iesus answered them : many good workes have I shewed you from my father
: (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.966)
for which of them will ye stone me ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.967)
The Iewes answered him sayinge . For thy good workes sake we stone the
not : but for thy blasphemy , and because that thou beinge a man ,
makest thy selfe God . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.968)
Iesus answered them : Is it not written in youre lawe : I saye , ye are
goddes ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.969)
If he called them goddes vnto whom the worde of God was spoken
and the scripture can not be broken saye ye then to him , whom
the father hath sainctified , and sent into the worlde , thou
blasphemest , because I sayd I am the sonne of God ?
If I do not the workes of my father , beleve me not .
But if I do though ye beleve not me , yet beleve the workes , that ye
maye knowe and beleve that the father is in me , and I in him .
Agayne they went aboute to take him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.973)
but he escaped out of their hondes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,20J.974)
and went awaye agayne beyonde Iordan , into the place where Iohn before
had baptised , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,40J.976)
and there aboode . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,40J.977)
And many resorted vnto him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,40J.978)
and sayd . Iohn dyd no miracle : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,40J.979)
but all thinges that Iohn spake of this man are true .
And many beleved on him theare . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,X,40J.981)
A Certayne man was sicke , named Lazarus of Bethania the toune of Mary
and her sister Martha . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.986)
It was that Mary which annoynted Iesus with oyntment , and wyped his
fete with her heere , whose brother Lazarus was sicke ,
and his sisters sent vnto him sayinge . Lorde behold , he whom thou
lovest , is sicke . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.988)
When Iesus hearde that , he sayd : this infirmite is not vnto deth ,
but for the laude of God , that the sonne of God myght be praysed by
the reason of it . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.989)
Iesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus .
After he hearde , that he was sicke , then aboode he two dayes still in
the same place where he was . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.991)
Then after that sayd he to his disciples : let vs goo into Iewry agayne
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.992)
His disciples sayde vnto him . Master , the Iewes lately sought meanes
to stone the , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.993)
and wilt thou goo thyther agayne ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.994)
Iesus answered : are ther not twelve houres in the daye ?
Yf a man walke in the daye , he stombleth not , because he seith the
lyght of this worlde . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.996)
But yf a man walke in the nyght , he stombleth , because ther is no
lyght in him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.997)
This sayde he , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.998)
and after that , he sayde vnto them : oure frende Lazarus slepeth ,
but I goo to wake him out of slepe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1000)
Then sayde his disciples : Lorde yf he slepe , he shall do well ynough
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1001)
How be it Iesus spake of his deeth : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1002)
but they thought that he had spoken of the naturall slepe .
Then sayde Iesus vnto them playnly , Lazarus is deed ,
and I am glad for youre sakes , that I was not there , because ye maye
beleve . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1005)
Neverthelesse let vs go vnto him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1006)
Then sayde Thomas which is called Dydimus , vnto the disciples : let vs
also goo , that we maye dye with him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1007)
Then went Iesus , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1008)
and founde , that he had lyne in his grave foure dayes already .
Bethanie was nye vnto Ierusalem , aboute .xv. furlonges of ,
and many of the Iewes were come to Martha and Mary , to comforte them
over their brother . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,1J.1011)
Martha assone as she hearde that Iesus was comynge , went
and met him : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1014)
but Mary sate still in the housse . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1015)
Then sayde Martha vnto Iesus : Lorde yf thou haddest bene here , my
brother had not bene deed : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1016)
but neverthelesse , I knowe that whatsoever thou axest of God , God
will geve it the . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1017)
Iesus sayde vnto her : Thy brother shall ryse agayne .
Martha sayde vnto him : I knowe that he shall ryse agayne in the
resurreccion at the last daye . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1019)
Iesus sayde vnto her : I am the resurreccion and the lyfe :
He that beleveth on me , ye though he were deed , yet shall he lyve .
And whosoever lyveth and beleveth on me , shall never dye .
Belevest thou this ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1023)
She sayde vnto him : ye Lorde , I beleve that thou arte Christ the
sonne of god which shuld come into the worlde .
And assone as she had so sayde , she went her waye
and called Marie her sister secretly sayinge : The master is come
and calleth for the (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1027)
And she assone as she hearde that , arose quickly ,
and came vnto him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1029)
Iesus was not yet come into the toune : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1030)
but was in the place where Martha met him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1031)
The Iewes then which were with her in the housse and comforted her ,
when they sawe Mary that she rose vp hastely , and went out , folowed
her , saying : She goeth vnto the grave , to wepe there .
Then when Mary was come where Iesus was , and sawe him , she fell doune
at his fete , sayinge vnto him : Lorde yf thou haddest bene here , my
brother had not bene deed . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1033)
When Iesus sawe her wepe , and the Iewes also wepe , which came with
her , he groned in the sprete , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1034)
and was troubled in him selfe (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1035)
and sayde : Where have ye layed him ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1036)
They sayde vnto him : Lorde come and se . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1037)
And Iesus wept . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1038)
Then sayde the Iewes : Beholde howe he loved him .
And some of them sayde : coulde not he which openned the eyes of the
blynde , have made also , that this man shuld not have dyed ?
Iesus agayne groned in him selfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1041)
and came to the grave . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1042)
It was a caue , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1043)
and a stone layde on it . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1044)
And Iesus sayd : take ye awaye the stone . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1045)
Martha the sister of him that was deed , sayd vnto him : Lorde by this
tyme he stinketh . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1046)
For he hath bene deed foure dayes : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,20J.1047)
Iesus sayde vnto her : Sayde I not vnto the , that if thou
didest beleve , thou shuldest se the glory of God .
Then they toke awaye the stone from the place where the deed was layde
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1049)
And Iesus lyfte vp his eyes (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1050)
and sayde : Father I thanke the because that thou hast hearde me .
I wot that thou hearest me all wayes : (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1052)
but because of the people that stonde by I sayde it , that they maye
beleve , that thou hast sent me . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1053)
And when he thus had spoken , he cryed with a loud voyce . Lazarus come
forthe . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1054)
And he that was deed , came forth , bounde hand and fote with grave
bondes , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1055)
and his face was bounde with a napkin . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1056)
Iesus sayde vnto them : loowse him , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1057)
and let him goo . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1058)
Then many of the Iewes which came to Mary , and had sene the thinges
which Iesus dyd , beleved on him . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1059)
But some of them went their wayes to the Pharises ,
and tolde them what Iesus had done . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1061)
Then gadered the hye prestes and the Pharises a counsell ,
and sayde : what do we ? (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1063)
This man doeth many miracles . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1064)
Yf we let him scape thus , all men will beleve on him ,
and the Romaynes shall come and take awaye oure countre and the people
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1066)
And one of them named Cayphas which was the hieprest that same yeare ,
sayde vnto them : Ye perceave nothinge at all
nor yet consider that it is expedient for vs , that one man dye for the
people , and not that all the people perisshe .
This spake he not of him selfe , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1069)
but beinge hye preste that same yeare , he prophesied that Iesus shulde
dye for the people , and not for the people only , but that he shuld
gader to geder in one the chyldren of God which were scattered abroode
. (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1070)
From that daye forth they held a counsell to geder , for to put him to
deeth . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1071)
Iesus therfore walked no more openly amonge the Iewes :
but went his waye thence vnto a countre nye to a wildernes , into a
cite called Ephraim , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1073)
and there haunted with his disciples . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1074)
And the Iewes ester was nye at hand , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1075)
and many went out of the countre vp to Ierusalem before the ester , to
purify them selves . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1076)
Then sought they for Iesus , (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1077)
and spake bitwene themselves as they stode in the temple : What thinke
ye , seynge he commeth not to the feast . (TYNDNEW-E1-H,XI,40J.1078)
The hye prestes and Pharises had geven a commaundement , that yf eny
man knew where he were , he shuld shewe it , that they myght take him .