You had heard from me last post , dearest Brother , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.3) but by a misstake my letter was forgott to be sent , w=ch= I fretted extreamely att , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.4) but was born for misfortune of all kinds , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.5) and I am sure it would be y=e= greatest to me in y=e= world to give y=r= L=dp= the least occation {COM:sic} to beleeve y=t= any thing can ever make me omite paying all the duty and respect that is due to y=e= best of brothers . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.6) L=d= Nottingham designed to goe to $Northampton on Tuesday next , in order to see L=d= Banbery's house , w=ch= he has a minde to buy . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.7) He was w=th= me yesterday , to settl {COM:sic} my answer , w=ch= I must , it seems , put in , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.8) for they will heare of nothing till that be done ; (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.9) and an inventory of every thing must be sett down , w=t= they doe not demand as well as w=t= they doe . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.10) When they have had all , I hope $they $'ll {TEXT:theyl} be satisfied , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.11) and I must bare the loss . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.12) Captain Hatton has had an unfortunait accident hapnd at Carlile . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.13) I have not heard a perfect relation how y=e= quarrell began , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.14) but , in short , Livetenant Gorge Comley has killed Majoer Morgan , that dined w=th= y=r= L=dp= , at his tent , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.15) and $'t $is {TEXT:tis} said nobody was by when it was don but Captin H. (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.16) There are two papist offisirs put into theire places . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.17) Lady Manchester and all y=e= young ladies very well , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.18) present theere servis to y=r= L=dp= and my deare sister . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.19) She is this day gone to a weding feast . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.20) L=d= Colrain's son married to a marchants daughter in y=e= Citty . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.21) L=d= Montagu's son , if not dead , is given over by ye d=rs= . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,63.22) The death of y=e= lettl Princess , Lady Anne , is a great aflection to y=e= Princes . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.24) L=d= Grey has had another loss , besides his plate . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.25) His pag has picked his pockett of severall guinneys , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.26) but his L=dp= has only had him whyped for it (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.27) and still keeps him . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.28) L=d= Manchester does not come from Venic {COM:sic} till after Easter , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.29) and will not be in England soe soon as Aprill , as was expected . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.30) The Dean of Paul's present his servis to y=r= L=dp= . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.31) I find he is very well enclined to leave St. Andrews , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.32) but , soe many parswades him against it , he is not yet resolved w=t= to doe . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.33) Lady Ann Grimston in towne , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.34) and her neighbour $Lady Wyseman come to her house againe . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.35) It seems $Lady North was conserned in making y=e= match for M=r= Spencer . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.36) She invited them both to her house , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.37) and when they met she locked them in a rome together . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.38) There are many surcomstances too long to trouble your L=dp= w=th= from , my dearest Brother , Y=r= most truly af=ct= sister and most obedient servant , A. H. (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.39) L=d= and La. Nottingham humbly beg y=r= blessing . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.40) My servis to deare pretty Miss Bety . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.41) L=d= N. will write next post . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.42) The little Prences has not y=e measells but a feavour , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.43) and was last night in great danger . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,64.44) March 8=th= , $1686-7 (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.47) I am soe troubled for y=r= being ell , my dearest Brother , I $do $n't {TEXT:don't} know w=t= to doe . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.48) I have had soe many aflictions of this kind , y=t= I $can $n't {TEXT:can't} but dread this w=ch= would , I am sure , be y=e= greatest y=t= ever can happen to me in y=e= world . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.49) If it be God's will , as I pray night and day , to restore you to health againe , w=t= ever ellse God pleases to lay upon me , I will never repine , but thinke myselfe happie soe long as I have my dearest brother Hatton . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.50) I am sorry my ugly letter gave you any disturbance . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.51) If I doe not heare next post of y=r= being better I will come downe , and please God to see you , w=t= ever becomes of me . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.52) L=d= Nott: is now at Milton , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.53) and left this letter to be sent to y=r= L=dp= . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.54) $'T $is {TEXT:Tis} a great blessing to us all that y=r= L=dp= will take care of y=r=selfe . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.55) Y=t= y=e= remedies you use for y=e= recovery of y=r= health may be succesful shall be y=e= dayly prayer of , dearest Brother , Y=r= most af=t= sister to serve you , A. H. (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.56) Lady Nott begs y=r= blessing . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.57) Easter Even (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.59) {COM:26_March_1687} It was y=e= kindest thing in the world , dearest Brother , to let me heare from you last post ; (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.61) for , in earnest , I am soe conserned for my poor sister $Hatton's confinement to her chamber , y=t= my thoughts are never at rest but when I heare from you . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,65.62) It would be a melancholy thing to be allwayes in a chamber and have nothing to doe , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.63) but pretty Miss Betty makes it not soe I hope to her dear mama . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.64) I am mighty glad she breeds her teeth soe well . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.65) There was yesterday a vast crowed at Whithall to heare D=r= Sharp . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.66) Y=e= Bishop went from thence to y=e= King's Chaple , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.67) and was there till ten a clock at night , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.68) and a Maunday Thursday went along w=th= $Bishop Laban all y=e= time he washed y=e= poor mens feet . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.69) $'T $is {TEXT:Tis} said Nell Guin is dead . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.70) Y=e King has seazed on hir estate and jewles for hir son , (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.71) but , unless he will change his religion , $he $'s {TEXT:he's} not to have any thing , w=ch= he is yet very unwilling to . (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.72) Lady Nott. askes y=r= blessing and my dear's , whose humble servant I am , and , dearest Brother , Y=r most aff=ct= sister to serve you , A. H. (ALHATTON2-E3-P1,66.73)