Lond. (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.3) Mar. y=e= 15=th= , 1672-3 . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.4) May it please y=r= Ex=cye= , I am but just now return'd out of y=e= country , where I have spent fower dayes , (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.5) & therefore am not so well instructed in ye affaires w=ch= have pass'd in Parliam=t= since my last as to be able to give y=r= Ex=cye= a particular acc=t= of them . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.6) But calling upon S=r= Arthur Forbes , I have glean'd from him what I am now to tell y=r= Ex=c=ye= , viz. 1=st= That y=e= Bill for his Ma=ties= supply was this day reported from y=e= Committee , & ordered to be engrost , but not to have its last reading till Fryday next , by w=ch= time y=e= House of Com~ons will see what forturne {COM:sic} y=e= Bill ag=t= y=e= groweth of Popery is like to have in the Howse of Lords , from whence they will take their future measures . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.7) 2=ly= That there have beene some hints given in y=e= howse of y=e= late encouragem=t= w=ch= has beene given to y=e= Papists in Ire=ld= by admitting them into y=e= Com=r= of Peace & Corporations . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.8) And that my Lord Arundell of Warder , Father Patrick , & Co=ll= Rich=d= Talbot were this day named in the Howse as y=e= Cheife promoters of it , & consequently very unfit persons to be so neare His Ma=ties= & His Royall Highnesses persons . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.9) But this was only sayd by one member only , & not seconded by any of y=e= Howse . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.10) These particulars S=r= Arthur desired me to acquainte y=r= Ex=cy= w=th= , he being not yett so well recovered as to be able to write himselfe , (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.11) and he further intreated me in his name to tell y=r= Ex=cy= that since y=e= Papists are faln upon by y=e= Parliam=t= , he fears They may grow desperate and endeavour to disturb y=e= govern=t= There . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,60,A.12) And therefore he humbly submitts it to y=r= Ex=cys= consideration , whether in this conjuncture it be not necessary for y=r= Ex=cye= to order y=e= Officers of y=e= Army to their charges and to mind carefully their guards ; w=ch= I presume to write to y=r= Ex=cye= in Cypher , because he desired me so to doe , & to beseech y=r= Ex=cy= to conceale y=e= advizer . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,61,A.13) I have directed my Brother Cuffe to attend y=r= Ex=cy= w=th= his Cypher , w=ch= will w=th=out giveing y=r= Ex=cy= any greate trouble unlocke what I have written , for w=ch= notw=th=standing I humbly aske yo=r= Ex=cyes= pardon . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,61,A.14) Lond. (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.17) Apr. 12=th= , 1673 . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.18) May it please yor Ex=cye= , On Wenesday last Co=ll= Talbot appeared publiquely in His Ma=ties= Bedchamber , where he attended to deliver his petition , w=ch= having don as his Ma=tie= was passing through to Councill , he there waited His Ma=ties= & $Councill $'s {TEXT:Councill's} resolution upon it . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.19) His Petition purported his greate surprize at y=e= severe Sentence of y=e= Howse of {TEXT:of_of} Com~ons ag=t= him unheard specifyed in their addresse to His Ma=tie= , w=ch= he humbly beg'd His Ma=tie= would not comply in putting it in execution ag=t= him . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.20) Because , not being conscious to himselfe of haveing com~itted any crime , he would give securitye to stande and abide the judge=mt= of y=e= Howse of Com~ons at their next meeting , then whome he did not desire to appeare to other or better judges , & to whose judgem=t= he had at their last meeting submitted himselfe , if there had beene time or opportunitye for it before their riseing . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.21) He therefore humbly beseeched His Ma=tie= , who was no stranger to his loyalltye & services , to suspend y=e= execution of y=e= severe sentence of Banishm=t= out of his Royall presence , till y=e= meeting of y=e= Parliam=t= , before whome he was willing to appeare , (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.22) & did not doubt but to cleare & justifye himselfe in any crime that should be objected ag=t= him . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.23) His Petition was that day read at Councill , (AUNGIER-E3-P1,74,A.24) but other affaires of greater importance intervening , the further consideration of it was putt of till yesterday , when the addresse being taken into consideration , it is sayd the Preamble wh=ch= mentions y=e= late insolencyes of y=e= Papists grounded upon His Ma=ties= Indulgencies will be referred to y=r= Ex=cyes= Examination & Reporte thereupon . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.25) As for the Com=n= of Inquirye , the extraordinary powers wh=ch= the Parliam=t= observ'd to be in it are referred to y=e= Lords Com=rs= , who calling to their assistance those of His M=ties= Privy Councill of Ire=ld= who are Members of y=e= Howse of Com~ons , are on Thursday next to take them into consideration & reporte their opinion to His Ma=tie= and Councill . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.26) As for the disarming of y=e= Papists , His Ma=tie= declared his resolution to comply w=th= the Howse of Com~ons in y=t= particular , (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.27) & in order to it yo=r= Ex=cy= will have directions to disarme theme {COM:sic} and all others whom yo=r= Ex=cy= shall finde cause to suspect . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.28) As for the discharge $of all Papists out of all Com~ands both Military and Civill , His Ma=tie= observed , though the Howse of Com~ons had lesse cause to complaine of this now then in y=e= Reignes of any of his Auncestors , there be only one & y=t= Co=ll= Talbot in y=e= Armye , whereas in Queene Elizabeth's time , King James , & his Father's , there were at all times severall of y=e= Popish Religion in y=e= Standing Armye , and though he were very well satisfyed w=th= Co=ll= Talbot for his loyalty & good Services , yett he was resolv'd alsoe to give the Howse of Com~ons Satisfaction in y=t= poynt by takeing away his comand for w=ch= he would make him a recompence some other way . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.29) As for y=e= remaineing particulars of the addresse the consideration of it is putt of till Wenesday next , when His Maj=tie= will declare his pleasure in them alsoe . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.30) I had almost forgott to observe to yo=r= Ex=cy= , that it is sayd Co=ll= Talbot withdrew his Petition a few minutes before His Maj=tie= went yesterday to Councill , w=ch= makes some conjecture his appeareing in Courte for y=e= future will not be very frequent ; (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.31) I beg yo=r= Ex=cyes= pardon for this long lr~e , (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.32) & crave leave to honor myselfe w=th= the title of {COM:rest_of_sentence_omitted} (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.33) The Speaker of y=e= Howse of Com~ns was on Wenesday last sworne of His Maj=ties= Privy Councill . (AUNGIER-E3-P1,75,A.34)