Antwerp , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,5,B.3) 26 July {COM:1657?} . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,5,B.4) Madame , I hope your Majestie hath that good opinion of me , as to beleeue that your commandes carries euer so much waight with me , that at any time when I doe not comply with them , your Majestie may conclude the inconveniences on my parte are so greate , as I am confident you would be troubled if I should obay you , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.5) and the truth is , this businesse of my Lord Balcarres is of that nature ; (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.6) for your Majestie may be confident , that , after haueing giuen him so good a carrecter as I did at his first comming to Paris , I would not call my iudgement so farre in question , or run the venture of being thought apte to change my opinion of men vpon light groundes , if I had not those proofes against him of duble dealing and dishonesty as would iustifie me to all the world , though I had proceeded against him with a much seuerer sentence then hetherto I haue declared ; (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.7) and , because your Majestie shall not take my single worde for it , I will sende you , as soone as I come where the papers are , the proofes of what I say vnder his owne hande , which , if your Majestie will consider with an indifferent eye , you will at least conclude him not very fitt to put obligations vpon ; (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.8) and , for the promise your Majestie and my sister are ingaged in , can be of no waite in this particular , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.9) for certainly at the same time the person misbehaues him selfe he forfetts also the engagement , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.10) and I am confident your Majestie thinkes whosoeuer is faulty to me is so to you ; (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.11) I am sure it shall euer be so on my parte towardes your Majestie . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.12) I should say much more to your Majestie but that I deferre it till I can sende you the papers I mention , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.13) and will only now assure your Majestie that I am and ever will be , Madame , Your Majesties most humble and most obedient sone and seruant , Charles R (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,6,B.14) {COM:neither_addressed_nor_sealed} Bruges , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,7,B.18) 21 July {COM:1656?} (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,7,B.19) I haue three of yours vpon my handes , one of the 7 , an other of the 14 , of this month , and that of the 24 of the last which Tom Talbott brought me yesterday . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,7,B.20) I must tell you there is a mistake in your bill for the pistols , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,8,B.21) for Tom Blagge shewes me your letter wherein you tell him you haue returned him crowns , for which he is to receaue 465 gilders out of my bill , whereas I am informed by the marchant whome I haue imployd to receaue the mony for me , that there is but 21 poundes Flemish which amounts but to gilders and some odd shillings more then is due to me vpon the exchange for the pistols , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,8,B.22) therfore you must returne to him what is due ouer and aboue that summe . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,8,B.23) I hope you haue before this time receaued an order for the six monthes that are due , which I pray returne with all possible speede to me , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,8,B.24) for I want it very much , though the ratification be come to me from Spayne as fully as I could expect , of which I hope to receaue frute very shortly , to which purpose I intende to send to Brusselles within few dayes ; (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,8,B.25) there greate worke of Valancienes being as you know well ouer , I shall be very glade that a treaty betweene the two crownes may follow . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,8,B.26) Now , concerning what you write to me by Tom Talbot , I am of your opinion that I must be advised by these ministers heere in the conducting that businesse , there creditt and authority being likly to be of most vse to me in that place . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,8,B.27) I haue seald the Earle of Inchequin's pattent , which I had signed so longe since , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,9,B.28) therfore I pray lett notice be taken of it that he may enioy all his rights . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,9,B.29) {COM:postscript} I would haue you pay to S=r= R. Foster liuers out of the first mony you receaue for me . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,9,B.30) {COM:addressed} For my Lord Jermin . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,9,B.31) Bruges , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.34) October {COM:1656?} (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.35) I haue receaued yours of the 13 , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.36) and am so farre from being vnsatisfied with the Cardinall's retrenching my pention , that I am sure I haue tould you before , if he had inclined to haue continued it , I would absolutly haue refused it . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.37) I pray therfore sende me worde to what time they haue pay'd it , and so how much I haue receaued from them , as likewise how much is in truth in arreare to that time , that I may be able as well to say how much they haue failed of making good what they promised , as to acknowledge what I haue receaued . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.38) You say the Cardinall preserues one equality towards me , that is , if here be any thing attempted vpon England , he shall complayne of nothing that is done ; (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.39) and yett , whilst he hath much more reason to beleeue that will be the case then the contrary , he complayns more then would become him whateuer the case shall be , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.40) and in all companyes talkes of establishing Cromwell , (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.41) and vses other expressions then I expected from his discretion , when I gaue ouer expecting any thing from his kindenesse . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.42) I wish you should tell him , that a man who hath thought a necessity of his owne making warrant enough for such proceedings against me as no necessity could in truth excuse , should allowe a reall visible necessity , which he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} but decerne , a good iustification of my doeing what all the world would laugh at me if I should not do ; (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.43) and you shall do well to put him in minde that I am not yett so low , but that I may returne both the courtisyes and the iniuryes I haue receaued . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.44) {COM:addressed} For my Lord Jermin . (CHARLES-1650-E3-P1,10,B.45)