{COM:rest_of_heading_omitted} Please it your Grace to be advertised , that after the receipt of your Lettres dated at Southwell on Saynt Laurence day , I perceyved how that your Grace remayned in som displeasure and anxietie of mynde , for that I , by my Lettres , had before certefied you of the fynding certen offices concerning your busshopriche of York , the ffynding whereof , as I perceyve by your lettres , ye do suppose should be moche to your dishonour and detriment ; ffor the which intent that your Grace may put yourself in repose and quietacion of mynde , I have sent unto you this berer , who shall at length declare unto you , besids the demonstracion of the copies of such offices as be drawen , for that purpose , that the ffynding of the said offices , savyng onelie that in the preamble of the same there is touched the conviction of your Grace in the Premunire , which all the World alredie knoweth , $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} for your good onlie , proffit , and availe ; (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,183.5) and yet your pardon and restitucion stand in good and perfite effecte : so that your Grace shall have no nede nether to be in fere of losse of any of your spirituall or temporall goods , or to be troubeled for the same ; ne also to bee put to any new sute in the obteyning of any other pardon or restitucon . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,183.6) And if {COM:sic} in case your said pardon and restitucion were in any parte insufficient , I assure your Grace I know that the Kings Highnes wold it should be made as good as by any counsaill it could be devised . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,183.7) And doubt ye not but his Highnes is your gracyous and benigne Sovereigne Lorde , and wold in no wise that ye should be greved , molested , or troubeled . Wherfore it may please your Grace to quiet your self and to take the fynding of these offices pacientlie , (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.8) and uppon the retourne of the same , there $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} such orders taken that your Grace shall not be interrupted in the receyving of your revenues , ne otherwise be molested in any maner case for any new sute . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.9) As touching your Colledges the offices $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} founde : howbeit the Deane , and such other as have sued to the Kings Highnes , have had veray good answer , wherof I think they have certefied your Grace or this tyme . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.10) As touching the M=l= marks of the revenues of Wynchester , I doubt not but it $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} obteyned at the audite . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.11) And concerning Batyrsey it may please your Grace that such things as ye have sent me the copies of , may be sent hither under seale , (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.12) for they woll trust no scrowes , (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.13) and also that serche may be made for Busshop Bothes will concerning the same . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.14) Strangwissh contynually cryeth , (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.15) and maketh exclamaco~n in the Courte of you , insomoch that the Lords of the Counsaill have determyned to wryte unto you in that behalf , (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.16) wold to our Lorde your Grace were rid of that man . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,184.17) As concerning the Prebend of Witwang doubt ye not , but in that all thing is , and $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} , ordered to your good contentacion . (CROMWELL-E1-P1,3.2,185.18) {COM:continued_in_cromwell.e1.p2}