Madame , I recommend me unto you , doyng you to undrestonde that I have receyved your Lettres by your servante concernyng the maryage of your doughter , by the whiche I do perceyve that the Gentilwoman beyng accompaned with your said doughter unto your howse , hath informed you that it was my mynde for hir to certyfye you that the Controwler of the Pryncesse howsolde dothe bere hys synguler favour to your said doughter . (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.4) Trewly she mysusyd hir selff in gevyng you any suche knowlege on my behalff , (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.5) for I ensure you that I dyd geve unto hir no comaundment so to do , (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.6) for at that tyme I had harde no comunycacion touchyng that matter . (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.7) Howbeit sens oure departyng from Hartelbury , the said Controwler hathe movyd and comonyd with me therin , of the whiche I have certyfied your doughter , (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.8) but I canne perceyve no thyng in hyr wherby any effecte shulde be had or taken in that matter . Wherfore I pray you to be a good and naturall modre unto hyr , (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.9) and I doute not but she will alwayes use hirselue to you as a naturall chylde ought to do to hir modre : (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.10) and wolde advyse you to looke wele upon the matter whiche I sent you woorde of before tyme , that it may be brought to a good ende (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,107.11) for in my mynde it wolde be a veary meate bargayn if it be wele fynyshed and come to passe . (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,108.12) And thus I pray God it may be accomplessed to bothe your comfortis . (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,108.13) From Worcetor (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,108.14) the xx=th= daye of August . (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,108.15) Marg'et Salisbery . (DELAPOLE-E1-P1,2.2,108.16)