To my Uncle Plompton , be thes delivered . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.3) Uncle Plompton , I comennd me unto you . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.4) And where I should have bene with you to morow at Selbie , in good fayth it is so that I was yesterday so crased and sicke that I kept my bedd all day , (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.5) and this day I am not of power to goe , nor ride as yet . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.6) And also there is with me my uncle Ward , Thomas Lawrance , Ralfe Nevell , and others ; (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.7) but that notwithstanding , if I had my health , I should be with you . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.8) And if ye $can $not {TEXT:cannot} conclud tomorrow , appoynt a new day , (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.9) and I $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} glad to be with you with grace of Jesu , who ever keepe you . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.10) Scribbled at Gaukthorp , this fryday in hast . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.11) Your nepho , William Gascoygne (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.12) To his worshipfull Uncle , Sir Robart Plompton , kt. deliver these . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.14) Right worshipful Uncle , I comennd me unto you , praying you to send me all such evidence , as ye have concernyng any lands or tenements in Tokwith ; so that I may have them at Tadcaster this nyght , (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.15) for the matter is in communication there : (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,149.16) and the sayd evidence $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} safly kept for you , as knoweth Almyghtie Jesu , who evermore preserve you . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,150.17) Written at Tadcaster this fryday . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,150.18) Your nepho , William Gascoygne (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,150.19) To my uncle Sir Robart Plompton , kt. be thes byll delivered in hast . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.22) Uncle Plompton , I recomannd me unto you as hartely as I can , shewing you that my lord Archbishop hath sent a letter to my cousin William your son and a byll closed therin ; which byll and letter I wold ye gave good heed to , and understand whether it be Kings comandement , or nay . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.23) And also John Vavasour of Newton is departed to mercy of God , sence ye departed from home , (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.24) and I have inquered of the age of his son and heire , which $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} at full age within a moneth , (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.25) and then I am in a suerte to have the release of him . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.26) Also there is a maraige moved betwyxt the sone of Sir John Roklife and Jane Ughtred , syster to Henry Ughtred , (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.27) and great labour have they made to my lord of Northumberland for the same , which I have stoped as yet . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.28) And thus the sayd Sir John Rokclife , Henry Ughtred , and Anthony drawth all one way ; (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.29) and I understand they will make more labor to my sayd Lord hastely , for which cause I will goe to Lekinfeld the next weke , where I shall know further herein of my lords pleasure , which I know is your especiall good Lord : (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.30) and as I can know furthere , I shall send you wrytting shortly . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.31) And also , as I understand , your adversaries will lay a fine against you , which fine is parcell of Wilbarn Midleton's evidence , (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.32) and is the fine of the house in Plompton that was my uncle Ralfe Gascoygne . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,175.33) I pray you to send me some good tydings , as sone as ye can , of your good speed in your matters , which , I besech Gude may be to his pleasure , and your comforth and myne ; (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,176.34) and thus our Lord kepe you . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,176.35) At Gaukthorpe in hast , the second sunday in Lenten . (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,176.36) Yore nephew , William Gascon (GASCOIGNE-1500-E1-P1,176.37) {COM:19_1502-3}