_CO DE My bounde dewtie in most humble wise remembryd , pleasith it your Lordeshipp to be advertised that a yoman of the garde named Christofer Chappman beinge sente , as a sercher of the state of the cuntrey , and gever of knowledge unto those places wherunto the Kings Highnes hath dyrected the giests of this his Progresse , came the daie of makynge hereof vnto this your Lordeshipps Hows of Lewes ; viewinge and perusinge the lodginges and offices of the same , affyrmynge moreover that the Kyngs Grace wolde here be ; but how longe he wolde remayne or when he wolde come beynge vncertayne . (GCROMW-E1-P1,208.5) In consyderation therof , and forasmoche as yo=r= Lordeshipp sholde not be ignorant in the behalf , I thowght it my bownden dewtie to asserteyne you of his sayde com~ynge . (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.6) And forcause the contagion of the Plage whiche hath heretofore not a litell infected this towne is not as yett all whole extincte and quenched , I have therfore caused hime to have a trewe certificat as well of oon that this daye disceased in an ynne of the towne , as of all other suche as hath dyed att any tyme sythens Christemas within the precyncte of the same . (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.7) Desirenge therfore that it maye please your Lordeshipp , to geve me advertisement of your pleasure and com~aundement therin . (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.8) And thus I desyre our Lorde to have you in his moste gratious tuytion . (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.9) At Lewes , (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.10) the xxixt=th= daie of June . (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.11) Your most obedyent sonne , Gregory Crumwell . (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.12) To his moste honorable father , My Lorde Privey Seale . (GCROMW-E1-P1,209.13) Bedfellow , the daie before the makynge herof , we receyued the iuste newes of my Lady Annes repayre hither , the same beynge appoynted vppon Thursdaie nexte comynge , whiche thinge all thowgh it be nowe {COM:no} newes , yet I feare that lacke of expedition in the conveyaunce of thies my lettres $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} occasion the same to be olde before they $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} of you receyued , forasmoche as suche newes arr more sweftely sette abrode by tonges then writynge . (GCROMW-E1-P1,253.19) It is determyned that she shall remayne here Frydaie and Satyrdaye all daie , and vppon Sondaie , wynde and wether seruynge , take hir passage into Englande . (GCROMW-E1-P1,253.20) After she ons entereth the Englishe pale , both she and hir whole treyne $shall $be {TEXT:shalbe} att the Kyngs charge , (GCROMW-E1-P1,253.21) thitherto she hath bene att hir owne . (GCROMW-E1-P1,253.22) There arre in hir companye iij=C=. horsses , wherof one C. rydeth before for prouysion , and ij=C=. awayte vppon hir . (GCROMW-E1-P1,253.23) My Lorde Deputie , with all the Speares and Offycers of the towne shall receyue hir att the English Pale . My Lorde Admyral with all vs accompanyenge hime a litle withowte the towne . My Lady Lisle with all the other Ladyes and Gentlewomen att the towne gates . (GCROMW-E1-P1,253.24) I ame , thanks be to God , in healthe , trustinge shortely to here from you lyke newes , aswell of your self as also my little boyes , of whose encreace and towardenes be ye assured I ame nott a litle desyrous to be aduertised . (GCROMW-E1-P1,254.25) And thus nott hauynge any other newes to wryte I bydde you moste hartely well to fare . (GCROMW-E1-P1,254.26) Att Callays , (GCROMW-E1-P1,254.27) the ix=th= of Decemb=r= . (GCROMW-E1-P1,254.28) Your lovinge bedeffelowe , Gregory Crumwell . (GCROMW-E1-P1,254.29) To my right louinge bedfellow , att Ledes Castell in Kent . (GCROMW-E1-P1,254.30)