_COD E To our right trustie and welbeloved the lord Clifforde . Henricus Rex By the Kinge (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,34,H.4) Right trustie and welbeloved wee greete you well . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,34,H.5) And where as we at this time have written aswell to the sheriffe of that our shire as shall appeare unto $you by the coppie of the same writtinge here inclosed as also to the justices of our peace {COM:fo.v} within our said shire whereof yee bee one as in likewise shall appeare to you by our lettres to you and them addressed , comaundinge and straitly chargeinge that as well the said sheriffe as the said justices endeavor them for the keepinge of our peace and entertainment of our subjectes in good quiet and restfullnes dureinge the time of our jorney into the partes beyond the sea to the which wee intend to dispose us aboute the latter end of this present month of May . And forasmuch also as wee have for your great ease spared you of your attendance uppon us in our said jorney and left you at home to doe us service in the keepinge of our peace and good rule and order amongstes our said subjectes , wee will therfore and comaunde you that dureinge the time of our said absence out of this our realme yee have a speciall oversight , regarde and respecte aswell to the said sheriffe as the said justices how and with what diligence they doe and execute our comaundmentes comprised in our said lettres . And that yee also from time to time as yee shall see neede , quickly and sharply call uppon them in our name for the execution of our said commaundmentes . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,34,H.6) And if yee shall find any of them remisse or negligent in that behalf , we will that yee lay it sharply to theire charge , advertiseinge them that in case they amende not theire default , yee will thereof advertise our counsaile attendinge upon our deerest daughter the Princesse (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,34,H.7) and so wee charge you to doe indeed . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,34,H.8) And if our said sheriffe or justices or any other sheriffe or justices of any other shire next to you uppon any side adjoyninge shall need and require your assistance for the execution of our said comaundementes , wee will and desire you that with the best power that yee can make of our subjectes in harneis , yee be to them aidinge and assistinge from tyme to time as the case shall require , not faileinge hereof as yee intend to please us and as wee singularly trust you . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,34,H.9) Yeven under our signett at our mannor of Greenewich the xviijth day of May . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,34,H.10) {COM:c1525} Myne awne good Cardinall , I recomande me unto you with all my hart , (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,269,E.14) and thanke yow for the grette payne and labour that yow do dayly take in my bysynes and maters , desyryng yow that wen {COM:sic} yow have well establyshyd them to take summe pastyme and comfort , to the intent yow may the longer endure to serve us ; (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,269,E.15) for allways payne can nott be induryd . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,269,E.16) Surly yow have so substancyally orderyd oure maters bothe off thys syde the See and byonde that in myne oppynyon lityll or nothyng can be addyd ; (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,269,E.17) nevertheles , accordyng to your desyre , I do send yow myne oppynyon by thys berar , the refformacion whereoff I do remytte to yow and the remnante off our trusty consellers , whyche I am sure wyll substantyally loke on hyt . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,270,E.18) As tochyng the mater that Syr Wyllyam Says broght answar off I am well contentyd with what order so ever yow do take in itt . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,270,E.19) The Quene my wyff hath desyryd me to make har most harty recommendations to yow , as to hym that she lovethe very well , (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,270,E.20) and both she and I wolde knowe fayne when yow wyll repayre to us . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,270,E.21) No more to yow att thys tyme bot that with God's helpe I trust we shall dysspoynte oure enymys off theyre intendyd purpose . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,270,E.22) Wryttyn with the hand of your lovyng master Henry , R. To My Lorde Cardinall . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,1.1,270,E.23) {COM:1525} To our right trustie and right welbeloved cousin therle of Cumberland . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,35,H.27) Henricus Rex By the Kinge (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,35,H.28) Right trustie and right welbeloved cousin wee greete you well . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,35,H.29) And forasmuch as wee understand that the late lord Clifford , your Father deceassed whose soule God pardon by his sufficient writtinge granted and let to farme to our trustie and welbeloved servant Edward Gouldsbrough the mannor and lordshipp of Gouldsbrough with the appurtenances in our countie of Yorke , to have and to hold the same to our said servant dureinge the nonage of Thomas Goldsbrough , sonne and heire of Richard Goldsbrough deceased , yeildinge and payinge therfore yearly like rent and ferme as in the said writinge is specified more at large . Wee therefore desire and pray you cousin to permitt and suffer our said servant peaceably and quietly to enjoy and occupy the said mannor dureinge the nonage of the said Thomas Goldsbrough accordinge to the effect and purporte of your said Fathers grante without any interruption to the contrary . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,35,H.30) And in your so doeinge yee shall administer unto us full good pleasure to be remembred accordingly hereafter . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,35,H.31) Yeven under our signett att our towene of Stratford the vijth day of September . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,35,H.32) To our right trusty and right welbeloved cousin therle of Cumberland . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,36,H.35) Henricus Rex By the Kinge (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,36,H.36) Right trustie and right welbeloved cousin , wee greete you well . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,36,H.37) And understand that one Dicke of the Woodfoote otherwise called Richard Urwen , Scottishman and a simple person who hath committed felony within this our realme upon our subjectes on our borders of Scottland is taken and in ward with you under your charge with our castle of Carlisle . And that also our trusty subject Gefferey Middelton squire is taken in Scotland by the Urwens and delivered to the Armestronges , outlawes there , as hee was goeinge in his pilgrimage unto Saint Trewnym {COM:sic} and so is kept with the said Armestrongs in duresie and shall not be delivered without restoringe of the said Dicke of the Woodfoote otherwise called Richard Urwen , beinge in ward with you . Wherefore , wee in consideracion thereof will and commaunde you , that yee forthwith upon the sight hereof , deliver or cause to bee delivered the said Dicke of the Woodfoote otherwise called Richard Urwen unto the said Gefferey Middelton for to bee convaiede into Scotland for redeemeinge and pledgeinge of the same Gefferey out of the handes of the said Armestronges , without faileinge thus to doe as wee trust you , and as yee tender our pleasure . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,37,H.38) And these our letters $shall $bee {TEXT:shalbe} your sufficient warrant and discharge in this behalfe att all times hereafter . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,37,H.39) Yeven under our signett att our mannor of Bridwell the xxvijth day of November , the xxth yeare of our raigne {COM:1528} . (HENRY-1520-E1-P1,37,H.40)