{COM:insert_helsinki_1} 7 . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.3) Remember therefore that which is spoken of by the Apostles . Whose words if the children of this world doe not regard , is it any marvaile ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.4) They are the Apostles of our Lord Iesus ; not of their Lord but of our . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.5) It is true which one hath said in a certaine place , Apostolicam fidem seculi homo non capit , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.6) a ma~ sworne to the world , is not capable of that faith which the Apostles doe teach . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.7) What meane the children of this world then to tread in the courts of our God ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.8) What should your bodies doe at Bethel , whose hearts are at Bethaven ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.9) The God of this world , whom yee serue , hath provided Apostles and teachers for you , Chaldeans , Wisards , Southsayers , Astrologers , and such like : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.10) Heare them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.11) Tell not us that yee will sacrifice to the Lord our God if wee will sacrifice to Ashteroth or Melcom ; that yee will read our Scriptures , if wee will listen to your traditions ; that if yee may haue a Masse by permission , wee shall haue a Communion with good leaue and liking ; that yee will admit the things that are spoken of by the Apostles of our Lord Iesus , if your Lord and Master may haue his ordinances observed , and his statutes kept . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.12) Solomon took it as well he might for an evident proofe , that she did not bear a motherly affection to her child , which yeelded to haue it cut in diverse parts . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,10.13) He $can $not {TEXT:cannot} loue the Lord Iesus with his heart , which lendeth one eare to his Apostles , and another eare to false Apostles : which can brooke to see a mingle mangle of religion and superstition , Ministers and Massingpriests , light & darknesse , truth and errour , traditions and Scriptures . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.14) No ; we haue no Lord but Iesus ; no doctorine but the Gospell , no teachers but his Apostles . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.15) Were it reason to require at the hand of an English subiect , obedience to the lawes and edicts of the Spaniard ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.16) I doe marvaile that any man bearing the name of a servant of the servants of Iesus Christ , will goe about to drawe vs from our allegeance . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.17) Wee are his sworne subiects ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.18) it is not lawful for vs to heare the things , that are not told vs by his Apostles . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.19) They haue told vs that in the last daies there shall be mockers ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.20) therefore wee beleeue it : Credimus quia legimus , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.21) we are so perswaded because we read it must be so . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.22) If we did not read it , we would not teach it : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.23) Nam quae libro legis non continentur , ea nec nosse debemus , saith Hilary , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.24) those things that are not written in the booke of the law , wee ought not so much as to be acquainted with them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.25) Remember the words which were spoken of before of the Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.26) 8 (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.27) The third thing to be considered in the description of these men of whom wee speake is the time , wherin they should be manifested to the world . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.28) They told you there should bee mockers in the last time . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.29) Noah at the commaundement of God built an Arke , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.30) and there were in it beasts of all sorts , cleane & vncleane . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.31) A husbandman planteth a vineyard (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,11.32) and looketh for grapes , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.33) but when they come to the gathering , behold togither with grapes there are found also wilde grapes . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.34) A rich man prepareth a great supper (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.35) and biddeth many , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.36) but when hee sitteth him down he findeth amongst his friends here and there a man whom he knoweth not . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.37) This hath beene the state of the Church sithe~ce the beginning . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.38) God alwaies hath mingled his Saints with faithlesse and godlesse persons ; as it were the cleane with the vncleane , grapes with sowre grapes , his friends and children with aliens and strangers . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.39) Mervaile not the~ , if in the last daies also yee see the men , with whom you liue and walke arme in arme , laugh at your religion and blaspheme that glorious name whereof you are called . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.40) Thus it was in the daies of the patriarckes & prophets , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.41) and are we better then our fathers ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.42) Albeit we $suppose that the blessed Apostles in foreshewing what manner of men were set out for the last daies , meant to note a calamity speciall and peculiar to the ages and generations which were to come . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,12.43) As if he should haue said ; As God hath apointed a time of seed for the sower , and a time of harvest for him that reapeth , as he hath give~ vnto every hearb & every tree his own fruit , and his own season , not the season or the fruit of another , for no man looketh to gather figs in the winter , because the Sommer is the season for them , nor grapes of thistles , because grapes are the fruite of the Vine , so the same God hath appointed sundrie for every generation of men , other men for other times , and for the last times the worst men , as may appeare by their properties , which is the fourth point to be considered of in this description . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.44) 9 (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.45) They told you that there should be Mockers . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.46) He meaneth men that shall vse religion as a cloake to put off , and on , as the weather serveth ; such as shall with Herod heare the preaching of Iohn Baptist to day , and to morrow condescende to haue him beheaded ; or with the other Herod say , they will worship Christ when they purpose a massacre in their hearts , kisse Christ with Iudas , and betray Christ with Iudas . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.47) These are mockers . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.48) For as Ishmael the sonne of Hagar laughed at Isaak , which was heir of the promise ; so shall these men laugh at you as the maddest people vnder the sunne , if yee be like Moses , choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God , then to enioy the pleasures of sin for a season . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.49) And why ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.50) God hath not given them eies to see , nor harts to co~ceiue that exceding recompence of your rewarde . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.51) The promises of salvatio~ made to you are matters , wherein they can take no pleasure , even as Ishmael tooke no pleasure in that promise , wherein God had said vnto Abraham : In Isaac shall thy seed be called , because the promise concerned not him but Isaac . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.52) They are tearmed for their impiety towards God , mockers , and for the impurity of their life and conversation , walkers after their owne vngodly lusts . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,13.53) S. Peter in his second epistle and 3 chapter soundeth the very depth of their impiety : shewing first , how they shall not shame at the length to professe themselues prophane , and irreligious , by flat denying the gospell of Iesus Christ , and deriding the sweet and comfortable promises of his appearing : secondly , that they shall not-2 be only deriders of all religion , but also disputers against God , vsing truth to subvert the truth ; yea scriptures themselues to disproue scriptures . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.54) Being in this sort mockers , they must needs be also followers of their owne vngodly lusts . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.55) Being Atheists in perswasion , can they choose but be beasts in conversation~ ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.56) For why remoue they quite from them the feare God ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.57) Why take they such paines to abandon and put out from their harts all sense , all tast , all feeling of religion ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.58) but only to this end and purpose , that they may without inward remorse and grudging of conscience giue over themselues to all vncleanenes . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.59) Surely the state of these me~ is more lamentable , then is the condition of Pagans and Turkes . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.60) For at the bare beholding of heaven and earth the infidels heart by and by doth giue him , that there is an eternal , infinite , immortal , and everliving God ; whose hands haue fashioned and framed the world ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.61) hee knoweth that every house is builded of some man , though he see not the man which built the house , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,14.62) and he considereth , that it must be God which hath built and created all things ; although because the number of his daies be few he could not see whe~ God disposed his workes of old , when he caused the light of his clowdes first to shine , when he laid the corner stone of the earth and swadled it with banks of water and darknes ; when he caused the morning star to know his place , & made barres and doores to shut vp the sea within his house , saying hitherto shalt thou come but no farther : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.63) he hath no eie witnesse of these things . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.64) Yet the light of natural reason hath put this wisdome in his reines , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.65) and hath given his heart thus much vnderstanding . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.66) Bring a pagan to the schooles of the prophets of God ; prophecie to an infidell , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.67) rebuke him , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.68) lay the iudgements of God before him , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.69) make the secret sinnes of his heart manifest , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.70) and he shall fall downe and worship God . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.71) They that crucified the Lord of glory were not so far past recovery , but that the preaching of the Apostles was able to moue their hearts and to bring them to this , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.72) Men & brethren what shall we doe ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.73) Agrippa , that sate in iudgement against Paule for preaching , yeelded notwithstanding thus farre vnto him , almost thou perswadest me to become a Christian . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.74) Although the Iewes for want of knowledge haue not submitted themselues to the righteousnesse of God ; yet I beare them record , saith the Apostle , that they haue a zeale . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.75) The Athenians , a people hauing neither zeale nor knowledge , yet of them also the same Apostle beareth witnesse , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.76) yee men of Athens I perceaue yee are {COM:greek_omitted} some way religious . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.77) But mockers , walking after their owne vngodly lusts , they haue smothered every sparke of that heavenly light , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.78) they haue stiflled even their very naturall vnderstanding . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.79) O Lord , thy mercy is over al thy workes , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.80) thou savest man and beast ! (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.81) yet a happy case it had beene for these men if they had never beene borne : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.82) and so I leaue them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.83) (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,15.84) S=t= Iude hauing his mind exercised in the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christ concerning things to come in the last time , became a man of a wise and staid iudgement . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.85) Grieued hee was , to see the departure of many , and their falling away from the faith , which before they did professe : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.86) grieved , but not dismayed . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.87) With the simpler and weaker sort it was otherwise : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.88) Their countenance began by and by to change , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.89) they were halfe in doubt they had deceiued themselues in giuing credit to the Gospell of Iesus Christ . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.90) S=t= Iude to comfort & refresh these silly lambs taketh them vp in his armes , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.91) and sheweth them the men at whom they were offended . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.92) Look vpon them that forsake this blessed professio~ wherein you stand : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.93) They are now before your eyes ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.94) view them , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.95) marke them , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.96) are they not carnal ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.97) are they not like to noysome carrion cast out vpon the earth ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.98) is there that spirit in them , which cryeth Abba father in your bosomes ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.99) Why should any man be discomforted ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.100) haue you not heard that there should be mockers in the last time ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.101) These verily are they , that now doe seperate themselues . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.102) 11 (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.103) For your better vnderstanding , what this severing and separating of themselues doth meane , we must knowe , that the multitude of them which truly beleeue howsoever they be dispersed farre and wide each from other is all one body , whereof the head is Christ , one building , whereof he is the corner stone , in whom they as the me~bers of the body being knit , & as the stones of the building , being coupled , grow vp to a man of perfect stature , and rise to an holy te~ple in the Lord . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,16.104) That which linketh Christ to vs is his meere mercy and loue towards vs . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.105) That which tieth vs to him is our faith in the promised salvation revealed in the word of truth . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.106) That which vniteth and ioyneth vs amongst our selues , in such sort that wee are now as if we had but one heart and one soule , is our loue . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.107) Who be inwardly in heart the liuely members of this body , and the polished stones of this building , coupled and ioined to Christ , as flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones by the mutuall bond of his vnspeakable loue towards them , & their vnfained faith in him , thus linked and fastned each to other by a sprituall , sincere , and hartie affection of loue without any manner of simulation , who be Iewes within , and what their names be , none can tell , saue he whose eies doe behold the secret disposition of all mens harts . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.108) We , whose eies are too dimme to behold the inward man , must leaue the secret iudgement of every servant to his owne Lord , accounting and vsing all men as brethren both neere and deare vnto vs , supposing Christ to loue them tenderly , so as they keep the profession of the Gospell and ioyne in the outward communion of Saints . Whereof the one doth warrantize vnto vs their faith , the other their loue , till they fall away and forsake either the one , or the other , or both ; (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.109) and then it is no iniurie to tearme them as they are . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.110) When they separate themselues they , {COM:sic} are {COM:greek_omitted} , not iudged by vs , but by their owne doings . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.111) Men do separate the~selues either by heresie , schisme , or apostasie . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,17.112) If they loose the bond of faith , which then they are iustly supposed to doe , when they frowardly oppugne any principall point of Christian doctrine , this is to separate themselues by Heresie . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,18.113) If they breake the bond of vnitie , whereby the body of the Church is coupled and knit in one , as they doe , which willfully forsake al externall communion with Saints in holy exercises purely & orderly established in the Church , this is to separate themselues by schisme . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,18.114) If they willingly cast of and vtterly forsake both profession of Christ , & communion with Christians , taking their leaue of all religion , this is to separate themselues by plaine Apostasie . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,18.115) And Saint Iude , to expresse the manner of their departure , which by Apostasie fell away fro~ the faith of Christ , saith they separated themselues : noting thereby , that it was not constraint of others , which forced them to depart , it was not infirmitie and weaknes in themselues , it was not feare of persecution to come vpo~ them , whereat their hearts did faile ; it was not griefe of torments , whereof they had tasted , and were not able any longer to endure them . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,18.116) No , they voluntarily did separate themselues with a fully setled , and altogether determined purpose never to name the Lord Iesus any more , nor to haue any fellowship with his Saints but to bend all their counsell and all their strength to raze out their memoriall from amongst men . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,18.117) 12 (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,18.118) Now because that by such examples , not only the hearts of Infidels were hardned against the truth , but the mindes of weake brethren also much troubled , the holy Ghost hath given sentence of these backsliders , that they were carnall men , and had not the spirit of Christ Iesus , least any man hauing an overweening of their persons should be overmuch amazed and offended at their fall . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.119) For simple men not able to discerne their spirits , were brought by their apostasie thus to reason with themselues , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.120) If Christ be the sonne of the liuing god , if hee haue the words of eternall life , if he be able to bring salvation to all men that come vnto him , what meaneth this Apostasie and vnconstrained departure ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.121) Why doe his servants so willingly forsake him ? (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.122) Babes be not deceived , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.123) his servants forsake him not . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.124) They that separate themselues were amongst his servants , (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.125) but if they had been of his servants , they had not separated themselues . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.126) They were amongst vs , not of vs , saith Saint Iohn : (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.127) and Saint Iude proveth it , because they were carnall , and had not the spirit . (HOOKER-A-E2-P1,19.128)