Having otherwhere spoken of the words of Saint Iude , going next before , concerning Mockers , which should come in the last time , & backsliders , which even then fell away from the faith of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ ; I am now by the aide of almighty God , and through the assistance of his good spirit , to lay before you the words of exhortation , which I haue read . 2 Wherein first of all , whosoever hath an eie to see , let him open it , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,31.2) and he shall wel perceiue , how carefull the Lord is for his children , how desirous to see them profit and growe vp to a manly stature in Christ , how loath to haue them any way mislead , either by examples of the wicked , or by enticements of the world , and by provocation of the flesh , or by any other meanes forcible to deceaue them , and likely to estrange their heart from God . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.3) For God is not at that point with vs , that hee careth not whether wee sinke or swimme . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.4) No , he hath written our names in the palme of his hand , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.5) in the signet vpon his finger are we graven , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.6) in sentences not onely of mercy , but of iudgement also we are remembred . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.7) He never denou~ceth iudgements against the wicked , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.8) but hee maketh some Proviso for his children , as it were for some certaine priviledged persons , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.9) Touch not mine annointed , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.10) do my Prophets no harme , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.11) hurt not the earth , nor the sea , nor the trees , till wee haue sealed the servants of God in their foreheads . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.12) Hee never speaketh of godlesse men , but he adioineth words of comfort , or admonition , or exhortation , whereby wee are moued to rest and settle our hearts on him . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.13) In the second Tim. the 3. Chap Evill men , saith the Appostle , and deceiuers shal waxe worse and worse , deceiuing and being deceiued . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.14) But continue thou in the things , which thou hast learned . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.15) And in the first to Tim. the 6. Chap. Some men lusting after money haue erred from the faith , & pierced themselues through with many sorrowes . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.16) But thou , o` man of God , fly these things , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.17) and follow after righteousness , godlines , loue , patience , meeknesse . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.18) In the second to the Thessalonians , the second Chap. They that haue not receiued the loue of the truth , that they might bee saued , God shal send them strong delusions , that they may beleeue lies . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,32.19) But we ought to giue thanks alway to God for you , brethren , beloued of the Lord , because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit , and faith in the truth . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.20) And in this Epistle of S. Iude , There shall come mockers in the last time , walking after their owne vngodly lusts . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.21) Eat , beloued , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.22) edifie yee your selues in your most holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.23) 3 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.24) These sweet exhortations , which God putteth every where in the mouthes of the Prophets & Apostles of Iesus Christ , are evident tokens , that God sitteth not in heaven careless and vnmindfull of our estate . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.25) Can a mother forget her child ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.26) Surely a mother will hardly forget her child . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.27) But if a mother bee happily found vnnaturall , and doe forget the fruit of her owne wombe , yet Gods iudgements shew plainly , that he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} forget , the man whose heart hee hath framed and fashioned a new in simplicity and truth to serue and feare him . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.28) For when the wickednesse of man was so great , and the earth so filled with crueltie , that it could not stand with the righteousnes of God any longer to forbeare , wrathfull sentences brake out from him like wine from a vessell that hath no vent . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.29) My spirit , saith he , can struggle and striue no longer , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.30) an end of all flesh is come before me . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.31) Yet then did Noah finde grace in the eies of the Lord ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.32) I will establish my covena~t with thee , saith God , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.33) thou shalt goe into the arke , thou , and thy sonnes , and thy wife , and thy sonnes wiues with thee . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.34) 4 . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.35) Doe we not see what shift God doth make for Lot , and for his familie in the 19. of Genesis , least the fierie destruction of the wicked should overtake him ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,33.36) Over night the Angels make enquiry , what sons or daughters , or sonnes in law , what wealth and substance he had . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.37) They charge him to carie out al , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.38) whatsoever thou hast in the citie , bring it out . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.39) God seemeth to stand in a kind of feare , least something or other would be left behind . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.40) And his will was that nothing of that which he had , not an hoofe of any beast , not a threed of any garment should bee singed with that fire . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.41) In the morning the angels fayle not to call him vp , and to hasten him forward , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.42) Arise , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.43) take thy wife , & thy daughters which are here , that they be not destroyed in the punishment of the Citie . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.44) The Angels hauing spoken againe and againe , Lot for all this , lingereth out the time still , till at the length they were forced to take both him , and his wife , and his daughters by the armes the Lord being mercifull vnto him and to cary them forth and set them without the citie . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.45) 5 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.46) Was there ever any father thus carefull to saue his child from the flame ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.47) A man would thinke , that now being spoken vnto to escape for his life , and not to looke behinde him , or to tarry in the plaine , but to hasten to the mountaine & there to saue himselfe , he should do it gladly . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.48) Yet behold , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.49) now he is so farre off from a chearefull & willing hart to do whatsoever is commanded him for his owne weale , that he beginneth to reason the matter , as if God had mistaken one place for another , sending him to the hill when salvation was in the Citie . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.50) Not so , my Lord , I beseech thee . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.51) Behold , thy servant hath found grace in thy sight , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.52) and thou hast magnified thy mercy which thou haste shewed vnto me in saving my life . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,34.53) I $can $not {TEXT:cannot} escape in the mountaine , least some evil take me and I die . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.54) Here is a Citty hard by , a small thing . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.55) O let me escape thither (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.56) is it not a small thing ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.57) and my soule shall liue . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.58) Well , God is contented to yeeld to any conditions . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.59) Behold I haue received thy request concerning this thing also . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.60) I will spare this City , for which thou has spoken ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.61) hast thee ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.62) saue thee there . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.63) For I can do nothing till thou come thither . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.64) 6 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.65) Hee could doe nothing ! (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.66) Not because of the weaknesse of his strength for who is like vnto the Lord in power ? but because of the greatnesse of his mercy which would not suffer him to lift vp his arme against that city , nor to power out his wrath vpon that place , where his righteous servant had a fancie to remaine , and a desire to dwell . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.67) O the depth of the riches of the mercy and loue God ! (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.68) God is afraide to offend vs which are not afraid to displease him ! (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.69) God can do nothing till he haue saved vs , which can finde in our harts rather to do any thing then to serue him . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.70) It contenteth him not to exempt vs , when the pit is digged for the wicked ; to comfort vs at every mention which is made of reprobates and godlesse men ; to saue vs as the apple of his owne eie when fire commeth downe from heaven to consume the inhabitants of the earth , except every Prophet and every Apostle , and every servant , whom he sendeth forth , doe come loaden with these and the like exhortations , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.71) O beloved , edifie your selues in your most holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.72) Giue your selues to praier in the spirit , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.73) keep your selues in the loue of God . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.74) Looke for the mercie of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternall life . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,35.75) {COM:insert_helsinki_here} (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.78) Consider this people , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.79) and learne , what it is to build your selues in faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.80) They were the Lords vine : (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.81) he brought it out of Egypt , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.82) he threwe out the heathen from their places , that it might be planted , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.83) hee made roome for it , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.84) and caused it to take roote , till it had filled the earth , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.85) the mountaines were covered with the shadowe of it , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.86) and the boughs thereof were as the goodly Cedars . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.87) She stretched out her branches vnto the sea and her boughs vnto the river . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.88) But when God hauing sent both his servants and his sonne to visite this vine , they neither spared the one , nor receiued the other , but stoned the Prophets , and crucified the Lord of glory which came vnto them , then beganne the curse of God to come vpon them , even the curse whereof the Prophet David hath spoken , saying , Let their table be made a snare , and a net , and stumbling blocke , even for a recompense vnto them , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.89) let their eies bee darkned , that they doe not see , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.90) bow down their backs forever , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.91) keepe them downe . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.92) And sithens the houre , that the measure of their infidelitie was first made vp , they haue beene spoiled with warres , eate~ vp with plagues spent with hunger and famine : (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.93) they wander fro~ place to place , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.94) and are become the most base and contemptible people that are vnder the sunne . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,45.95) Ephraim , which before was a terrour vnto nations , & they trembled at his voice , is now by infidelitie so vile that he seemeth as a thing cast out to bee trampled vnder mens feet . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.96) In the midst of these desolations they cry , Returne we beseech thee , o` God of hosts , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.97) looke down from heaven , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.98) behold and visit this vine : (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.99) but their very prayers are turned into sinne , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.100) and their cryes are no better then the lowing of beasts before him . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.101) Well , saith the Apostle , by their vnbeleefe they are broken of , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.102) and thou doest stand by thy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.103) Behold therefore the bountifulnesse , and severitie of God , towards them (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.104) severitie , because they haue fallen , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.105) bountifulnesse towards thee , if thou continue in his bountifulnesse , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.106) or else thou shalt be cut off . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.107) If they forsake their vnbeleefe , and be grafted in againe , and we at any time for the hardnesse of our hearts be broken off , it will be such a iudgement , as will amaze all the powers and principalities which are aboue . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.108) Who hath searched the counsell of God concerning this secret ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.109) and who doth not see that infidelitie doth threaten Lo-ammi vnto the Gentiles , as it hath brought Lo ruchama vpon the Iewes ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.110) It may bee that these wordes seeme darke vnto you . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.111) But the words of the Apostle in the eleventh to the Romans , are plaine enough , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.112) If God haue not spared the naturall branches , take heed , take heed , least he spare not thee . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.113) Build thy selfe in faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.114) Thus much of the thing which is prescribed , and wherein we are exhorted to edifie our selues . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.115) Now consider the conditions and properties , which are in this place annexed vnto faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.116) The former of them for there are but two is this , Edifie your selues in your faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.117) 21 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,46.118) A strange , and a strong delusion it is where with the man of sinne hath bewitched the world ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.119) a forcible spirit of errour it must needs be , which hath brought men to such a senseless & vnreasonable perswasion as this is , not only that men cloathed with mortalitie and sinne as we our selues are , can doe God so much service , as shall be able to take a full and perfect satisfaction before the Tribunall seate of God for their owne sinnes , yea a great deale more , then is sufficient for themselues ; But also that a man at the hands of a Bishop or a Pope , for such or such a price , may buie the overplus of other mens merits , purchase the fruits of other mens labours , and build his soule by another mans faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.120) Is not this man drowned in the gall of bitternesse ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.121) Is his heart right in the sight of God ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.122) Can he haue any part of felloswhip with Peter , and with the successours of Peter , which thinketh so vilely of building the pretious temples of the holy Ghost ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.123) Let his money perish with him , and he {COM:sic} with it , because he iudgeth that the gift of God may bee sold for money . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.124) 22 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.125) But , Beloued in the Lord , deceaue not your selues , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.126) neither suffer ye your selues to be deceaued ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.127) ye ca~ receiue no more ease nor comfort for your soules by an other mans faith , then {COM:ye_can_receive} warmth for your bodies by an other mans cloathes , or sustenance by the bread which another doeth eate . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.128) The iust shall liue by his owne faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.129) Let a saint , yea a Martyr conte~t himselfe , that he hath clensed himselfe of his owne sinnes , saith Tertullian . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.130) No saint or Martyr can cleanse himselfe of his owne sins . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,47.131) But if so be a saint or a martyr can cleanse himselfe of his owne sinnes , it is sufficient that he can doe it for himselfe . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.132) Did euer any man by his death deliuer another man from death , except onely the son of God ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.133) He indeed was able to Safe-conduct a Theefe from the Crosse to Paradise : (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.134) for to this end he came , that being himselfe pure from sinne , hee might obey for sinners . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.135) Thou which thinkest to doe the like , and supposest , that thou canst iustifie another by thy righteousnesse , if thou be without sinne , then lay downe thy life for thy brother ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.136) die for me . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.137) But if thou be a sinner , even as I am a sinner , how can the oyle of thy lampe be sufficient both for thee , and for me ? (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.138) Virgins , that are wise , get yee oyle , while yee haue day , into your owne lamps . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.139) For out of all peradventure , others , though they would , can neither giue nor sell . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.140) Edifie your selues in your owne most holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.141) And let this be observed for the first propertie of that , wherein we ought to edifie our selues . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.142) 23 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.143) Our faith being such , is that indeed , which S. Iude doth here terme Faith , namely a thing most holy . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.144) The reason is this . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.145) We are iustified by Faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.146) For Abraham beleeued , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.147) and this was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.148) Being iustiifed , all our iniquities are covered . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.149) God beholdeth vs in the righteousnesse which is imputed , and not in the sinnes which wee haue committed . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.150) 24 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.151) It is true , wee are full of sinne both originall , and actuall ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.152) whosoever denieth it is a double sinner , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.153) for he is both a sinner , and a lyer . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,48.154) To denie sinne , is most plainely and cleerely to proue it , because he that saith , he hath no sinne , lyeth , and by lying proueth that he hath sinne . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.155) 25 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.156) But imputation of righteousnesse hath covered the sinnes of every soule which beleeveth ; (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.157) God by pardoning our sinne hath taken it away : so that now although our transgression be multiplied aboue the haires of our head , yet being iustified wee are as free , and as cleere , as if there were no one spot , or staine of any vncleanesse in vs . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.158) For it is God that iustifieth , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.159) and who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen ? saith the Apostle in the 8. ch. to the Romans . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.160) 26 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.161) Now sinne being taken away , wee are made the righteousness of God in Christ . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.162) For David speaking of this righteousness , saith , Blessed is the man whose iniquities are forgiuen . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.163) No man is blessed but in the righteousnesse of God . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.164) Every man , whose sinne is taken away is blessed . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.165) Therefore every man , whose sinne is covered is made the righteousnesse of God in Christ . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.166) The righteousnes doth make vs to appeare most holy , most pure , most vnblamable before him . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.167) 27 (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.168) This then is the summ of that which I say , (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.169) faith doth iusitifie : (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.170) iustification washeth away sin : (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.171) sin remoued , we are cloathed with the righteousnes which is of God : (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.172) The righteousnes of God maketh vs most holy . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.173) Every of these I haue proved by the testimony of Gods owne mouth . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.174) Therefore I conclude , that faith is that which maketh vs most holy , in consideration whereof it is called in this place , Our most holy faith . (HOOKER-B-E2-P1,49.175)