Chap. III (HOOLE-E3-P1,11.3)
How to teach a childe to spell distinctly . (HOOLE-E3-P1,11.4)
The common way of teaching a childe to spell , is , after he know's the
letters in his Alphabet , to initiate him in those few syllables ,
which consist of one vowell before a consonant , as ab , eb , ib
, ob , ub , &c. or of one vowel after a consonant , as
ba , be , bi , bo , bu , &c. in the Horn-book , & thence to
proceed with him little and little to the bottom of the book , hereing
him twice or thrice over till he can say his lesson , and then putting
him to a new one . In which course I have known some more apt children
to have profited prety well , but scarce one of ten , when they have
gone thorow the book , to be able to spell a word that is not in it ;
And some have been certaine years daily exercised in saying lessons
therein , who after much endeavour spent , have been accounted
meer block-heads , and rejected alltogether as uncapable to learn any
thing ; whereas some Teachers that have assayed a more familiar way ,
have professed , that they have not met with any such thing as a Dunse
amid a great multitude of little Schollars . (HOOLE-E3-P1,12.7)
Indeed it is Tullies observation of old , and
Erasmus his assertion of latter years , that it is as natural
for a childe to learn , as it is for a beast to go , a bird to fly , or
a fish to swim , (HOOLE-E3-P1,12.8)
and I verily beleeve it , (HOOLE-E3-P1,12.9)
for the nature of man is restlessely desirous to know things ,
and were discouragements taken out of the way , and meet helps afforded
young learners , they would doubtless go on with a great deal more
cherefulness , and make more proficiency at their books then usually
they do ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,12.11)
and could the Master have the discretion to make their lessons
familiar to them , children would as much delight in being busied about
them , as in any other sport , if too long continuance at them might
not make them tedious . (HOOLE-E3-P1,12.12)
Amongst those that have gone a readier way to reading , I shall onely
mention Mr. Roe , and Mr. Robinson , the
latter of whom I have known to have taught little children not much
above four years old to read distinctly in the Bible , in six
weekes time , or under ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.13)
their books are to be had in print , (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.14)
but every one hath not the art to use them . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.15)
And Mr. Cootes English-School-Master seem's rather to be
fitted for one that is a Master indeed , then for a Scholar .
Besides the way then which is usuall , you may if you think
good make use of that which I have set down in the new Primar
to help little ones to spell readily , (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.17)
and it is this . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.18)
1 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.19)
Let a childe be well acquainted with his vowells , and made to
pronounce them fully by themselves , because they are able to make a
perfect sound alone . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.20)
2 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.21)
Teach him to give the true valour or force of the consonants , and to
take notice how imperfectly they sound , except a vowel be joyned with
them . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.22)
Both these are set apart by themselves . p. 2.
3 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.24)
Proceed to syllables made of one consonant set before a vowel
Sect. 5. (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.25)
and let him joyne the true force of the consonant with the perfect
sound of the vowel , as to say , ba , be , bi , bo , bu , &c .
Yet it were good to leave ca , ce , ci , co , cu , and
ga , ge , gi , go , gu , to the last , because the valor
of the consonant in the second and third sylables doth differ from that
in the rest . (HOOLE-E3-P1,13.27)
4 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.29)
Then exercise him in syllables made of one vowel set before one
consonant , Sect. 6. as to say , ab , eb , ib ,
ob , ub , &c. till he can spell any syllable of two letters ,
backwards or forwards , as , ba , be , bi , bo , bu ; ab , eb ,
ib , ob , ub ; ba , ab ; be , eb ; bi , ib ; bo , ob ; bu , ub
; and so in all the rest comparing one with another .
5 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.31)
And if to any one of these syllables you adde a letter , and teach him
how to joyne it in sound with the rest , you will make him more ready
in spelling ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.32)
as , if before ab you put b , and teach
him to say bab ; if after ba , you put
d , and let him pronounce it bad , he
will quickly be able to joyne a letter with any of the rest , as ,
nip , pin , but , tub , &c . (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.33)
To enure your young Scholar to any , even the hardest syllable , in an
easie way . (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.34)
1 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.35)
Practise him in the joyning of consonants that begin syllables
Sect. 7. so as that he may give their joynt forces at once ;
thus , Having shewed him to sound bl or br
together , make him to pronounce them , and a vowel with them ,
bla , bra , ble , bre , and so in any of the rest .
2 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.38)
Then practise him likewise in consonants that end syllables ,
Sect. 8. (HOOLE-E3-P1,14.39)
make him first to give the force of the joyned consonants , and
then to put the vowels before them ; as , ble with the
vowels before them sound able , eble , ible , oble , uble
, to all which you may prefix other consonants and change them
into words of one syllable , as , fable , peble , bible , noble
, bubble : with a b inserted or the
like . Where observe that e in the end of
many words , being silent , doth qualifie the sound of the foregoing
vowel , so as to make words different from those that have not e
; as , you may see made , differeth quite from
mad , bete from bet ,
pipe from pip , sope from
sop , and cube from cub .
Whereby I think them in an error , that leave out e in
the end of words , and them that in pronouncing it make two syllables
of one , in stable , bible , people , &c . which
judicious Mr. Mulcaster will not allow .
In this exercise of spelling you may do well sometime to make all the
young beginners stand together , and pose them one by one in all sorts
of syllables , till they be perfect in any ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,15.41)
and , to make them delight herein , 1. Let them spell many syllables
together which differ onely in one letter ; as , and , band ,
hand , land , sand . (HOOLE-E3-P1,15.42)
2 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,15.43)
Teach them to frame any word of one syllable , by joyning any of the
consonants which go before vowels , with those that use to
follow vowels , and putting in vowels betwixt them ; as black ,
block , clack , clock . (HOOLE-E3-P1,16.44)
And this they may do afterwards amongst themselves , having severall
loose letters made and given them , to compose or divide in a sporting
manner , which I may rightly terme the Letter-sport .
When a childe is become expert in joyning Consonants with the vowels ,
then take him to the Diphthongs Sect. 9.
and there , 1. Teach him the naturall force of a Diphthong
which consists of two vowels joyned together
and make him to sound it distinctly by it self , as , ai , ei ,
&c . (HOOLE-E3-P1,16.48)
2 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,16.49)
Let him see how it is joyned with other letters , and learne to give
its pronountiation together with them , minding him how the same
Diphthong differs from its self sometimes in its sounds , and which of
the two vowels in it hath the greatest power in pronouncation , as , in
people e seemeth to drown the o .
And besides those words in the Book , you may adde others of your own ,
till by many examples the childe do well apprehend your meaning , and
so , as that he can boldly adventure to imitate you , and
practise of himself . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.51)
Thus after a childe is throughly exercised in the true sounding of the
vowels and consonants together , let him proceed to the spelling of
words , first of one syllable Sect. then of two
Sect. 11. then of three Sect. 12.
then of four Sect. 13 in all which let him be taught
how to utter every syllable by it self truly and fully ,
and be sure to speak out the last . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.53)
But in words of more syllables , let him learn to joyne and part them
according to these profitable rules . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.54)
1 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.55)
An English syllable may sometimes consist of eight letters , but never
of more , as , strength . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.56)
2 (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.57)
In words that have many syllables , the consonant between two vowels
belongeth to the latter of them ; as , Hu-mi-li-tie .
3 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.59)
Consonants which are joyned in the beginning of words , are not to be
parted in the middle of them ; as , My-ste-ry .
4 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.61)
Consonants which are not joyned in the beginning of words , are to be
parted in the middle of them ; as , for-get-ful-ness .
5 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.63)
If a consonant be doubled in the middle of a word , the first belong's
to the syllable foregoing , and the latter to the following ; as ,
pos-ses-si-on . (HOOLE-E3-P1,17.64)
6 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,18.66)
In compound words , every part which belongeth to the single words ,
must be set by it self ; as , In-a-bi-li-ty .
And these rules have I here set down rather to informe the less skilful
teacher , how he is to guide his learner , then to puzle a childe about
them , who is not yet so well able to comprehend them .
I have also divided those words in the Book , to let Children see how
they ought to divide other polysyllable words , in which they must
alwayes be very carefull as I said to sound out the
last syllable very fully . (HOOLE-E3-P1,18.69)
To enable a child the better to pronounce any word he meets withall in
reading , I have set down some more hard for pronuntiation ;
Sect. 14 in often reading over which he may be exercised to
help his utterance ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,18.70)
and the Master may adde more at his own discretion , till he see that
his willing Scholar doth not stick in spelling any , be it never so
hard . (HOOLE-E3-P1,18.71)
And that the child may not be amused with any thing in his book , when
he cometh to read , I would have him made acquainted with the pauses ,
Sect. 15 with the figures , Sect. 16
numerall letters , Sect. 17 Quotations Sect.
18. and Abbreviations Sect. 19 which
being but a work of few houres space , may easily be performed after
he can readily spell , which when he can do , he may
profitably be put to reading , but not before ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,19.72)
for I observed it a great defect in some of Mr. R.
Scholars , whose way was to teach to read presently without any
spelling at all that when they were at a losse about a word ,
they made an imperfect confused sound , in giving the force of the
consonants , which if they once missed they knew not which way to help
themselves , to find what the word was , whereas if after a childe know
his letters , he be taught to gather them into just syllables , and by
the joyning of syllables together to frame a word , which as it
is the most antient , so certainely it is the most naturall method of
teaching he will soon be able , if he stick at any word in
reading , by the nameing of its letters , and pronouncing of its
syllables to say what it is , (HOOLE-E3-P1,19.73)
and then he may boldly venture to read without spelling at all ,
touching the gaining of a habit whereof , I shall proceed to say
somewhat in the next chapter . (HOOLE-E3-P1,19.74)
Chap. IIII . (HOOLE-E3-P1,20.77)
How a child may be taught to read any English Book perfectly .
The ordinary way to teach children to read is , after they have got
some knowledge of their letters , & a smattering of some syllables and
words in the horn-book , to turn them into the ABC. or
Primar , and therein to make them name the letters , and spell the
words , till by often use they can pronounce at least
the shortest words at the first sight . (HOOLE-E3-P1,20.80)
This method take's with those of prompter wites , (HOOLE-E3-P1,20.81)
but many of more slow capacities , not finding any thing to affect them
, and so make them heed what they learned , go on remissely from lesson
to lesson , (HOOLE-E3-P1,20.82)
and are not much more able to read , when they have ended their book ,
then when they begun it . (HOOLE-E3-P1,20.83)
Besides , the ABC. being now I may say
generally thrown aside , and the ordinary Primar not printed , and the
very fundamentalls of christian Religion which were wont to be
contained in those books , and were commonly taught children at home by
heart before they went to Schoole with sundry people
almost in all places slighted , the matter which is
taught in most books now in use , is not so familiar to them , and
therefore not so easie for Children to learn . (HOOLE-E3-P1,21.84)
But to hold still to the sure foundation , I have caused the Lords
Prayer Sect. the Creed Sect. 21. and
the ten Commandements Sect. 23. to be printed in the
Roman character , that a childe having learned already to know his
letters and how to spell , may also be initiated to read by them ,
which he will do the more cheerfully , if he be also instructed at home
to say them by heart . (HOOLE-E3-P1,21.85)
As he read's these , I would have a childe name what words he can at
the first sight , and what he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} , to spell them ,
and to take notice what pauses and numbers are in his lesson . And to
go them often over , till he can tell any tittle in them , either in or
without the book . (HOOLE-E3-P1,21.86)
When he is thus well entered in the Roman character , I would have him
made acquainted with the rest of the characters now in use
Sect. 23. which will be easily done , by comparing one with
another , and reading over those sentences , Psalms ,
Thanksgivings , and Prayers which are
printed in greater and less character of sundry sorts
till he have them pretty well by heart . (HOOLE-E3-P1,22.87)
Thus having all things which concerne reading English made familar
{COM:sic} to him , he may attaine to a perfect habit of it . 1. By
reading the single Psalter . 2. The Palmes in
meeter . 3. The Schoole of good manners , or
such like easie books , which may both profit and delight him . All
which I would wish he may read over at lest thrice , to make the matter
, as well as the words , leave an impression upon his mind .
If any where he stick at any word as seeming too hard
let him marke it with a pin , or the dint of his nayle ,
and by looking upon it againe , he will remember it .
When he can read any whit readily , let him begin the Bible , and read
over the book of Genesis , and other remarkable
Histories in other places of Scripture , which are most likely to
delight him by a chapter at a time ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,22.91)
But acquaint him a little with the matter beforehand ,
for that will intice him to read it , and make him more observant of
what he read's . (HOOLE-E3-P1,22.93)
After he hath read , aske him such generall Questions out of the Story
, as are most easie for him to answer , (HOOLE-E3-P1,22.94)
and he will the better remember it . (HOOLE-E3-P1,22.95)
I have known some , that by hiring a child to read two or three
chapters a day , and to get so many verses of it by heart , have made
them admirable proficients , (HOOLE-E3-P1,23.96)
and that betimes , in the Scriptures ; which was Timothies
excellency , and his Grandmothers great commendation .
Let him now take liberty to exercise himself in any English book
so the matter of it be but honest till he can
perfectly read in any place of a book that is offered him ;
and when he can do this , I adjudge him fit to enter into a
Grammar Schoole , but not before . (HOOLE-E3-P1,23.99)
For thus learning to read English perfectly , I allow two or three
years time , so that at seven or eight years of age , a child may begin
Latine . (HOOLE-E3-P1,23.100)
Chap. VI (HOOLE-E3-P1,28.104)
Of the founding of a Petty-Schoole . (HOOLE-E3-P1,28.105)
The Petty-Schoole is the place where indeed the first Principles of all
Religion and learning ought to be taught , (HOOLE-E3-P1,28.107)
and therefore rather deserveth that more encouragement should be given
to the Teachers of it , then that it should be left as a work for poor
women , or others , whose necessities compel them to undertake it , as
a meer shelter from beggery . (HOOLE-E3-P1,28.108)
Out of this consideration it is perhaps that some
nobler spirits , whom God hath enriched with an over-plus of
outward means , have in some places whereunto they have been by birth
or otherwise related , erected Petty-Schoole-houses ,
and endowed them with yearly salaries ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,29.109)
but those are so inconsiderate towards the maintenance of a Master and
his familie , or so over-cloyed with a number of Free-Scholars , to be
taught for nothing , that few men of parts will daigne to accept of
them , or continue at them for any while ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,29.110)
and for this cause I have observed such weak foundations to fall to
nothing . (HOOLE-E3-P1,29.111)
Yet if any one be desireous to contribute towards such an eminent work
of charity , my advice is , that he erect a Schoole and dwelling house
together , about the middle of a Market-Town , or some populous
Country-Village , and acomodate {COM:sic} it with a safe yard adjoyning
to it , if not with an Orchard or Garden , and that he endow it with a
salery of at least twenty pounds per annum
, in consideration wherof all such poor boyes as can
conveniently frequent it , may be taught gratis , but
the more able sort of neighbours may pay for childrens teaching , as if
the Schoole was not free ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,29.112)
for they will find it no small advantage to have such a Schoole
amongst them . (HOOLE-E3-P1,30.113)
Such a yearly stipend and convenient dwelling , with a liberty to take
young children to board , and to make what advantage he can best by
other Scholars , will invite a man of good parts to undertake the
charge , and excite him to the diligent and constant performance of his
duty ; especially , if he be chosen into the place by three or four
honest and discreet Trustees , that may have power also to remove him
thence , if by his uncivil behaviour , or grose neglect he render
himself uncapable to perform so necessary a service to the Church and
Common-Wealth . (HOOLE-E3-P1,30.114)
As for the Qualifications of one that is to be the Teacher of a
Petty-Schoole , I would have him to be a Person of a pious , sober ,
comely and discreet behaviour , and tenderly affectionate towards
children , haveing some knowledge of the Latine Tongue , and abilitie
to write a fair hand , and good skil in Arithmetick , and then let him
move within the compasse of his own orb , so as to teach all his
Scholars as they become capable to read English very
well , and afterwards to write and cast accounts . (HOOLE-E3-P1,30.115)
And let him not meddle at all with teaching the Accidents ,
except onely to some more pregnant wits , which are intended to be set
forwards to learn Latine , (HOOLE-E3-P1,31.116)
and for such be sure that he ground them well , or else dismisse them
as soon as they can read distinctly , and write legibly , to the
Grammar School . (HOOLE-E3-P1,31.117)
I should here have closed my discourse ; and shut up this Petty-Schoole
, were it not that I received a model for the maintaining of
Students from a worthy friends hands & one that is most
zealously and charitably addicted to advance Learning , and to help it
in its very beginnings to come forwards to its full Rise by
which I am encouraged to addresse my remaining words to the
Godly-minded Trustees and Subscribers for so good a work ,
especially to those amongst them that know me , and my
School-endeavours (HOOLE-E3-P1,31.118)
and this I humbly request of them , that as they have happily contrived
a Model for the education of Students , and brought it on a suddain to
a great degree of perfection , so they would also put to their hands
for the improvement of Schoole-learning , without which such choise
abilities as they aim at in order to the Ministry $can $not
{TEXT:cannot} possibly be obtained . (HOOLE-E3-P1,31.119)
And for the first foundation of such a work , I presume to offer
my advise , that in some convenient places , within and about the City
, there may be Petty-Schooles erected , according to the number of
wards , unto which certain poor children out of every Parish may be
sent , and taught gratis , and all others that please to
send their children thither may have them taught at a reasonable rate ,
and be sure to have them improved to the utmost of what they are
capable . (HOOLE-E3-P1,32.120)
And I am the rather induced to propound such a thing , because that
late eminent , Dr. Bathurst lately deceased , Mr.
Gouge and some others yet living did out of their own good
affection to learning , endeavour at their own charge to promote the
like . (HOOLE-E3-P1,32.121)
CHAP. VII (HOOLE-E3-P1,33.124)
Of the discipline of a Petty-Schoole . (HOOLE-E3-P1,33.125)
The sweet and orderly behaviour of children addeth more credit to a
Schoole then due and constant Teaching , because this speaketh to every
one that the Childe is well taught , though perhaps he
learn but little ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,33.127)
and good manners indeed are a main part of good education .
I shall here therefore take occasion to speak somewhat concerning the
Discipline of a Petty-Schoole , leaving the further Discourse of
Childrens Manners to Books that treat purposely of that subject : as
Erasmus de moribus , Youths Behaviour , &c .
1 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,33.130)
Let every Scholar repair to Schoole before eight a clock in a morning ,
or in case of weaknesse before nine ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,33.131)
and let him come fairly washed , neatly combed , and hansomly clad ,
and by commending his cleannesse , and shewing it to his fellowes ,
make him to take pleasure betimes of himself to go neat and
comely in his clothes . (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.133)
2 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.134)
Let such as come before Schoole-time take liberty to recreate
themselves about the Schoole , yet so as not to be suffered to do any
thing , whereby to harm themselves , or Schoole-fellowes , or to give
offence , or make disturbance to any neighbour . (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.135)
3 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.136)
When Schoole-time calleth , let them all go orderly to their own places
, and there apply themselves digligently to their books , without noyse
, or running about . (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.137)
4 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.138)
When the Master cometh into the Schoole , let them all stand up , and
make obeysance , (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.139)
so likewise when any stranger cometh in
and after notice taken who are absent ; let one that is most able read
a chapter , and the rest attend , and give some littlt {COM:sic}
account of what they heard read ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.141)
Then let him that read , say a short prayer fitted for the Schoole ,
and afterward let every one settle to his present taske .
5 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,34.144)
The whole Schoole may not unfitly be divided into four formes ; whereof
the first and lowest should be of those that learn to know their
letters , whose lessons may be in the Primar . The
second of those that learn to spell , whose lessons may be in
the Single-Psalter . The third of these {COM:sic} that learn to read ,
whose lessons may be in the Bible . The fourth of those that are
exercised in reading , writeing , and casting accounts , whose lessons
may be in such profitable English-Books as the Parents can best provide
, and the Master think fittest to be taught . (HOOLE-E3-P1,35.145)
6 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,35.146)
Let their lessons be the same to each boy in every form ,
and let the Master proportion them to the meanest capacities ,
thus those that are abler may profit themselves by helping their weaker
fellowes , and those that are weaker be encouraged to see that they can
keep company with the stronger . (HOOLE-E3-P1,35.149)
And let the two highest in every forme give notice to the Master when
they come to say , of those that were most negligent in geting the
lesson . (HOOLE-E3-P1,35.150)
7 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,35.151)
When they come to say , let them all stand orderly in one or 2 rowes ,
& whilst one sayeth his lesson , be sure that all the rest look upon
their books , (HOOLE-E3-P1,35.153)
and give liberty to him $that $'s {TEXT:thats} next to correct him that
is saying if he mistake , (HOOLE-E3-P1,35.154)
and in case he can say better , let him take his place , and keep it
till the same boy or another win it from him .
The striveing for places especially amongst little
ones , will whet them all on to more diligence , then any encouragement
that can be given them ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,36.156)
and the Master should be very sparing to whip any one for his book ,
except he be sullenly negligent , (HOOLE-E3-P1,36.157)
and then also I would chuse rather to shame him out of his
untowardnesse by commending some of his fellowes , and asking him why
he $can $not {TEXT:cannot} do as well as they , then by falling upon
him with rating words , or injurious blowes . (HOOLE-E3-P1,36.158)
A great care also must be had that those children that are slow witted
and of a tender spirit , be not any way discouraged , though they $can
$not {TEXT:cannot} make so good performance of their task as the rest
of their fellowes . (HOOLE-E3-P1,36.159)
8 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,36.160)
On Mundayes , Wednesdayes and Fridayes they may say two lessons in a
forenoon and two in an afternoon ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,36.161)
and on Tuesdayes and Thursdays in the forenoons they may also say two
lessons ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,36.162)
but on Tuesdayes and Thursdayes in the afternoons , and on Saturday
mornings I would have the time spent in examineing , and directing how
to spell and read a right , and hearing them say the Graces , Prayers ,
and Psalms , and especially the Lords Prayer , the Creed , and
the Ten Commandements which are for that purpose set down in
the New-Primar very perfectly by heart .
And those that can these well may proceed to get other Catechisms ,
but be sure they be such as agree with the Principles of Christian
Religion . (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.165)
9 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.166)
Their lessons being all said , they should be dismissed about eleven a
clock , (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.167)
and then care must be taken that they go every one orderly out of the
Schoole , and passe quietly home without any stay by the way .
And to prevent that too too common clamour , and crouding out of the
Schoole door , let them rise out of their places one by one with their
hat , and book in their hand , and make their honours to their Master
as they passe before his face , one following another at a distance out
of the Schoole . (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.169)
It were fittest and safest that the least went out the foremost , that
the bigger boyes following may give notice of any misdemeanour upon the
way . (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.170)
. (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.171)
Their return to Schoole in the after-noon should be by one of the clock
, (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.172)
and those that come before that hour , should be permitted to play
within their bounds till the clock strike one , (HOOLE-E3-P1,37.173)
and then let them all take their places in due order , and say their
lessons as they did in the fore-noon . (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.175)
After lessons ended , let one read a chapter , and say a Prayer ,
and so let them again go orderly and quietly home , about five a clock
in the summer , and four in the winter season . (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.177)
11 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.178)
If necessity require any one to go out in the School time , let him not
interrupt the Master by asking him leave , (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.179)
but let him leave his book with his next fellow above him , for fear he
should else spoile it , or loose it , (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.180)
and in case he tarry too long forth , let notice be given to the
Monitor . (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.181)
12 . (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.182)
Those children in the upper form may be monitors , every one a day in
this turn , (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.183)
and let them every evening after all lessons said , give a bill to the
Master of their names that are absent , and theirs that have committed
any disorder ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.184)
and let him be very moderate in correcting , and be sure to make a
difference betwixt those faults that are vitiously enormous , and those
that are but childish transgressons ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.185)
Where admonition readily take place , it is a needlesse trouble to use
a rod , (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.186)
and as for a ferula I wish it were utterly banished out
of all Schooles . (HOOLE-E3-P1,38.187)
If one , before I conclude , should ask me , how many children I think
may be well and profitably taught according to the method
already proposed in a Petty-School ; I return him answer ,
that I conceive fourty boyes will be enough throughly to employ one man
, to hear every one so often as is required , (HOOLE-E3-P1,39.189)
and so many he may hear and benefit of himself , without making use of
any of his Scholars to teach the rest , which however , it may be
permitted , and is practised in some Schooles , (HOOLE-E3-P1,39.190)
yet it occasioneth too much noyse and disorder , (HOOLE-E3-P1,39.191)
and is no whit so acceptable to Parents , or pleasing to the children ,
be the work never so well done . (HOOLE-E3-P1,39.192)
And therefore I advise , that in a place where a great concours of
children may be had , there be more Masters then one employed according
to the spatiousnesse of the room , and the number of boyes to be taught
; so that every fourty Scholars may have one to teach them ;
and in case there be boyes enough to be taught , I would appoint one
single Master , to attend one single forme , and have as many Masters
as there are forms , (HOOLE-E3-P1,39.194)
and then the work of teaching little ones to the height of their best
improvement may be throwly done , especially if there were a
writeing-master employed at certain houres in the Schoole , and an
experienced Teacher encouraged as a supervisor , or inspector , to see
that the whole Schoole be well and orderly taught , and disciplined .
What I have here writ concerning the Teaching and ordering of a
Petty-Schoole , was in many particulars experienced by my self with a
few little boyes , that I taught amongst my Grammar-Scholars in London
, (HOOLE-E3-P1,40.196)
and I know those of eminent worth , and great learning that upon tryal
made upon their own children at home , and others at Schoole are ready
to attest the ease and benefit of this method . Insomuch as I was
resolved to have adjoyned a Petty-Schoole to my Grammar-Schoole at the
Token-house in Lothbury London , and there to have
proceeded in this familiar and pleasing way of Teaching , had I not
been unhansomly dealt with by those whom it concerned , for their own
profit sake to have given me lesse discouragement .
Neverthelesse , I think it my duty to promote Learning what I can , and
to lay a sure foundation for such a goodly structure as learning is ;
And though perhaps I may never be able to
effect what I desire for its advancement , yet it will be my comfort ,
to have imparted somwhat to others that may help thereunto .
I have here begun at the very ground work , intending by Gods
blessing forthwith to publish The New Discovery of the
Old Art of Teaching , which doth properly belong to a
Grammar-Schoole . (HOOLE-E3-P1,41.200)
In the mean time I intreat those into whose hands this little work may
come , to look upon it with a single eye , and whether they like or
dislike it , to think that it is not unnecessary for men of greatest
parts to bestow a sheet or two at leasure time upon so mean a subject
as this seem's to bee . And that God which causeth immense rivers to
flow from small spring-heads , vouchsafe to blesse these weak beginings
in tender age , that good learning may proceed hence to its full
perfection in riper years . (HOOLE-E3-P1,41.201)
Finis . (HOOLE-E3-P1,41.202)
It would withall be a great encouragement to these poorer sort of
children to learn , if some whom God hath enriched with more then
enough , would spend the supererrogation of their wealth
, as Mr. Mulchaster terms it in
affording exhibitions of 8. or l. per annum towards
keeping them at the Schoole , or sending them abroad as they are fit ,
to Trades , or Universities . (HOOLE-E3-P1,228.205)
They that go thither , should have larger exhibitions allowed them ,
upon condition that they employ more time then others in the study of
tongues , and critical learning ; for the promoting whereof I shall
onely propound Mr. Mulcaster's question in his own words
, which are these ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,228.206)
If there were one Colledge , where nothing should be professed ,
but Languages onely , as there be some people which will
proceed no further to serve the Realme abroad , and studies in
the Universitie , in that point excellently & absolutely , were it not
convenient ? (HOOLE-E3-P1,228.207)
nay , were it not most profitable , &c. (HOOLE-E3-P1,228.208)
As for what he writes further , in Chap. 41. of his
Positions touching the division of Colledges by
profession and faculties ; and Mr. John Drury
hath lately published in his reformed Schoole
and his Supplement thereto , concerning the
bringing together into one society , such as are able to exercise
themselves in any , or all kind of Studies , that by their mutuall
Association , Communication , and assistance in reading , meditating ,
and conferring about profitable matters , they may not onely profit
their own abilities , but advance the superstructures of all learning
to the perfection which by such meanes is attainable ;
I refer the more judicious to their Books , (HOOLE-E3-P1,229.210)
and leave it to the consideration of those that endevour to promote
Schoole-teaching , whether such a Schoole as I have now delineated ,
would not be of great concernment to Church and Common-wealth ,
where-out to pick more able Schoole-masters , that by degrees have been
exercised in teaching all sorts of Scholars , for at least
seven years together , then many men that have scarce saluted
, or are newly come from the Universities , can suddenly prove to be .
For I think it one thing to be a good Schoole-master , and another
thing to be a good Scholar , though the former $can $not {TEXT:cannot}
well do his duty as he ought , except he be also the latter .
I might here bewayle the unhappy divertment of Jesus College
in Rotherham , in which Town , one Thomas
Scot , alias Rotherham a poor boy in Ecclesfield
Parish having had his education , and being advanced
to the Arch-bishoprick of York , in the time of
Edward the fourth , did out of love to his country and
gratitude to the Town , erect a Colledge as a Schoole , for a Provost
who was to be a Divine , and to preach at Ecclesfield ,
Laxton , and other places where the Colledge
demeanes lay ; and three Fellowes , whereof one was to teach
Grammar , another Musick , and the third
Writing ; besides a number of Scholars ; for some of
whom he also provided Fellowships in Lincolne Colledge
in Oxford . (HOOLE-E3-P1,230.214)
But in the time of Henry the eighth , the Earle of
Shrowesbury who as I have heard , was the first
Lord that gave his vote for demolishing of Abbies having
obtained Roughford Abbey in Nottinghamshire
, to the Prior whereof the Lordship of
the Town of Rotherham belonged took advantage
also to sweep away the Revenues of Rotherham Colledge
which according to a rentall that I have seen , amounted to
about l. per annum (HOOLE-E3-P1,230.215)
and after a while having engratiated himself with some Townsmen
, and Gentlemen thereabout by erecting a Cock-pit he
removed the Schoole out of the Colledge into a sorry house before the
gate , leaving it destitute of any allowance , till Mr. West
that writ the Presidents in the
time of Queen Elizabeth and when Mr.
Snell was Schoolmaster obtained a yearely Salary of
tenne pounds per annum , which is since Paid out of the
Exchequer , by the Auditor of accounts . (HOOLE-E3-P1,231.216)
I remember how often , and earnestly Mr. Francis West ,
who had been Clerk to his Uncle , would declaime against the injury
done to the Schoole , which indeed as he said ought
still to have been kept in the Colledge , and how when I was a
Schoole-master there , he gave me a Copy of the Foundation , and showed
me some rentalls of Lands , and told me where many Deeds and Evidences
belonging thereunto were then concealed , and other remarkable passages
, which he was loth to have buried in silence . (HOOLE-E3-P1,231.217)
But I onely mention thus much touching that worthy foundation , to shew
how charitably some men have been addicted to cherish the roots of
learning , and how covetously others have been bent to destroy the
whole body of it , even in former ages ; (HOOLE-E3-P1,231.218)
And I hope none will be discouraged from Pious undertakings , for feare
least his benevolence should in these , or after time be
perverted , when he considereth that God looketh upon the sincerity of
his ends , and will accordingly reward him , though what he religiously
intended , may unhappily be abused by others , contrary to his minde .
I shall now to end this Chapter , recite some remarkable
passages of Mr. Mulcasters out of his Positions
Ch. which I leave to the consideration of others , to
think how far they concurre with what I have said , as well concerning
the foundation of a Petty , as {COM:concerning_the_foundation_of} a
Grammar-Schoole . (HOOLE-E3-P1,232.220)
' If any well-disposed wealthy man , for the honour that he beareth to
the murthered infants as all our erections have some respect
that way would begin some building , even for the little yong
ones which were no increase to Schooles , but an help to the elementary
degree , all they would pray for him , (HOOLE-E3-P1,232.221)
and he himself should be bound to the memory of the young infants ,
which put him in remembrance of so vertuous an act .
The opportunity of the place , and the commodity of able Trainers ,
whereof a small time will bring forth a great many , will draw many on
, and procure good Exhibitours , to have the thing go forward .
I could wish we had fewer Schooles , so they were more sufficient , and
that upon consideration of the most convenient seats for the Countries
, and Shires , there were many put together , to make some few good .
The use of under-teachers is not , as we now practise it in Schooles ,
where indeed Ushers be Masters of themselves , but to assist the Master
in the easier points of his charge , which ought to have all under his
own teaching , for the chief points , and the same under the Ushers ,
for the more usual , and easie . (HOOLE-E3-P1,233.226)