My good will : Christ Iesus blese the ever : (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.3) I did take thy wrightinge to me in very kinde parte , seinge that at that time thow mightest haue pretended wearines withe travill yett woldest not make that any lett to hinder me of thy most louinge and respectiue lines , the which wear and ever shall be most well com to me , (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.4) I was glad to heer of your prosperous Iorny , and of the kind wellcom which you fownd from that worthy master .| whom , I wold by any means thou sholdest haue a very reverend respect ofe :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.5) and beware good child that thou be not too talketiue befor him , but only to learne what is fittinge behauiour for you to use before him (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.6) and that observe and doe : (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.7) be louinge to thy tutor honest mr Roberts (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.8) and be ruled by his aduis in all things (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.9) for I repos a spetiall trust in him for thy good :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.10) be Carfull in your recreations for over heatinge your blude . (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.11) and if at any time you sweat or be too hote , doe not drinke till you haue made watter , (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.12) for so you know you wear wont to doe at hom :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.13) and now you must haue a mighty care of your self (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.14) ore ells it will be as much as $my life is worthe too .| (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.15) medell not good $child withe any of the towns men ther . (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.16) in earnest or Ieast . provke non to anger (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.17) $Conduct $your self {TEXT:ourself} well and louingly to all sorts : (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.18) $And $now $the blesinge of god all mighty the father $his blesed spirite be euer more upon $thy $body and sowll (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.19) amen (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.20) farewell good $Will : (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.21) in hast written by thy $louing $mother $Katherine $Paston (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.22) I thanke the good will for thy kinde token . (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.23) I $will $be {TEXT:willbe} in thy dept for it and paye my dept by the next saff mesinger (KPASTON-E2-P1,70.24) To my very wellbeloued sonne william Paston these I pray at his lodginge in Corpus Christy Colledge Cambridge (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.27) My good will : I doe much desire to heer how you doe , (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.28) I hope you haue receiued my late letters written to mr Roberts and you :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.29) take heed to your selfe good child , that I may here a good report of your Ciuill and kinde behaiour . towards all . (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.30) but cheeffly haue an espetiall care to fear and serue god : (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.31) lett it be the first and last thinge you thinke of . (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.32) and then be sure the blesinge of the allmighty will preserue you in all your ways . (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.33) for he never fayled those who trusted in him and duely served him :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.34) and next beware of violent tennisinge or leapinge or any other thinge which shall hinder your healthe : (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.35) take heed of frute of all sorts if you eate any . (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.36) eate very moderately (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.37) for to much ocation ofte times much sikenes : (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.38) I sent in my last letter , that mr Roberts wold doe so much as by you a tamill gowne to wear this summer (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.39) I hope it is done :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.40) I doe much longe to heer of you (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.41) and god grant I may heer comfortable news :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.42) your kinde ante Bell remembers her loue to you (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.43) and send you a boxe of Iuse of likorous . (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.44) it will stay the ruhum . when tobaka will not :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.45) I hop to heer you still hate the very smell of tobaca : (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.46) I send you a pece of gowld for a token . (KPASTON-E2-P1,71.47) and if thow doest well and be ruled by thy tutore in all things , for thy good : then thow shalt be sur to want nothinge that I can doe for the : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.48) and so the Lords blesinge be for euer more upon thy sowle and body (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.49) farwell good will (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.50) thy most Louinge Mother Katherine Paston (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.51) Comend me very kindly to the master and to good mr Roberts . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.52) wright to me as oft as thow canst (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.53) and so agayne farwell : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.54) friday the 11=th= of Iune 1624 :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.55) My good will : the $mercyfull blesinge of our heavenly god be euer more upon the , (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.57) I am not a littell glad , and comforted with thy most louinge linnes , by which I see that thow hast a desire to heer often frome me , (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.58) and thy offten wrightinge to me makes me see , that thow hast a good minde to speake offten withe me , (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.59) and thy good desire to see me onc a day : eune all these things springinge from thy dutyfull loue to me : shall make me bethinke me still , which way I may doe thee most good . yea . and all the good I cane : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.60) goe on my good chilld in thy well doings , (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.61) and allways remember , it is a greater prayse to keep prayse ; then to gett prayse :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.62) Continew thy great respect to that most worthy Master who I heer is so exedinge louinge and kinde to the , for the which I will not be vngratefull to him : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.63) And likewis it dothe mee good to heer that thow doest bothe Carfully obserue and louingly respecte thy good tutor honest mr Roberts : who I know will be as glad of thy well doinge as any frinde can bee :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.64) I confes I coolde haue bine content , and I shold haue pleased my self for the present much better , to haue kepte the allwas at hom with me : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.65) but how coold that haue bine for thy good in time to come |: (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.66) no , I beleue veryly it might haue bine to bothe our disparagments : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.67) but now I hope to receue the to me furnished with grassces , as a bee coms loden to her hiue : even with the best abroad :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.68) I hope before this you haue receiued my letter by Iohnsons the Cambridge Carrier with 5 li s . sent to good mr Roberts for a supply till I send more to the comencment . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.69) good child lett not a poor hungery siser want a reward from the . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.70) but lett the poorest and least be frinded , reape a kindness from the . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.71) lett such not want bread or beer , in a moderat maner . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.72) but be a healp to the healples in ther most need , (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.73) and the lord will bless the if thow beest kinde to the poor and nedy ons :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.74) remember me very kindly to the worthy Master (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.75) and likewis commend me to good mr Roberts (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.76) I will wright to him the nexte weeke , (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.77) I pray the thanke him for his offten wrightinge . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.78) he can not wright too offt so longe as thow arte so good a boy and be so well gouerned . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.79) in my next letter . I will begine to inquier your cominge hom . (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.80) but I and thow must leaue it to the Master his good pleasur what time he shall thinke fitt : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.81) but more of this heerafter :| (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.82) thy father tooke thy wrightinge to him in good parte : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.83) and is very glad that thow arte a good chilld : (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.84) farwell my good child (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.85) and god for his mercy sake send the his grass with a longe healthy and hapy life (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.86) and so farwell : agayne and agayn (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.87) thy most louinge Mother euer Katherine Paston (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.88) friday : 25. of Iune 1624 | (KPASTON-E2-P1,72.89)