Qvaecunque scripta sunt : ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.3) All thinges which are written are writen for our erudition and knowledge . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.4) All thinges that are written in Goddes boke , in the Bible boke , in the boke of the holy scripture , are wrytten to be oure doctrine . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.5) I told you in my first sermon honorable audience , that I purposed to declare vnto you ii. thinges . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.6) The one what sede shuld be sowen in Gods field , in Goddes plough land . And the other who shuld be the sowers . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.7) That is to sai , what doctrin is to be taught in Christes church and congregation , and what men shoulde be the teachers and preachers of it . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.8) The firste part I haue told you in the thre sermons , past in which I haue assaied to sette furth my plough , to proue what I coulde do . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.9) And now I shal tel you who be the plowers , (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.10) for Gods worde is a seede to be sowen in Goddes fielde , (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.11) that is the faithful congregation , (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.12) and the preacher is the sower . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.13) And it is in the gospel . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.14) Exiuit qui seminat seminare semen suum . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.15) He that soweth , the husbandman , the ploughman went furth to sowe his seede , so that a preacher is resembled to a ploughman , as it is in an other place . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.16) Nemo admota arato manu , et a tergo respiciens aptus est regno Dei . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.17) No man yat putteth his hand to the plough and loketh backe is apte for the kingdom of god . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.18) That is to say , let no preacher be negligente in doinge his office . (LATIMER-E1-P1,17P.19) Al be it this is one of the places yat hath ben racked , as I tolde you of rackynge scriptures . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.20) And I haue ben one of them my selfe yat hath racked it , (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.21) I crye God mercie for it , (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.22) and haue bene one of them that haue beleued and haue expounded it , agaynste religious persons that would forsake theyr ordre which they had professed , and woulde go out of their cloyster , whereas in deede it toucheth not monkerie , nor maketh any thyng at all for any such matter . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.23) But it is directlie spoken of diligente preachyng of the worke of God . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.24) For preachynge of the Gospel is one of Goddes plough workes , (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.25) and the preacher is one of Goddes plough men . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.26) Ye may not be offended wyth my similitude : in that I compare preachynge to the laboure and worke of ploughinge , and the preacher to a ploughman . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.27) Ye maye not be offended wyth thys my similitude , (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.28) for I haue ben sclaundred of some personnes for such thynges . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.29) It hath ben sayde of me . Oh Latimer , nay as for hym I wil never beleue hym whyle I lyue , nor neuer truste hym , (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.30) for he lykened our blessed Ladye to a saffrone bagge , where in dede I neuer vsed that similitude . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.31) But it was as I have sayde vnto you before nowe , accordinge to that whiche Peter sawe before in the spirite of prophesy and sayde that there shoulde come afterwarde men : Per quos via veritatis maledictis afficeretur , (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.32) there should come felowes by whom the waye of truth should be yll spoken of and sclaundred . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.33) But in case I had vsed this similitude , it had not bene to be reproued , (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.34) but myght haue bene without reproche . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.35) For I might have sayde thus , as the saffrone bagge that hath bene full of saffron or hath had saffron in it , doth euer after sauoure and smel of the swete saffron that it conteyned : so our blessed Ladye which conteyned and bare Christe in her wombe , dyd euer after resemble the maners and vertues of that precious babe which she bare . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.36) And what had oure blessed Ladie bene the worse for thys ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.37) or what dishonour was thys to oure blessed Ladie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,18P.38) But as preachers must be ware and circumspect yat they geue not any iust occasion to be sclaundered and yll spoken of by the hearers , so must not the auditours be offended without cause . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.39) For heauen is in the gospel likened to a musterde seede . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.40) It is compared also to a piece of leauen , (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.41) and Christ sayth that at the last day , he wyl come lyke a thiefe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.42) and what dishonoure is thys to God ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.43) or what derogation is thys to heauen . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.44) Ye maye not then , I say , be offended with my similitude , for because I lyken preachyng to a ploughmans laboure and a prelate to a ploughman . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.45) But now you wyll aske me whom I cal a prelate . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.46) A prelate is that man , what soeuer he be , yat hath a flocke to be taughte of hym , who soeuer hath any spirituall charge in the fayethfull congregation , and who so euer he be that hath cure of soule . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.47) And wel may the preacher and the ploughman be lykened together . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.48) Fyrste for their labour of all ceasons of the yere . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.49) For there is no tyme of the yere , in whiche the ploughman hath not some speciall worke to do , (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.50) as in my countrey in Lecestre shire , the ploughe man hath a tyme to set furth and to assaie hys plough , and other tymes for other necessari workes to be done . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.51) And then they also maye be likenede together , for the diuersitie of workes and varietie of offices yat they haue to do . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.52) For as the ploughman first setteth furth hys plough and then tilleth hys lande and breaketh it in furroughes , and sometime ridgeth it vp agayne . And at an other tyme harroweth it , and clotteth it , and somtyme doungeth it , and hedgeth it , diggeth it , and weedeth it , pourgeth and maketh it cleane . So the prelate , the preacher hath mani diuers offices to do . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.53) He hath fyrst a busie worke , to bringe his parishioners to a ryght fayth , as Paule calleth it . And not to a swaruinge fayeth , but to a fayeth that embraceth Christe , and trusteth to hys merites , a liuely fayth , a iustifiyng fayth , a fayth that maketh a man rightuous wythout respecte of workes . As ye haue it , verie well declared and set furth in the Homilie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,19P.54) He hath then a busie worke I say , to bringe his flocke to a ryght fayth and then to confirme them in the same fayeth , Nowe castynge them downe with the lawe , and with threateninges of God for synne . Nowe ridgynge them vp agayne , with the gospel and with the promises of Gods fauoure . Nowe weedinge them , by , tellinge them their faultes , and makynge them forsake synne . Nowe clottinge them , by breakynge their stonie hertes , and by making them supple herted , and makyng them to haue hertes of fleshe , that is soft hertes , and apte for doctrine to enter in . Nowe teachinge to knowe God ryghtly , and to knowe theyr duetie to God and to theyr neyghboures . Nowe exhorting them when they knowe theyr duety , that they do it and be diligente in it : so that they haue a continuall worke to do . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.55) Greate is theyr busines , (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.56) and therfore greate shoulde be theyre hyre . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.57) They haue great laboures , (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.58) and therfore they ought to haue good luinges , that they maye comodiously feade theyr flocke , (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.59) for the preachynge of the worde of God vnto the people is called meate , (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.60) scripture calleth it meat . Not strauberies , that come but once a yeare and tary not longe , but are sone gone : (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.61) but it is meat . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.62) It is no deynties . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.63) The people muste haue meate that muste be familier and continuall , and dayly geuen vnto them to fede vpon . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.64) Many make a strauberie of it , ministringe it but once a yeare , (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.65) but such do not $the office of good prelates . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.66) For Christe sayeth . Quis putas est seruus prudens et fidelis ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.67) qui dat cibum in tempore . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.68) Who thynke you is a wyse and a faythful seruaunt ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.69) He that geueth meat in due time . So that he must at all times conuenient preache diligentelie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.70) Therfore sayeth he ? who trowe you is a faythefull seruaunte ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.71) He speaketh it as thoughe it were a rare thynge to fynde suche a one , and as though he shoulde saye , there be but fewe of theym to fynde in the world . (LATIMER-E1-P1,20P.72) And howe fewe of them there be throughout this realme that geue meate to their flocke as thei should do : the visitours can beste tell . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.73) To fewe , to fewe , the more is the pittie , (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.74) and neuer so fewe as nowe . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.75) By thys then it appeareth that a prelate or anye that hath cure of soule must diligentlie and substancially worke and laboure . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.76) Therfore saythe Paule to Timothe . Qui episcopatum desiderat , hic bonum opus desiderat . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.77) He that desireth to haue $the office of a byshop , or a prelate , that man desyreth a goode worke . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.78) Then if it be good worke , it is worke . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.79) Ye can make but a worke of it . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.80) It is Gods worke , Gods ploughe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.81) and that plough , God woulde haue styll going . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.82) Suche then as loyter and liue idelly are not good prelates or ministers . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.83) And of suche as do not preache and teache , nor do not theyr dueties : God sayth by hys Prophet Hieremie . Maledictus qui facit opus dei fraudulenter . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.84) Gilefullie or deceytefully some bokes have Negligenter , negligentli , or slacklie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.85) Howe manye such prelates , howe many such byshops , Lorde for thy mercie , are there nowe in England ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.86) And what shall we in thys case do ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.87) $Shall we companie wyth them ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.88) O Lorde for thy mercie shal we not companie with them ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.89) O Lorde whither shall we flie from them ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.90) But curssed be he that doeth the worcke of God negligentli or gilefullie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.91) A soore word for them that are neglygent in dyschargeinge theyr office , or haue done it fraudulentlye , (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.92) for that is the thynge that maketh the people yll . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.93) But true it must be that Christ sayeth , Multi sunt vocati , pauci vero electi . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.94) Manye are called , (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.95) but fewe are chosen . (LATIMER-E1-P1,21P.96) {COM:insert_helsinki_sample_1_here} He is the moste dyligent preacher of al other , (LATIMER-E1-P1,29P.99) he is neuer out of his dioces , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.100) he is neuer from his cure , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.101) ye shal neuer fynde hym vnoccupyed , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.102) he is euer in his parishe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.103) he keepeth residence at al tymes , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.104) ye shal neuer fynde hym out of the waye , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.105) cal for him when you wyl , he is euer at home , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.106) the diligenteste preacher in all the Realme , he is euer at his ploughe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.107) no lordynge nor loytringe can hynder hym , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.108) he is euer appliynge his busynes , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.109) ye shal neuer fynde hym idle I warraunte you . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.110) And his office is to hinder religion , to mayntayne supersticion , to set vp Idolatrie , to teach al kynde of popetrie , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.111) he is readye as can be wished , for to sette forthe his ploughe , to deuise as manye wayes as can be , to deface and obscure Godes glory . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.112) Where the Deuyl is residente and hath his plough goinge : there awaye with bokes , and vp with candelles , awaye wyth Bibles and vp with beades , awaye wyth the lygte of the Gospel , and vp with the lyghte of candlles , yea at noone dayes . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.113) Where the Deuyll is residente , that he maye preuaile , vp wyth al superstition and Idolatrie , sensing , peintynge of ymages , candles , palmes , asshes , holye water , and newe seruice of menes inuenting , as though man could inuent a better waye to honoure God wyth then God him selfe hath apointed . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.114) Downe with Christes crosse , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.115) vp with purgatory picke purse (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.116) vp wyth hym , the popish pourgatorie I mean . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.117) Awaye wyth clothinge the naked , the pore and impotent , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.118) vp wyth deckynge of ymages and gaye garnishinge of stockes and stones , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.119) vp wyth mannes traditions and his lawes , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.120) Downe wyth Gods traditions and hys most holy worde , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.121) Downe wyth the olde honoure dewe to God , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.122) and vp wyth the new gods honour , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.123) let al things be done in latine . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.124) There must be nothynge but latine , not as much as Memento homo quod cinis es , et in cinerem reuerteris . Remembre man that thou arte asshes , and into asshes thou shalte returne . Whiche be the wordes that the minister speaketh to the ignoraunte people , when he gyueth them asshes vpon asshe wensdaye , (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.125) but it muste be spoken in latine . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.126) Goddes worde may in no wyse be translated into englyshe . (LATIMER-E1-P1,30P.127) Oh that our prelates woulde be as diligente to sowe the corne of good doctrine as Sathan is , to sowe cockel and darnel . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.128) And this is the deuilyshe ploughinge , the which worcketh to haue thinges in latine , and letteth the fruteful edification . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.129) But here some man will saie to me , what sir are ye so priuie of the deuils counsell that ye know al this to be true ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.130) Truli I know him to wel , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.131) and haue obeyed him a little to much in $condescentinge to some follies . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.132) And I knowe him as other men do , yea , that he is euer occupied and euer busie in folowinge his plough . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.133) I know bi saint Peter which saieth of him . Sicut leo rugiens circuit querens quem deuoret . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.134) He goeth aboute lyke a roaringe lyon seekynge whome he maye deuoure . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.135) I woulde haue thys texte wel vewed and examined euerye worde of it . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.136) Circuit , he goeth aboute in euerye corner of his dioces . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.137) He goeth on visitacion daylye . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.138) He leaueth no place of hys cure vnuisited . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.139) He walketh round aboute from place to place (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.140) and ceaseth not , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.141) Sicut leo , as a Lyon that is strongly , boldly , and proudlye straytelye and fiercelye with haute lookes , wyth hys proude countenaunces , wyth hys stately braggynges . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.142) Rugiens , roaringe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.143) for he letteth not slippe any occasion to speake or to roare out when he seeth his tyme . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.144) Querens , he goeth about seekyng and not sleepyng , as oure bishoppes do , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.145) but he seketh diligently , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.146) he searcheth diligently al corners , $where $as {TEXT:wheras} he may haue his pray , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.147) he roueth abrode in eueri place of his dioces , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.148) he standeth not styl , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.149) he is neuer at reste , but euer in hande wyth his plough that it may go forwarde . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.150) But there was neuer shuch a preacher in England as he is . (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.151) Who is able to tel his diligente preachyng ? whiche eury daye and euery houre laboreth to sowe cockel and darnel , that he may bryng oute of forme and out of estimation and roume , $the $institution of the Lordes supper and Christes crosse , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.152) for there he lost his ryghte , (LATIMER-E1-P1,31P.153) for Christe saied . Nunc iudicium est mundi , princeps seculi hujus eiicietur foras , et sicut exaltaui Moises serprentem in deserto , ita exaltari oportet filium hominis , et cum exaltatus fuero , a terra , omnia traham ad meipsum . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.154) Nowe is the iudgemente of thys worlde (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.155) and the Prynce of thys worlde shall be caste oute . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.156) And , as Moyses dyd lyfte vp the serpente in the wyldernesse so muste the sonne of manne be lyfte vp : (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.157) And when I shall be lyfte vp from the earthe , I wyl drawe all thinges vnto my selfe . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.158) For the Deuyll was dysapoynted of hys purpose , (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.159) for he thoughte all to be hys owne . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.160) And when he had once broughte Christe to the crosse , he thought all cocke sure . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.161) But there loste he all his reygning , (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.162) for Christ saied Omnia traham ad meipsum . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.163) I wyll drawe all thynges to my selfe . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.164) He meaneth drawynge of mans soule to saluacion . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.165) And that he sayde he woulde do per semetipsum , by his owne selfe , not by anye other bodyes sacrifice . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.166) He ment by his own sacrifice on the crosse wheare he offred him selfe for the redemption of mankynd , and not the sacrifice of the masse to be offered by an other . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.167) For who can offer him but him selfe ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.168) He was boeth the offerer and the offeryng . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.169) And thys is the pricke , (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.170) thys is the marke at the whyche the Deuyll shooteth , to euacuate the crosse of Chryste and to mingle the institucion of the Loordes supper , the whiche although he canne not brynge to passe : yet he goeth aboute bi his sleyghtes and subtyle meanes , to frustrate the same , (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.171) and these fyftene hundreth yeres he hath bene a doar , onelye purposinge to euacuate Christes death , and to make it of smal efficacitie and vertue . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.172) For where as Christe accordyng as the serpent was lyfte vp in wyldernes : so woulde he hym self to be exalted , that thereby as manye as trusted in hym , shoulde haue saluation . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.173) But the deuyl would none of that . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.174) They would haue vs saued by a daily oblation propitiatorie , by a sacrifice expiatorie , or remissorie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,32P.175) Nowe if I shoulde preache in the contrye amonge the vnlearned , I woulde tell what propitiatorie , expiatorie and remissorie is : (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.176) but here is a learned auditorie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.177) Yet for them yat be vnlearned I wyll expounde it . (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.178) Propitatorie , expiatorie , remissorie , or satisfactorie , (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.179) for they signifie all one thynge in effecte , (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.180) and is nothinge elles but a thynge whereby to obteyne remission of synnes , and to haue saluacion . (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.181) And thys waye the Deuyll vsed to euacuate the death of Chryste , that we myght haue affyaunce in other thynges . As in the daylye sacrifice of the prieste , where as Chryste woulde haue vs to truste in his onelye sacrifice . (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.182) So he was Agnus occisus ab origine mundi , the lambe that hath bene slayne frome the beginnynge of the worlde , (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.183) and therefore he is called Iuge sacrificium . A continuall sacrifice , and not for the continuaunce of the Masse as the blaunchers haue blaunched it , and wrested it . And as I my selfe dyd once mystake it . (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.184) But Paule sayth , Per semetipsum purgatio facta , (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.185) by hym selfe and by none other , Chryste made purgation and satisfaction for the whole worlde . (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.186) Woulde Chryste this worde by him selfe hadde bene better weyghed and looked upon , and In sancrificationem , to make them holye , (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.187) for he is , Iuge sacrificium , a continuall sacrifice , in effecte , fruite and operation , that lyke as they whiche seinge the serpente hange vp in the deserte were put in remembrance of Christes death , in whome as many as beleued were saued : so all men that trusted in the death of Chryste shall be saued , as well they that were before , as they that came after . (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.188) For he was a continuall Sacrifyce , as I sayed in effecte , fruite , operation and vertue . As thoughe he had frome the begynnyng of the world and continually should to the worldes ende hange styll on the crosse , (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.189) and he is as freshe hangynge on the crosse now to them that beleue and truste in hym , as he was fiftene hundreth yeares a go when he was crucyfied , (LATIMER-E1-P1,33P.190) then lette vs truste vpon hys onelye death , and looke for none other sacrifice propiciatorye , then the same bloudye sacrifice , the liuelye sacrifice , and not a drye sacrifice , but a bloudie sacrifice . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.191) For Chryste hym selfe said , Consummatum est . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.192) It is perfectlie finished . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.193) I haue taken at my fathers hande the dispensation of redemynge mankynde . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.194) I haue wroughte mannes redemption , (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.195) and haue dyspatched the matter . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.196) Whye then myngle ye hym ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.197) whye do ye deuide hym ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.198) why make you of hym mo sacrifices then one ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.199) Paule sayeth , Pascha nostrum immolatus est Christus (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.200) Christe our passeouer is offered vp , so that the thynge is done , (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.201) and Christe hathe done it , (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.202) and he hath done it , semel , Once for all . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.203) And it was a bloudy sacrifice not a drye sacrifice . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.204) Why then it is not the Masse that auaileth or profiteth for the quicke and the dead ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.205) Wo worth the O Deuyll , (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.206) wo worth the , (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.207) thou hast preuayled so farre and so longe that thou haste made Englande to worshyppe false Goddes forsakyng Christ their Lorde : (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.208) Wo worth the Deuyll . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.209) Wo worth the Deuyll and all thyne Angelles : (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.210) if Christ by his death draweth all thynges to him selfe , and draweth al men to saluation and to heauenlye blisse that trust in him . Then the priestes at the Masse at the popishe Masse I say what can thei draw when Christe draweth all , but landes and goodes frome the ryght heires ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.211) The priestes draw goodes and ryches , benifices and promotions to them selues (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.212) and suche as beleued in their sacrifice they drawe to the Deuyll . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.213) But Christe it is that draweth soules unto hym by his bloudy sacrifice . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.214) What haue we to do then , but Epulari in domino , to eat in the Lorde at his Supper . (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.215) What other seruice haue we to do to hym ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.216) and what other sacrifice haue we to offer : but the mortification of our flesh ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.217) What other oblation haue we to make , but of obedience , of good liuynge , of good worckes , and of healpynge oure neighbours ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,34P.218) But as for oure redemption , it is done alredie , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.220) it can not be better . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.221) Christe hath done that thynge so well , that it can not be amended . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.222) It can not be deuised howe to make that , any better then he hath done it . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.223) But the Deuyl by the healpe of that Italian Bishop yonder , his chaplayne : hath labored by al meanes , that he myghte , to frustrate the death of Christe and the merites of his passion . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.224) And they haue deuised for that purpose to make vs beleue in other vayne thynges by his pardons , as to haue remission of sinnes for praiynge on hallowed beades , for drynkyng of the bakehouse bole , as a channon of Waltam Abbey , once tolde me , that when soeuer they putte theyr loues of breade into the ouen , as manie as drancke of the pardon boll should haue pardon for drynckynge of it . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.225) A madde thynge to geue pardon to a bolle . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.226) Then to Pope Alexanders holie water to hallowed belles , palmes , candelles , asshes , and what not ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.227) And of these thynges euery one hath taken awaye some parte of Christes sanctification . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.228) Euerie one hath robbed some parte of Christes passion and crosse , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.229) and hathe mingeld Christes death , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.230) and hath bene made to be propitiatorie and satisfactorie , and to put awaye sinne . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.231) Yea and Alexanders holie water yet at thys day remayneth in Englande , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.232) and is vsed for a remedye againste spirites , and to chafe awaye deuylles , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.233) yea and I woulde thys had bene the worste . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.234) I woulde thys were the worste . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.235) But wo worth the , O Deuyll that haste preuayled to euacuate Christes crosse and to mingle the lordes supper . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.236) These be the Italian bishoppes deuices , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.237) and the diuyll hath prycked at thys marke to frustrate the crosse of Christe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.238) he shotte at thys marke longe before Christe came , (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.239) he shotte at thys prycke foure thousande yeres before Christ hanged on the crosse , or suffered his passion . (LATIMER-E1-P1,35P.240) For the brasen serpente , was set vp in the wyldernes to put men in remembrance of Christes commyng , that lyke as they whiche behelde the brasen serpente were healed of their bodilie diseases : so they that loked spiritually upon Christe that was to come in hym shoulde be saued spiritually from the deuyll . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.241) The serpent was set vp in memorie of Christ to come , (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.242) but the deuyll founde meanes to steale awaye the memorie of Christes comming (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.243) and broughte the people to worshyp the serpente self , and to sence hym , to honoure hym , and to offre to hym , to worshyppe hym , and to make an Idoll of hym . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.244) And thys was done by the markette men that I tolde you of . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.245) And the clarke of the markette dyd it for the lucre and aduauntage of his maister , that thereby his honour myghte encrease , (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.246) for by Christes death , he could haue but small worldly aduantage . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.247) And euen nowe so hath he certayne blanchers longyng to the markette , to lette and stoppe the lyght of the Gospel , and to hindre the kynges procedynges in settying forth the word and glorie of God . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.248) And when the kynges maiestie with the aduise of his honorable counsaile goeth aboute to promote Gods worde and to sette an ordre in matters of religion there shall not lacke blanchers that wyll saye . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.249) As for Images wher as thay haue ben vsed to be senced , and to haue candels offred vnto them : none be so folishe to do it to the stocke or stone , or to the Image selfe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.250) but it is done to God and his honour before the Image . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.251) And thoughe they shoulde abuse it , these blanchers wyll be ready to whisper the Kynge in the eare , and to tell hym that thys abuse is but a small matter . And that the same wyth all other lyke abuses in the churche maye be reformed easelie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.252) It is but a litle abuse saye they (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.253) and it maye be easely amended . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.254) But it shoulde not be taken in hande at the first for feare of trouble , or further inconueniences . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.255) The people wyll not beare sodayne alterations , (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.256) an insurrection maye be made after sodyane mutation , which maye be to the greate harme and losse of the realme . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.257) Therefore al thynges shal be wel , but not out of hand , for feare of further busynes . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.258) These be the blanchers yat hitherto haue stopped the worde of god , and hyndered ye true setting furth of ye same . (LATIMER-E1-P1,36P.259) There be so manie $putoffes {TEXT:putoffes} , so many $putbyes {TEXT:putbyes} , so many respectes , and considerations of worldly wisedome . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.260) And I dout not but there were blanchers in the olde time to whisper in the eare of good kynge Ezechias for the mayntenaunce of Idolatrie done to the brasen serpent , aswel as there hath ben now of late , and be now that can blanche the abuse of Images and other lyke thynges . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.261) But good kynge Ezechias woulde not be so blinded , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.262) he was like to Apollos , feruent in spirite . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.263) He woulde gyue no eare to the blanchers , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.264) he was not moued wyth these worldlie respectes , with these prudente considerations , wyth these policies , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.265) he feared not insurrections of the people . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.266) He feared not leste his people woulde not beare the glorie of God : (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.267) but he without any of these respectes , or policies , or considerations , lyke a good kynge for goddes sake , and for conscience sake by and by plucked downe the brasen serpente , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.268) and destroyed it vtterly , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.269) and beate it to pouder . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.270) He out of hande , dyd caste downe all Images , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.271) he destroied al Idolatrie , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.272) and clearly dyd extirpate all superstition . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.273) He would not heare these blanchers and worldly wise men , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.274) but without delay , foloweth gods cause (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.275) and destroyeth al Idolatrie out of hande . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.276) Thus dyd good kyng Ezechias , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.277) for he was lyke $Apollos , feruent in spirite , and diligente to promote goddes glorie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.278) And good hope there is that it shall be lykewyse here in Englande , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.279) for the Kynges maiestie is so brought vp in knowledge , vertue and godlines , that it is not to be mistrusted , but that we shall haue all thynges well , and that the glorie of God shall be spred abrode thorowout all partes of the realme , if the prelates wil diligently apply their plough and be preachers , rather then Lordes , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.280) but oure blanchers , whiche wyll be Lordes , and no labourers , when they are commaunded to go and be residente vpon their cures , and preache in their benefices , they would saye . What , I haue sette a deputie there . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.281) I haue a deputie that loketh well to my flocke , and the whiche shall discharge my dutie . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.282) A deputi quod he . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.283) I loked for that worde all thys whyle . (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.284) And what a deputie must he be , trowe ye ? (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.285) Euen one lyke him selfe , (LATIMER-E1-P1,37P.286) it muste be a cannoniste , (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.287) that is to saye , one that is broughte vp in the studie of the Popes lawes and decrees . One that wyl set furth papistrie aswel as him selfe wyll do , and one that wyl mayntayne al superstition Idolatrie . And one that wyll nothynge at all , or els verie weakly $resist the deuyles plough , (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.288) yea happie it is if he take not parte wyth the deuyll , (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.289) and where he shoulde be an enemy to him , it is wel if he take not the Deuilles parte agaynste Christe . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.290) But in the meane tyme the Prelates take theyr pleasures . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.291) They are Lordes and no labourers , (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.292) but the Deuill is diligente at his ploughe . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.293) He is no vnpreachynge prelate . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.294) He is no Lordelie loyterer from his cure , but a busie ploughe man , so that amonge all the prelates , and amonge al the packe of them that haue cure the Deuil shall go for my money . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.295) For he styl applyeth his busynes . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.296) Therfore ye vnpreachynge prelates , learne of the deuill to be diligent in doing of your office . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.297) Learne of the deuill . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.298) And if you wyl not learne of God nor good man : for shame learne of the deuill . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.299) Ad erubescentiam vestram dico . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.300) I speake it for your shame . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.301) If you wyll not learne of god nor good man to be diligent in your office , learne of the deuill . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.302) Howe be it there is nowe verie good hoope that the Kynges maiestie beinge by the healpe of good gouernaunce of his mooste honourable counsaylours , he is trayned and broughte vp in learnynge and knowledge of Goddes word wil shortly prouide a remedye and set an ordre here in , which thyng that it may so be , lette vs praye for hym . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.303) Praye for hym good people , (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.304) praye for hym , (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.305) ye haue great cause , (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.306) and neede to praye for hym . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.307) FINIS . (LATIMER-E1-P1,38P.308) Qvaecunque scripta sunt : ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt . (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.310) What soeuer thynges are written a fore tyme , are wrytten for our learnynge , that we through pacience and comforte of scripturs , might haue hope . (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.311) In takynge thys parte of scripture most nobill audience I playe as a trowant , which when he is at schole , wyl chose a lesson , wherin he is perfight , because he is loth to take payne in studienge a newe leasson , or elles feareth strypes for his slothfulnes . (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.312) In lyke maner , I might seme now in my olde age to sum men , to take this parte of scripture , because I woulde wade easilye awaye there wyth , and dryue my matter at my pleasure and not to be bounde vnto a certayne theame . (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.313) But ye shall consyder , yat the forsayd words of Paul are not to be vnderstande of all scriptures , but only of those , which are of god , written in goddes boke , (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.314) and all thynges whiche are therein , are wrytten for our learnynge , (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.315) The $excellencye of thys worde is so greate , and of hye dignitie , that there is no earthly thynge to be compared vnto it (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.316) The author thereof is great (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.317) that is God him selfe , eternal , almightie , euerlastynge . (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.318) The scripture because of hym , is also greate , eternal , most mightie , and holy . (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.319) Ther is no kyng , Emperour , maiestrate , and ruler , of what state so euer they be , but are bounde to obey this God , and to geue credence vnto hys holy worde in directynge their steppes ordinatlye accordyng vnto the same word , (LATIMER-E1-P1,22L.320) yea truly they are not only bound to obey gods boke , but also the minister of the same , for the wordes sake , so far as he speaketh syttynge in moses chayre . (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.321) that is , if hys doctryne be taken out of Moyses lawe . (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.322) For in thys world God hath .ii. swerdes (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.323) the one is a temporal swerde the other a spiritual , (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.324) The temporall swerde resteth in the handes of kynges , maiestrates , and rulers vnder hym , where vnto al subiectes , as wel the Cleargy as the laite be subiect , and punisheable , for anye offence contrarye to the same boke . (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.325) The spirituall swerde is in the handes of the ministers and preachers , wher vnto all Kynges , Maiestrates , Rulers $oughte to be obediente , (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.326) that is , to here , and folowe , so longe as the ministers syt in Christes chayre , that is speakynge out of Christes boke . (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.327) The kynge correctyth transgressours wyth the temporall swerd (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.328) ye and the preacher also yf he be an offender , (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.329) But the preacher can not correct the Kynge if he be a transgressor of goddes word , wyth the temporal swerde (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.330) But he muste correcte and reproue him wyth the spyrytuall swerde , fearynge no man , settinge God only before hys eyes , vnder whom he his a minister to supplante and roote vp all vice and myschyefe by Goddes worde , where vnto all menne oughte to bee obedyente , as is mencyoned in many places of scripture , (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.331) and amonges many thys is one . (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.332) Quaecunque iusserint vos seruare , seruate , et facite . (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.333) What so euer they byd you obserue , that obserue and doo Therefore let ye preacher teach , improue , amende , $and instructe in rightwesnes , wyth the spyrytuall swearde , fearynge no man though death shoulde insue (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.334) Thus Moyses fearynge no man wyth thys swerde , dyd reproue Kyng Pharao , at Goddes commandement . (LATIMER-E1-P1,23L.335)